Vol. 406: 1–17, 2010 doi: 10.3354/meps08588 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser FEATURE ARTICLE Published May 10 OPENPEN ACC E S SCCESS Modelling the effects of chromatic adaptation on phytoplankton community structure in the oligotrophic ocean A. E. Hickman1,2,* , S. Dutkiewicz2, R. G. Williams1, M. J. Follows2 2Department 1Department of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GP, UK of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 01239, USA © Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com*Email: ahickman@liv.ac.uk ABSTRACT: We explored the role of chromatic adaptation in shaping vertical phytoplankton community structures using a trait-based ecosystem model. The model included 1000 ‘phytoplankton types’ and was applied to the oligotrophic South Atlantic Gyre in a 1dimensional framework, where ‘phytoplankton types’ refers to the model phytoplankton that were stochastically assigned unique physiological characteristics. The model incorporates multi-spectral optics and light absorption properties for the different phytoplankton. The model successfully reproduced observed vertical gradients in the nitrate, bulk phytoplankton properties and community structure. Model phytoplankton types with Synechococcus-like spectral light absorption properties were outcompeted at depth, where eukaryote-like spectral properties were advantageous. In contrast, photoinhibition was important for vertical separation of high-light and low-light Prochlorococcus model analogues. In addition, temperature dependence was important for selection of phytoplankton types on the temperature gradient. The fittest, or successful, phytoplankton types were characterised by combinations of simultaneously optimal traits that suited them to a particular depth in the water column, reflecting the view that phytoplankton have co-evolved multiple traits that are advantageous in a particular environmental condition or niche. KEY WORDS: Phytoplankton · Chromatic adaptation · Photosynthesis · Niche · Modelling · Species · Selection · Pigments Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher The underwater light spectrum provides a complex environment for phytoplankton photosynthesis and growth. Image: Alex Mustard (amustard.com) INTRODUCTION Phytoplankton community composition varies widely over the global ocean resulting from differences in fitness and species selection in the physical, chemical and predatory environment. Relative fitness of phytoplankton is determined by a number of factors, including the growth dependence on nutrient availability, light and temperature, as well as susceptibility to predation, viral lysis and other causes of mortality. 2 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 In the open ocean, oligotrophic environment of the extensive subtropical gyres, there is distinct vertical structuring of the habitats of the pico-phytoplankton (Fig. 1): Synechococcus usually occupy surface waters, whilsteukaryotesandProchlorococcus occurthroughout the water column, normally with subsurface biomass maxima (Partensky et al. 1996, Zubkov et al. 2000). Vertical gradients among different Prochlorococcus ecotypes have also been observed in oligotrophic regions (Moore et al. 1998, Johnson et al. 2006). In these stratified water columns, the vertical gradients in phytoplankton community structure are coincident with gradients in temperature, nutrient and light availability. Our aim was to explore how these environmental factors act in forming the observed phytoplankton distributions. We examined the hypothesis that, through their pigment compositions, the spectral light absorption characteristics of different phytoplankton are important in determining species selection in the spectral light gradient (Bidigare et al. 1990a, Moore et al. 1998, Sathyendranath & Platt 2007, Hickman et al. 2009). 05 Syn 0 5 0401 0401 0 -100 -200 10 -300 0 10 OBSERVATIONAL CONTEXT 40°S 30°W 30°E 20°S 0 We focussed our study on the South Atlantic Gyre, which is 05 broadly representative of much of the oligotrophic ocean (Fig. 1). The physical environment is relatively stable and has relatively weak temporal variability. We used a trait-based modelling approach (Follows et al. 2007) that was modified to include multispectral optics and light absorption characteristics for different phytoplankton. In the model, traits were assigned stochastically for a large number of ‘phytoplankton types’, where each phytoplankton type has a unique combination of parameter values that govern its growth dependencies with respect to light, nutrients and temperature. In this framework, phytoplankton community structure is an emergent property resulting from the interaction, competition and selection of phytoplankton types in the virtual ocean environment. We explored the model outcomes and a series of model ‘thought experiments’ to investigate, in particular, the role of the spectral composition of in situ irradiance and phytoplankton light absorption, along with nutrient and temperature dependence on growth, in shaping the habitats of the fit and abundant phytoplankton types. 10 0 Nitrate (µM) 20°N Our study complements the work of Stomp et al. (2004, 2007), who illustrated the importance of spectral light absorption properties on the coexistence of 2 species of Synechococcus in laboratory cultures and an idealised model. Previous modelling studies have also explored the importance of differences in photophysiology for niche separation of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus (Rabouille et al. 2007), and have incorporated spectral light absorption properties in global phytoplankton functional type models (e.g. Gregg & Casey 2007). Here, we used an ecosystem model to explicitly explore the role of different traits, specifically the nutrient, temperature and spectral light dependencies, in the competition among and selection for different phytoplankton taxa, and thus in forming observed distributions. 0° ) of Synechococcus (Syn), Prochlorococcus (Pro) and picoeukaryotes (PEuk) along with corresponding temperature and nitrate profiles at (d) 3 locations in the South Atlantic Gyre. Data were obtained on (a) 14, (b) 15 and (c) 17 October 2004 (nitrate in Panel c from 15 October). Analytical flow cytometry measurements provided by J. Heywood and M. Zubkov PEuk 0 (c ) To the latter represent a mixed group (d) provid of small eukaryotes (<~2 µm). e a Abundances of these cells were context measured by analytical flow for the cytometry following methods of a b study,Heywood et al. (2006) and using c we the constant biomass conversion first factors of consid ered the phytop lankto n distrib utions observ ed in the South Atlanti c Gyre (Fig. 1). Data were collect ed on the Atlanti c Meridi onal Transe ct (AMT15 from the UK to Cape Town, South Africa, 17 Septe mber to 29 Novem ber 2004), includi ng inform ation on the vertica l distrib utions of Prochl oroco ccus, Synec hococ cus and picoeu karyot es, where 15 25 Temp (°C)15 25 15 25 Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities Zubkov et al. (1998). These small cells accounted for ~80% of the phytoplankton chlorophyll a (chl a), as measured by size fractionation. Synechococcus were restricted to the surface mixed layer (Fig. 1), whilst Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes together dominated the biomass throughout the water column. Both Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes exhibited subsurface biomass peaks. The vertical gradients in the phytoplankton community structure are broadly persistent over the South Atlantic Gyre (Fig. 1), and are in accord with previous observations in the region (Zubkov et al. 2000), and those in other oligotrophic regions (Partensky et al. 1996). Vertical gradients in different Prochlorococcus ecotypes have also been observed in the South Atlantic Gyre (Johnson et al. 2006). A variety of differences between Synechococcus, eukaryotes and Prochlorococcus ecotypes may contribute to their interactions and species selection, including their distinct pigment compositions. Specifically, and in addition to other pigments, Synechococcus contain phycobiliproteins that absorb light between 495 and 620 nm, whilst eukaryotes contain various photosynthetic carotenoids that absorb light of 490 to 510 nm (Bidigare et al. 1990b, Jeffrey et al. 1997; Fig. 2). Only a minority of eukaryotes also contain phycobiliproteins (Jeffrey et al. 1997). Similarly, Prochlorococcus has high-light and low-light ecotypes that differ in their pigment ratios (particularly divinyl chl b:divinyl chl a), leading to preferential absorption of light at different wavelengths (Moore et al. 1995; Fig. 2). 