CV - 國立陽明大學

JAW-CHING WU, M.D. PH.D. 吳肇卿醫學博士
Date of Birth: August 31, 1953
Place of Birth: Taichung, Taiwan
Address: Laboratory of Hepatitis and Hepatoma, Department of Medical research and Education
Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-28712121 ext 3218 (O), 886-2-28718157 (H)
Fax: 886-2-28745074
M.D. 醫學士- Taipei Medical College, 1972-1979
Ph.D. 醫學博士- Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei,
Medical Officer醫官, Army of R.O.C., 1979-1981
Resident in Medicine 內科部住院醫師- Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, 1981-1984
Research Fellow in Hepatology 胃腸科住院醫師研究員- Veterans General Hospital, Taipei,
Attending Physician - Gastroenterology Division 胃腸科主治醫師, Veterans General Hospital,
Taipei, 1986- 2004
Attending Physician, Department of Education and Medical Research 教學研究部主治醫
師, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, 2004- present
Instructor in Medicine 講師- National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, 1986-1990
Associate Professor in Medicine 副教授- National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, 1990Professor in Medicine 內科教授- National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, 1994present
Professor of Institute of Clinical Medicine臨床醫學研究所教授, National Yang-Ming
University School of Medicine, 1998-present
Director and professor of Institute of Clinical Medicine臨床醫學研究所教授兼所長
National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, 2004-present
Chairman, Academic Committee, Department of Education and Medical Research, Taipei
Veterans General Hospital 台北榮民總醫院教學研究部學術委員會主任委員 2005-present
台灣消化系醫學會監事 2006-present
Society of Internal Medicine, R.O.C.
Society of Medical Ultrasound, R.O.C.
Society of Gastroenterology, R.O.C.
Society of Gastrointestinal endoscopy, R.O.C.
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL)
International Association for the Study of the Liver (IASL)
Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology, 1988-1989
Associate Editor, Journal of Internal Medicine, R.O.C., 1990-3, 1997Editorial Board, Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei), 1993
Honoary Eitor-in-Chief, world Journal of Gastroenterology (2006, 2007-2009)
Editorial Board, Hepatology International (2007-)
REVIEWERS (國內外學術期刊與研究審查委員)
Taiwan Journal of Gastroenterology
Journal of Internal Medicine, R.O.C.
Editorial board, Journal of Chinese Medical Association (Chinese Medical Journal, Taipei)
Kaosiung Medical Journal
Journal of Biomedical Science
American Journal of Gastroenterology
Reviewer, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2001 to 2007-)
Editorial board, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2006, 2007-)
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Virologic Methods
Life Science
Liver International (since 2004, 2007-)
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
World Journal of Gastroenterology (2006, 2007-)
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2006-)
International Journal of Cancer (2006-)
Journal of Viral Hepatitis (2006-)
National Science Council, R.O.C. 國科會院研究計劃、獎助、會議補助與出國開會審查
Department of Health 衛生署研究計劃與成果報告審查
Department of Education 教育部與各大學教職升等審查
National Health Research Institue 國家衛生研究院
Academic Sinica 中央研究院研究計劃與研究人員評鑑審查
Member of the prevention and treatment committee for hepatitis, Departement of Health衛生署
Consultant, Center for Disease Control, Taiwan, 2005-, 疾病管制局諮詢委員
2002-2004 Chairman, Gastroenterology/Hepatology research section of the National Science
Council, Taiwan
1980-1981 - Excellent Medical Officer優良醫官
1982-1984 - Distinguished Academic Record in Clinical Medicine內科學術考試成績優異,
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
1984 - Excellent Clinical Service服務成績優良, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
1988, 1991 - Academic Prize for Excellent Research, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
1989 - Distinguished Award for the Mass Screening of Hepatocellular Carcinoma肝癌篩檢傑出
獎, the Cancer Society, R.O.C.
1990 - Professor Sung Juei-Low's Academic Prize for Excellent Research
1986-1990 - Research Award, National Science Council國科會研究獎, R.O.C.
1991 - Outstanding Research Award, Executive Yuan行政院研考組傑出研究獎, ROC
1991-1992 - Excellent Research Award國科會優等研究獎, National Science Council
1993-1994 - Winner of National Science Council’s (NSC) Outstanding Achievement in Science
and Technology Award國科會傑出研究獎
1995 - Academic Prize for Excellent Research, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
1995-1996 - Winner of National Science Council’s (NSC) Outstanding Achievement in Science
and Technology Award 國科會傑出研究獎
1996-Outstanding merit and high scholastic achievement to medical and pharmaceutical research
award of Wang Ming-Ning Foundation
1997-1998 - Winner of National Science Council’s (NSC) Outstanding Achievement in Science
and Technology Award國科會傑出研究獎
1999-2001 - NSC Research Fellow, R.O.C. 國科會特約研究員
1999- Academic Prize for Excellent Research, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
2000- Academic Prize for the Best Research, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
1999-2005 – NSC Research Fellow 國科會特約研究員
2006 Outstanding NSC Research Fellow 國科會傑出特約研究員
2006 Outstanding physician, Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan, ROC 中華民國行
Viral Hepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma病毒性肝癌與肝細胞癌
From 1986 to 2007, February – 246 papers
Major findings and significance of the research works by Jaw-Ching Wu
The discovery of major transmission mode of HDV infection and extensive epidemiological
study of HDV infection in Taiwan. Hepatitis D virus superinfection is the most important
etiology of fulminant hepatitis in Taiwan, an endemic area of HBV infection. A series of
papers of HDV infection by me contribute significantly to epidemiological, clinical and
virologic research of this disease. The findings of the major transmission route of HDV
infection in this area (sexual contact with prostitutes), and the subsequent, sustained public
education play a significant role in the reduction of HDV infection in this area.
Detail clinical and pathogenic studies of HDV infection based on the longitudinal correlation
between HBV and HDV replication and clinical course.
The establishment of a simple genotyping method using RFLP and type-specific antibodies
for hepatitis D virus, which is very useful for global molecular-epidemiological and virologic
studies. The original findings of the correlation of hepatitis D virus genotypes with clinical
manifestations and virus package .
The first report of an in vitro replication and package system of hepatitis D virus. This system
contributes to the understanding of the mechanism of hepatitis D virus package.
The discovery of a novel hepatitis D virus subtype (genotype IIb) which is a recombinant of
genotypes I and II, and proved to be a dominant strain of Okinawa later. This finding has an
important implication in the virology and evolution of HDV.
The first paper to show that mixed genotypes infection of hepatitis D virus does occur in
humans, particularly in high risk groups.
The first paper discovers that recombination occurs in a small virus like HDV, and shows the
important role of recombination in the evolution and evasion of HDV from immunity.
