
Working List: Modern France Field
Titles Organized By Question
1. What are the origins of French Republicanism as enacted in the nineteenth and
twentieth century?
See other questions
2. From that, what policies, political discourse, historical events led to the
implementation and strong legacy of Republicanism?
Agulhon, Maurice. Marianne into Battle : Republican Imagery and Symbolism in
France. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981)
Mayeur, Jean-Marie and Madeleine Rebérioux. The Third Republic from its Origins
to the Great War.
McPhee, Peter. A Social History of France, 1780-1880.
Ozouf, Mona. L’Ecole, l’Eglise et la République, 1871-1914. 1982.
3. What implications does the path of French Republicanism in the late 19th/early
20th century have on gender, the place of racial minorities, and the place of
religious minorities within the Republic?
Amselle, Jean-Loup Affirmative exclusion : cultural pluralism and the rule of custom in
The Color of Liberty: Histories of Race in France Susan Peabody and Tyler Stovall, eds.
Raleigh: Duke University Press, 2003.
Noiriel, Gérard. The French Melting Pot: Immigration, Citizenship, and National
Identity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. A35
Scott, Joan Wallach. Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man.
(Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1996)
Stone, Judith F. “Republican Ideology, Gender, and Class: France, 1860s-1914” in Laura
L. Frader and Sonya O. Rose. Gender and Class in Modern Europe. Ithaca;
London: Cornell University Press, 1996.
4. How are contestations over the future of France in the late 19th century influenced
by the Ancien Regime and French Revolution and how do differing factions
choose to appropriate and deploy the past?
Baker, Keith Michael. Inventing the French Revolution.
Chartier, Roger. The cultural Origins of the French Revolution.
Furet, François. Interpreting the French Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981.
Gildea, Robert. The Past in French History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
Hunt, Lynn. Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1984.
Lefebvre, Georges. The Coming of the French Revolution.
Mason, Laura. 1996. Singing the french revolution: Popular culture and politics 1787-1799.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Sewell, William. “Le Citoyen / La Citoyenne: Activity, Passivity, and the Revolutionary
Concept of Citizenship,” in The French Revolution and the Creation of the
Modern Political Culture, ed. by Colin Lucas.
Alexis de Tocqueville, L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution
Ozouf, Mona. L'école de la France : essais sur la Révolution, l'utopie et
l'enseignement. Paris: Gallimard, c1984.
5. What is the role of education in creating French citizens? How is this contested?
Does the notion of childhood change over time?
Chanet, Jean-François. L'école républicaine et les petites patries (Paris: Aubier, 1996)
Clark, Linda. Schooling the Daughters of Marianne: Textbooks and the Socialization of
Girls in Modern French Primary Schools. Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1984.
Downs, Laura Lee. Childhood in the Promised Land: Working Class Movements and the
Colonies de Vacances in France, 1880-1960. Durham: Duke University Press,
Gildea, Robert. Education in Provincial France 1800-1914: A Study of Three
Departments. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
Grew, Raymond and Patrick Harrigan School, state, and society: the growth of
elementary schooling in nineteenth-century France: a quantitative analysis (Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995).
Harp, Steven. Learning to Be Loyal: Primary Schooling as Nation Building in Alsace
and Lorraine, 1850-1940. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998.
Heywood, Colin. Childhood in nineteenth-century France: work, health, and education
among the 'classes populaires.' Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1988.
-----Growing up in France: from the ancien régime to the Third Republic. Cambridge;
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007
Lire et écrire: l'alphabétisation des Français de Calvin à Jules Ferry. Sous la direction
de François Furet et Jacques Ozouf. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, c1977.
Margadant, Jo Burr. Madame le Professeur: Women Educators in the Third Republic.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1990.
Mayeur, Françoise. L’Enseignement Secondaire des Jeunes Filles Sous la Troisième
République. Presse de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1977.
Maynes, Mary Jo. Schooling for the people: comparative local studies of schooling
history in France and Germany, 1750-1850. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985
Nicolas, Gilbert. Le grand débat de l’école au XIXe siècle: les instituteurs du Second
Empire. Paris : Belin, c2004.
Offen, Karen. "The Second Sex and the Baccalaureat in Republican France, 1880-1924,"
French Historical Studies, Vol. 9 (Fall, 1975), pp. 237-88.