3 Vertical gradients in the phytoplankton community structure are reflected in pigment concentrations and lead to shifts in relative light absorption with depth (Babin et al. 1996, Barlow et al. 2002). For the South Atlantic Gyre, the ratio of phytoplankton light absorption at 490:550 nm increased from 0.62 at the surface to 0.73 at depth, reflecting a shift in phytoplankton light harvesting from the green to blue part of the light spectrum. Light absorption measurements during AMT-15 were made following Hickman et al. (2009) based on the methods of Bricaud & Stramski (1990). MODEL The multi-species model was based on that of Follows et al. (2007) and was applied in a 1-dimensional framework for a location in the South Atlantic Gyre (17.5° S, 24.5° W). The model was significantly modified so that light dependence of growth for the different phytoplankton types was determined from assigned light absorption spectra from culture data, and a parameterisation of photophysiology was introduced, based on Geider et al. (1997). In the following sections, we briefly describe relevant aspects of the model and the modifications. Physics and biogeochemistry. The foundation of the stochastic phytoplankton-modelling framework, and the parameterisations therein, were described by Follows et al. (2007) with modifications as in Dutkiewicz et al. Fig. 2. Chlorophyll (chl) a-normalised light absorption spectra for 4 different phytoplankton types. HL: high-light; LL: low-light. Measurements were made on cultured phytoplankton under similar growth irradiances. Solid lines show light absorbed only by photosynthetic pigments (achlps chl(λ)); dashed lines show the light absorbed by all pigments (a(λ)). Difference between the solid and dashed lines subsequently illustrates the amount and spectral distribution of light absorbed by the non-photosynthetic carotenoids. There was a negligible amount of such pigments in the eukaryotes. Culture data provided by L. Moore and D. Suggett – 5 2m– 1 s(2009). Here the model was configured to resolve only the vertical dimension, with a resolution of 10 m from the surface to a depth of 150 m, 20 m for the next 100 m, and gradually increasing thickness with depth thereafter. Mixed layer deepening and shoaling were achieved by a simple convective adjustment parameterisation driven by a relaxation of sea surface temperature towards the climatological seasonal cycle on a timescale of 3 d (World Ocean Atlas; Stephens et al. 2002). A background diapycnal diffusivity of 10was also imposed,in accord with observations from the subtropical thermocline (Ledwell et al. 1993). As in Dutkiewicz et al. (2009), the model includes the cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus (as well as iron and silicate) and a relatively simple parameterisation of the remineralisation of organic matter by heterotrophic microbes and assumes fixed Redfieldian elemental ratios in phytoplankton 4 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 (120:16:1 C:N:P). Given the focus of the current study, no large phytoplankton types were initialised, no types required silicate, and iron concentrations were maintained so that iron was never limiting. A climatological annual cycle of 24 h mean irradiance for the South Atlantic Gyre location, obtained from Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) data, was imposed at the surface. Initial nutrient fields were obtained from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (Conkright et al. 2002), and the delivery of nitrate and phosphate due to lateral advection and isopycnal transfer, important in oligotrophic gyres (Williams & Follows 1998, Dutkiewicz et al. 2005), was parameterised by additional sources throughout the upper 200 m. The imposed convergence of lateral fluxes (0.00125 µM P yr– 1 and 0.02 µM N yr– 1 ) were consistent with those inferred from climatological data (Williams & Follows 1998) and as diagnosed in a 3-dimensional model (Dutkiewicz et al. 2009). phytoplankton type at each of the 13 wavelengths, and chlj(zk– 3 ) is the chl a concentration (mg chl a m) for each phytoplankton type for the depth bin zk. The irradiance used for calculating phytoplankton growth was the mean irradiance within the depth bin: ( , ) e x p . l n ( , I z I z λ λ = [ ] Total PAR was obtained from the sum of irradiancek ) l n ( , ( I – 2 – 1 s(Suggett et a m(Suggett et al. 20 z λ + (3) k k between 400 and 700 nm, assuming a linear interpolation between the 13 wavelengths. Spectral irradiance. The ecosystem model here differed from the previously published configurations (Follows et al. 2007, Dutkiewicz et al. 2009) in terms of the treatment of light and photophysiology. Here we resolved the wavelength composition by considering irradiance at 13 wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm, more than the minimum of 6 recommended by Kettle & Merchant (2008). The (normalised) wavelength spectrum of incident irradiance was obtained from optics profile data collected in the South Atlantic Gyre region during AMT-15 (via extrapolation of the light intensity at available wavelengths to the surface), and was scaled by the incident PAR to spectrally resolve incident irradiance. The seasonal change in the incident light spectrum was not considered, but is minimal compared to the variation with depth. – 2 – 1 sPhytoplankto n light absorption. Phytoplankton light absorption spectra were obtained from cultures of 4 species grown at similar growth irradiances, which were considered to be representatives of high-light Prochlorococcus (HLPro), low-light Prochlorococcus (LLPro), Synechococcus (Syn) and eukaryotes (Euk). The cultures were: Prochlorococcus MED4 and SS120 grown at 70 µmol photons m– 2 – 1 s(Moore & Chisholm 1999), Synechococcus WH7803 grown at 50 µmol photons m –2 –1 Penetration of irradiance, I (µmol photons m I z , ) ( , )exp[ ( , )(λ λ s zzk / ) ] k I z k z z ( λ 1 2 1 2 1 2 d k k + + / (λ)) non wav 200 obta foll tech 200 k k / / - 1 2 ) for each of the 13 wavelengths, λ (nm), was obtained at each depth, z(m), (1)= - The light absorption by all pigments provided by the culture measurements (aj chl(λ)) was used in the calculation of light attenuation, whereas estimation of phytoplankton growth was where zk–1/2 and zk+1/2 r e f e r t o t h e d e p t h s o f t h e t o p a n d b o t t o m o f t h e d e p t h b i n r based on light absorption only by photosynthetically active pigments (aps,j was obtained by ad chl(λ)), thus ignoring absorption by non-photosynthetic carotenoids (Fig. 2). spectra (aj chl The light absorption spectrum for only the photosynthetic pigments (aps,j chl(λ)) e s p e c t i v e l y , a n d s u b s c r i p t k i s c t r a l l i g h t a t t e n u a t i o n , k ) , w a s a c o u n t e r f o r t h e d e p t h b i n . T h e s p e c a l c u l a t e d f r o m t h e a t t e n u a t i o n b y water, k(λ) (Pope & Fry 1997), colored organic matter (CDOM), k(λ) (from Kiti using coefficients from the South Atlant region) and phytoplankton, T h e t e d r e l a t i v e b y p i g m e n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n s f o r t h e r e c o n s t r u c t i o n s w e r e c a l c u l a s c a l i n g t h e w e i g h t s p e c i f i c a b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r a f o r t h e m a i n p i g m e n hl a, b and c and phycoerythrobilin-rich t relevant for the representative Synechoc Bidigare et al. 1990b) expected for each g type (according to Jeffrey et al. 1997) in r the lowest sum of residuals between the o pigment-reconstructed and measured ligh u spectra. For each of the 4 phytoplankton p average residuals across all wavelengths s m ( p h o t o s y n t h e t i c c a r o t e n o i d s , n o n p h o t o s y n t h e t i c c a r o t e n o i d s , c where the attenuation by phytoplankton was summed over all phytoplankton types, j. aj chl2mg– 1 chl a) for each(λ) is the chl anormalised light