Confidential Technical Survey Questionnaire 1 1.1 General System information Name of the system : (Please include any aliases and acronyms by which the system is known) 1.2 Objective of the system : (The rationale behind system implementation. ) 1.3 Functionality in brief : ( Please illustrate the information flow and broad level processing logic for the system .) 1.4 Source of data input for the system a) Source document and its legal status : (e.g. Name of the Return OR any other documents/data which is entered in the system. . If multiple sources are present, kindly list all. Also mention to be made whether the Return is filed in compliance with some Legal Requirement) Source Legal status : : b) Whether document/data is generated in / outside RBI ? If outside RBI, the agency which generates the documents (e.g. some returns could come from Banks while others could come from Authorized Dealers.) c) Level of Input Data Aggregation as received from the source (e.g. In some cases data might be at branch level, while some consolidated at bank level) d) Method of data collection ( Sampling, census etc.) Also indicate whether it is a sample and method of sampling ...) e) Frequency & Reference date of the data to be incorporated. (The date on which snapshot of data is reported. E.g. a return may be as of the reporting Friday. Frequency could be weekly, monthly…) As of : Frequency : f) Time lag in receipt of data The typical time between the reference date and the date when the data is received by the Bank Page 1 of 10 Confidential RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire g) The manner in which data is fed in the computerized system. (e.g. by Data entry, modem etc.. Multiple modes of inputs are possible for same system) h) Do you receive queries pertaining to your system which cannot be answered due to lack of data ? If YES , Kindly list out the missing data which is required to answer these queries ? i) What are the data quality problems encountered with data input in the system? 1.5 A delay of ______ hours / days in the production of the outputs from this system will have material impact on the decision based on this output. (e.g. A system may be very critical when a downtime for a few hours cause disruption in the functioning of the department / Bank ). 1.6 System Application type (Mainframe, client server, three tier, web based) 1.7 Is any further processing (manual - spreadsheet/word etc..) required on system output to meet the reporting requirements? 1.8 Output generated by the system and corresponding department(s) to which it is forwarded: (Kindly list out the reports and handoffs (files) generated by the system and departments to which each is provided. Also mention which version of data is reflected in each of the report. Any adhoc queries should also be listed) 1.9 Geographical similarity : Whether the same software addresses similar requirements at different locations of the Bank OR at different software is used at different places ? Does the same type of system serve various geographical locations of the Department? 1.10 Kindly provide details of any changes in functionality/reporting requirement during the last 5 years (typically this would be changes which would impact comparison of current period data vis-à-vis previous period(s)) 1.11 Any functionality/reporting changes being contemplated in the system during the next one year (Typically these would be changes which would impact comparison of current period data vis-à-vis previous period(s)) Page 2 of 10 Confidential RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire 1.12 Sensitivity of information (Is the information stored in the information sensitive so as to require additional data security provision. If so, mention the level of restriction that would be required?) 1.13 Any other important information about the system which you feel would assist us ? Page 3 of 10 Confidential 2 RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire Hardware & Software Environment 2.1 Hardware : 2.1.1 Central computer / Server Manufacturer and make 2.1.2 No. of CPUs and their speed 2.1.3 Hard Disk space Total data storage requirement (a) Current : (b) % Increase every year : (c) For History data : 2.1.4 Available memory on the main computer / server 2.1.5 Network through which users can log in the system or devices can be connected: 2.2 2.2.1 Software Operating system on the main computer / server (Kindly include the version) 2.2.2 Database (Kindly mention the version) 2.2.3 Application software of Front-end used by the application (Kindly mention the version) 2.2.4 Changes in software environment: (a) Details of software mentioned above changed during the past 5 years ? (b) If, YES, kindly indicate whether data has been migrated to the new system ? OR whether ASCII backup of data is available? Page 4 of 10 Confidential 3 RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire Implementation: 3.1 Physical location of the server : 3.2 Department entrusted with the maintaining the server : (Please also indicate name, phone number(s) of contact person(s)) 3.3 Versions of data stored in the system (e.g. provisional, revised and final .) 