The following article contains extremely important information

The following article contains extremely important information
Our lack of awareness of the capabilities of radio wave (microwave) technologies is escalating criminal use!
The seriousness of this situation cannot be understated and may be effecting you more than you realize.
Experiments with remote influencing of human behavior, utilizing radio wave
technologies, have secretly continued since the public exposure, and supposed
closure, of the MKULTRA mind control program in the 1970s. The public has
been being convinced that these technologies are merely “on the horizon” or are
just “conspiracy theories” although growing numbers of witnesses, victims,
registered patents and military deployments prove their existence and use on
humanity since the 1970s.
Quote by veteran researcher (the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio
communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people
and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the
technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which
time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects."
Quote by (the late) Philip Coppens; "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a
lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of
mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both
individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was
moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as
the battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. .
.In the 1970s, some of this "secret war for our mind" was exposed. . ."
In 1976 Time Magazine reported, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for
some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking
nine-story U.S. Embassy..."
This shows us that these microwave technologies/weapons have been in use
since the early 1960s. They have been being improved upon and directed at the
earth’s defenseless population since the 1970s. This situation is now at crisis
point that NEEDS our immediate attention.
Microwave targeting involves the computerized manipulation of various radio
wave frequencies, which can remotely flood whole communities or target specific
individuals either directly through satellites or through other types of microwave
The targeting process can be virtually unnoticeable to unwitting victims and is
becoming a devastating reality for increasing numbers of communities, families
and individuals. . .including spiritual leaders, military, law enforcement and other
government personnel throughout the USA and beyond. The core roots of the
targeting appears to be coming from a foreign source although infiltrated parts of
the USA government, and/or associated organizations, appear to be involved.
In community or organization settings remotely directed radio waves can
contain mild subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies which interfere with
human functionality and technologies. Effects can range from mild brainwashing
and unusual technological malfunctions to debilitating levels of mental numbness
or confusion.
Quote from Gordon Duff - senior editor of Veterans Today;
“…we were able to break through the encoding with some mobile
communications devices. . . Tens of millions have been turned into some of
those who will. . .read these words and feel and think nothing.”
Heavily targeted individuals can experience symptoms that range from mental
confusion, fatigue, unusual sinus problems, unusual thoughts and mood swings,
repetitive thoughts and speech, a high pitched ring in ears
and diminished eye sight and hearing. . .to aneurisms, seizures, brain
damage, unusual neurological or physical disorders…etc. (This is sometimes
accompanied by other forms of targeting through local organized stalking and
harassment groups.) The results are lethal. . .often ending in inconspicuous
psychological and/or physical death of the victim.
Experiments show that complete mind control is more effective on people
who are taking antidepressants or similar mood altering drugs. In 2008 it
was reported that these types of drugs were being found in over 24 major
public water supplies throughout the USA.
The ramifications of allowing these crimes to continue range from continued
criminal interference with our physical, mental and spiritual health. . .to
brain damage and death.
A Continuation of the Eugenics Movement: Beams of radio waves aimed at
particular parts of our bodies can effect functionality and create things like
chronic fatigue, lupus, leukemia, tumorous cancers, heart attacks, strokes, severe
digestive problems, diabetes, thyroid and other organ failures, arthritis, lung
diseases like asthma and COPD...etc.
Radio Waves Are Also Used for Weather Modification: Weather modification
technologies can redirect storms, stall storms, create storms, diminish or enhance
Weather modification was addressed by the "United Nations General
Assembly Resolution Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other
Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques," and signed in Geneva
on May 18, 1977."
This proves that these technologies do indeed exist. Common sense says that
they were invented to be used. And weather patterns, since then, should be raising
red flags all over the place.
Scientists have reported the use of these technologies probably being the true
cause of global warming. Other effects can be good or bad, depending on the
intentions of the users. There appears to be a lot of criminal use due to our lack of
These technologies are also capable of shooting beams of radio waves into
natural faults in the Earth, which can instigate earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal
waves…etc. (Armageddon can, and probably will, be man made if criminal
use of these technologies is not stopped!)
What is the remedy? At this point the first step to a complete remedy appears to
be for us to instigate enough public awareness to pressure the media and
government into exposing and helping to stop criminal use of these technologies.
So please help spread the word ASAP.
There are technologies which can detect radio wave intrusions. However,
according to physicist Tim Rifat, some microwave detectors may have had a filter
built in, which prevents them from detecting the low frequencies which are used
for mind control. There are also technologies which can block radio waves, but
purchasing them is now illegal in most countries. Please THINK about this!
Though this sounds more like unbelievable science fiction horror, I beg you to listen to your hearts above all else. Investigate
this devastating reality and ask government officials to do the same, because not doing so will enable continued growth of
these horrible crimes against humanity. Please help us make a PEACEFUL stand to restore our freedom and safety.
Among the labels for these technologies are; electromagnetic stalking, behavior modification technologies, Bio-communications technologies, Radio wave mind control, Microwave Weapons, Microwave Mind Control, Bioelectromagnetic Technologies, Electronic Harassment, Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neuro Monitoring, Brain Warfare, Bio-energetics, Electromagnetic (EMR) mind control, Psychotronic weapons, Electroenergetics,
Geophysical weapons, psychoneurological weapons, M.I.N.D. - Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, Psychic Warfare, weather warfare, weather modification, environmental modification techniques…etc.
Beware of intentional misinformation on the web. Listen to the heart of your own instincts above all else.
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