absorption (m Phytoplankton growth. The growth rate, Pj C(s– 1 ), of each phytoplankton type, j, was determined by the steady state solution of the light-growth dependency of Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities 5 Ekjis the light saturation parameter and represents the intercept of the maximum (PC m,j) and the linear initial slope [θjfma––––––– (λ)] of the carbon-specific photosynthe-chl ps,j sis versus irradiance curve, =m Cj ja,θ f λ ( ) Geider et al. (1997), which provided a variable chl a concentration, and was thus a modification of Follows et al. (2007). The light-growth dependency was based on an exponential form of the carbon-specific photosynthesis versus irradiance curve, modified to resolve the visible spectrum, (9) Ek P m p s c h l , j j , θ θj j= +Λm m1 2 Iθ Fo r ph yto pla nkt on typ es ass ign ed to be sus ce pti ble to ph oto inh ibi tio n, Pj Cw as red uc ed de pe ndi ng on the rati o of irr adi an (6) 1(10)j T ) ( ) T B= T T – ( ce, I (th e tot al bet we en 40 0 an d 70 0 nm ) to Ekj –2( µ mo l ph oto ns m– 1s = P j P P (4) where achl ps,j––––––– (λ) is the mean light absorption by photo- j I jm Cj Ce x p 1 Λ θ ⎡ ⎣⎛ ⎝⎜ ⎞⎢ ⎤m C⎠ ⎟⎦ ⎥ , j where Pj Cis the carbon specific growth rate, and PC m,j(s– 1 ) is the maximum (light saturated) photosynthetic rate, given by (5) where µjis the maximum possible growth rate (s– 1 ), and γj Nand γj T, reflect the degree of limitation by nutrients and temperature and have values between 0 and 1 (described below). The linear slope of the photosynthesis versus irradiance curve depends on the chl a to carbon ratio, θjPj j j j m C N T ,= µ γ γ (g:g), which varies with photoacclimation (Geider et al. 1997): Th e te mp era tur e-g ro wt h fun cti on wa s bas ed on an Ep ple y cur ve (E ppl ey 19 72) , synthetically active pigments across wavelengths of 400 to 700 nm. Photoinhibition only acts when irradiance is greater than Ekj. The degree of photoinhibition was set by a factor κ, here equal to 1.2; for simplicity, there is no spectral dependence included for photoinhibition. The light-growth response for different phytoplankton types was thus based on the assigned light absorption properties (achl ps,j), along with an associated susceptibility (or not) to photoinhibition. wit h eac h ph yto pla nkt on typ e ass ign ed an en vel op e wit hin wh ich it gro ws eff ici ent ly (F oll ow s et al. 20 07) : m C,j γt - j C A exp , t 0 P 12 ΛI jin Eqs. (4) and (6) is the instantaneous photosynthetic rate given the amount of light absorbed by the phytoplankton, whichλmis determined from the spectral irradiance and spectral light absorption coefficient for each phytoplankton type, = The coefficients defining the temperature envelope were th same for each phytoplankton type (A = 1.04, B = 0.001, C t1= 3 and t2= 0.3, all dimensionless, as in Dutkiewicz et al. 2009), except T p ∑ s f λ λ 400a ) ,j Λj = where fm– 1 is the maximum quantum yield of carbon fixation (mol carbon molphotons), and θis the maximum possible value I of the chl a to carbon ratio. Both parameters were assumed to be the same for all phytoplankton types (fmm– 1 = 0.04 mol carbon molphotons and θm= 1/60 g:g, typical values observed for phytoplankton; Kyewalyanga et al. 1998, Geider et al. 1997). Phytoplankton types were assumed to be fully acclimated to in situ irradiance, as in the steady state solution of Geider et al. (1997), which is reasonable given the daily mean irradiance used and the relatively stable nature of the oligotrophic environment. In addition, for the Prochlorococcus-like phytoplankton types, divinyl-chl a was assumed to be equivalent to chl a for all calculations. Th e mo del inc lud ed 2 gra λ=700chl I ( ) ( (7) was determined by the most limiting nutrient (Follow 2007), with the individual nutrient limitations based Michaelis-Menten function, Ni/(Ni+Kij), and modifie nitrogen to include inhibition of nitrate uptake by am (Dutkiewicz et al. 2009); subscript i indicates the nu (phosphate, nitrate), Nis the nutrient concentration (µ Kijiis the nutrient halfsaturation constant (µM). Nutri dependencies differed between phytoplankton types to the required sources of nitrogen and the halfsatura constant, Kij, hereafter referred to as Ksat, which were for N and P according to the fixed Redfield stoichiom zer s (as in Du tki ew icz et al. 20 09) , but sin ce the re we re no im po sed siz e dif fer en ces bet we en ph yto pla nkt on typ es in the cur ren t stu dy, gra zin g did not inf lue nc e the ph yto pla nkt on co m mu nit y str uct ure . P P E k j j j n h i i b C C λλ700400 ∑=Iκ ,==λ ( ) Trait choices. Trait choices for the model phytoplankton types ) according to (8) were assigned based on a series of coin flips and random selection of parameter values (Fig. 3). Phytoplankton types were assigned to 1 of 3 nutrient resource groups: a requirement for NH4only, NH4and Phytoplankton type 25 50 25 NH4, N O 4 N H NH4, N O 2, N O3 2 , NO 2 syn 3 sat in combination, or NH 4 opt syn, sat 6 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 eeuk, e a n d s a t and eeuk N O H L P r o use nitrate, while e 5050505050 50 LLPro LLPro SynEukHLProHLPro 0.015 0.015 Ksat 0.035 0 . Fig. 3. Framework of choices and parameter 0 ranges for growth characteristics during initialisation of the phytoplankton ty was first assigned nitrogen resources and then allocated 1 of the 4 spectral light absorption properties (high-light Prochlo 1 Prochlorococcus [LLPro], Synechococcus [Syn] or eukaryote [Euk], as in Fig. 2), depending on the requirement for n type was stochastically assigned a value for temperature optima Topt(°C) and half-saturation constant for nutrients, Ksat(µM 1 for Kdepend on the nitrogen resource). Values for Ksatare translated between phosphorus and nitrogen using (again ranges Numbers next 0 to tree branches indicate the probability (%) of each choice. Photoinhibition was imposed on all phytoplank assigned light absorption properties of LLPro T o p t K 3 0 ; Eq. 10) and half-saturation coefficient (Kin combination, broadly reflecting possible combinations for phytoplankton (Moore et al. NO2 2002). Within each nutrient resource group, phytoplankton types were assigned chl a-specific light absorption spectra according to Figs. 2 & 3. Superimposed onto this framework was a random selection for values for temperature optimum (T) from plausible ranges (Fig. 3). The probability of trait choices was chosen so that a roughly equal number of phytoplankton types were assigned with each of the 4 different sets of light absorption properties (Fig. 3). The phytoplankton types that did not require nitrate were assumed to be representative of Prochlorococcus and, thus, the lower Krange was a reasonable assumption given their small size (Chisholm 1992). Photoinhibition was imposed on phytoplankton types that were assigned LLPro absorption characteristics as suggested by culture studies (Moore et al. 1998, Six et al. 2007). Model application and assessment. The model was initialised with 1000 phytoplankton types, which ensured that the possible trait parameter space was sufficiently well sampled to eliminate any significant dependence of the solutions on the stochastic initialisation. The model was integrated for 20 yr, after which time the annual cycles of nutrient fields and phytoplankton community structure were repeatable and consistent. All phytoplankton types were retained through in each ensemble member was similar, and the ensemble mean out the was robust. The ensemble mean was obtained from the mean modelbiomass of phytoplankton types when grouped according to light runs, absorption properties and whether they use nitrate or not (Fig. 3). even The if notation eis used to refer to all phytoplankton types with Syn, their Euk, HLPro and LLPro absorption properties, respectively, such biomas that eand eLLProdo not. We first assessed the skill of the model by s wascomparvery ing the ensemble mean to observations collected during low. AMT-15. Then we assessed the traits important to forming the Twenty community structure. This assessment was done by considering differe model outcomes as well as using the model to conduct a series nt of ‘thought experiments’. Appendix 1 contains a suite of indepe thought experiments that sequentially illustrate the roles of the