Prost, Antoine. Education, société et politiques: une histoire de l'enseignement en
France, de 1945 à nos jours. Paris: Ed. du Seuil, c1997
Quartararo, Anne T. Women Teachers and Popular Education in Nineteenth Century
France: Social Values and Corporate Identity at the Normal School Institution.
Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1995.
Reed-Danahay, Deborah. Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of
Schooling. 1996
Rogers, Rebecca. From the Salon to the Schoolroom : Educating Bourgeois Girls in
Nineteenth Century France. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,
Rouet, Gilles. L'invention de l'école : l'école primaire sous la Monarchie de Juillet.
Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy, c1993.
Strumingher, Laura. What were little girls and boys made of?: primary education in rural
France, 1830-1880. Albany: State University of New York, 1983.
6. Building off of that, what impact do changing gender roles, the growth of middle
class domestic space, and a move to consumer culture have on childhood?
Auslander, Leora. Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. Berkeley: Univ. of
California Press, 1996.
Roche, Daniel. A history of everyday things: the birth of consumption in France, 16001800. Translated by Brian Pearce. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2000.
The Sex of Things: gender and consumption in historical perspective Ed. Victoria de
Grazia. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1996.
Smith, Bonnie. Ladies of the Leisure Class: The Bourgeoises of Northern France in the
Nineteenth Century. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981)
Tilly, Louise A. and Joan Wallach Scott. Women, Work, and Family. (New York: Holt,
Rinehard, and Winston, 1978)
Williams, Rosalind. Dream worlds: mass consumption in late nineteenth-century France
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1981.
7. How (do?) changes to the built environment and the rural landscape form a sense
of common French identity? Or do they lead to regional particularism? (Can they
lead to both?)
Boime, Albert. Hollow icons: the politics of sculpture in nineteenth-century France.
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, c1987.
Corbin, Alain. Les cloches de la terre : paysage sonore et culture sensible dans les
campagnes au XIXe siècle. Paris : A. Michel, c1994.
Lebovics, Herman. True France: The Wars over Cultural Identity, 1900-1945.
Lehning, James. Peasant and French: Cultural Contact in Rural France during the
19th Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Levin, Miriam. Republican art and ideology in late nineteenth century France. Ann
Arbor: University Microfilms International Research Press, c1986.
Nora, Pierre. Selections from Lieux de mémoire [firm this]
Porterfield, Todd. The allure of empire: art in the service of French imperialism, 17981836. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1998. [colonialism field?]
Rabinow, Paul. French Modern: Norms and Forms of the Social Environment
(Cambridge,Mass.: MIT Press, 1989).
Sherman, Daniel J. Worthy Monuments: Art Museums and the Politics of Culture
In Nineteenth-Century France. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Thiesse, Anne-Marie. Ils apprenaient la France: l’exaltation des regions dans le
discours patriotique. Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchmen: the modernization of rural France, 1870-
1914. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1976)
8. How does the role of the family and the role of the state change, particularly in
the second half of the 19th century? Does the family, in particular children,
become part of the public sphere/public concern? Is this a change (Zahra article)?
a. Are their parallels or particularities of the French case in conversation
with the rest of Europe? Benefits to a transnational approach of looking at
educational policies and attitudes towards children?
Ariès, Philippe. Centuries of childhood : a social history of family life. Trans. Robert
Baldick. New York: Vintage Books, c1962.
Fuchs, Rachel. Abandoned children: foundlings and child welfare in nineteenth-century
France. Albany: State University of New York Press, c1984. [or Poor and
pregnant in Paris : strategies for survival in the nineteenth century New
Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1992.]
Gender and the politics of social reform in France, 1870-1914. Ed. Elinor A. Accampo,
Rachel G. Fuchs, and Mary Lynn Stewart. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1995)
Pederson, Jean. Legislating the French family: feminism, theater, and republican politics,
1870-1920. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2003.
Schafer, Sylvia. Children in Moral Danger and the Problem of Government in Third
Republic France (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997).
9. More methodologically and theoretically, how can historians write the history of
everyday practice and material culture in a way that puts it in conversation with
larger national histories but doesn’t subsume life to giant processes (i.e. rise of
Bachelard, Gaston. 1958. La poétique de l'espace. Bibliothèque de philosophie
contemporaine. logique et philosophie des sciences. 2. éd. ed. Paris: Presses universitaires
de France.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1972. Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique: Précédé de trois études
d'ethnologie kabyle. Travaux de droit, d'économie, de sociologie et de sciences
politiques. 1. éd ed. Genève: Droz.