The first paper of DNA-Based Immunization of HDV. The first study of immunogenic
domains associated with HDV clearance.
The first study of defective HDV and its clinical implications. The discovery of an interesting
defective HDV that may have important evolutionary implications.
The first paper of the development of genotypic and large form-HDAg specific antibodies
which are of great value in basic and molecular biological studies of HDV as well as clinical
The first paper of the correlation of HDV genotypes with varied viral editing and assembly
The original paper studying the impact of HBV and HDV genotypes on the clinical course
and outcome of HDV infection.
Determination of immunogenic epitopes associated with positive selection of hepatitis delta
antigen in chronic hepatitis D patients.
Identification of crucial domains of HBV and HDV associated with the assembly of HDV.
15. The discovery of the major transmission route of acute hepatitis B virus infection in adults in
Taiwan, and resulted in the extending vaccination to susceptible adults in Taiwan.
16. The first paper to report injection with non-disposable needles as an important route for
transmission of acute community-acquired hepatitis C virus infection in Taiwan
17. A series of papers of clinical studies of hepatocellular carcinoma contribute to more
understanding about the clinical manifestations, the mass screening and the management of
hepatocellular carcinoma.
18. The first one to isolate and sequence HEV from patients in Taiwan. Multivariate analysis of
risk factor and phylogenetic analysis of HEV genome indicate that the majority of HEV
infection in Taiwan is transmitted from traveling to endemic areas in the world. These findings
are of great value in the prevention of the spread of HEV to Taiwan. There are increasing
traveling, trading and visiting across different areas of the world. This paper has important
implications to public health and emphasizes the impact of travel on the spread of disease.
19. One of the original papers to isolate HEV from swine, which suggests that swine may be a
reservoir of HEV. It has an important implication that zoonotic infection may be important
in the future. This paper discovers the potential source of endemic infection of HEV.
20. The first paper reports HEV spread across countries through trading of swine and the infection
in different-aged swine.
21. The first paper to raise the concern and the warning that Isoniazid-Rifampin induced hepatitis
in hepatitis B carriers may be more often associated with severe outcome.
Many papers have been cited in investigators of the fields, several papers have been cited in special
review articles and editorials.
Twenty three papers have been cited by textbooks, Sherlock’s “Diseases of the liver and
biliary system”, Benhamou’s “ Oxford’s textbook of Clinical Hepatology”, Arie J Zuckerman
and Howard C Thomas eds: “Viral Hepatitis”, F. Blaine Hollinger, Robert H Purcell, John L
Gerin, Donald E Ganem, Stephen M Feinstone, Suzanne U Emerson, Marian E Major,
Robert J Schneider, J Jake Liang, John L Casey, Barbara Rehermann eds. “Viral Hepatitis”,
Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”, Eugene R Schiff, Michael F
Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the Liver”, Sleisenger & Fordtran’s
Gastroenterology and Liver Disease. Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management. Sabiston’s
Textbook of Surgery. The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice. Meng XJ (2005).
Hepatitis E as a zoonosis. Viral Hepatitis, 3rd edition, Edited by H. Thomas, A. Zuckermann,
and S. Lemon. pp611-623. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, U.K. Karayiannis P, Thomas
HC. Hepatitis vaccine. Brit Med Bull 2004;70:29-49.
Wu JC.* Diagnosis of hepatitis D virus infection. In: Handa H, Yamaguchi Y eds. “Hepatitis
Delta Virus” by Landes Bioscience. 2006.
Wu JC.* Functional and clinical significance of hepatitis delta virus genotype II infection.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 2006;307:173-186.
*corresponding author
Wu JC, Lee SD, Wang JY, Ting LP, Tsai YT, Lo KJ, Chiang BN, Tong MJ. Analysis of the
DNA of hepatitis B virus in the sera of Chinese patients infected with hepatitis B. J Infec Dis
Lee SD, Lo KJ, Wu JC, Tsai YT, Wang JY, Ting LP, Tong MJ. Prevention of maternalinfant hepatitis B virus transmission by immunization: The role of serum hepatitis B virus
DNA. Hepatology 1986;6:369-373.
Lee SD, Wang JY, Wu JC, Chiang YT, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. Hepatitis B and D virus infection
among drug abusers in Taiwan. J Med Virol 1986;20:247-252.
Tsao D, Hsiao KJ, Wu JC, Chou CK, Lee SD. Two-site enzyme immunoassay for alphafetoprotein in dried blood samples collected on filter paper. Clin Chem 1986;32:2079-2082.
Wu JC, Lee SD, Wang JY, Ting LP, Tsai YT, Tsay SH, Tong MJ. Correlation between
hepatic HBcAg expression and serum HBV DNA levels in patients with chronic HBV
infections in Taiwan. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1987;111:181-184.
Wu JC, Lee SD, Tsay SH, Tsai YT, Chan CY, Huang YS, Lo KJ, Ting LP. Symptomatic
Anti-HBe positive chronic hepatitis B in Taiwan with special reference to persistent HBV
replication and HDV superinfection. J Med Virol 1988;25:141-8.
Wu JC, Lee SD, Hsiao KJ, Wang SS, Chou P, Tsao D, Tsai YT, Lui WY, Chiang JH, Lo KJ.
Mass screening of primary hepatocellular carcinoma by alpha-fetoprotein in a rural area of
Taiwan -- a dried blood spot method. Liver 1988;8:100-4.
Wu JC, Daughaday WH, Lee SD, Hsiao TS, Chou CK, Lin HD, Tsai YT, Chiang BN.
Radioimmunoassay of serum IGF-I and IGF-II in patients of chronic liver diseases and
hepatocellular carcinoma with or without hypoglycemia. J Lab Clin Med 1988;112:589-94.
Lee SD, Lo KJ, Tsai YT, Wu JC, Wu TC, Yang ZL, NG HT. The role of cesarean section in
prevention of mother-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus. Lancet 1988;2:833-4.
10. Lee SD, Lo KJ, Tsai YT, Wu JC, Wu TC. HBsAg carrier infants with serum anti-HBc
negative. Hepatology 1989;9:102-4.
11. Wang YJ, Wu JC*, Lee SD, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. Gonadal dysfunction and changes of sex
hormones in postnecrotic men. Chin J Gastroenterol (Taipei) 1989;6:112-7.
12. Hwang SJ, Chan CY, Wu JC, et al. Clinical study of hypercalcemia in Chinese patients with
hepatocellular carcinoma. Chin J Gastroenterology 1989;6:182-6.
13. Wu JC, Lee SD, Govindarajan S, et al. Correlation of serum delta RNA with clinical course
of acute delta superinfection in Taiwan - a longitudinal study. J Infect Dis 1990;161:11161120. Cited by Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: Viral Hepatitis
14. Wu JC, Lee SD, Govindarajan S, et al. Sexual transmission of hepatitis D virus infection in
Taiwan. Hepatology 1990;11:1057-1061.