ndentlight, nutrient and temperature dependencies in turn on the integrat community structure. All model outcomes shown are for ions Month 10, in order to compare to AMT-15 data. (‘ense mble membe rs’) were conduc ted, each with a unique stochas tic initialis ation of phytopl ankton types. While each ensemb le membe r resulte d in a slightly differe nt emerge nt commu nity structur e (a selectio n is shown in Fig. 4), importa ntly, the broad charact er of the vertical biogeo graphy Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities 7 Fig. 4. Vertical profiles of carbon biomass for all 1000 phytoplankton types for 5 of the 20 ensemble members. Individual phytoplankton types are identified by colour according to their light absorption properties (Syn: Synechococcus; Euk: eukaryote; HLPro: high-light Prochlorococcus; LLPro: low-light Prochlorococcus). Multiple lines of the same colour therefore represent phytoplankton types with the same light absorption properties, but different values for the half-saturation constant (K) and the optimum temperature for growth (Topt)sat RESULTS Nitrate, biomass and chlorophyll We first compared the detailed hydrographic and biological gradients measured at one of the stations in the South Atlantic Gyre during AMT-15 (corresponding to Fig. 1c) to the mean ensemble outcome (Fig. 5). The model represented a shallower mixed layer than indicated in the (pre-dawn) observations (Fig. 5a,b), due to the monthly mean model output. Simulated nutrient, biomass and chl a profiles were consistent with the observations (Fig. 5a,b). The model successfully reproduced a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) coincident with the depth of the nitracline. The modelled absolute chl a concentrations were lower than observed, but the total carbon biomass for the phytoplankton was about the same as in the data at the surface as well as at the DCM, perhaps reflecting the assumption of instantaneous acclimation of chlorophyll to carbon ratios. Phytoplankton community structure The model qualitatively captured the observed gradients in community composition. The coexistence of phytoplankton types that use nitrate (assumed to represent eukaryotes and Synechococcus) and those that do not (assumed to represent Prochlorococcus) was reproduced in the model. Within the subset of nitrateusing phytoplankton types, the biomass maximum for those with Syn absorption spectra, esyn, was shallower in the water column than those with Euk absorption spectra, eeuk, consistent with the distributions of Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes in the data (Fig. 5c,d). Similarly, for the non-nitrate using types, the biomass maxima for those with HLPro absorption spectra, e, was shallower than for those with LLPro absorption spectra, eLLPHLP. While the vertical structuring of niches seemed reasonable, the relative biomass of the different phytoplankton types differed, sometimes significantly, from that in the observations. For instance, the biomass of esynwas overestimated and ewas underestimated at the surface (such that the biomass for esynwas greater than eeukeuk), although at the DCM the biomass for each type was reasonable. Conversely, the combined biomass of eLLPand eHLPin the model was similar to the biomass of Prochlorococcus at the surface, but overestimated at the DCM. However, the important features reproduced by the model are: the surface bias of phytoplankton types with Syn absorption spectra, and their absence at depth; the ubiquity of phytoplankton types with Euk absorption spectra, and their biomass maximum at depth; the vertical separation of phytoplankton types with HLPro and LLPro absorption spectra; and the coexistence of the nitrate and non-nitrate using phytoplankton types. A traditional, after the fact ‘tuning’ of model parameters could in theory improve the quantitative comparisons, but this is not the philosophy of this self-assembling community approach. We therefore proceed by considering these qualitatively realistic and robust features of the vertical distributions. 8 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 Chl a (mg m–3) Nitrate (µM) 0 0.2 0 0.1 0 0.2 Syn 0 2 Syn 00 3 PEuk 0 10 0 (a) (c) 0 10 0 3 Euk (d) (b) 100 100 200 200 Temp (°C) 10 25 300 0 20 PEuk 0 2 Pro 30015 25 0 0.02 Euk (e) Fig. 5. (a,c,e) Data from the South Atlantic Gyre compared to (b,d,f) the mean of all model ensembles. Data are vertical profiles of (a) temperature, chl a and nitrate, (c) carbon biomass (mg C m– 3 ) of Synechococcus (Syn), Prochlorococcus (Pro), and picoeukaryotes (PEuk) estimated by analytical flow cytometry and (e) the ratio of red (chl a) fluorescence to particle side scatter (which correlates to particle size) as measured by flow cytometry (arbitrary units); this ratio is an indicator of the chl ato carbon ratio for Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes. Model outcomes are for the ensemble mean (solid lines) ± SD (dashed lines), where phytoplankton types were grouped according to their light absorption properties. Outcomes are (b) temperature, chl a and nitrate, (d) carbon biomass (mg C m) for phytoplankton types with Syn, Euk, HLPro and LLPro –3 (f) 0 0 5 Pro 100 200 0 0.02 HLPro 300 0 L L L P r o 0 50 Syn Ratio chl a :C Depth (m) Depth (m) Photophysiology of phytoplankton types The ratio of phytoplankton chl a to carbon increased with depth in the model as a result of photoacclimation (Geider et al. 1997), as observed in the data (Fig. 5e,f). The available light spectrum became depleted in irradiance at 550 nm relative to 490 nm with depth, as observed in the data (Fig. 6a,d). Light was attenuated principally by water and, to a lesser extent by CDOM, which attenuate at the red and blue end of the light spectrum, respectively (Kirk 1994, Pope & Fry 1997, Kitidis et al. 2006). Attenuation by phytoplankton also modified the available light spectrum, but was a rela- M. Zubkov tively minor component of the light attenuation in this oligotrophic ocean. The normalised light absorption spectra for the entire phytoplankton community at 2 depths in the model compared well to observations made during AMT-15 (Fig. 6b,e). Most importantly, the change in bulk community phytoplankton absorption spectra with depth was associated with changes in the wavelengths of available light through the water column. The shift in relative light absorption, notably from ~510–575 to 450–500 nm, between the surface and deep phytoplankton populations reflects utilisation of the available light field and results from contrasts in Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities 9 0–3.5400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 1.5 x 10–3 (f) 0 0.01 (e) 0 10 E (550):E (490) 0.01 Surface DCM 3.5 x 10–3 0 (c) (b) (a) 300 400 500 600 700 –1.5 0 400 500 600 700 00 1 (d) 300 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 6. (a,b,c) Data compared to (d,e,f) model outcomes. (a,d) ratio of irradiance E at 550 to 490 nm through the water column; (b,e) light absorption by the entire phytoplankton community near the surface (data = 20 m, model = 25 m) and the depth of the deep chl a maximum (DCM; data = 170 m, model = 177.5 m) normalised by the area of the spectra in each case; (c,f) difference in the (normalised) phytoplankton light absorption spectra at the DCM compared to at the surface. Positive values in (d) and (f) indicate an increase in relative light absorption at the DCM compared to the surface, whereas negative values indicate a decrease; the area under the curve is equal to 0 such that the y-axis is a relative scale. Data collected during AMT-15 on 17 October 2004, corresponding to Figs. 1c & 5 (optics data provided by G. Moore and L. Hay). Model outcomes are for the ensemble mean (solid lines) ±SD (dashed lines) community structure (Fig. 6c,f). This response in the model was not pre-assigned, but depends on the emergent phytoplankton community and their combined light absorption characteristics. Shifts in the wavelengths of phytoplankton light absorption in response to the available irradiance are indicative of chromatic adaptation and selection for phytoplankton in the spectral light gradient (Bidigare et al. 1990a, Lutz et al. 2003, Hickman et al. 2009). Variance between ensemble members in the difference in relative