doc - GGOS

Brochure N. 1 Planet Earth in our hands
In this introductory brochure (N. 1) the GRACE mission appears to be the
only really innovative source of information. However, in all the other
brochures dealing with the 8 themes supported by the IYPE there is no
mention to it and very little or nothing is said about geodetic and
geophysical contributions. IYPE appears to be very geologically oriented.
The 8 themes are: 1)Groundwater (reservoir for a thirsty planet); 2) Hazards
(minimizing the risk, maximizing awareness); 3) Earth&Health (building a
safer environment); 4) Climate (the “stone tape”); 5) Resources
(sustainable power for sustainable development); 6) Megacities (going
deeper, building safer); 7) Deep Earth (from crust to core); 8) Ocean (abyss
of time).
However, among the 8 themes, I believe there are 4 themes (Groundwater,
Hazards, Deep Earth and Ocean) where GGOS could contribute
substantially, with perhaps some doubts on the “Groundwater”.
With GGOS we fit into the Aims and Objectives of IYPE (see below).
In the following you will find parts that I have selected from the brochures
relevant to Groundwater, Hazards, Deep Earth and Ocean where a GGOS
contribution appears to be significant.
Groundwater – reservoir for a thirsty planet?
I put question marks where GGOS could be involved and strike through the
actions that do not sound to me GGOS-like.
Hazards (minimizing risk, maximizing awareness)
(key questions which are relevant to GGOS)
Contacts should be made with the GeoRisk Commission.
GGOS contribution to IGOS-P
Deep Earth – from crust to core
In this theme GGOS will provide a key contribution.
Ocean – abyss of time
The “Ocean” theme clearly does not focus on sea-level variation/changes!
This is the only place where the contribution of GPS is mentioned!
Contribution to the realization of alert systems!