Appendix B Speed Management Policy Documents developed by the Members Steering Group: Page Route Hierarchy 2 School Speed Limit Implementation Matrix 3 School Priority Ranking System 4 Speed Limit Signing Matrix 5 1 Route hierarchy, categories and description: Category Description Type of Road General Description Motorway regulations apply Detailed Description 1 Motorway 2 Strategic routes Trunk roads and designated A roads between primary destinations Routes for long distance travel. Trunk roads (A303/A36) managed by the Highways Agency and their agents. Designated County roads also in this category and therefore the highest hierarchy level managed by SCC. 3a Main distributors Major urban network and inter-primary destination routes. A roads and other important classified routes. Routes linking major urban centres to the strategic network. SCC manages all roads in this hierarchy category and below. 3b Secondary distributors Classified roads carrying local traffic from/to other significant settlements. Routes linking other significant settlements to the main distributors and strategic routes 4a Linking roads Roads carrying local traffic linking smaller settlements to the higher categories 4c Local collector roads Roads carrying local traffic to the linking roads and the rest of the network Rural routes are likely to have variable width and poor alignment for modern traffic. Urban routes will include residential areas. The signing policies adopted should not encourage traffic other then local traffic with destinations on a Category 4 route. 4b Local roads Roads serving limited numbers of property carrying only access traffic Routes for national travel. Roads managed by the Highways Agency and their agents. 2 school 20mph speed limits: implementation matrix*1 Category Description >30 mph 1 Measured 12 hour average speed 20-30 mph <20 mph Motorway Not applicable 2 Strategic routes 3a Main distributors 3b Secondary distributors 4a Linking roads 4c Local collector roads 4b Local roads Part-time speed limit using VMS Part-time speed limit using VMS Signing reinforcement*2 Options: Part-time speed limit using VMS; Physical calming measures*3 Options: Part-time speed limit using VMS; Physical calming measures*3 Full-time speed limit (signs/lines) Options: Physical calming measures*3; Full-time speed limit (signs/lines) Options: Physical calming measures*3; Signing reinforcement; Full-time speed limit (signs/lines) Options: Physical calming measures*3; Signing reinforcement*2; No action No action *1 These are the recommended measures for the category of road and in general a scheme design will be based on the matrix. However there may be exceptions where the School Highway Safety Review (SHSR) recommendations require a deviation from the matrix due to specific site circumstances *2 No speed limit implemented but enhanced signing options can be used, eg School, SLOW, wig-wags. *3 Speed humps and cushions can only be used in areas with a speed limit of 30mph or less. Whilst this requirement does not specifically apply to pinch-points, buildouts and chicanes, issues can arise if vehicles approach such structures at elevated speeds and therefore it is considered prudent to apply similar restrictions. Please note, where more than one option is put forward for consideration, the general presumption is that the most cost-effective option will be selected. 3 PRIORITY RANKING SYSTEM - SCHOOLS The following guidelines set out a procedure to prioritise schools for the consideration of a 20mph speed limit. The procedures allocate scores, multiplied by a weighting factor, to seven risk areas as follows: 1) Child related accidents 2) Vulnerable road users 3) Existing traffic speed 4) Route Hierarchy 5) Environmental considerations – i.e. crossing/footpath facilities 6) Pupils age 7) Indices of multiple deprivation The scoring system in each area is devised to eliminate subjective judgment, although there is an opportunity for the Engineer to make appropriate comments. The scores from each of the risk areas are added together to give a final overall score for each school. The scores for each school are then listed in order and used to prioritise them. 4 Signing/road marking for speed limits: Implementation matrix These are the recommended measures for the category of road and in general the signing/lining used will be based on the matrix. However there may be exceptions where a deviation from the matrix may be required due to specific site circumstances, eg Local Safety Schemes The use of gateway signing to include the town/village nameplate will be encouraged although SCC would expect a financial contribution from the Town/Parish Council. The Camera logo will only be incorporated into the speed limit signing at those sites designated as either fixed, mobile or red-light camera sites by the Safety Camera Partnership Category Description Terminal signs 1 Proposed Signing/Lining Repeater signs Road markings*1 Motorway Not applicable 2 Strategic routes Yellow backed speed limit sign Yellow backed repeater sign Standard bar markings (3, 3, 3) with speed limit roundel 3a Main Distributors 3b Secondary Distributors Grey backed speed limit sign Minimum requirement of 300mm repeater sign with no backing board Standard bar markings (3, 3, 3) with speed limit roundel 4a Linking roads Minimum signing requirement of 600mm speed limit sign 4c Local Collector roads 4b Local roads Minimum signing requirement of 600mm speed limit sign Note, Consideration may be given to use of alternative/ sensitive post in AONB, National Park or conservation sites*2 *1 *2 Speed limit roundel only, no bar markings Minimum requirement of 300mm No road markings (no roundels or repeater sign with no backing board bar markings) Note, Consideration may be given to use of alternative/sensitive post in AONB, National Park or conservation sites*2 Enhanced road markings (eg 9, 6, 3 bar markings) may be considered where a safety issue is identified If sensitive/alternative posts are considered appropriate in other areas, financial contribution will be required 5