
Name: ________________________________
Rocks Study Guide
**Take this sheet and fold it in half (hotdog way) and quiz yourself
1. In the rock cycle, how would metamorphic rock
become magma?
2. Describe a pathway through the rock cycle in
which magma becomes sedimentary rock.
3. What is the name of sedimentary rock that is
made up of rounded fragments?
4. What step in the rock cycle would be required to
change granite into sandstone?
5. How do geologists classify metamorphic rock?
6. When forces inside Earth push rock down
towards the mantle, what kind of rock would form?
7. What step in the rock cycle helps sedimentary
rock to form?
8. Why would sedimentary rock have to become
metamorphic rock before it becomes magma?
9. What two pathways in the rock cycle could
igneous rock take to become metamorphic rock?
10. Can metamorphic rock that is nonfoliated split
into layers?
11. What is the term used to describe
metamorphic rock that has grains arranged in
parallel layers?
12. How do geologists classify metamorphic rock?
13. What type or types of rock can change into
sedimentary rock?
14. What do we call the series of processes on
Earth’s surface and its interior that changes rock
from one kind to another?
15. Where does most metamorphic rock form?
16. What term is used to describe the texture of a
rock whose grains are large and easy to see?
17. What type of igneous rock forms from lava that
erupts onto Earth’s surface?
18, What type of igneous rock forms when magma
cools below Earth’s surface?
19. What do geologists look at when they want to
describe a rock’s texture?
20. In the rock cycle, what happens to lava and
magma once they cool and harden?
21. What do we call the texture of an igneous rock
whose grains are hard to see?
It would melt
Cools forming Igneous rock. Its weathered and eroded into
sediments. The sediments are compacted and cemented
forming sedimentary rock.
Weathering and Erosion followed by compaction and
Arrangement of the grains
Compaction and cementation
It would have to be pushed into the mantle and the
pressure and heat of that process would change it into
metamorphic rock. When its pushed deep enough it would
melt into magma
Directly to metamorphic with heat and pressure or become
sedimentary rock first then metamorphic.
Arrangement of the grains
All types
The Rock Cycle
Deep inside the Earth
Extrusive Igneous Rock
Intrusive Igneous Rock
Size and shape of the grains
Forms igneous rock
22. Label the process involved in the rock cycle that change one type of rock into
Use the following terms:
Metamorphic Rock, Sedimentary Rock, Igneous Rock, Magma, Erosion, Erosion,
Melting, Melting, Melting, Cooling, Heat and pressure, Heat and pressure
Match the above rocks with the correct rock from the following list: slate, breccia, granite,
limestone, conglomerate, gneiss. Classify the rock into one of the three major rock groups and
explain how it formed.
Rock Name
Rock A.
Rock B.
Rock C.
Rock D.
Rock E.
Rock F.
Rock Type
How did it form