light absorption between the surface and deep populations at 525 to 575 nm in the model (Fig. 6f) reflects whether types with Euk or Syn spectra dominated towards the surface (Fig. 4), although on average, the presence of types with Syn spectra towards the surface led to a decrease in relative light absorption at 550 nm with depth in the ensemble mean (Fig. 6f). Other contrasts in the deep and shallow spec- Fig. 7. Vertical profiles of carbon biomass for the ensemble mean (solid lines) ±SD (dashed lines) where phytoplankton types are grouped based on their light absorption properties. (a) Outcome from the full model as in Fig. 5; (b) as in (a), but where all phytoplankton types were assigned the same spectral light absorption properties (specifically, all types were assigned light absorption spectra obtained from the mean, at each wavelength, of the HLPro, LLPro, Euk and Syn spectra shown in Fig. 2. Mean spectra were obtained for both the light absorption by all pigments, and the light absorption by photosynthetic pigments). Subsequently, as indicated by DCM - Surface (relative scale) Light absorption (relative scale) Depth (m) quotation marks, coloured lines in (b) represent the absorption spectra that would have been assigned for each phytoplankton type in the full model run, and thus direct comparison of (a) and (b) illustrates the role of the different light absorption spectra in forming the vertical distributions 10 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 tra between the data and the model, notably at 525 and 675 nm (Fig. 6b,c,e,f), likely resulted from our simplified community composition, although it is unlikely that phytoplankton absorption at the red part of the light spectrum plays a strong role in chromatic adaptation due to the absence of red light in most of the water column. Given the broad agreement between the modelled and observed phytoplankton distributions and photophysiology, what insights can the model provide into the key factors driving the community structure? In particular, is spectral irradiance, and hence chromatic adaptation, important for the selection of phytoplankton types in the model? Drivers of phytoplankton selection To assess the importance of different traits in forming the community structures, we considered the consistencies and differences between outcomes of the ensemble members (Fig. 4), as well as the ensemble mean (Fig. 7a). A suite of thought experiments was conducted to illustrate the effect of each of the temperature, nutrient and spectral light dependencies on the distribution of phytoplankton types in turn. This suite of experiments is described fully in Appendix 1. In addition, to focus on the role of the spectral light absorption properties, we considered an additional idealised experiment whereby the same 20 ensemble members as in the full model were re-run, this time with all phytoplankton types assigned identical light absorption spectra (Fig. 7a,b). The absorption spectrum assigned to all phytoplankton types in this idealised experiment was the mean of the representative spectra in Fig. 2 (at each wavelength, and for spectra for both all-pigments and only photosynthetic pigments). We start by considering the role of the spectral light dependence in determining the distribution of phytoplankton types that utilise nitrate and those that do not, and then explored the vertical gradients in community structure within these 2 broad groups. assigned identical light absorption spectra (Fig. 7b), the nitrateand non-nitrate-using types coexisted throughout most of the water column at a ratio consistent with that shown for the full model (Fig. 7a). However, at the DCM in the full model (Fig. 7a), the biomass for the phytoplankton types that used nitrate (eeuk) was less than for types that did not (e), whilst in the idealised experiment, the relative biomasses of these 2 groups were similar (Fig. 7b). Thus, the spectral absorption properties of LLPro appear to be advantageous at depth, compared to the absorption properties of Euk. It follows that the nutrient dependence was the dominant factor determining the coexistence between the nitrateand non-nitrate-using phytoplankton types, but light absorption properties also contributed to the dominance of the eLLPLLPat the DCM. Specifically, the lower possible Ksatvalue assigned to the phytoplankton types that do not use nitrate (trading off the cost of reducing nitrate against general nutrient affinity) was the first-order factor determining the coexistence, whilst LLPro absorption properties provided a second-order advantage in the deeper, bluer, part of the water column. Role of light absorption properties for phytoplankton that do not use nitrate The non-nitrate-using phytoplankton types differed according to their light absorption properties (and photoinhibition) as well as their ability to utilise NO, or to use NHalong with NH442only (Fig. 3). Sensitivity tests showed that without photoinhibition, phytoplankton types with LLPro absorption spectra out-competed those with HLPro spectra at all depths. Thus, spectral light absorption properties alone were not sufficient to separate eLLPand eHLPin the light gradient. Including photoinhibition for all phytoplankton types with LLPro absorption properties, representing a trade-off for their efficient light harvesting, obtained realistic vertical distributions of eLLPand eHLP(Fig. 5d). When implemented in the model, photoinhibition had a dominant affect on the vertical gradients of the phytoplankton types that did not use nitrate, causing dominance of eHLPand exclusion of etowards the surface (Figs. 4 & 5e). At depth, the competitive exclusion of eHLPby eLLPLLP Light absorption properties and utilisation of nitrate Nitrate-using (esyn and eeuk H and eLLP L near the surface and eLLPHLPat depth occurred in all ensemble members of the full model, such that these features of the P community structure were robust even given any combination of initialised Toptand Ksatvalues (Figs. 4 & 5e). ) and non-nitrate-using (e) phytoplankton types coexisted occurred due to the advantageous light absorption properties of throughout the water column in all ensemble members of the LLPro (Figs. 4 & 5e), as confirmed by comparison to the full model (Figs. 4 & 5d). The relative biomasses of these 2 idealised experiment where there was no competition for groups were consistent throughout much of the water column, spectral irradiance (Fig. 7a,b). The dominance of e although the ratio of non-nitrate- to nitrate-using types increased at the DCM. In the idealised experiment, where phytoplankton types were Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities and Ksat opt Laboratory and field observations suggest that photoinhibition is important for the general absence of some low-light Prochlorococcus ecotypes in surface waters (Moore & Chisholm 1999, Zinser et al. 2007), although there are likely to be other or additional trade-offs important to the niche separation of these organisms (Zinser et al. 2007). Culture studies have shown that a low-light Prochlorococcus ecotype (SS120) is more susceptible to photoinhibition than a high-light strain due to a relatively slow repair rate of photodamaged photosystem-II’s (Six et al. 2007). All Prochlorococcus ecotypes may be more susceptible to photoinhibition than other phytoplankton due to the presence of divinyl chlorophylls, which are considered to be more expensive to repair than the monovinyl chlorophyll forms (Tomo et al. 2009). The low-light Prochlorococcus, with a high divinyl chl b: divinyl chl a ratio, are adapted to highly efficient utilisation of blue light at depth, while the relatively less efficient light absorption properties of high-light Prochlorococcus, with a low divinyl chl b:divinyl chl a ratio, presumably reflects a balance between light absorption for photosynthesis and minimising the risk of photodamage. opt and K syn syn euk sat euk sat and eeuk tween esyn In the model, the utilisation of different nitrogen sources was also important for the vertical distributions of phytoplankton types that did not use nitrate, representing Prochlorococcus. At the DCM, and thus at the nutricline, eLLPthat used NO2as well as NHhad a competitive advantage compared to those that only used NH44. In