2nd PLINIUS CONFERENCE ON MEDITERRANEAN STORMS Maratea, Italy, October 16-18, 2000 Preliminary Scientific Programme Monday, October 16 09:00 – 10:00 Registration 10:00 – 10:30 Welcome and Introduction Session 1: Physics and Forecasting of Heavy-Rain Storms 11:00 – 12:30 Sub-session 1.1 (Chairperson: A. Mugnai) 01-OI LLASAT, M.C. Long term variability of floods in Mediterranean areas 02-OI PRODI, F. Deep convection in Mediterranean cyclones 03-OI SMITH, E.A. Meteorological underpinnings and their relationship to microphysical processes in Mediterranean storms: An observational satellite perspective placed in a modeling context 14:00 – 15:30 Sub-session 1.2 (Chairperson: E.A. Smith) 04-O BUZZI, A. Orographic effects on cyclones and precipitation during the MAP Special Observing Period 05-O PINTO, J.G.; ULBRICH, U.; SPETH, P. Characteristics of cyclones leading to severe precipitation events in the Mediterranean 06-O MARZANO, F.S.; CIOTTI, P.; FIONDA, E. Potential of ground-based passive microwave sensors for monitoring rainfall 07-O DIETRICH, S.; ADAMO, C.; BECHINI, R.; MUGNAI, A.; PINORI, S. Using radar data in a physical profile-based SSM/I retrieval algorithm 08-O FERRARIS, L.; PARODI, U.; DIETRICH, S.; DI MICHELE, S.; GORGUCCI, E.; MURA, A.; SCARCHILLI, G. Investigating statistical properties of rainfall fields using the TRMM and SSM/I data 09-O MUGNAI, A.; DIETRICH, S.; DI MICHELE, S.; MARZANO, F.S.; PINORI, S.; TASSA, A. Potential improvements of precipitation retrieval from the Global Precipitation Mission measurements 16:00 – 17:30 Sub-session 1.3 (Chairperson: M.C. Llasat) 10-OI TRIPOLI, G.J.; PANEGROSSI, G.; MUGNAI, A.; SMITH, E.A. A numerical study of the Friuli,1998 and the Genoa, 1992 floods 11-OI JANSA, A. Some requirements for severe storm forecasting in the Mediterranean 12-OI ANAGNOSTOU, E.N.; BORGA, M. Radar rainfall estimation uncertainty and its implications on flood prediction accuracy 18:00 – 19:30 Ice-Breaker and Poster Viewing Tuesday, October 17 9:00 – 10:30 Sub-session 1.4 (Chairperson: A. Buzzi) 13-O MEZZASALMA, P.; ALBERONI, P.P.; COSTA, S.; LEVIZZANI, V.; TESINI, M.S. Mesoscale analysis of the October 1998 Fliuli flood event 14-O MONTANI, A.; MARSIGLI, C.; NEROZZI, F.; PACCAGNELLA, T.; BUIZZA, R.; MOLTENI, F. Performance of the limited area ensemble prediction system over the Italian region 15-O KOTRONI, V.; LAGOUVARDOS, K. Investigation of the role of different convective parameterization schemes on the prediction of severe precipitation events over Greece 16-O LAGOUVARDOS, K.; KOTRONI, V.; FEIDAS, C.; BUZZI, A.; MALGUZZI, P.; KOUSSIS, A. Operational use of the meteorological model BOLAM99 at the National Observatory of Athens 17-O GRIFONI, D.; CRISCI, A.; GOZZINI, B; MENEGUZZO, F. Seasonal forecasts at the regional scale on the basis of the continental scale average circulation 18-O CHANG, D.-E.; WEINMAN, J.A.; MORALES, C.A. Assimilation of combined microwave and lightning measurements in a mesoscale weather prediction model Session 2: Hydrological Processes in Flood Forecasting and Prediction 11:00 – 12:30 Sub-session 2.1: (Chairperson: G. Roth) 19-OI MARTIN, S.; RAMIREZ, J.A. Modeling and simulation of spatial and temporal precipitation patterns in coastal mountainous regions - the case of northwestern Colombia 20-OI CASTELLI, F.; MAZZANI, B. Analysis of space-time rainfall patterns from dense pluviometric networks 21-OI CLAPS, P.; FIORENTINO, M.; IACOBELLIS, V. Regional flood frequency analysis with a