in Middle Grades Education

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Middle Grades Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, East Carolina University
Name_____________________________ SS#________________________ Date Entered________________
Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Middle Grades Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, East Carolina University
Professional Core: 12 semester hours
______ EDUC 6482
______ EDUC 6001
______ SPED 6002
______ LEED 6000
Trends and Issues in Educational Research for Practitioners
(or SCIE 6500, Understanding and Engaging in Educational Research) or
EDUC 6480
Introduction to Differences in Human Learning in Schools
Addressing Differences in Human Learning in Schools
Leadership and Communication
(or ELEM 6550 or ADED 6550)
Middle Grades Elementary Specialty Area: 12 semester hours
_______ MIDG 6000
_______ MIDG 6100
_______ MIDG 6200
_______ MIDG 6300
_______ MIDG 6401
Professional Development, Issues and Trends in Middle Grades Education
Young Adolescents, Schools, and Community
Middle Grades Curriculum Development in Public Schools
Advanced Strategies and Assessment for Middle Grade Learners
Middle Grades Product Documentation
Middle Grades Concentrations: 12 semester hours from one or 9 from one and 3 from another strand
_______ MIDG 7000
Thesis may be substituted for a concentration course.
_______ ENED 6510
_______ ENGL 6340
_______ ENED 6630
_______ ENGL 6515
_______ ELEM 6488
Recent Trends in English Education
OR ENGL 6360 OR 6460
OR ENGL 6625
Advanced Studies in Children’s Literature
Advanced Language Arts in the Elementary School
ENGL or ENED elective
_______ MATE 5263
_______ MATE 5264
_______ MATH 6264
_______ MATE 6321
Modern Mathematics for Junior High School Teachers I
Modern Mathematics for Junior High School Teachers II
Classroom Management in Individualizing Mathematics
Advanced Middle Level Mathematics Methods
MATE or MATH elective
_______ SCIE 6003
_______ SCIE 6004
_______ SCIE 6200
_______ SCIE 6020
_______ SCIE 6310
_______ SCIE 6506
Selected Topics in Life Science for Middle Grades Teachers
Selected Topics in Physical Science for Middle Grades Teachers
Environmental Education
Recent Developments in Science Teaching
Advanced Methods in Teaching Science
Problems in Science Education (Secondary)
Social Studies
_______ HIST 5122
_______ HIST 5135
_______ HIST 5130
_______ ELEM 6406
Social and Cultural History of the United States Since 1865
Problems in North Carolina History
Comparative History of New World Slavery and Race Relations
The Teaching of Social Studies in the Elementary Grades OR ELEM 5306
_______ HIST 5340
_______ HIST 5765
_______ GEOG 5283
GEOG 6393
HIED 6510
The Ancient Near East
Latin America: 1492 to the Present
Selected Topics in Physical Geography OR GEOG 6393
Final Project Requirement
See: Page 161 of 2007-2008 Graduate Catalog
MAED MIDG Program Goals
By the end of the program a successful graduate will be able to:
1. Improve instructional effectiveness, student achievement and student learning through…
a. reading educational literature critically, including theoretical, philosophical and research materials,
b. analyzing and articulating relationships between and among theory, philosophy, research findings, and
current practice,
c. designing and modifying instruction based on well articulated theory, philosophy, educational research, and
best practice, and
d. incorporating findings from educational literature into school and classroom strategies to improve student
2. Develop effective communication for collaborative leadership through…
a. initiating professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, professional development and action research,
b. seeking, evaluating and applying well-grounded suggestions for improvement provided by educators,
parents, students, and community leaders, and
c. participating in collaborative leadership and mentorship activities to solve educational problems at the levels
of classroom, school building, school system, and community.
3. Respond effectively to the diverse needs of students in inclusive classroom setting through…
a. designing and modifying instruction that is responsive to differences among learners that are influenced by
development, exceptionalities, and diversity,
b. actively seeking to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students’ development,
exceptionalities and diversity,
c. creating a classroom environment in which all learners feel welcome and can be successful,
d. reflecting on, diagnosing, and prescribing instruction that fosters student learning,
e. understanding and linking subject matter and students’ developmental and diverse needs in context of school
f. planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction that reflects intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in
both subject matter disciplines and students’ diverse learning needs, and
g. understanding and respecting differences between the learning behaviors and outcomes expected in diverse
4. Expand the depth and breadth of specific teaching areas and linking of this knowledge to learners through…
a. demonstrating knowledge in content areas,
b. assisting students in the acquisition of knowledge appropriate for their developmental level,
c. assisting students in making sense of their own learning through connecting teaching area content
knowledge and students’ personal lives,
d. supporting students’ learning through the effective use of technology, and,
e. assisting students in development competencies that cross content curriculum areas.
5. Demonstrate the act and art of teaching in public school classrooms.
The specific goals for the teaching area of middle grades are:
6. Effectively implement the goals and objectives of the core (items #1-5 above) specifically in middle grades schools
with young adolescents.
7. Demonstrate advanced understandings and implementation of the middle grades curriculum content and methods
of teaching in the middle grades classrooms.
8. Reflect on and evaluate one’s own middle grades classroom practices and experiences.
9. Demonstrate mastery level teaching through documented expertise in the design and delivery if instruction for
young adolescents, with the use of appropriate technology and presentation methods for both instruction and
documentation of teaching expertise.
10. Demonstrate the ability to locate, interpret, evaluate, and utilize relevant educational research to address schoolrelated issues in the middle grades school as well as design and implement action research focused on schoolbased issues.