contrast, near the surface where NO2 concentrations were low, eHLP 2 11 was due to the stochastic assignment of Topt for the phytoplankton types within each group, and this difference was not significant. It was therefore the light absorption properties that had resulted in the vertical gradients of these phytoplankton types in the full model (Figs. 5d & 7a). The phytoplankton types with Syn absorption spectra (e) were not successful at the depth of the DCM in any ensemble member due to their competitive exclusion by those with Euk absorption spectra (e; Fig. 4), something that could not be overcome by any co-assigned combination of Tand Kvalues within the given ranges (Figs. 4 & 5e). Towards the surface, however, the competition bewas more complicated. Whether a phytoplankton type with Syn or Euk absorption properties dominated near the surface varied between ensemble members (Fig. 4), and thus depended on the values of Tfor the corresponding phytoplankton types. Overall, however, types with Syn absorption properties had a competitive advantage over those with Euk spectra as evidenced by their higher biomass in the ensemble mean (Fig. 5). At 25 m in the ensemble mean, the biomass of ewas significantly greater than the biomass of eat the 95% confidence level (according to a t-test). that utilised NO2 4 2 4 The light absorption properties affect the growth rate according to Eq. (7). The value of the summed component, and therefore ΛI j, increases when the light absorption spectrum is similar to the wavelength composition of available light (Sathyendranath & Platt 2007). For the light field of the ensemble mean state, the value of ΛI j– 1 was 20% higher for phytoplankton types with Syn compared to Euk absorption spectra at 25 m, but the growth rate (s) was only 1% greater (given the nutrient fields from the ensemble mean and assuming that all other characteristics were equal: Topt= 22°C and Ksat= 0.01). This small difference in growth rate is partly due to compensation by photoacclimation, which results in a different chl a to carbon ratio between the phytoplankton types (0.025 and 0.030 g:g for the type with Syn and Euk absorption spectra, respectively). In contrast, the value of ΛI jand the growth rate were both 5% higher for the phyto- as well as NHas well as NHdid not have a significant advantage. This preference for reduced nitrogen source is consistent with culture studies showing that low-light Prochlorococcus ecotypes assimilate NO, whilst cultured high-light ecotypes have lost the ability to use NO(Moore et al. 2002, Rocap et al. 2003). The model therefore supports the view that this trait is also important for niche partitioning of different Prochlorococcus ecotypes on vertical nutrient gradients (Moore et al. 2002, Bragg et al. 2010). Role of light absorption properties for phytoplankton that use nitrate The group of phytoplankton types that use nitrate consisted of phytoplankton with Syn and Euk spectral absorption properties. In the idealised experiment without competition for spectral irradiance (Fig. 7b), the biomass of the phytoplankton types that had, in the full model, been assigned Syn and Euk absorption properties (the red and green lines in Fig. 7b) followed the same vertical gradient; their slight difference in absolute biomass In an additional idealised experiment where all of their other traits were equal, phytoplankton types with absorption spectra of Syn and Euk coexisted towards the surface (see Appendix 1: Test 1, Fig. A1b for the full description of this experiment). This coexistence occurs due to their utilisation of different components of the light spectrum (Stomp et al. 2004, 2007), resulting in similar light-dependent growth rates. In the full model, the spectral absorption properties of these phytoplankton types thus play a less dominant role, allowing other traits to ‘tip-the-balance’ and be more significant in forming the resulting distributions. 12 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 sat ties could survive at depth, were it not for their competitive exclusion by eeuk. The slight advantage of phytoplankton typ with Syn compared to Euk absorption properties towards the surf implies some light limitation of growth. The precise ratio of biomass of these types (such as in Appendix 1: Test 1, Fig. is likely to result from a subtle interplay between light absor and mixing (Stomp et al. 2007). plankton types with Euk compared to Syn absorption spectra at 170 m, where the ratio of chl a to carbon was near maximal. Thus, the light absorption properties had a greater influence on growth rate at depth, and led to competitive exclusion of esynby ein the full model, even for any combination of Topteukand Kvalues within the prescribed ranges (Figs. 3 & 4). The importance of the light absorption properties at depth reflects the fact that ΛI jsatdetermines the light-limited slope of the photosynthesis versus irradiance curve and hence light-limited growth rate (Eqs. 4 and 6). The absence of phytoplankton types with Syn absorption spectra at depth in the model is consistent with Synechococcus being light-limited due to their spectral light requirements (Wood 1985). Our model indicated that phytoplankton types with Syn absorption proper- sat For the example ensemble member in Fig. 4a, the assigne values of Ksatand Twere compared for the successful versus unsuccessful phytoplankton types (Fig. 8a,b). With 1000 phytoplankton types initialised, the assigned values of Toptop K– 5 clearly covered parameter space, although only a minor persisted with a biomass greater than 10µM P. For the nutri sensitivity, phytoplankton types with out-competed those with higher K values (Fig. 8a,b), but this selection did not lead to vertical gradients in community structure (see Appendix 1: Test 2 for further evidence of this point). This successful competition can be explained by the openended Michaelis-Menten function for the nutrientgrowth response, whereby, for any given nutrient concentration, a phytoplankton type with lower Kvalue yields a higher γN jand therefore PC m,jsat, than one with a higher Ksatvalue. In this configuration, when Kwas assigned randomly for the given ranges, there was no trade-off for a lower Ksatsat. This is a simplification of the complex traits and trade-offs that govern nutrient uptake, for example, causing the maximum uptake rate to co-vary with K(Litchman et al. 2007). The selection for Ksatsatmay be less important in nutrient replete regimes (Dutkiewicz et al. 2009). Role of Topt and K low values of K sat sat (HLPro) absorption spectra (black) and low-light Prochlorococcus (LLPro) absorption spectra (blue), and (b) phytoplankton types with Synechococcus (Syn) absorption spectra (green) and eukaryote (Euk) absorption spectra (red). Values of Topt– 5 against the temperature at the depth of the biomass maxima (at Month 10) for successful phytoplankton types with (c) HLPro absorption spectra (black) and LLPro absorption spectra (blue), and (d) Syn absorption spectra (green) and Euk absorption spectra (red). In (c) and (d), only the successful phytoplankton types are included; the 1:1 line is also shown. Successful phytoplankton types are those with biomass above 10µM P at Month 10, and subsequently those types visible in Fig. 4a Fig. 8. Initialised parameter values for the example ensemble member shown in Fig. 4a. Values of the optimum temperature for growth, T(°C), against the nutrient half-saturation constant, Ksatopt(µM P), for all initialised phytoplankton types (dots) and successful phytoplankton types (diamonds), for (a) phytoplankton types with high-light Prochlorococcus For the temperature sensitivity, phytoplankton types had a competitive advantage at the depth where the in situ temperature was similar to their assigned value of Topt(Fig. 8c,d). Since the temperature-growth function has upper and lower limits (Eq. 10), it follows that a phytoplankton type has a competitive advantage within a narrow range of in situ temperatures. In contrast to Ksat, temperature dependence was therefore important for vertical gradients in community structure, and selection based on temperature did not reduce the number of viable phytoplankton types (see Appendix 1: Test 3 for further evidence). Again, there was no associated trade-off for the temperature