Crary, Jonathan, and Sanford Kwinter. 1992. Incorporations. Zone. Vol. 6. New York, NY;
Cambridge, Mass.: Zone; distributed by the MIT Press.
de Certeau, Michel, Luce Giard, Pierre Mayol, and Luce Giard. 1990. L'invention du
quotidien. Collection Folio/essais. Nouv. éd. ed. Vol. 146, 238. Paris: Gallimard.
Herzfeld, Michael. 1997. Cultural intimacy: Social poetics in the nation-state. New York:
Routledge. JC311 .H525 2005
Lefebvre, Henri. Everyday life in the modern world. New York, Harper & Row [1971]
Leudtke, Alf ed. Book on Everyday Life [need full cite]
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. 1962. Phenomenology of perception. International library of
philosophy and scientific method. [Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,]. New York: Humanities
Press. B2430.M3763 P4713 2002
Pred, Allan Richard. 1990. Lost words and lost worlds: Modernity and the language of
everyday life in late nineteenth-century stockholm. Cambridge human geography.
Cambridge England ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Scott, Joan. “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis.” Gender and the
Politics of History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Stoller, Paul. 1997. Sensuous scholarship. Contemporary ethnography. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press. GN345 .S85 1997
Tisseron, Serge. Comment l’esprit vient aux objets. Paris : Aubier 1999
10. How did the term laïcité come to be understood? How has it evolved since its first
articulation (1870s?)? What is the concept’s place in contemporary French
Bowen, John. Why the French don't like headscarves: Islam, the State, and public space
Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2007.
Auslander, Leora. “Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Signs and the
Postmodern European State” Cultural Dynamics 2000; 12
Mayer, Jean-Marie. La question laïque, xixe-xxe siècle. Paris: Fayard, 1997.
Stock-Morton, Phyllis. Moral Education for a Secular Society: The Development of
Morale Laique in 19th Century France. Albany, 1988.
11. What was the impact of three generations of war (1870, 1914, 1940) on French
national identity and on the construction of gender, formation of families, raising
of children?
Clayson, Hollis. Art and Everyday Life Under Siege, 1870-71 (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press).
Marrus, Michael and Robert Paxton, Vichy France and the Jews.
Roberts, Mary Louise. Civilization without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar
France,1917-1927 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994).
Siegel, Mona L. The moral disarmament of France: education, pacifism, and patriotism,
1914-1940. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Sweeney, Regina M. 2001. Singing our way to victory: French cultural politics and
music during the great war. Music/culture. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan
University Press.
12. Economic History, Industrialization, and the rise of consumerism
Accampo, Elinor. Industrialization, Family Life, and Class Relations: Saint
Chamond,1815-1914 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989).
Coffin, Judith G. The Politics of Women’s Work: The Paris Garment Trades, 1750-1915.
Jonas, Raymond A. Industry and Politics in Rural France: Peasant of the Isère 18701914. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1994.
Sewell, William. Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old
Regime to 1848 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980).
Potential Titles with No Easy Question:
J. Johnson, Listening in Paris
Titles Organized Thematically
Education and Nation-Building
Chanet, Jean-François. L'école républicaine et les petites patries (Paris: Aubier, 1996)
Clark, Linda. Schooling the Daughters of Marianne: Textbooks and the Socialization of
Girls in Modern French Primary Schools. Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1984.
Downs, Laura Lee. Childhood in the Promised Land: Working Class Movements and the
Colonies de Vacances in France, 1880-1960. Durham: Duke University Press,
Gildea, Robert. Education in Provincial France 1800-1914: A Study of Three
Departments. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
Grew, Raymond and Patrick Harrigan School, state, and society: the growth of
elementary schooling in nineteenth-century France: a quantitative analysis (Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995).
Harp, Steven. Learning to Be Loyal: Primary Schooling as Nation Building in Alsace
and Lorraine, 1850-1940. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998.
Heywood, Colin. Childhood in nineteenth-century France: work, health, and education
among the 'classes populaires.' Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1988.
-----Growing up in France: from the ancien régime to the Third Republic. Cambridge;
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007
Lire et écrire: l'alphabétisation des Français de Calvin à Jules Ferry. Sous la direction
de François Furet et Jacques Ozouf. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, c1977.
Margadant, Jo Burr. Madame le Professeur: Women Educators in the Third Republic.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1990.
