Referent change, a neglected aspect in traditional conceptual change approaches to science learning and teaching Introduction It is a well documented fact that words imported from non-formal every day language and used as defined terms in formal scientific language makes up a challenge in both teaching and learning. The extensive research on learners’ conceptions of scientific concepts is a salient exponent of that fact (cf. Duit, 2008). For instance, the foundational scientific terms force, temperature, electric current, heat and energy are found to be difficult to attain among learners both on elementary and advanced levels. Even science teachers in secondary schools have shown deficiencies in their ability to define such terms (Galili & Lehavi, 2006). In science educational research, learning scientific terms is generally treated as a process of conceptual change. In the standard approach the learner is supposed to make a cognitive transition from a pre-instructional conception of a natural object or phenomenon to the current scientific concept (Duit, 2003). In Fig.1 this approach is illustrated by the conceptions and concept of temperature. {cc1, cc2, cc3, … ccn} Conceptions of TEMPERATURE (”every-day conception”) Concept TEMPERATURE (“scientific concept”) Fig 1. The standard conceptual change approach. The set {cc1, cc2, cc3, … ccn } denotes ‘conceptual change’ – theories aiming at identifying the educational conditions for the transition from a non-formal conception to the formal (scientific) concept. However, starting from a semiotic/semantic perspective the word ‘TEMPERATURE’ expands a “sense-spectrum” (cf. Cruse, 1986, 71- 74), a space of meaning, simultaneously including the common parlance meaning or, more correctly, a set of non-formal meanings ({NF}), TEMPERATUREFand the scientific meaning enclosing the current delimited qualitative scientific phenomenon (SP), TEMPERATURESP, the physical quantity (PQ), TEMPERATUREPQ and the operationalization meaning a measurement TEMPERATUREPQ, empir. Additionally these senses could be analysed in the dimension of the semiotic properties of symbol, concept and referent. See Fig. 2 for the complete two-dimensional analysis, 2DSAS (Strömdahl, submitted), making the properties of a term as TEMPERATURE explicit, opening up for consecutive discernments of critical features in the meaning making processes and thereby also revealing the conceptual complexity involved in the attainment of scientific knowledge. For more details see Strömdahl (submitted). Polysemy C{NF}temp C{NF} rC1 CSP,temp Temperature R{NF} rR1 RSP,temp CPQ,temp rC2 c symbol R{NF}temp rR2 CPQ,X,empir RPQ,X empir concept referent Semiotic property Fig 2. The two-dimensional analysing schema, 2D-SAS applied to Temperature. C and R denote concept and referent respectively. rC1 and rC2 indicates relationships (r) between concepts and rR1 and rR2 between referents. (from Strömdahl (submitted)) Aim There is a spectrum of educational implications from the application of the 2-D-SAS approach. However, here I will just briefly explicate the role of identifying the referent as a base for conceptual modelling/change by discerning and comparing the referents of HEAT and TEMPERATURE. 2 Analysis InFig. 2 the non-formal TEMPERATURE{NF}, is differentiated in a set of non-formal concepts C{NF}temp (generally denoted as misconceptions or alternative conceptions) comprising ideas of warmth and cold and a set of corresponding referents R {NF}temp, bodily experiences of events relating to these ideas. In a similar schema for HEAT{NF} we would find C{NF}heat and R{NF}heat more or less overlapping the same concepts and referents as for TEMPERATURE{NF}. This last statement is empirically proven by previous research reporting on the mix-up between heat and temperature (see e.g. Tiberghien, 1983; Kesidou, Duit & Glynn, 1995; Wiser & Amin, 2001; Duit, 2007). In non-formal situations this mix-up of non-formal senses is no obstacle for proper every-day communication and actions. Similar non-formal ideas have also been a starting-point for finding out the nature of warmth and cold in the history of science. However, by painstaking efforts classical thermodynamics has ended up in attaching the word TEMPERATURE to the property of every body that follows the zeroth law of thermodynamics (in fig 2 denoted as the concept CSPtemp): ‘If two bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other’. If the third body is a thermometer its readings will have physical significance. The bodies with these properties are the referent RSPtemp of the concept CSPtemp. From a more general phenomenological point of view, within