theoretically derived distribution function 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 15:30 Sub-session 2.2: (Chairperson: J.A. Ramirez) 22-O BONI, G.; PARODI, A. Interpretation of the observed rainfall extremes statistical properties based on some meteorological evidences 23-O FERRARIS, L.; PARODI, U. On meteorological convectivity of Mediterranean storms and rainfall field structure 24-O CAPORALI, E.; TARTAGLIA, V. Multivariate analysis of rainfall extreme value 25-O RUDARI, R.; BONI, G.; CASTELLI, F.; ENTEKABI, D.; ROTH, G. North Atlantic oscillation influences on winter-time European climate patterns 26-O RAMOS, M.C. Changes in rainfall distribution patterns along the year in the Mediterranean climate 27-O MOLINI, A.; LA BARBERA, P.; LANZA, L.G. A few stochastic properties of rainfall intermittency in space and time 16:00 – 17:30 Sub-session 2.3 (Chairperson: P. Burlando) 28-O BONI, G.; PARODI, A.; RUDARI, R. Climatological analysis of the rainfall extremes along the Northern Mediterranean 29-O TRAMUTOLI, V.; CLAPS, P.; MARELLA, M.; PERGOLA, N.; SILEO, C. Feasibility of hydrological applications of thermal inertia from remote sensing 30-O FERRARIS, L.; RUDARI, R. A probabilistic framework for a flood forecasting chain: site targeted prediction 31-O TURATO, B.; PARODI, U. A probabilistic framework for flood forecasting chain: regional prediction 32-O SALTALIPPI, C. A flood forecasting system through the use of water levels 33-O GARCIA, S.G. On the use of GIS-embedded hydrological techniques for real-time modeling of flash flood 20:30 Gala Dinner Wednesday, October 18 Session 3: Extreme Rainfall Events: Mapping Ground Effects and Determining Landslide Initiation Thresholds 9:30 – 11:00 Sub-session 3.1: (Chairperson: F. Guzzetti) 34-OI WILSON, R.C. Mechanisms for climatic influences on rainfall thresholds for debris flows 35-OI CROSTA, G.B. Rainfall thresholds for soil slips and debris flow triggering 36-OI GLADE, T.; GUZZETTI, F. Determination and application of flood, flash flood and landslide triggering rainfall thresholds 11:30 – 13:00 Sub-session 3.2 (Chairperson: T. Glade) 37-OI HARP, E.L. Mapping landslides after a triggering event: a task critical to defining hazard and risk to people and property 38-OI LARSEN, M.C.; WIECZOREK, G.F.; EATON, L.S.; TORRES-SIERRA, H. The Venezuela landslide and flash flood disaster of December 1999 39-OI LUINO, F.; TURCONI, L. Soils slips triggered in the Langhe Hills (Piedmont-NW Italy) by the heavy rainfalls of November 1994 POSTERS 40-P CANA, L.; GRISOLIA-SANTOS, D.; ALONSO, H.; SANCHO, P. Historical floods in Gran Canaria island 41-P BECHINI, R. Particle identification from ground-based radar measurements: fuzzy logic approach 42-P ADAMO, C.; DIETRICH, S.; MUGNAI, A.; PINORI, S. Combined lightning-SSM/I storm observations over Italy for September-October 1998 43-P MESSERI, G.; MENEGUZZO, F.; PASQUI, M.; ROSSI, M. High resolution simulation with model RAMS of a deep Mediterranean cyclone 44-P AMBRICO, P.F.; AMODEO, A.; DI GIROLAMO, P.; PANDOLFI, M. Saharan dust outbreaks in the Mediterranean basin measured by lidar 45-P RAMOS, M.C. Differences of the characteristics of the storms recorded along the year in a Mediterranean climate. Intensity and kinetic energy 46-P RAMOS, M.C.; PLA, I.; NACCI, S. The extreme rainfall event of June 11th 2000 in the Anola region (NE Spain): Characteristics and effects on runoff and erosion Legend: O = Oral presentation I = Solicited paper P = Poster presentation