Mayeur, Françoise. L’Enseignement Secondaire des Jeunes Filles Sous la Troisième
République. Presse de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1977.
Maynes, Mary Jo. Schooling for the people: comparative local studies of schooling
history in France and Germany, 1750-1850. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985
Nicolas, Gilbert. Le grand débat de l’école au XIXe siècle: les instituteurs du Second
Empire. Paris : Belin, c2004.
Offen, Karen. "The Second Sex and the Baccalaureat in Republican France, 1880-1924,"
French Historical Studies, Vol. 9 (Fall, 1975), pp. 237-88.
Prost, Antoine. Education, société et politiques: une histoire de l'enseignement en
France, de 1945 à nos jours. Paris: Ed. du Seuil, c1997
Quartararo, Anne T. Women Teachers and Popular Education in Nineteenth Century
France: Social Values and Corporate Identity at the Normal School Institution.
Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1995.
Reed-Danahay, Deborah. Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of
Schooling. 1996
Rogers, Rebecca. From the Salon to the Schoolroom : Educating Bourgeois Girls in
Nineteenth Century France. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,
Rouet, Gilles. L'invention de l'école : l'école primaire sous la Monarchie de Juillet.
Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy, c1993.
Strumingher, Laura. What were little girls and boys made of?: primary education in rural
France, 1830-1880. Albany: State University of New York, 1983.
Republicanism and Laïcité
Agulhon, Maurice. Marianne into Battle: Republican Imagery and Symbolism in
France. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981)
Amselle, Jean-Loup Affirmative exclusion : cultural pluralism and the rule of custom in
Auslander, Leora. “Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Signs and the
Postmodern European State” Cultural Dynamics 2000; 12
The Color of Liberty: Histories of Race in France Susan Peabody and Tyler Stovall, eds.
Raleigh: Duke University Press, 2003.
Mayeur, Jean-Marie. La question laïque, xixe-xxe siècle. Paris: Fayard, 1997.
Mayeur, Jean-Marie and Madeleine Rebérioux. The Third Republic from its Origins
to the Great War.
McPhee, Peter. A Social History of France, 1780-1880.
Noiriel, Gérard. The French Melting Pot: Immigration, Citizenship, and National
Identity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Ozouf, Mona. L’Ecole, l’Eglise et la République, 1871-1914. 1982.
Scott, Joan Wallach. Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man.
Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Stock-Morton, Phyllis. Moral Education for a Secular Society: The Development of
Morale Laique in 19th Century France. Albany, 1988.
Stone, Judith F. “Republican Ideology, Gender, and Class: France, 1860s-1914” in Laura
L. Frader and Sonya O. Rose. Gender and Class in Modern Europe. Ithaca;
London: Cornell University Press, 1996.
Representing the Nation, Regionalism, and Everyday Life
Boime, Albert. Hollow icons: the politics of sculpture in nineteenth-century France.
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, c1987.
Corbin, Alain. Les cloches de la terre: paysage sonore et culture sensible dans les
campagnes au XIXe siècle. Paris : A. Michel, c1994.
Johnson, James. Listening in Paris.
Lebovics, Herman. True France: The Wars over Cultural Identity, 1900-1945.
Lehning, James. Peasant and French: Cultural Contact in Rural France during the
19th Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Levin, Miriam. Republican art and ideology in late nineteenth century France. Ann
Arbor: University Microfilms International Research Press, c1986.
Nora, Pierre. Selections from Lieux de mémoire [firm this]
Porterfield, Todd. The allure of empire: art in the service of French imperialism, 17981836. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1998. [colonialism field?]
Rabinow, Paul. French Modern: Norms and Forms of the Social Environment
(Cambridge,Mass.: MIT Press, 1989).
Sherman, Daniel J. Worthy Monuments: Art Museums and the Politics of Culture
In Nineteenth-Century France. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Thiesse, Anne-Marie. Ils apprenaient la France: l’exaltation des régions dans le
discours patriotique. Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchmen: the modernization of rural France, 18701914. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1976)
Children, Families and the French State
Ariès, Philippe. Centuries of childhood : a social history of family life. Trans. Robert
Baldick. New York: Vintage Books, c1962.
Fuchs, Rachel. Abandoned children: foundlings and child welfare in nineteenth-century
France. Albany: State University of New York Press, c1984. [or Poor and
pregnant in Paris : strategies for survival in the nineteenth century New
Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1992.]