Cited by Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: Viral Hepatitis. The discovery of
the major transmission route of HDV infection in Taiwan. After a sustained and nationwide public education, acute HDV infection has been significantly reduced in recent
15. Wu JC, Lee SD, Yeh PF, et al. Isoniazid-Rifampin induced hepatitis in hepatitis B carriers.
Gastroenterology 1990;98:502-4.
The first paper to raise the concern and the warning that Isoniazid-Rifampin induced
hepatitis in hepatitis B carriers may be more often associated with severe outcome.
16. Daughaday WH, Wu JC, Lee SD, Kapadia M. Abnormal processing of pro-IGF-II in patients
with hepatoma and in some hepatitis B virus antibody - positive asymptomatic individuals. J
Lab Clin Med 1990;115:555-562.
17. Wang YJ, Wu JC*, Lee SD, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. Gonadal dysfunction and change of sex
hormones in postnecrotic cirrhotic men: a matched study with alcoholic cirrhotic men.
HepatoGastroenterology 1991;38:469-568.
18. Lee SD, Tsai YT, Hwang SJ, Wu JC, Yung CH, Cheng KK, Lo KJ. A prospective study of
posttransfusion non-A, non-B (type C) hepatitis following cardiovascular surgery in Taiwan.
J Med Virol 1991;33:188-192.
19. Lee SD, Chan CY, Wang YJ, Wu JC, Lai KH, Lo KJ. Hepatitis C virus infection among
normal population and high risk groups in Taiwan. Hepatology 1991;13:407-412.
20. Wu JC, Chen PJ, Kuo MYP, Lee SD, Chen DS, Ting LP. Production of hepatitis D virus
and suppression of helper hepatitis B virus in a human hepatoma cell line. J Virol
The original paper of the establishment of an in vitro replication and package system
for HDV, contributes to the study of the mechanism of HDV package.
Cited by F. Blaine Hollinger, Rober H Purcell, John L Gerin, Donald E Ganem,
Stephen M Feinstone, Suzanne U Emerson, Marian E Mjor, Robert J Schneider, J Jake
Liang, John L Casey, Barbara Rehermann eds. “Viral Hepatitis”, Zakim & Boyer eds:
“Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”, Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C
Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the Liver”.
21. Lee SD, Tong MJ, Wu JC, Lin HC, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. A randomized double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of prednisolone therapy in HBeAg and HBV DNA positive Chinese patients
with chronic active hepatitis B. J Hepatol 1991;1:12:246-250.
22. Chan CY. Lee SD, Wu JC, Lin HC, Huang YS, Lo GH, Lee FY, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. The
diagnostic value of the assay of des-γ-carboxy prothrombin in the detection of small
hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol 1991;13:21-24.
23. Chan CY, Lee SD, Wu JC, Hwang SJ, Wang YJ, Huang YS, Lo KJ. The superinfection of
hepatitis C virus in patients with symptomatic Chronic hepatitis B. Scand J Infect Dis
24. Wang YJ, Lee SD, Wu JC, Lo KJ. Acute hepatitis B viral infection in a anti-HBs-positive
patients. J Med Virol 1991;35:133-135.
25. Wang CJ, Chen PJ, Wu JC, Patel D, Chen DS. The small form hepatitis B surface antigen is
sufficient to help the assembly of hepatitis delta virus-like particles. J Virol 1991;65:66306636. Cited by Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: Viral Hepatitis
26. Lee SD, Wang YJ, Lin HC, Wu JC, Chan CY, Huang YS, Tsai YT, Lo KJ. Prevalence of
anti-HCV among Chinese patients with acute and chronic liver disease. J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 1992;7:113-116.
27. Lee SD, Lee FY, Wu JC, Hwang SJ, Wang SS, Lo KJ. The prevalence of anti-HCV among
Chinese patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 1992;69:342-345.
28. Chang CF, Shen MT, Wu JC, Hwang SJ, Lo GH, Lai KH, Lee SD. Clinical study of
Wilson's disease in Taiwan. Chin J Gastroenterol 1992;9:149-156.
Hwang SJ, Chang CF, Wu JC, Tsay SH, Lui WY, Chiang JH, Lee SD.
Hypercholesterolemia in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol
30. Wu JC*, Chen CL, Lee SD, Sheen IJ, Ting LP. Expression and localization of the small and
large delta antigens during the replication cycle of hepatitis D virus. Hepatology
31. Wu JC*, Lin HC, Jeng FS, Ma GY, Lee SD, Yeh SH, Lo KJ, Sheng WY. Prevalence,
infectivity, and risk factor analysis of hepatitis C virus infection in prostitutes. J Med Virol
32. Hou MC, Wu JC*, Kuo BIT, Lee SD, Lo KJ. Heterosexual transmission as the most common
mode of acute hepatitis B virus infection among adults in Taiwan - the need of extending
vaccination to susceptible adults. J Infect Dis 1993;167:938- 941.
The discovery of the major transmission route of acute hepatitis B virus infection in adults
in Taiwan, and resulted in the extending vaccination to susceptible adults in Taiwan.
33. Wu JC*, Wang YJ, Hwang SJ, Chen TZ, Wang YS, Lin HC, Lee SD, Sheng WY. Hepatitis
D virus infection among prostitutes in Taiwan. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1993;8:334-337.
34. Wu JC*, Li CS, Chen CL, Ma GY, Sheng WY, Lee SD, Lo KJ. Factors associated with
viremia and elevated transaminase levels in asymptomatic hepatitis D virus-infected risk
groups. J Med Virol 1994;42:86-90.
35. Wu JC*, Chen CL Hou MC, Chen TZ, Lee SD, Lo KJ. Multiple viral infections as the most
common cause of fulminant and subfulminant viral hepatitis in an endemic area for hepatitis
B: Application and limitations of polymerase chain reaction. Hepatology 1994;19:836-840.
With an editorial. Cited by Oxford textbook of clinical hepatology. Cited by
Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: Viral Hepatitis, Eugene R Schiff,
Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the Liver”.
36. Yen FS, Wu JC*, Kuo BIT, Chiang JH, Chen TZ, Lee SD. Transcatheter arterial
embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis. J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 1995;10:237-240.
37. Yen FS, Wu JC*, Lai CR, Sheng WY, Kuo BIT, Chen TZ, Tsay SH, Lee SD. Clinical and
radiological pictures of hepatocellular carcinoma with intracranial metastasis. J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 1995;10:413-418.
38. Wu JC*, Chen TZ, Huang YS, Yen FS, Ting LT, Sheng WY, Tsay SH, Lee SD. Natural
history of hepatitis D viral superinfection - significance of viremia detected by polymerase
chain reaction. Gastroenterology 1995;108:796-802.