dependence in the model. The stochastic framework employed in the model (Fig. 3) results in both Ksatand Toptvalues for each successful phytoplankton type effectively being ‘opti- Hickman et al.: Modelling phytoplankton communities mised’ for the environmental conditions. The optimisation of traits is in accord with the concept of evolutionary selection that leads to phytoplankton having multiple characteristics that suit them to a given environment. For example, high-light and low-light Prochlorococcus ecotypes have corresponding high and low Topt, respectively (Zinser et al. 2007). The cooptimal adaptation of multiple traits between Prochlorococcus ecotypes also extends to their differential nitrogen sources (Moore et al. 2002) and underpins their biogeography (Johnson et al. 2006, Zinser et al. 2007). However, the combination of temperature and light dependence clearly involves a complicated interplay between traits and trade-offs (Zinser et al. 2007). The simplified mixing regime in the model may have led to an overemphasised temperature gradient (Fig. 5a,b), and subsequently temperature-driven gradients in community structure above the DCM (Appendix 1: Fig. A1d). However, the selection for temperature occurs within, rather than between, spectral classes such that it does not influence our assessment of the importance of chromatic adaptation. DISCUSSION A stochastic, ‘self-organising’ model of marine phytoplankton was employed to investigate the role of chromatic adaptation in determining the vertical organisation of the phytoplankton communities in the oligotrophic oceans. We have implemented parameterisations of photoacclimation along with wavelengthdependent light absorption and radiative transfer in the model. One thousand phytoplankton types were each initialised with a unique set of physiological characteristics, including spectral light absorption properties, and the phytoplankton community was allowed to self-assemble through in silico ‘survival of the fittest’. The model was applied for a vertical profile in the South Atlantic Gyre, representative of the oligotrophic environment covering much of the ocean’s midlatitudes. The emergent profiles of phytoplankton biomass, chl a and vertical gradients in community structure of the phytoplankton were qualitatively consistent with observations from the Atlantic Meridional Transect, albeit with some contrasts in absolute values. Following a number of model thought experiments, the skill of the model in reproducing the community structure was strongly dependent on chromatic adaptation; the model’s self-assembled phytoplankton community reflects a selective pressure from the photophysiology and pigments. Our demonstration of the importance of chromatic adaptation in an oceanic simulation is consistent with observational (e.g. Bidigare et al. 1990a, Ting et al. 2002, Lutz et al. 2003) and idealised model 13 studies (Stomp et al. 2004, Sathyendranath & Platt 2007). In the model, organisation of the phytoplankton community was strongly affected by the inorganic nitrogen source, which segregated the water column into 2 broad groups: phytoplankton types that used nitrate (Synechococcus and eukaryotes) and those that did not (Prochlorococcus, or a subset thereof). The competition for spectral irradiance had a secondary influence on the coexistence between these 2 groups, most notably that phytoplankton types with absorption properties of the low-light Prochlorococcus had an advantage over those with absorption properties of the picoeukaryote at the DCM. Whether Prochlorococcus or eukaryotes dominate at the base of the euphotic zone thus depends on the co-availability of light and nutrients. Within the 2 broad groups controlled by the inorganic nitrogen source, pigments and photophysiology played a dominant role in structuring the community. Their spectral light requirements restricted Synechococcus to a surface water habitat due to competitive exclusion by eukaryotes at depth. In the surface, however, these 2 phytoplankters could coexist depending on their other traits. The spectral light requirements of the highand low-light Prochlorococcus types did not lead to a vertical separation. Instead, realistic habitat organisation was only achieved when photoinhibition was imposed as a trade-off to the highly efficient light absorption of the low-light types. This role of photoinhibition for the absence of low-light Prochlorococcus ecotypes near the surface is consistent with culture and field studies (Moore & Chisholm 1999, Six et al. 2007, Zinser et al. 2007). Multiple traits, here specifically the growth rate dependencies on light, nutrients and temperature, were co-optimal for the depths where phytoplankton types occurred in the water column. Thus, while optical properties play a role in the structuring of habitat, they represent just one of several factors that have coevolved to be optimal in a particular environment and together shape the niches of different phytoplankton. The model study made a number of simplifying assumptions in order to focus on the role of chromatic adaptation. Prochlorococcus ecotypes that could utilise nitrate (Casey et al. 2007), other size classes, or additional traits such as grazing defence, mixotrophy or mobility that potentially influence niche partitioning in the real ocean, were not explicitly included in the model. There were also simplifying assumptions about the chemical environment (such as a fixed uptake ratio for nutrients and no iron dependence) and the parameterisations for growth dependencies (such as the Eppley curve for temperature and Michaelis-Menten form for nutrient-dependent growth; Follows et al. 2007, Dutkiewicz et al. 2009). Although these simplifications may have influenced the resulting absolute 14 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 406: 1–17, 2010 biomass values, they would not qualitatively alter the effect of spectral irradiance on species selection. For this initial study, 4 phytoplankton types were chosen that had distinctly different light absorption spectra. The effects of photoacclimation and pigment packaging on the absorption spectra were not described, but were implicit in the culture measurements (Fig. 2). We subsequently assume that the 4 chosen types have absorption properties similar to the species within the groups they represent (i.e. Synechococcus, high-light and low-light Prochlorococcus and eukaryotes), and that spectral effects of acclimation are negligible compared to the difference in absorption properties between the groups. This assumption is reasonable, noting particularly that the picoeukaryote population in the oligotrophic regions also consists of flagellates that are of similar size and contain pigments that absorb light at similar wavelengths to our representative eukaryote, and that Synechococcus ecotypes with larger amounts of other phycobilins than are contained in our phycoerythrobilin-rich representative also occur in the oligotrophic ocean (Scanlan et al. 2009). While our simplified choices for the representative absorption spectra could have contributed to the mismatch in absolute biomass of the different types (Fig. 5c,d), as well as the community light absorption properties (Fig. 6b,c,e,f), between the model and the data, the model successfully reproduced the observed vertical gradients in community structure and revealed a clear role of chromatic adaptation that is consistent with observations. The importance of other phycobilins (phycourobilin and phycocyanobilin) within Synechococcus, or the range of pigment types within different eukaryotes could be explored in future studies. Our results reveal co-optimality of multiple traits for a given niche, consistent with the evolutionary view. A key next step is exploring the interdependencies of traits and their physiological trade-offs (e.g. Litchman et al. 2007). For example, there is an interesting trade-off between light and nitrogen requirement in Synechococcus. Phycobilisomes are particularly rich in nitrogen (Raven 1984), creating a high nitrogen demand for the cells and, presumably, a preference for a nitrogen (and therefore nitrate)-rich environment. At the same time, the spectral dependence of absorption by these phycobilisomes favours a surface water habitat. The