VCE English Unit 2, Outcome 4 Language Analysis Analyse the use of language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the Australian media. Performance Descriptors V/H 5 High 4 Med 3 Low 2 V/L 1 N/S 0 Effective and clear explanation and identification of the writer’s purpose, and the connection to the persuasive techniques used Analysis and comparison of the ways in which the language of the selected texts and articles is used to position readers in particular ways Expressive, coherent and fluent writing. Controlled and effective use of a metalanguage and vocabulary Effective and coherent structure, with the ability to use grammatical construction to effectively communicate and convey meaning Mark: /20 Comments: Please note that this numerical mark is subject to VCAA Statistical Moderation A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D E+ E UG 20-19 18-17 16-15 14-13 12-11 10-9 8-7 6-5 4 3 2-0 Key Knowledge and skills To understand the structures, features and conventions of a range of persuasive texts from the Australian media constructed for different audiences and purposes, and be able to identify these To understand and identify the techniques used for critical analysis of ideas, arguments and evidence presented in persuasive texts To understand and use strategies and appropriate metalanguage for identifying, analysing and comparing language use, that positions readers in particular ways To understand and use strategies for constructing a sustained, logical and coherent argument To understand and use the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax Of standard Australian English Performance descriptors The following descriptors provide a guide to the standards expected when setting and marking assessment tasks. They describe the knowledge and skills typically demonstrated by students who have achieved scores within each range on the assessment tasks. Outcome 3 Analyse the use of language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the Australian media, and to construct, orally or in writing, a sustained and reasoned point of view on the selected issue. Task 1 MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range 17–20 marks Sophisticated analysis and insightful comparison of the ways in which the language of selected persuasive texts is used to position readers in particular ways. Highly expressive and coherent writing with confident use of highly appropriate metalanguage. 13–16 marks Detailed analysis and careful comparison of the ways in which the language of selected persuasive texts is used to position readers in particular ways. Expressive, coherent and fluent writing and relevant use of appropriate metalanguage. 9–12 marks Analysis and some comparison of the ways in which the language of selected persuasive texts is used to position readers in particular ways. Generally expressive, fluent and coherent writing and mostly relevant use of appropriate metalanguage. 5–8 marks Some analysis and limited comparison of the ways in which the language of selected persuasive texts is used to position readers in particular ways. Clear written expression and some use of appropriate metalanguage. 1–4 marks Little analysis or comparison of the ways in which the language of selected persuasive texts is used to position readers in particular ways. Simple written expression and limited use of appropriate metalanguage.