Examples of Standards Aligned IEP Goals Below are some EXAMPLES of S-A IEP Goals that follow the format outlined by PDE. Remember, each annual goal should contain wording from the standard or anchor that correlates with the student’s needs. This will ensure that your instruction is aligned with the standards and that you are monitoring student progress toward the standards. The goals must contain the following components: (1) Condition, (2) Student Name, (3) Behavior, and (4) Performance Criteria. IMPORTANT: These goals are EXAMPLES of standards-aligned goals. Goals for individual students must be based on a student’s unique needs, as delineated in the Present Levels of Performance. Decisions about at what level the student should achieve the goal (e.g., 80%, 90%, etc.) and how often the goal is measured (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) must be made on an individual basis, based on the student’s unique learning needs. Reading Focus on Decoding and Fluency ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in sound-symbol relationships, STUDENT will name all consonant and short and long vowel sounds in isolation and will use sound blending skills to decode 3 and 4 letter words with XX% accuracy on bi-weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in word analysis skills including letter-sound relationships, syllabication, and sound-blending skills, STUDENT will decode 2 and 3 syllable words in isolation and in text, with XX% accuracy for XX consecutive weeks, on weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a XXXX grade reading selection, STUDENT will use knowledge of phonics and word analysis skills to read the passage at a rate of XXX words per minute, with less than XX errors on XX consecutive bi-weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a XX grade reading passage, STUDENT will use knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and context clues to read XXX words per minute, with XX% accuracy, for XX consecutive weekly curriculum based reading assessments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a XX grade reading passage, STUDENT will demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading by using appropriate pronunciation, rhythm, and expression on XX of XX weekly oral reading assessments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Using word recognition skills (e.g., chunking and identifying syllable types), STUDENT will read XX grade level reading passages improving reading fluency from a baseline of XXX words correct per minute to XXX words correct per minute with XX% accuracy on XX consecutive bi-weekly reading probes (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently). ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in phonics, syllabication, and sound-blending skills, STUDENT will improve decoding of 2 and 3 syllable words in isolation and in text, from XX% to XX% accuracy, for XX consecutive bi-weekly reading assessments.(Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently). ANNUAL GOAL: Given selected passages at the XX grade level, STUDENT will use decoding strategies to decode words in oral reading, improving from XX errors per passage to XX errors per passage on 5 consecutive reading assignments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently). Focus on Comprehension ANNUAL GOAL: Given a XXth grade reading passage, STUDENT will read aloud with appropriate rhythm and expression with less than XX errors, and will be able to orally answer 4 of 5 comprehension questions correctly about the main idea, setting, and plot on XX consecutive weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a selected passage at the XXth grade reading level, STUDENT will read silently and answer comprehension questions regarding characters, setting, plot, theme and point of view with XX% accuracy, on bi-weekly reading assessments, for XX consecutive assessments. (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instructional level reading materials, STUDENT will make inferences, draw conclusions, and identify and explain main ideas and relevant details from a baseline of XX% accuracy to XX% accuracy on XX consecutive bi-weekly reading probes (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Given fiction and non-fiction texts, STUDENT will identify and interpret figurative language of the text with XX% accuracy in XX of XX probes. (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Using classroom reading materials and graphic organizers, STUDENT will make inferences and locate evidence to support generalizations with XX% accuracy on 8 collected work samples. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given graphic organizers for retells, paraphrasing, inference and cause-effect sequences, STUDENT will make and support with evidence, assertions about texts with XX% accuracy in XX of XX probes. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: After independently reading a passage in content area material, STUDENT will be able to identify the main ideas, important facts and details, and draw conclusions based on the passage, with XX% accuracy on XX consecutive bi-weekly assessments. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a selected passage at the XX grade reading level, STUDENT will be able to make inferences, draw conclusions, make text-to text connections and text-to-self connections, with XX% accuracy on 4 of 5 bi-weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given reading materials at STUDENT’S instructional level, STUDENT will use a variety of comprehension strategies to construct meaning from text such as identify details and main idea of a story, recognize a story sequence, and retell story aloud in own words with XX% accuracy in XX consecutive weekly reading probes. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given fictional and non-fictional text at the XXX grade level, STUDENT will make inferences, draw conclusions, and make generalizations with XX% accuracy on 4 of 5 consecutive assignments. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a selected passage on XXX grade reading level, STUDENT will read and answer comprehension questions regarding the main idea, facts and details, sequence of events, predicting story outcomes, and conflict resolution improving from a baseline of XX% accuracy to XX% or better on 5 consecutive reading assignments. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given fiction and non-fiction texts at the student’s instructional level, STUDENT will identify and interpret figurative language of the text (such as personification, simile, alliteration, and metaphor) with XX% accuracy in XX of XX probes. (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Using classroom reading materials, STUDENT will read and respond to non-fiction and fiction including poetry and drama with XX% accuracy in XX of XX probes. (Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Given non-fiction reading materials, STUDENT will identify and analyze bias and propaganda with XX% accuracy on 4 of 5 bi-weekly assessments. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in All Content Areas) ANNUAL GOAL: Given poetic passages, STUDENT will identify poetic forms (e.g. ballad, sonnet, couplet) with XX% of accuracy on 4 out of 5 bi-weekly reading assessments. (Standard 1.3 Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a variety of reading materials, STUDENT will differentiate fact from opinion by using coherent arguments and expressing points of view with XX% of accuracy on XX consecutive reading probes. (Standard 1.2 Reading Critically in All Content Areas) Focus on Vocabulary ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in antonyms, synonyms and categories of words, the STUDENT will acquire a reading vocabulary to apply to reading text, with XX% accuracy for XX consecutive weeks, on weekly reading assignments. (Standard 1.1. Learning to Read) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in using homophones, synonyms, homographs, words with roots, suffixes and prefixes, STUDENT will acquire a reading vocabulary to apply to reading text, with XX% accuracy for XX consecutive weeks, on weekly reading assignments. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in figurative language, STUDENT will identify and correctly use idioms and words with literal and figurative meanings in weekly classroom reading activities with XX% accuracy for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 1.1 Learning to Read Independently) WRITING Focus on Types of Writing ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a 5-sentence paragraph containing a topic sentence, 3 supporting sentences, and a concluding statement, with XX% accuracy as scored on a teacher-made writing rubric, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing ANNUAL GOAL: Given a writing prompt and a graphic organizer for planning, STUDENT will write a narrative story including detailed descriptions of people, places and things, demonstrating an overall score of XXX on a teacher-made writing rubric on XX of XX bi-weekly writing assessments. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a writing prompt, STUDENT will use brainstorming, webs, or structured outlines to organize ideas for writing, and will write a XX paragraph piece including detailed descriptions of people, places and things demonstrating an overall score of XXX on the Pennsylvania Writing Domain rubric. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a narrative essay of 100-150 words on a topic of his choice demonstrating an overall score of at least XXX on a teacher-made writing rubric, for XX consecutive writing assignments. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a XXX-paragraph persuasive essay on a topic of his choice, that includes a clearly stated position or opinion and convincing evidence to support his point of view, to earn a score of XXX on a teacher-made writing rubric for XX consecutive bi-weekly writing assignments. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a XXX-paragraph informational essay on a topic of his choice, using illustrations or charts as appropriate, and will score XXX on a teacher-made writing rubric for XX consecutive bi-weekly writing assignments. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a persuasive, narrative, and informational essay on a topic of choice, that meet a standard of proficient in XX of the five elements of writing on the Pennsylvania Writing Domain Rubric (Focus, Content Organization, Style and Conventions) on XX of XX writing samples. ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in the writing process, STUDENT will write a 2-page research paper on an assigned topic in (e.g., science, social studies), using at least XX references, achieving a final score of XX or above on a teacher-made rubric. (Standard 1.4 Types of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in resume writing and after gathering pertinent personal information, STUDENT will create (or update) a one-page resume including personal demographic information, education, special skills, work/volunteer experience, extra curricular activities, hobbies/interests, and references with 100% accuracy in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. (PA Career to Work Standards 13.2) ANNUAL GOAL: Using a pocket resume, STUDENT will complete job applications, including the demographics, education, previous employment, and references improving from XX% to 100% accuracy in information provided and spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar on XX separate applications. (PA Career to Work Standards 13.2) Focus on Quality of Writing ANNUAL GOAL: When given a choice of topics and a web for organizing ideas, STUDENT will write XX complete sentences in his/her journal using three different sentence types for four out of five entries for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 1.5 Quality of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction on editing and revision strategies, STUDENT will generate at least three different sentence structures in his paragraphs which include descriptive adjectives, XX% of the time, on XX of XX writing samples. (Standard 1.5 Quality of Writing) ANNUAL GOAL: Given explicit instruction in the use of a writing strategy (ex: SCOPE, Writer’s Tool) and the use of a spell checker of his choice, STUDENT will review his writing to improve from a baseline of XX% to XX% accuracy in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar on XX out of XX one paragraph writing samples (Standard 1.5 Quality of Writing) MATH: Focus on Computation Skills ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in math operations (addition, subtraction), STUDENT will solve single and double-digit addition and subtraction problems with regrouping, with XX% accuracy on weekly math probes, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in addition and subtraction with regrouping, STUDENT will solve 2-3 digit addition and subtraction problems with XX% accuracy on weekly math quizzes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in multiplication and division, STUDENT will solve single and double-digit problems in multiplication and division with XX% accuracy on weekly quizzes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given timed math probes at the XX grade instructional level, STUDENT will solve addition subtraction, multiplication and division problems to increase from a baseline of XX digits correct to XX digits correct on XX consecutive biweekly math assessments. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given timed math probes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at the XX instructional level, STUDENT will correctly solve problems to improve from XX digits correct as measured by his baseline data to XX digits correct on 5 consecutive bi-weekly math assessments. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in math operations and problem solving and use of a calculator, STUDENT will solve word problems, involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, with XX% accuracy on weekly math probes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given daily instruction in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals, and percents, STUDENT will solve math problems using these operations, with XX% accuracy on daily assignments and weekly quizzes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given daily instruction in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of proper and improper fractions, STUDENT will solve problems using fractions, with XX% accuracy on daily assignments and weekly quizzes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) Focus on Solving Word Problems ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in solving one-step word problems involving addition and subtraction, STUDENT will correctly select which operation should be used to solve the problem, and will correctly solve the problems with XX% accuracy on weekly quizzes, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in solving one-step problems involving multiplication and division processes, STUDENT will select which operation should be used to solve the problem, and will correctly solve the problems with XX% accuracy on weekly quizzes, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given instruction in solving two-step problems using all four mathematical operations, STUDENT will correctly select the operation and solve the problem, with XX% accuracy on weekly quizzes, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in solving 2-step word problems and given the use of a calculator, STUDENT will solve 4 of 5 word problems correctly on weekly teacher-made quizzes, for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given real numbers in problem solving situations, STUDENT will develop and use computation concepts, operations and procedures with XX% accuracy on XX out of XX assignments.(Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a set of word problems, STUDENT will be able to create and solve word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers with XX% accuracy on XX out of XX probes. (Standard 2.2. Computation and Estimation) Focus on Measurement ANNUAL GOAL: Given classroom instruction and the use of a formula chart, STUDENT will be able to measure and compare angles in degrees and develop procedures for determining measurements (e.g., distance, perimeter, area and volume) from a baseline of XX% to XX% accuracy on biweekly XX grade level measurement probes. (Standard 2.3 Measurement and Estimation) ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in measurement (time, temperature, length, area, perimeter and weight), STUDENT will solve word problems involving measurement with XX% accuracy on daily assignments and weekly quizzes for XX consecutive weeks. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) Geometry ANNUAL GOAL: Given direct instruction in geometric properties, STUDENT will identify, use, and apply properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and circles from a baseline of XX% accuracy on a pretest to XX% accuracy as measured by daily assignments, quizzes and unit tests. (Standard 2.9 Geometry) ANNUAL GOAL: Given a problem which requires the use of geometry, STUDENT will use and present mathematical procedures and results clearly, systematically, succinctly and correctly with XX% accuracy on XX out of XX geometry related assignments. (Standard 2.9 Geometry) Algebra ANNUAL GOAL: Given a set of algebraic equations, STUDENT will be able to solve the expressions by applying the order of operations with XX% accuracy on XX out of XX assignments. (Standard 2.8 Algebra and Functions) These next 2 goals contain many subskills. Teachers may want to select only a few of the skills to include in a goal – remember, the goal should contain the skills a student shall reasonably be expected to achieve in one year.) ANNUAL GOAL: Given classroom instruction and the use of a calculator, STUDENT will use and apply procedures to simplify algebraic expressions, write, solve, graph and apply equations, inequalities, and analyze sets of data for the existence of a pattern from a baseline of XX% accuracy on a pretest to XX% accuracy on XX of XX trials on XX grade Algebra probes. (Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation and Standard 2.8 Algebra and Functions) ANNUAL GOAL: Given classroom instruction and use of a calculator, STUDENT will be able to demonstrate the use of operations and procedures with real numbers (e.g., opposites, reciprocals, absolute value, exponents, roots and logarithms) including estimation and problem solving situations, from a baseline of XX% accuracy to XX% accuracy on XX of XX trials on biweekly numbers and operations probes. (Standard 2.1 Numbers, Number Systems and Number Relationships and Standard 2.2 Computation and Estimation) Data Analysis and Probability ANNUAL GOAL: Given classroom instruction in reading charts, tables and graphs, STUDENT will organize, analyze, and interpret data from a baseline of XX% on a pretest of skills to XX% accuracy on 4 of 5 bi-weekly math probes. (Standard 2.6 Statistics and Data Analysis) ANNUAL GOAL: Given classroom instruction in reading charts, tables and graphs, STUDENT will analyze, interpret and predict data, and calculate and compare odds and probability of events from a baseline of XX% on a pretest of skills to XX% accuracy as measured by classroom assignments and bi-weekly quizzes. (Standard 2.6 Statistics and Data Analysis) ANNUAL GOAL: Given numerical tables and equations, charts, graphs and diagrams, STUDENT will verify and interpret results using precise mathematical language, with XX% accuracy on XX out of XX assignments. . (Standard 2.6 Statistics and Data Analysis)