Gender and the politics of social reform in France, 1870-1914. Ed. Elinor A. Accampo,
Rachel G. Fuchs, and Mary Lynn Stewart. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1995)
Pederson, Jean. Legislating the French family: feminism, theater, and republican politics,
1870-1920. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2003.
Schafer, Sylvia. Children in Moral Danger and the Problem of Government in Third
Republic France (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997).
Smith, Bonnie. Ladies of the Leisure Class: The Bourgeoises of Northern France in the
Nineteenth Century. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981)
Tilly, Louise A. and Joan Wallach Scott. Women, Work, and Family. (New York: Holt,
Rinehard, and Winston, 1978).
Economic Change, Industrialization, and Consumerism
Accampo, Elinor. Industrialization, Family Life, and Class Relations: Saint
Chamond,1815-1914 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989).
Auslander, Leora. Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. Berkeley: Univ. of
California Press, 1996.
Coffin, Judith G. The Politics of Women’s Work: The Paris Garment Trades, 1750-1915.
Jonas, Raymond A. Industry and Politics in Rural France: Peasant of the Isère 18701914. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1994.
Roche, Daniel. A history of everyday things: the birth of consumption in France, 16001800. Translated by Brian Pearce. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2000.
Sewell, William. Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old
Regime to 1848 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980).
The Sex of Things: gender and consumption in historical perspective Ed. Victoria de
Grazia. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1996.
Williams, Rosalind. Dream worlds: mass consumption in late nineteenth-century France
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1981.
Political Consolidation and Cultural Politics
Clayson, Hollis. Art and Everyday Life Under Siege, 1870-71 (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press).
Marrus, Michael and Robert Paxton, Vichy France and the Jews.
Roberts, Mary Louise. Civilization without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar
France,1917-1927 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994).
Siegel, Mona L. The moral disarmament of France: education, pacifism, and patriotism,
1914-1940. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Sweeney, Regina M. 2001. Singing our way to victory: French cultural politics and
music during the great war. Music/culture. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan
University Press.
Baker, Keith Michael. Inventing the French Revolution.
Chartier, Roger. The cultural Origins of the French Revolution.
Furet, François. Interpreting the French Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981.
Gildea, Robert. The Past in French History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
Hunt, Lynn. Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1984.
Lefebvre, Georges. The Coming of the French Revolution.
Mason, Laura. 1996. Singing the french revolution: Popular culture and politics 17871799. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Sewell, William. “Le Citoyen / La Citoyenne: Activity, Passivity, and the Revolutionary
Concept of Citizenship,” in The French Revolution and the Creation of the
Modern Political Culture, ed. by Colin Lucas.
de Tocqueville, Alexis. L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution
Ozouf, Mona. L'école de la France: essais sur la Révolution, l'utopie et
l'enseignement. Paris: Gallimard, c1984.
Bachelard, Gaston. 1958. La poétique de l'espace. Bibliothèque de philosophie
contemporaine. logique et philosophie des sciences. 2. éd. ed. Paris: Presses universitaires
de France.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1972. Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique: Précédé de trois études
d'ethnologie kabyle. Travaux de droit, d'économie, de sociologie et de sciences
politiques. 1. éd ed. Genève: Droz.
Crary, Jonathan, and Sanford Kwinter. 1992. Incorporations. Zone. Vol. 6. New York, NY;
Cambridge, Mass.: Zone; distributed by the MIT Press.
de Certeau, Michel, Luce Giard, Pierre Mayol, and Luce Giard. 1990. L'invention du
quotidien. Collection Folio/essais. Nouv. éd. ed. Vol. 146, 238. Paris: Gallimard.
Herzfeld, Michael. 1997. Cultural intimacy: Social poetics in the nation-state. New York:
Lefebvre, Henri. Everyday life in the modern world. New York, Harper & Row
Leudtke, Alf ed. Book on Everyday Life [need full cite]
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. 1962. Phenomenology of perception. International library of
philosophy and scientific method. [Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,]. New York: Humanities
Pred, Allan Richard. 1990. Lost words and lost worlds: Modernity and the language of
everyday life in late nineteenth-century stockholm. Cambridge human geography.
Cambridge England ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Scott, Joan. “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis.” Gender and the
Politics of History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Stoller, Paul. 1997. Sensuous scholarship. Contemporary ethnography. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Tisseron, Serge. Comment l’esprit vient aux objets. Paris: Aubier 1999