With a highlight, cited by Sherlock’s “Diseases of the liver and biliary system”, Zakim
& Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006, Eugene R Schiff, Michael
F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the Liver”. Sabiston’s Textbook of
Surgery. The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice.
39. Chen TZ, Wu JC*, Yen FS, Sheng WY, Hwang SJ, Huo TI, Lee SD. Injection with nondisposable needles as an important route for transmission of acute community-acquired
hepatitis C virus infection in Taiwan. J Med Virol 1995;46:247-251.
The first paper to report injection with non-disposable needles as an important route
for transmission of acute community-acquired hepatitis C virus infection in Taiwan
Yen FS, WU JC*, Chen TZ, Lee SD, Lo KJ. Acute relapsing hepatitis A in Taiwan - a rare
event not related to multiple viral infection: report of two cases. Chin Med J 1995;56:125128.
Wu JC*, Choo KB, Chen CM, Chen TZ, Huo TI, Lee SD. Genotyping of hepatitis D virus
by restriction fragment length polymorphism and its correlation with outcomes of hepatitis D.
Lancet 1995;346:939-941.
With a highlight, cited by Sherlock’s Diseased of the liver and biliary system. Cited by
Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: Viral Hepatitis
Cited by F. Blaine Hollinger, Rober H Purcell, John L Gerin, Donald E Ganem,
Stephen M Feinstone, Suzanne U Emerson, Marian E Mjor, Robert J Schneider, J Jake
Liang, John L Casey, Barbara Rehermann eds. “Viral Hepatitis”, Cited by Zakim &
Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”.
Lui WY, Chau GY, Loong CC, Tsay SH, Wu JC, King KL, Chiu JH, Lai CR, P'eng FK.
Hepatic segmentectomy for curative resection of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Arch
Surg 1995;130:1090-1097.
Wu JC*, Chen CM, Sheen IJ, Lee SD, Tzeng HM, Choo KB. Evidence of transmission of
hepatitis D virus to spouses from sequence analysis of the viral genome. Hepatology
1995;22:1656-1660. Cited by Arie J Zuckerman and Howard C Thomas eds: “Viral
Hepatitis”, Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”, Eugene R
Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the Liver”.
Huo TI, Wu JC*, Chiu CF, Lee SD. Severe hyperbilirubinemia due to acute hepatitis A
superimposed on a chronic hepatitis B carriers with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency. Am J Gastroenterol 1996;91:158-159.
Cited by Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”.
Huo TI, Wu JC*, Sheng WY, Chan CY, Hwang SJ, Chen TZ, Lee SD. Prognostic factors
analysis of fulminant and subfulminant hepatic failure in an area endemic for hepatitis B. J
Gastroenterol Hepatol 1996;11:560-565. Cited by Oxford textbook of clinical hepatology,
Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”.
Huang YS, Chan CY, Wu JC, Pai CH, Chao Y, Lee SD. Serum levels of interleukin-8 in
alcoholic liver disease: relationship with disease stage, biochemical parameters and survival.
J Hepatology 1996;24:377-384.
Wu JC*, Chen CM, Chen TZ, Lee SD, Yen FS, Choo KB. Prevalence and type of precore
hepatitis B virus mutants in hepatitis D viral superinfection and its clinical implications. J
Infect Dis 1996;173:457-459.
Chen TZ, Lin SB, Wu JC, Choo KB, Au LC. A method for screening antisense
oligodeoxyribonucleotides effective for mRNA translation-arrest. J Biochem 1996;119:252255.
Chen TZ, Wu JC*, Sheng WY, Chan CY, Yen FS, Chiang JH, Lui WY, Lee SD. Risk factor
analysis of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma. Chin Med J (Taipei) 1996;57:322-328.
Huo TI, Wu JC*, Huang YS, Lai CR, Tsay SH, Lee SD. Autoimmune chronic hepatitis in an
area endemic for hepatitis B virus infection: a report of 3 cases. Chin Med J (Taipei)
Huo TI, Wu JC*, Lai CR, Lu CL, Sheng WY, Lee SD. Comparison of clinico-pathological
features in hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma with or without hepatitis D
virus superinfection. J Hepatol 1996;25:439-444.
52. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Sheen IJ, Yen FS, Lee SD. Polymerase chain reaction analysis for viral
nucleic acids in acute sporadic hepatitis patients negative for serum hepatitis B surface
antigen and antibodies to hepatitis C virus. Chin Med J 1996;58:379-384.
53. Hwang SJ, Wu JC*, Lee CN, Yen FS, Lu CL, Lin TP, Lee SD. A prospective clinical study
of isoniazid-rifampicin-pyrazinamide-induced liver injury in an area endemic for hepatitis B.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;12:87-91.
54. Lu CL, Wu JC*, Chiang JH, Lui WY, Chau GY, Lee SD. Hepatocellular carcinoma in the
caudate lobe: Early diagnosis and active treatment may result in long-term survival. J
Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;12:144-148.
55. Chen TZ, Wu JC*, Au LC, Choo KB. Specific inhibition of delta antigen of hepatitis delta
virus in in vitro system by antisense oligodeoxynucleotide: Implications for translation
mechanism and treatment. J Virol Methods 1997;65:183-189.
56. Wu JC*, Shen WY, Huang YH, Hwang SJ, Lee SD. Prevalence and risk factor analysis of
GBV-C/HGV infection in prostitutes. J Med Virol 1997;52:83-85.
Cited by Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the
57. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Sheng WY, Lee SD. Decreasing hepatitis D virus infection in Taiwan: an
analysis of contributing factors. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;12:747-751.
with an editorial. Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006
58. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Sheng WY, Huo TI, Chang FY, Lee SD. Diagnostic value of antihepatitis D virus (HDV) antibodies revisited: a study of total and IgM anti-HDV compared
with detection of HDV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. J Gastroenterol Hepatol
Cited by Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”.
59. Wu JC*, Chiang TY, Sheen IJ. Characterization and Phylogenic analysis of a novel hepatitis
D virus group discovered by restriction fragment length polymorphism. J General Virol
The discovery of a novel hepatitis D virus strain that has important implication in
Cited by F. Blaine Hollinger, Rober H Purcell, John L Gerin, Donald E Ganem,
Stephen M Feinstone, Suzanne U Emerson, Marian E Mjor, Robert J Schneider, J Jake
Liang, John L Casey, Barbara Rehermann eds. Viral Hepatitis.
60. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Yen FS, Chau GY, Sheng WY, Lui WY, Lee SD. Detection of serum
hepatitis B, C and D viral nucleic acids and its implications in hepatocellular carcinoma
patients. J Clin Gastroenterol 1998; 33:512-516.
with an editorial
61. Wu JC*, Sheen IJ, Chiang TY, Sheng WY, Wang YJ, Chan CY, Lee SD. The impact of
traveling to endemic area on the spread of hepatitis E virus infection: epidemiological and
molecular analyses. Hepatology 1998;27:1415-1420.
