Rachel Kahan 8 April 2009 Comparative Politics of the Middle East Research Paper Proposal Topic: Why do the Turkish military and judicial establishments allow the AKP government to stand when they have thrown out all the other Islamic-tinged governments since the 1990s? Outline I. Historical Background a. Brief history of secularism and its definition in Turkey b. Overview of the post-1950 history of Islamic political parties in Turkey – their platforms, actions, and closure/current status i. The National Order Party and the National Salvation Party ii. The Welfare Party, the Virtue Party, and the Felicity Party iii. The AK Party II. Direct military intervention against Islamic-oriented governments since 1990 a. 1997 intervention against the national Welfare Party government b. Ergenekon – the alleged 2009 coup plot III. Judicial intervention against Islamic-oriented political parties and politicians since 1990 a. 1998 national ban on the Welfare Party b. 1998 conviction of Erdogan for Islamist sympathies while mayor of Istanbul c. 2001 ban on the Virtue Party d. 2008 case against the AK Party government IV. Analysis and Conclusion Preliminary Bibliography Akinci, Ugur. “The Welfare Party's Municipal Track Record: Evaluating Islamist Municipal Activism in Turkey.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter, 1999), pp. 75-94. Ayata, Sencer. “Patronage, Party, and State: The Politicization of Islam in Turkey.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Winter, 1996), pp. 40-56. Cooper, Malcolm. “The Legacy of Ataturk: Turkish Political Structures and PolicyMaking.” International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 78, No. 1 (Jan., 2002), pp. 115-128. 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