kinetic gas theory, CSPtemp can be looked upon as the “intensity of the motion” (mean translational energy) among the molecular/atomic particles. Thus, the referent RSPtemp is a special aspect of molecules and atoms and their motion. In this paper I leave out the more theoretical and statistical mechanical interpretations that is possible. The quantitative aspect of temperature is expressed by CPQtemp which is a base physical quantity belonging to the coherent system of physical quantities within the International system of physical quantities and units, SI, and the mathematics of quantity calculus. It is operationalized by the definition of a unit (1 K) for temperature, the empirical quantification of measurement CPQempir temp connected to the referent of readings of a measuring device RPQempir temp, here thermometers. Heat, on the other hand is in science referring to the process of energy transfer between two bodies of different temperature, referent RSPheat. It is another aspect of atomic/molecular motion than temperature. The physical quantity CPQheat and its quantification CPQempir heat (SI unit 1J) has the same dimension as energy and is connected to the referent RPQempir heat, the operational measuring by e.g. a calorimeter. If we are just looking at the problem of separating the senses of the scientific terms heat and temperature there is no possibility to remain within the sets of non-formal referents R{NF}temp and R{NF}heat. From the 2-D-SAS analysis it is conclusive that to learn the scientific concepts heat and temperature is it to explicitly identify the correct referents since they are the base for the conceptual modelling. Conceptual change is not possible if the referent of the target concept is not the correct one. To make these statements more tangible an excerpt of 2-D-SAS schemas, where only the referents of heat and temperature are displayed, we can see the impossibility to build on the empirical found referents in the non-formal approach since they are mainly based on bodily experiences of thermal character and are overlapping. The formal senses of the scientific concepts of heat and temperature must build on the formal referents. Thus they have to be identified as necessary conditions in the process of conceptual attainment. In traditional conceptual change this referent change is not made explicit. 3 R{NF}temp C{NF} rR1 RSP,temp rR2 RPQ,temp,empir R{NF}heat R{NF} rR1 RSP,heat rR2 RPQ,heat empir Fig 3. The referents of the scientific terms of heat and temperature, to be separated from non-formal referents and each other as a base for the process of concept modelling. Conclusion and discussion Most research on students’ conceptions (“alternative conceptions or misconceptions”) and teaching and learning science concepts is framed by different conceptual change theories. The present investigation starts from semiotic/semantic perspective by introducing the 2-D-SAS approach expanding a space of meaning, a ‘sense-spectrum’ of a term connected to the term´s semiotic properties as symbol, concept and referent. In this paper the focus is on the importance of identifying the referent as the base for modelling the concept. This is illustrated by eliciting the well known learning difficulties of attaining the scientific terms of heat and temperature. The educational value of the 2-D-SAS approach analysis is to stress the polysemy, the space of meaning, the ‘sense-spectrum’ of terms in a way that makes it possible to discern the critical features identifying the intended learning object, here exemplified by the scientific referents of TEMPERATURE and HEAT. Subsequently, in learning the scientific meaning of terms the demand put on the learner and the teacher is to discern these categories of semantic distinct meaning and referents of the one and the same polysemeous word and to disambiguate the term according to context. The approach is applicable to any term to sort out its scientific significance and its category membership. Compared to the common conceptual change research in science education on attainment of scientific terms, the 2-D-SAS approach adds among other things the neglected explicit aspect of referent change. 4 References Cruse, D.A. (1986). Lexical semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Duit, R. (2003). Conceptual change: a powerful framework for improving science teaching and learing. International Journal of Science Education 25, 6 671- 688. Duit, R. (2008). Bibliography STCSE, Students’ and teachers’ conceptions and science education. (January, 2008). Galili, I., & Lehavi, Y. (2006). 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