The first one to isolate and sequence HEV from patients in Taiwan. Multivariate analysis
of risk factor and phylogenetic analysis of HEV genome indicate that the great majority
of HEV infection in Taiwan are transmitted from traveling to endemic areas in the world.
These findings are of great value in the prevention of the spread of HEV to Taiwan.
There are increasing traveling, trading and visiting across different areas of the world.
This paper has important implications to public health.
Cited by Sherlock’s “Diseases of the liver and biliary system”, Zakim & Boyer eds:
“Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006.
62. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Lee PC, Chau GY, Lui WY, Tsay SH, Ting LT, Chang FY, Lee SD. Seroclearance of hepatitis B surface antigen in chronic carriers does not necessarily implies a good
prognosis. Hepatology 1998; 28:231-236.
with an editorial
63. Wu JC*, Chiang TY, Huang YS, Huo TI, Hwang SJ, Huang IS, Sheng WY, Lee SD.
Prevalence, implication and viral nucleotide sequence analysis of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus
in acute fulminant and non-fulminant hepatitis. J Med Virol 1998;56:118-122.
Cited by Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the
64. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Huang YS, Yang UC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Evidence of transmission of
hepatitis B virus to spouses from sequence analysis of the viral genome. J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 1998; 1998;13:1138-1142..
65. Wu JC*, Huang IA, Huang YS, Chen JY, Sheen IJ. Mixed genotypes infection of hepatitis D
virus. J Med Virol 1999;57:64-67.
The first paper to show that mixed genotypes infection of hepatitis D virus does occur in
humans, particularly in high risk groups.
66. Dou HY, Wu JC, Peng WL, chang CM, Chi WK, Chu YD, Hu CP. Analysis of T cell receptor
usage during the course of disease in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Biomed Sci
67. Huang YH, LEE CH, Wu JC*, Wang YJ, Chang FY, Lee SD. Functional pancreatic islaet cell
tumors with liver metastasis: the role of cytoreductive surgery and transcatheter arterial
chemoembolization: a report of five cases. Chin Med J (Taipei) 1998;61:748-754.
68. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Lu SN, Chiang TY, Chang FY, Lee SD. Phylogenetic analysis to
document a common source of hepatitis D virus infection in a mother and her child. Chin Med
J (Taipei) 1999;62:28-32.
69. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chau GY, Lui WY, King KL, Chiang JH, Sheng WY, Hou MC, Lu CL,
Chang FY, Lee SD. Supportive treatment, resection and transcatheter arterial
chemoembolization in resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: an analysis of survival in 419
patients. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999;11:315-321.
Cited by Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”.
70. Lin HP, Hsu SC, Wu JC, Sheen IJ, Yan BS, Syu WJ. Localization of isoprenylated antigen of
hepatitis delta virus by anti-farnesyl antibodies. J Gen Virol 1999;80:91-96.
71. Huang YS, Wu JC, Chan CY, Chao Y, Chang FY, Lee SD. Circulating intercellular adhesion
molecule-1 in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. Chin Med J (Taipei)
72. Luo JC, Hwang SJ, Wu JC, Li CP, Hsia LT, Lai CR, Chiang JH, Lui WY, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Paraneoplastic syndromes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 1999;86:799-804.
73. Han HF, Wu JC*, Huo TI, Kao KP, Huang YH, chang FY, Lee SD. Guillain-Barre syndrome
associated with chronic hepatitis B with acute exacerbation: report of two cases. Chin Med J
(Taipei) 1999:62:652-656.
74. Wu JC*, Chiang TY, Shiue WK, Sheen IJ, Huang YH, Syu WJ. Recombination of hepatitis D
virus and its implications. Mol Biol Evol 1999;16:1622-1632. The first paper discovers that
recombination occurs in HDV, a small defective virus. And shows the important role of
recombination in evolution of HDV and evasion from immunity.
75. Wu JC*, Chen CM, Chiang TY, Sheen IJ, Chen JY, Tsai WH, Huang YH, Lee SD. Clinical
and epidemiological implications of swine hepatitis E virus infection. J Med Virol
2000;60:166-171. One of the original papers to isolate HEV from swine, which suggests
that swine may be a reservoir of HEV. It has important implications in the prevention of
HEV infection. Cited by Meng XJ (2005). Hepatitis E as a zoonosis. Viral Hepatitis, 3rd
edition, Edited by H. Thomas, A. Zuckermann, and S. Lemon. pp611-623. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd, Oxford, U.K. Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver
disease” 2006, Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the
76. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Lin CC, Sheng WY, Wang YJ, Chang FY, Lee SD. Prevalence and risk
factor analysis of TTV Infection in prostitutes. J Med Virol 2000;393-395.
77. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chiang TY, Chan YJ, Huo TI, Hwang SJ, Chang FY, Lee SD. Detection
and viral nucleotide sequence analysis of TT virus in acute fulminant and non-fulminant
hepatitis. J Viral Hepatitis 2000;7:56-63.
78. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Lee PC, Tsay SH, Chang FY, Lee SD. Diabetes Mellitus as a risk factor of
liver cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J Clin Gastroenterol
2000;30:250-254. with an editorial.
79. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Lui WY, Chau GY, Tsay SH, Chiang JH, King KL, Huo TI, Chang FY,
Lee SD. A Prospective Case Controlled Trial of Adjuvant Chemotherapy after Resection of
Hepatocellular Carcinoma. World J Surg 2000;24:551-555.
80. Huo TI, Yang WC, Wu JC, King KL, Loong CC, Lin CY, Lui WY, Chang FY, Lee SDS.
Impact of hepatitis B and C virus infection on the outcome of kidney transplantation in Chinese
patients. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2000;63:93-100.
81. Huo TI, Wu JC, Hwang SJ, Lai CR, Lee PC, Tsay SH, Chang FY, Lee SD. Factors predictive
of liver cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B: a multiviariate analysis in a longitudinal
study. Euro J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2000:12:687-693.
82. Hsu SC, Lin HP, Wu JC, Ko KL, Sheen IJ, Yan BS, Chou CK, Syu WJ. Characterization of a
strain-specific monoclonal antibody to hepatitis delta antigen. J Virol Methods 2000;87:53-62.
83. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Tao MH, Syu WJ, Hsu SC, Chi WK, Chang FY, Lee SD. DNA-Based
Immunization Produces Th1 Immune Responses to Hepatitis Delta Virus in a Mouse Model.
Hepatology 2000;32:104-110. The first paper of DNA-Based Immunization of HDV.