tension between these selective pressures may be important for the distribution of Synechococcus in the very oligotrophic central gyres, where they occur in near surface waters but do not dominate the phytoplankton biomass (Zubkov et al. 1998, 2000, Heywood et al. 2006). A complex ecosystem model, such as that used here, could provide a useful framework for future targeted studies into the interdependences of traits and trade-offs, and their role for community ecology. In summary, we have demonstrated the importance of chromatic adaptation for shaping phytoplankton communities in the South Atlantic Gyre. The phytoplankton growth dependencies on light, nutrients and temperature were co-optimal, supporting the view that multiple traits have co-evolved to define an organism’s niche. Although we have focussed on an oligotrophic environment, the processes and interactions explored here underpin phytoplankton selection and thus have a wider relevance to the global ocean. Acknowledgements. We thank D. Suggett and L. Moore for providing culture data; J. Heywood and M. Zubkov for analytical flow cytometry measurements; L. Hay and G. Moore for spectral optical profiler data; the wider Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) community for providing ancillary data; and the officers and crew of RRS ‘Discovery’ during AMT-15. We also thank W. Gregg for valuable discussion on the optical framework and 5 anonymous referees for their insightful comments. This work was jointly funded through the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (grant NE/ F002408/1), NASA (grant NNX09AE44G) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The study was also supported by NERC through the AMT consortium (NER/O/S/2001/ 00680) and is contribution number 186 of the AMT programme. Participation of A.E.H. in AMT-15 was funded by a NERC PhD studentship. 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(a) Vertical profiles of carbon biomass for all phytoplankton ty t thought according to their light absorption properties. (b to e) Results of re-run with chosen characteristics assigned to be the same for oall phytop n (that, enlarged region 0 to 175 m for a subset of 20 phytoplankton types vertical gradients caused by different optimum temperature (T) values. all phytoplankton types, the light absorption spectrum was thet mean (at y (Syn) low-light Prochlorococcus (LLPro), Euk and Synechococcus p absorption by all pigments, and the light absorption by photosynthetic p e been lines in (c) to (e) represent the absorption spectra that would have s thus allow direct comparison with (a). Ksat: half-saturation constant; Dif , model run); Abs.: absorption spectra r e a l i s t i c a b s o r p t i o n s p e c t r a a s s i g n e d ( F i g . Since there was no stochastic assignment for T In the first experiment, T and K and K Hickm an et al.: Model ling phyto plankt on comm unities 17 Ap pen dix 1 (co nti nue d) ferences in light absorption properties. This result shows that the light absorption properties allow coexistence of esyn and eeuktowards the surface, resulting from their utilisation of different components of the light spectrum (Stomp et al. 2004, 2007). Further, it reveals an advantage for Syn compared to Euk spectra towards the surface, given the higher biomass for esyn(Fig. A1b). The dominant effects of spectral absorption properties and photoinhibition discussed in the main text also describe the vertical separation of phytoplankton types with HLPro and LLPro absorption properties in this experiment. This experiment revealed similar vertical gradients in community composition as observed for the ensemble mean of the full model (Fig. 5d). Test 2. Same Topt and absorption spectra for all types, Ksat In a final thoug ht experi ment, all phyto plankt on types had the same (mean ) light absorp tion spectr a, whilst Topt and Ksatwe re assign ed stocha sticall y. This experi and corresponding competition on the temperate gradient (Fig. 8c,d), caused fine-scale vertical gradients in the community structure through the water column (inset in Fig. A1d). This selection on the temperature gradient was responsible for the success of numerous different phytoplankton types within the light resource groupings, for example, the multiple phytoplankton types with LLPro absorption spectra (i.e. blue lines) in the full ensemble member (Fig. A1a). Selection due to the temperature dependence did not reduce the number of successful phytoplankton types. The vertical gradients in community structure observed in the full model outcome were thus dependent on the temperature dependence; phytoplankton types that were successful towards the surface had high values of T, whilst those successful at depth had lower values of Topt.opt ment thus repres ents an ensem ble memb er that contri buted to the mean shown in Fig. 7b. Altho ugh not identic al, there were simila rities betwe en this experi ment (Fig. A1e) and the ensem ble outco me from the full model (Fig. A1a). For examp le, in the ensem ble from the full model (Fig. A1a), a phyto plankt on type with Syn absorp tion spectr a domin ated at the surfac e, whilst in the experi ment (Fig. A1e), this also occurr ed, albeit by chanc e due to the assign ed Toptan d Ksat val ues , rat her tha n spe ctra l lig ht abs orp tio n pro per ties . Si mil arl y, Ksat and Topt wer e opt ima l for gro wth at the DC M for the phy top lan kto n typ e als o assi gne d Eu k abs orp tio n spe ctra in the exa mp le ens em ble (Fi g. A1 a,e) . It foll ow s that in the full exa mp le ens em ble me mb er (Fi g. A1 a), the suc ces sful phy top lan kto n typ es wit h Eu k and Sy n lig ht abs orp tio n pro per ties had dep end enc ies on tem per atu re, nut rie nts and lig ht that wer e coopt ima l. Suc ces sful phy top lan kto n typ es in the full mo del the ref ore als o, on ave rag e, had a coo pti mal co mb inat ion of trai ts. Test 4. Same absorption spectra for all types, Topt assigned stochastically (Fig. A1e) assigned stochastically (Fig. A1c) In the second thought experiment, all phytoplankton types were provided with the same (mean) light absorption spectra and a constant value for Topt(Topt= 22°C), while Ksatwas assigned stochastically. The line colours in Fig. A1c represent the absorption spectrum and were assigned for directly corresponding phytoplankton types in the full model, even though the light absorption properties are now the same for all types. This enables a comparison to the distributions inthe full model outcome (Fig. A1c). Accepting that photoinhibition and the nitrogen resource requirements caused some vertical structure within the non-nitrate-using phytoplankton types, there were no apparent vertical shifts in community structure caused by the contrasting values of K. The selection for low Ksatsatvalues (Fig. 8a,b) strongly influenced which phytoplankton types were successful and significantly reduced the number of viable types. However, the successful types were consistently dominant at all depths. Thus, in the full model, the selection for Kvalues reduced the number of potentially successful phytoplankton types (and all successful types had low Ksatsatvalues) but did not significantly influence the vertical gradients in community structure. Test 3. Same Ksat and absorption spectra for all types, Topt assigned stochastically (Fig. A1d) In the third thought experiment, all phytoplankton types had the same (mean) light absorption spectra and the same Ksatvalue (Ksat= 0.015 µM P for all phytoplankton types that used nitrate and 0.01 µM P for those that did not), while Topt was assigned stochastically. Variations in the value of Topt, responsibility: Graham Savidge, Portaferry, UK Editorial and Ksat opt act on phytoplankton selection. Crucially, the model preferentially In summary, this series of thought exper selected for phytoplankton with co-optimal traits. Thus, the successful spectral light properties, Ksatand T phytoplankton types in the ensemble mean (Fig. 5) had, in addition to their dependence on spectral irradiance, low half saturation constants for nutrient uptake and temperature optima suitable for the depth at which they occurred in the water column. Submitted: October 3, 2009; Accepted: March 16, 2010 Proofs received from author(s): April 11, 2010