Evaluation of Programme Session and date Staff evaluation Welcome Ground rules part of session session went really well, girls came up with some excellent rules and all signed up to them. Girls really enjoyed craft activities, very enthusiastic about making different items. Although girls were asked not to take keepsake boxes away two of them did so and will need replacing before follow-up session. Food was popular, many girls ate a large amount of the snacks provided – take more filling refreshments next week i.e. bread. Friends Bread was popular but messy, girls had to be constantly reminded not to walk round with food (some found deposited in room after group). Girls enjoyed craft part of session – making flowers and were keen to take them away and give them to someone special. Conversation in pairs on what makes someone a good friend and why friends are important not so successful, some girls did not engage well with this and distracted others. Some girls who had fallen out with one another did not like the carousel interview set-up and did not want to talk to certain other girls (although this did give opportunity to explore their differences and try to find a common ground). Contributing to group flower was great for some but a little sad for others as they struggled to think of the friends they had, possibly ensure in future girls right qualities that make someone a good friend not actual names of friends. Beautiful? Restricting times to eat and ensuring all sat at the table worked much better in terms of Girls evaluation “Funny. Good.” “Great to just have fun with girls.” “It was fab”. “Fantastic groovy and funny. Thanks Catherine and Rachel”. “I fort it was good I hope it could stay this way”. “ It was good to know what other people find and like about a friend” “Friends is a good topic” “ I loved to make flowers, I could make them every day if I want!” “I think it is fantastic and I really like it a lot” “It was quite good because it made my think about my friends” “It was quite fun and artistic” “What we are doing is good and I want to come next week” “I think what we’re doing is good because it matters what you think” “I think it was good and so people said different things” mess and time management. Movement involved in “statements” part worked really well, girls enjoyed moving around the room and gave excellent explanations for the decisions they made. Collage part was ok, some struggled with concept of fake and real, some arguing between girls about which women should go on which poster. Gave good opportunities for discussion about how girls feel about themselves. Playboy bunny part was excellent, fantastic discussion about playboy and sexist attitudes towards women. Girls changed from saying they loved the bunny and it is cute to saying it is rude and sexist – came up with fantastic points all by themselves!! “I think It was good this week cuzz ov the things we learnt like body image! Can’t wait til next week!” (Kimmie) “Was a good lesson and enjoyed doing about body image because u don’t matter what you look like its better being yourself than some fake else!” (Olivia) “I think it was safe! Enjoyed it!” (Sarah) “I think it was enjoyable. And I like coming here. Rachel and Katherine are dead nice! Body image was a good subject” (Lucie) “I think that when we did the real women and the fake women it was fantastic”. Feeling Good / Celebration Girls enjoyed making the shields and each of them presented them to the other girls. Girls were able to identify things they are good at and it was a positive exercise reading them out (other than opportunity for one member of group to write provocative things but this was overcome by staff reading out statements and omitting inappropriate ones). Concept of character strengths was not fully grasped by all, translating this understanding to the problem page exercise was not that easy. Combining two sessions not that effective, may have been more meaningful to just use strengths and then shields and not add on problem page part. What was useful “It was good. We have to stay and look for some pics for our shields”. “It was good because we got to do art and crafts”. “I think it was so fun.” “It was good and funny coz Nat made me laugh”. Girls vs Boys / Heroines Healthy Relationships Cyberbullying about Problem Page exercise was discussion on being in a relationship with a controlling male, how to recognise signs of this and how to be assertive and deal with this. Girls engaged really well with “heroines” exercise and historical women, they enjoyed signing the certificates for their own personal heroines and this gave opportunity to discuss what the significant women in their lives mean to them and the things they learn from them. What came out of the girls vs boys exercise was that much of how they measure themselves is in relation to the attention they get from boys. What the majority felt was good about being a girl was that you can have babies. Session enabled discussion about recognising what is important to them and holding on to that rather than doing what it important to boys to please them. The girls enjoyed creating the four sections of the drama to depict what can happen when a relationship is abusive. We were surprised by some responses to the “stereotypes” exercise, initially some girls stated they felt it is ok for a boy to hit his girlfriend if he thinks she has been unfaithful to him. After some discussion most changed their mind but one girl was adamant that it would be acceptable for a boy to hit a girl in these circumstances. The girls responded well to the DVD on cyberbullying, there was useful discussion about the impact on the victim and his family. All of the girls use social Missed evaluation due to running out of time! “I learnt lots of things”, “It was quite good” “it was good” “Now I know that 1 in 10 kids are in a family with DV” “Slapping somebody is wrong because they lose their friends” “I am more confident in drama and I am putting my hand up more in class” “I learnt that cyberbullying is wrong at it is a criminal offence” “Cyberbullying is against networking sites and many had experiences of being bullied on line that they wanted to share . Celebratory Meal Girls behaved really well at the meal, all enjoyed being taken out and it was a fantastic opportunity to reward them for their hard work. The presentation at the end was a wonderful celebration of their efforts, they were each presented with a certificate and their keepsake boxes which we had filled with Character Strength cards and chocolates. The girls were excited to see what they had received and shared with one another their strengths. They spoke to onlookers about the group and why they had received certificates, they all seemed really proud of what they had done as a group and were keen to have their pictures taken. the law and it is a threat” “I learnt that you have got to be careful on the computer and mobile ‘phones” “I learnt that bullying is wrong and it really upsets people. It also reminded me of when I was bullied but I don’t get bullied very much anymore” Final Evaluation from girls: “I thought it was good and I’m sad that its not every week. “ (Natalie) “I thought it was so so good but I thought Natalie was a bit nasty to Shannon and she was very loud and I’m going to miss you.” (Jade) “Pearl group is great!!” (Rebecca) “It has been very fun and funny / good. I am very sad that we have finished. It is going to be very boring on Tuesdays now.” (Sarah) “Making stuff it was good and I am sad that we are not doing it anymore”. (Shannon) “I think it has let me express my feelings and emotions in front of friends and taught me to be myself and thank you for choosing me to join the Pearl Project club”. (Siobhan) “I thought it was cool. And I loved when the cake had come and the dinner was lovely inseped when I was covered in gravey”. (Kerry)