Cited by Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the
84. Chan YJ, Hsu YH, Chen MC, Wong WW, Wu JC, Yanf WC, Liu CY. TT virus infection
among hemodialysis patients at a medical center in Taiwan. J Microbiol Immunol Infect
85. Lin CC, Wu JC, Chang SC, Huang YH, Huo TI, Chang FY, Lee SD. Resolution of refractory
hepatic hydrothrax after chemical pleurodesis with minocycline. Chin Med J 2000;63:704-709.
86. Chung MY, Wu JC, Chau GY, Lui WY, Tsay SH, Chiang H. Preferentially deleted
chromosome region 9p21 in large hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Mol Med 2000:5:521-524.
87. Hsu SC, Syu WJ, Ting LT, Wu JC*. Immunohistochemical differentiation of hepatitis D virus
genotypes. Hepatology 2000;32:1111-1116. The first paper of development of genotypespecific antibodies for HDV genotyping in liver biopsies.
Cited by Eugene R Schiff, Michael F Sorrell, Willis C Maddrey eds. “Diseases of the
Liver”, Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006.
88. Lin CC, Wu JC*, Chang TT, Chang WY, Yu ML, Tam AW, Wang SC, Huang YH, Chang FY,
Lee SD. Diagnostic Value of IgG and IgM Anti-HEV Tests Based on HEV RNA in a NonEndemic Area. J Clin Microbiol 2000; 38:3915-3918.
Cited by Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006. Sabiston’s
Textbook of Surgery. The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice.
89. Lin CC, Wu JC*, Huang DF, Huang YS, Huang YH, Huo TI, Chang FY, Lee SD. Ranitidinerelated Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in Patients with Severe Liver Diseases: A Report of Two
Cases. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2001;16:481-483.
90. Lin CC, Wu JC*, Chang TT, Huang YH, Wang YJ, Tsay SH, Chou NH, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Long-term evaluation of recombinant interferon alpha2b in the treatment of patients with
hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B in Taiwan. J Viral Hepatitis 2001; 8:438-446.
91. Lin CC, Wu JC, Chou IH, Huang YH, Chang FY, Lee SD. Hereditary hemorrhagic
telangiectasia – Demonstration of portosystemic venous shunts using power doppler
sonography and sonographically-guided percutaneous transhepatic portovenography. J Clin
Ultrasound 2001;29:517-522.
92. Huo TI, Yang WC, Wu JC, King KL, Loong CC, Lin CY, Chang FY, Lee SD. Kidney
transplantation in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Is the prognosis worse. Dig
Dis Sci 2001;46:469-475..
93. Wu JC*, Chen CM, Chiang TY, Tsai WH, Jeng WJ, Sheen IJ, Lin CC, Meng XJ. Spread of
Hepatitis E Virus among Different-aged Pigs: A Two-year Survey in Taiwan. J Med Virol 2002
66:488-502. Cited by Meng XJ (2005). Hepatitis E as a zoonosis. Viral Hepatitis, 3rd
edition, Edited by H. Thomas, A. Zuckermann, and S. Lemon. pp611-623. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd, Oxford, U.K.
94. Hsu SC, Syu WJ, Sheen IJ, Liu HT, Jeng KS, Wu JC*. Varied Assembly and RNA Editing
Efficiencies between Genotypes I and II Hepatitis D Virus and their Implications. Hepatology
95. Hwang YS, Chern HD, Su WJ, Lai SL, Wu JC, Yang SY, Chang FY, Lee SD. Polymorphism
of N-acetyltransferase 2 gene as a susceptibility risk factor for antituberculosis drug -induced
hepatitis. Hepatology 2002; 35:883-889.
96. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Survivial benefit of cirrhotic patients
with hepatocellular carcinoma treated by percutaneous ethanol injection as a salvage therapy.
Scan J Gastroenterol 2002;3:350-355.
97. Huang YS, Chiang JH, Wu JC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Risk of hepatic failure after transcatheter
arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: predictive value of the
monoethylglycinexylide test. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97:1223-1227.
98. Lan KH, Sheu ML, Hwang SJ, Yen SH, Chen SY, Wu JC, Wang YJ, Kato N, Omata M,
Chang FY, Lee SD. HCV NS5A interacts with p53 and inhibits p53-mediated apoptosis.
Oncogene 2002;21:4801-4811.
99. Luo JC, Hwang SJ, Wu JC, Lai CR, Li CP, Chang FY, Chiang JH, Lui WY, Chu CW, Lee SD.
Clinical characteristics and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with paraneoplastic
syndromes. Hepato-gastroenteorlogy 2002;49:1315-1319.
100. Huang HC, Huang YS, Wu JC, Tsay SH, Huo TI, Wang YJ, Lo JC, Chen CY, Li CP, Chang
FY, Lee SD. Characteristics of autoimmune hepatitis in Taiwan: the 11 years’ experiences of a
medical center. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2002;65:563-569.
101. Su CW, Wu JC*, Huang YS, Huo TI, Huang YH, Lin CC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Comparison
of Clinical Manifestations and Epidemiology between Acute Hepatitis A and Acute Hepatitis E
in Taiwan. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17:1187-1191.
102. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chang TT , Sheen IJ, Lee PC, Huo TI, Su CE, Wang YJ, Chang FY,
Lee SD. Analysis of clinical, biochemical and viral factors associated with early relapse after
lamivudine treatment for hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B patients in Taiwan.
J Viral Hepatitis 2003;10:277-284.
103. Lu SN, Chen TM, Lee CM, Wang JH, Tung HD, Wu JC. The Molecular Epidemiological
and Clinical Aspects of Hepatitis D Virus in an Unique Triple Hepatitis Viruses (B, C, D)
Endemic Community in Taiwan. J Med Virol 2003;70:74-80. Zakim & Boyer eds:
“Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease” 2006
104. Huang YS, Chen HD, Su WJ, Wu JC, Chang SC, Chiang CH, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Cytochrome p450 2E1 and the susceptibility to antituberculosis drug-induced hepatitis.
Hepatology 2003; 37:924-930.
105. Huang YS, Chen HD, Wu JC, Chao Y, Huang YH, Change FY, Lee SD. Polymorphism of
the N-acetyltransferase 2 gene, red meat intake and the susceptibility of hepatocellular
carcinoma. Am J Gastroenterol 2003; 98:1417-1422.
106. Huo TI, Wu JC*. "Outcomes of Patients with Seroclearance of HBsAg: Different Facets of a
Truth". Gastroenterology 2003;12:274-275. (letter).
107. Wu JC*. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a zoonotic infection with rapid spread:
Are we ready for the coming ones? J Chin Med Asso 2003; 66: 315-317.
108. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Screening for hepatocellular carcinoma in high-risk patients:
Western versus Eastern Virus. Hepatology 2003;38:269.
109. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Comparison of percutaneous acetic
acid injection and percutaneous ethanol injection for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic
patients: a prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2003;7:770-778.
110. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Hsu SC, Syu WJ. Varied Immunity Generated in mice by DNA
vaccines with large and small hepatitis delta antigens. J Virol 2003;77:12980-12985. The first
paper describing the mechanism of varied immunity by DNA vaccines with large and
small delta antigens. Cited by : Karayiannis P, Thomas HC. Hepatitis vaccine. Brit Med
Bull 2004;70:29-49.
111. Huo TI, Lui WY, Huang YH, Chau GY, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Diabetes
Mellitus is a risk factor for hepatic decompensation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
undergoing resection: a Longitudinal study. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:2293-2298.
112. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Chiang JH, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Sequential transarterial
chemoembolization and percutaneous acetic acid injection therapy versus repeated
precutaneous acetic acid injection for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective
study. Ann Oncol 2003;14:1648-1653.
113. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Comparison of percutaneous acetic
acid injection and percutaenous ethanol injection for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic
patients: a prospective study. Scan J Gastroenterol 2003;38:770-778.
114. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee PC, Huang YH, Chau GY, Tsay SH, Chang FY, Lee SD. Diabetes
mellitus is a recurrence-independent risk factor in patients with hepatitis B virus-related
hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing resection. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003;15:12031208.
115. Huo TI, Wu JC*, Wu SI, Chang AL, Lin SK, Pan CH, Huang YH, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Changing Seroepidemiology of Hepatitis B, C and D Virus Infections in High Risk Populations.
J Med Virol 2004; 72:41-45. Zakim & Boyer eds: “Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease”
116. Wu JC.* Diagnosis of hepatitis D virus infection. In: Handa H, Yamaguchi Y eds. “Hepatitis
Delta Virus” by Landes Bioscience. 2006
117. Hsu SC, Wu JC, Sheen IJ, Syu WJ. Interaction and replication activation of Genotype I and
II Hepatitis Delta Antigens. J Virol 2004; 78:2693-2700..
118. Huo TI, Wu JC* . Does the protective antibody anti-HBs protect renal transplant patients
from hepatitis B? (Editorial) J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004; 19:841-843.
119. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Staging for hepatocellular carcinoma: look for a perfect
classification system. J Hepatol 2004;40:1041-1042. (letter).
120 Huo TI, Lui WY, Wu JC, Huang YH, King KL, Loong CC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Deterioration of hepatic functional reserve in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after
resection: incidence, risk factors, and association with intrahepatic tumor recurrence. World J
Surg 2004;28:258-262.
121. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Percutaneous injection therapy for
hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Eur J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 2004;16:325-331.
122. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY Lee SD. Incidence and risk factors for acute renal failure
in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing transarterial chemoembolization: a
prospective study Incidence and risk factors for acute renal failure in patients with
hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing transarterial chemoembolization: a prospective study.
Liver Int 2004;24:210-215.
123. Huo TI, Huang YH, Lui WY, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Selective prognostic
impact of serum α-fetoprotein level in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Analysis of 543
patients in a single center. Oncology reports 2004;11:543-550.
124. Huang YH, Chen CH, Chang TT, Chen SC, Wang SY, Lee PC, Lee HS, Lin PW, Huang GT,
Sheu JC, Tsai HM, Chau GY, Chiang JH, Lui WY, Lee SD, Wu JC*. The role of
transcatheter arterial embolization in patients with resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a
nation-wide, multi-center study. Liver International 2004;24:419-424.
125. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Persistent retension of acetic acid is
associated with complete tumor necrosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing
percutaneous acetic acid injection. Scand J Gastroenterol 2004;39:168-173.
126. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Induction of complete tumor
necrosis may induce intrahepatic metastasis and prolong survival in patients with
hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing locoregional therapy: a prospective study. Ann Oncol
127. Huo TI, Wu JC, Huang YH, Chiang JH, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Acute renal failure after
transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective study of the
incidence, risk factors, clinical course and long-term outcome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther
128. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lui WY, Lee RC, Loong CC, Huang YH, Tsay SH, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Reliability of contemporary radiology to measure tumor size of hepatocellular carcinoma in
patients undergoing resection: limitations and clinical implications. Scand J Gastroenterol
129. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD. Long-term Outcome of Hepatitis C Virus Superinfection in HBsAg
Carriers. Gastroenterology 2004;127:690. (letter).
130. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Is diabetes a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma?
Gastroenterology 2004;127:360-361. (letter).
131. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lui WY, Huang YH, Lee PC, Chiang JH, chang FY, Lee SD. Differential
mechanism and prognostic impact of diabetes mellitus on patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma undergoing surgical and nonsurgical treatment. Am J Gastroenterol 2004;99:14791487. with an editorial.
132. Wu ML, Deng JF, Wu JC, Fan FS, Yang CF. Severe bone marrow depression induced by an
anticancer herb Cantharanthus Roseus. J Toxicol 2004;42:667-671.
133. Huo TI, Wu JC, Hsia CY, Chau GY, Lui WY, Huang YH, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Hepatitis C virus infection is a risk factor for tumor recurrence after resection of small
hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Surg 2004;28:787-791.
134. Huang YH, Tao MH, Hu CP, Syu WJ, Wu JC*. Identification of Novel HLA-A*0201restricted Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitopes on Hepatitis Delta Virus and Their Implications
in Chronic Delta Hepatitis. J Gen Virol 2004;35:3089-3098. The first paper discovering the
cytotoxic T Lymphocyte epitopes on hepatitis delta virus.
135. Hwang SJ, Luo JC, Li CP, Chu CW, Wu JC, Lai CR, Chiang JH, Chau GY, Lui WY, Chang
FY, Lee SD. Thrombocytosis: A praneoplastic syndrome in patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol 2004;10:2472-2477.
136. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lin HC, Lee FY, Hou MC, Huang YS, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Determination of the optimal model for end-stage liver disease in patients with small
hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing loco-reginal therapy. Liver Transpl 2004;10:1507-1513.
137. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD. Contrast Medium-associated Renal Dysfunction in Patients with
Cirrhosis. Hepatology 2004;40:1474. (letter).
138. Huang YH, , Chen CH, Chang TT, Chen SC, Wang SY, Lee HS, Lin PW, Huang GT, Sheu
JC, Tsai HM, Lee PC, Chau GY, Lui WY, Lee SD, Wu JC*. Evaluation of Predictive Value
of CLIP and Okuda Staging Systems for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients underwent
Surgery. J Gastroentrol Hepatol 2005;20:765-771.
139. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chen CH, Chang TT, Lee PC, Chau GY, Lui WY, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Comparison of Recurrence after Hepatic Resection in Patients with Hepatitis B Versus
Hepatitis C-related Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus Endemic Area.
