Please read all the notes carefully A mutual exchange is to swap

Mutual Exchange Application form
Please read all the notes carefully
A mutual exchange is to swap homes with another tenant. As a secure tenant you have a legal right to
arrange a mutual exchange with another tenant or a chain of tenants. You can swap with tenants of
other Councils or Housing Associations as well as Tamworth Borough Council tenants.
Both parties in any mutual exchange need the permission of each landlord to swap homes.
You will not normally be allowed to exchange if:
you have rent arrears
you have a current notice of seeking possession, court costs or any recharges
you have a possession order for nuisance or breaking your tenancy agreement.
the property you are moving to is designed for a specific need that you do not have e.g.
adapted for wheelchair use or specifically designed for elderly people
you will over occupy or under occupy the property you are moving to.
The Council must give you a formal written decision on whether it will allow you to go ahead with the
mutual exchange within 42 days of receipt of all application forms
Please read the information below before completing this form.
No exchange must be undertaken before written approval is received from the Housing Manager
and Deeds of Assignment have been read and signed by both parties.
This exchange will only take place following a property inspection by a Housing Options officer from
TBC Council.
Subject to your acceptance of the property concerned in the decorative order discussed the
maintenance of the agreed alterations will be your responsibility. No repairs that are tenants'
responsibility will be undertaken by the Council during the first 12 months other than health and safety
or fair wear and tear.
Any outstanding repairs must be put right prior to the exchange taking place. Any repairs that are the
responsibility of TBC should be reported to Mears (on 0800 183 0044) prior to the property inspection.
NB – Fish Ponds - under Health and Safety legislation as a landlord TBC cannot grant permission for
fish ponds to remain even if the incoming tenant would like this – they must be filled in and the
garden re-instated in a satisfactory condition.
On the day of the exchange the property must be left completely empty by the outgoing tenant –
lofts / sheds / garages and gardens should be cleared. None of the household bins should be
overflowing– nothing placed in the wrong bins – e.g. only recycling in the blue bin and only garden
refuse in the green bins. No bin bags should be left at the property – they must be taken or disposed
of by the outgoing tenant at the local waste facility.
Applications cannot be processed until forms have been received from all parties involved in
the exchange(s).
Your Details
Joint tenant
Please state relationship to
applicant –
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other
First name (s)
Previous surname(s)
NI number
Date of birth
post code
Date moved to this address
Home phone number
Mobile phone number
Email address
Your current home
What type of property do you currently live in? – Please tick the box
Flat - ground floor
Flat - upper floor
Maisonette – ground floor
Maisonette – upper floor
Do you live in sheltered accommodation?
yes / no
What type of tenancy you currently hold? Who is your landlord?
Tamworth Borough Council
Another Local Authority
Housing Association
What type of tenancy do you currently hold?
Flexible fixed
term tenancy
If you are a tenant of a Housing Association or another Local Authority please attach a copy of your
tenancy agreement to confirm whether you have a secure/assured or fixed term tenancy
Did you 'succeed' to this tenancy
yes / no
Please give the name and address of your landlord (if not TBC)
If you are not a Tamworth Borough Council tenant please give the contact details of your
Housing Officer
Phone number:
Your current household
Please list below everyone who currently lives in your household and whether they will be moving with
you or not.
First name
Last name
of birth
ship to
with you
yes / no
yes / no
yes / no
yes / no
yes / no
yes / no
Do you have any pets?
yes / no
(Some types of housing is unsuitable for some pets)
Details of pets
How many bedrooms are there in your current home?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Has your current property been adapted in any way?
yes / no
Details of adaptations (eg level access shower / stair lift / handrails)
Do you still require these adaptations? yes / no
Reasons no longer required
Property you wish to exchange to
Address of property -
post code
Type of property - please tick
Flat - ground floor
Flat - upper floor
Maisonette – ground floor
Maisonette – upper floor
How many bedrooms are in the property?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Who is the landlord? (please tick)
Tamworth Borough
Another Local
Please give the name and address of the landlord (if not TBC)
If not a Tamworth Borough Council property please give the contact details of Housing
Officer responsible for the property
Phone number:
Reason you wish to exchange
I/We have read and I/we agree to accept the conditions under which a mutual exchange of tenancies
may be granted. (Both signatures required if this is a joint tenancy)
Applicant's signature
Joint tenant
Return your completed form to:
Tamworth Borough Council, Void and Allocation team, Marmion House,
Lichfield Street, Tamworth; Staffs, B79 7BZ
Tel: 01827 709 520 Fax: 01827 709376