The following programme assumes a planned start of calving of 10 August.
If this date changes, the intervals between target dates also needs to change.
PSC – (Planned Start of
MS – (Mating Started)
MS – 30 Days
2 October
10 August
1 November
Most of the cows should have calved.
Tail paint all cows BLUE, make sure paint is applied effectively.
Identify and separate any cows that are light (under 4.25CS) and low producing cows
that have had calving trouble. Identify any other cow(s) that you will not cycle or may
need assistance. Run these cows in a separate herd.
Milk the separate cows that are light and/or sick once a day for the pre-mating period.
VET – From records (animal register) identify all cows that have been recorded as
having calving problems and retained foetal membranes, discharges etc. Vet inspect
all these animals and establish status.
VET – Establish copper and selenium or other mineral levels in herd by blood test.
START recording all pre-mating heats. Encourage staff to record all animals that are
behaving abnormally. Record in a place where everybody has access and can
understand the information. The target is 90% of the herd cycled by the start of
mating. This is 3-4% of the herd on heat per day.
MS – 7 Days
25 October
VET – Check all non cycling cows (those in BLUE tail paint) that have been calved 40
days or longer.
VET – CIDR the non-cycling cows that are in light and/or sick mob – palpate cows to
determine anoestrus status.
Continue once a day milking the CIDR cows in sick mob.
Consider using CIDR’s on cows that vet recommends and run them in a separate
MONITOR – all cows that have been treated by vet so you establish the real
problems – failure of heat detection vs anoestrum.
RECORDS – Prepare shed records by deleting cows numbers of cows culled, died or
not to be mated. Work out target herd size excluding cows not to be mated.
TAIPAINT – repaint all cows BLUE.
MS –
1 November
Artificial Insemination
TAIL PAINT – All cows RED once they have been mated.
Mate all cows that have been on standing heat for at least 3 hours preferably 6 hours.
Refer to chart on Mating Certificate Book.
Check herd at least 2-3 times a day in the paddock and after milking and record cows
on heat.
DAILY RECORD – all matings on mating chart.
CIDR – if CIDR’s have been used remove these today.
Monitor submission rates. Target is 4-5% of herd per day to be submitted.
MS + 1 Day
2 November
This only applies if CIDR’s are used.
VET – one day after CIDR removal inject with Oestradiol Benzoate. Reapply BLUE
paint. Check these cows continually for signs of heat. Mate all cows that you are
suspicious of being on heat over the next three days even if they are on standing
Light/Sick Cows – Follow removal of CIDR procedure (as above). Inseminate all
cycling cows. Put bulls out with this herd after artificial insemination – 2 bulls per 100
cows minimum. Ensure all bulls are sound.
MS + 7 days
8 November
TARGET – 30% of herd submitted once by the end of first week of mating.
MS + 14 days
15 November
TARGET – 60% of her submitted to AB once by today.
MS + 15 days
16 November
Light/sic cows – Re-insert CIDR to non-cycling cows (cows that have not cycled or
light cows that have cycled but may have cycled once and become anoestrus).
MS + 21 days
22 November
Light/Sick cows – Follow removal of CIDR procedure (as above). Inseminate all
cycling cows. Put bulls out with this herd after artificial insemination – 1 bull per 20-25
non-cycling cows minimum. Ensure all bulls are sound.
MS + 21 days
22 November
TARGET – 95% of her submitted to AB once by today.
VET check all cows not mated. That is all cows with RED paint untouched on their
back. Consider CIDR and prostaglandin (consult vet). Record all the animals that you
MS + 22 days
23 November
TAIL PAINT all cows green mated in second round of AB.
MS + 27 days
28 November
Remove CIDR’s from cows if they have them treated on 23 November.
MS + 28 days
29 November
TARGET – Submission rate 100% of herd mated once to AB.
VET – check one day after CIDR removal, inject with Oestradiol Benzoate.
Reapply Red paint.
MONITOR – begin to monitor non return rate, i.e. those cows mated 24 days or more
that have not returned. TARGET – non return rate (conception rate) of 65% or better.
MS + 42 days
13 December
TARGET – submission rate 100% of target herd numbers mated once (6 weeks of
AB). Cease AB today and put bulls out to cows. Monitor bulls regularly, 2-3 bulls per
100 cows, rotate bulls regularly.
MS + 63 days
3 January
Aim for 85% cows in calf. Remove all bulls if you don’t want to induce cows next
spring (9 weeks mating). Target 95% of cows in calf. If bulls are left in herd after
today then cows that are mated will be induced or late calvers. Paint these cows
yellow or another colour.
MS + 84 days
24 January
Remove bulls (12 weeks mating).
MS + 164 days
13 April
Pregnancy test (after bulls have been removed for 42 days or more) identify empty
cows and inductions for next season.