Liver International 2005;25:236-241.
140. Wang KC, Wu JC, Chung YC, Ho YC, Chang MDT, Hu YC. Baculovirus as a Highly
Efficient Gene Delivery Vector for the Expression of Hepatitis Delta Virus Antigens in
Mammalian Cells. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 2005;89:464-473.
141. Wu JC*, Hsu SC, Wang SY, Huang YH, Sheen IJ, Shih HH, Syu WJ. Defective Mutations of
Hepatitis D Viruses. World J Gastroenterol 2005;11:1658-1662.
142. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Ethanol Injection versus Radiofrequency Ablation for
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Which is Better? Gastroenterology 2005;128:806-807.
143. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD.. MELD in liver transplantation: the da Vinci code for the Holy
Grail? J Hepatolo 2005;42:477-478.
144. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lin HC. Lee FY, Hou MC, Lee PC, chang FY, Lee SD. Evaluation of the
increase in model for end-stage liver disease (DeltaMELD) score over time comparison with
initial MELD and Child-Turcotte-Push score. J Hepatol 2005;42:826-832. with an editorial.
145. Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu JC. Percutaneous ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma:
current practice and future perspectives. J Chin Med Assoc 2005;68:155-159.
146. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD. Are alcohol, tobacco and obesity genuine risk factors for
hepatocellular carcinoma? J Hepatolol 2005;42:941. (letter).
147. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Which is the holly grail in liver transplantation: Hyponatremia,
MELD, or a combination? Liver transplantation 2005;11:710. (letter).
148. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD. Comparison of staging systems for HCC: One more positive answer
or mission impossible? Hepatology 2005;42:238-239. (letter).
149. Huang YH, Chen CH, Chang TT, Chen SC, Chiang JH, Lee HS, Lin PW, Huang GT, Sheu
JC, Tsai HM, Lee PC, Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC*. The Role of Transcatheter Arterial
Embolization for Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: a Nation-wide, Multicenter Study Evaluated by Cancer Stages. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2005;21:687-694.
150. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Risk factor analysis for cholangiocarcinoma: Limitations of cross
sectional study. Gastroenterology 2005;129:395. (letter).
151. Chen YH, Wu JC, Wang KC, Chiang YW, Lai CW, Chung YC, Hu YC. BaculovirusMediated Production of HDV-like Particles in BHK Cells Using a Novel Oscillating
Bioreactor. J Biotechnol 2005; ;118:135-147.
152. Shiau YT, Huang YH, Wu JC, Tao MH, Syu WJ, chang FY, Lee SD. Analysis of humoral
immunity of hepatitis D virus DNA vaccine generated in mice by using different dosage, gene
gun immunization, and in vivo electroporation. J Chin Med Assoc 2006;69:7-13.
153. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chang TT, Sheen IJ, Huo TI, Lee PC, Su CW, Lee SD. Association of
Core Promoter/Precore Mutations and Viral Loads in e Antigen-negative Chronic Hepatitis B
Patients. J Viral Hepatitis 2006; 13:336-342.
154. Huo TI, Huang YH, Lee SD, Wu JC. Is there an idela model for hepatocellular carcinoma?
Gut 2005;54:1348. (letter).
155. Huang YH, Wu JC*, Chen SC, Chen CH, Chiang JH, Huo TI, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD.
Survival Benefit of Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization in Patients with Hepatocellular
Carcinoma larger than 10cm in Diameter. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2006;23:129-135.
156. Huo TI, Lin HC, Wu JC, Lee FY, Hou MC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Different model for
end-stage liver disease score block distributions may have variable ability for outcome
prediction. Transplantation 2005;80:1414-1418.
157. Huo TI, Lin HC, Wu JC, Lee FY, Hou MC, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Proposal of a
modified Child-Turcotte-Push scoring system and comparison with the model for end-stage
liver disease for outcome prediction in patients with cirrhosis. Liver Tansplantaion
158. Chiang YW, Wu JC, Wang KC, Lai CW, Chung YC, Hu YC. Efficient expression of
histidine-tagged large hepatitis delta antigen in baculovirus-transduced baby hamster kidney
cells. World J Gastroenterol 2006;12:1551-1557.
159. Su CW, Huang YH, Huo TI, Shih HH, Shen IJ, Chen SW, Lee PC, Lee SD, Wu JC*.
Genotypes and viremia of hepatitis B and D viruses are associated with outcomes of chronic
hepatitis D Patients. Gastroenterology 2006;130:1625-1635.
160. Lu SN, Su WW, Yang SH, Chang TT, Cheng KS, Wu JC, Lin HH, Wu SS, Lee CM,
Changchien CS, Chen CJ, Sheu JC, Chen DS, Chen CH. Secular trends and geographic
variations of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma in
Taiwan. Int J Cancer 2006;119:1946-1952.
161. Huo TI, Wu JC, Lee SD. Do baseline ALT levels predict complications of chronic hepatitis B?
Gut 2006;55:745. (letter).
162. Huo TI, Lin HC, Lee FY, Hou MC, Lee PC, Wu JC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Occurrence of
cirrhosis-related complications is a time-dependent prognostic predictor independent of
baseline model for end-stage liver disease. Liver Int 2006;26:55-61.
163. Wu JC.* Functional and clinical significance of hepatitis delta virus genotype II infection.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 2006;307:173-186.
164. Huo TI, Huang YH, Lin HC, Wu JC, Chiang JH, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Proposal of a
modified Cancer of the Liver Italian Program staging system based on the model for end-stage
liver disease for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing loco-regional therapy. Am
J Gastroenterol 2006;101:975-982.
165. Chang PC, Chi CW, Chau GY, Li FY, Tsai YH, Wu JC, Wu Lee YH. DDX3, a DEAD box
RNA helicase, is deregulated in hepatitis virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma and is
involved in cell growth control. Oncogene 2006;25:1991-2003.
166. Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC. Hepatitis after arterial embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma:
viral reactivation or ischemia? Hepatology 2006;43:1400-1401. (letter).
167. Huo TI, Lin HC, Wu JC, Hou MC, Lee FY, Lee PC, Chang FY, Lee SD. Limitation of the
model for end-stage liver disease for outcome prediction in patients with cirrhosis-related
complications. Clin Transplant 2006;20:188-194.
168. Huo TI, Lin HC, Huang YH, Wu JC, Chiang JH, Lee PC, Lee SD. The model for end-stage
liver disease-based Japan Integrated Scoring system may have a better predictive ability for
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing locoreginal therapy. Cancer 2006;107:141148.
169. Huo TI, Lee PC, Huang Yh, Wu JC, Lin HC, Chiang JH, Lee SD. The sequential changes of
the model for end-stage liver disease score correlate with the severity of liver cirrhosis in
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