3.4 Interface with other systems (Does the system receive / feed data directly from / to any other system in the Bank?) Inputs from ; None System Name File/Table/Report Name Purpose (Also indicate if it is mandatory) Sensitivity (Is the data sensitive) Remark Purpose (Also indicate if it is mandatory) Sensitivity (Is the data sensitive) Remark Outputs to ; None System Name File/Table/Report Name Page 5 of 10 Confidential RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire Refers to ; System Name 3.5 File/Table/Report Name Purpose (Also indicate if it is mandatory) Sensitivity (Is the data sensitive) Remarks Type of processing : (Whether online or Batch) 3.6 Frequency of Batch Run (incase of batch processing) (Separately for provisional, revised and final data, any cutoff to consider data final) 3.7 Time required for a single batch run (end to end including any intermediate manual processing) (The is the time required for complete batch run) 3.8 Time window in which the system is available to the users. 3.9 Redundancy for the system 3.10 Any modifications, undertaken (or planned in immediate future) on the system? (All changes to inputs, outputs, processing logic and functionality to be noted) Details for each modified field to be provided in the following format: Sr. Modification Type Date of Reason for Details of modification No. Modification modification Page 6 of 10 Confidential RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire 3.11 Details of existing Data Outputs in soft formats (Details of data outputs from the system that are generated to feed any other system or for backup and archival purposes) Output Description Frequency (What is the frequency of Output generation) Type (What is the type of Output – whether it is a backup of master files/data base or selected Output for handoff to another system) Data Type (E.g. provisional, revised & final) Output Format (Whether flat files/ database dumps?) 3.12 The date when the system was implemented 3.13 Historical Information Details of past data – to what period and the type of information stored. Period for which available Storage Media Data Type (E.g. provisional, revised & final) History Format (Whether flat files/ database dumps?) Page 7 of 10 Confidential 4 RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire List of documents to be requested during the Technical Survey Kindly provide hardcopy and soft copy of the following : 1. Business Requirement / Functional Specification (System Requirement Specification). This would typically include the detailed functionality of the application, its features, boundaries, nature and scope of interaction with other systems. Enclosed Not enclosed because ___________________ 2. Sample of source forms / Returns (preferably, a completed copy) used in capturing data. (All versions of the Forms / Returns reflecting the changes carried out in the last 5 years ) - Instructions for completing the Return / Form should also be included. Enclosed Not enclosed because ___________________ 3. Format of Input Data files (if any ) in the following format ; (The order of the fields listed in the table below should be same as appearing in the data file :) File Name Field Name Data Type and Size e.g Character (20) Business Definition 4. Format of output reports generated - The report name and its frequency to be mentioned. Please attach sample outputs for all the reports. Report Name Enclosed Frequency Input files, Reference files which contribute to the Report Not enclosed because ___________________ 5. Logical data model for the system Enclosed Not enclosed because ___________________ Page 8 of 10 Confidential RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire 6. Dump of Database structure and Intermediate files. Please provide primary and foreign key definitions for all the files/tables. (The order of the fields listed in the table below should be same as appearing in the data file :) File / Table Name Field Name File / Table Name Data Type and Size e.g Character (20) Primary/For eign Key Name Field Name Business Definition Data Type and Size e.g Character (20) 7. Layout of data outputs in soft copy presently generated (As listed in section 3.11). For each output please include details in following format: File1 File Name Field Name Data Type Business Definition and Size In bytes File Name Field Name Data Type Business Definition & Size File Name Field Name Data Type Business Definition & Size File2 File 3 Page 9 of 10 Confidential 8. RBI- CDBMS- Technical Survey Questionnaire Code tables, if data entered in codes. - Details for each of table / file in the format given for database/intermediate files - Is the code standard throughout the organization Enclosed Not enclosed because ___________________ File / Table Name Field Name Data Type and Size Business Definition 9. Validations on inputs and calculations for derived fields : Kindly list various validations performed on data input and calculations for arriving at the values of derived fields. Please note that the information is not going to be further cross validated and is to be relied on for implementing the CDBMS project. Signature : Name : Designation : Department : Date : Important : Kindly ensure that all items are filled and necessary enclosures are attached. For any clarifications/guidance, please feel to call Manoj Kulkarni or Anil Fernandes on telephone # 8391909 ext 5223 Page 10 of 10