Effective Date: July 1, 1996 Date Revised: July 1, 2013 Title: CT Birth to Three System RECORDS Purpose: To insure that parents have access to information about their child and family and that their confidentiality is protected. Overview In accordance with the IDEA and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99; 34 C.F.R. §303.460), the confidentiality of early intervention records must be safeguarded. Any and all personally identifiable information regarding children and families receiving services from Birth to Three programs is protected from unauthorized disclosure by FERPA. Personally identifiable information protected by FERPA is specifically exempted from the definition of "protected health information" that is subject to the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy standards (45 C.F.R. § 164.501). Definition of Records Early intervention records are those containing any data or type of information recorded in writing, print, video or audiotape, computer media, on film, or microfilm that is considered to be “personally identifiable” and directly related to the child or his family. Personally identifiable information includes: 1. the child’s name, address and date of birth; 2. the names of the parents and other family members; 3. a personal identifier, such as a social security number, Infoline number or other child number; 4. a list of personal characteristics that would make it possible to identify the child with reasonable certainty. Emails are increasingly used as a means of communication between staff and families. If the information contained in the emails is pertinent to the child’s services then this information is considered to be part of the record. A program can either print the email and add it to the record or identify a way to archive the information where it can be retrieved. Test protocols are a part of the child’s record. The only exception would be if the child’s name was encoded on the test protocol in such a way that the examiner was the only person who could de-code it. Each program protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable information at the collection, storage, disclosure and destruction stage. One official at each program should assume this responsibility which includes: 1. making certain the confidentiality of the records is safeguarded and preserved; 2. denying or granting access to records; 3. reviewing all records to delete information that is not accurate, no longer valid or pertinent, or may be an infringement of the rights of the child or family; Records page 2 4. 5. maintaining in each record a current log of persons requesting access to that record; annually notify parents of their rights regarding their child’s record using the “Parents Rights Under the IDEA Part C” booklet. Electronic Storage of Records Programs may choose to scan records and keep them electronically. If a program chooses to do this they still must adhere to all records requirements as far as maintenance for six years and destruction of the records. Programs may want to consider scanning records of children older than 3 years and then, after they are scanned offer the parent the hard copies before they are destroyed. Parent Access to Records At their request, parents are to be notified who, by title, will have access to their child’s record. If a parent, guardian or surrogate parent requests an inspection or review of the early intervention record, it must be arranged without unnecessary delay and in no more than ten (10) days. No record or part of a record may be deleted or altered in any way after a parent has requested to inspect, review or copy a record. The official at each program in charge of records will be present at record inspections. A representative of a specific discipline will provide interpretations and explanations of specialized evaluations if requested by the parent. Parents’ rights to access are restricted to the records of their own child. Information on more than one child should never appear in an early intervention record. Though parents may be separated or divorced, and one parent may be granted custody by agreement or court order, it should be assumed that both natural parents have access rights to the records until evidence to the contrary, e.g., state law or court order is provided. Program must provide at no cost to the parent, a copy of each evaluation, assessment of the child, family assessment, and IFSP as soon as possible after each IFSP meeting. Parents may be charged a fee to obtain a copy of their child’s early intervention record, if the fee does not effectively prevent the parents from exercising their rights. The fee cannot exceed the cost of the copies. When Consent is Needed for Access to Records Written parental consent MUST BE obtained prior to: 1. The collection of information for a record through: a. in-depth developmental and family assessment; b. requests for copies of reports from another agency using Form 3-2 (this form is HIPAA compliant, for ease of use with a health care provider). Records page 3 2. The release of personally identifiable child or family information to another agency. Parental consent IS NOT required to release personally identifiable information to: 1. A program’s employees and contractors such as teachers, therapists, supervisors, administrators, secretaries, or paraprofessionals who have been determined to have legitimate interests. Legitimate interest is performing a task related to his or her job description or a service to the child or family. 2. LEAs or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to enroll with parent consent. 3. Authorized representatives of: United States Department of Education, Connecticut Department of Social Services, Connecticut Department of Developmental Services, or Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) in connection with the audit, evaluation, or enforcement of state and federally supported programs. These representatives are not permitted to collect (take away) personally identifiable information unless specifically authorized to do so by state or federal law. 4. Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions. 5. Appropriate persons, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a child in case of neglect or abuse. The factors to be taken into account in determining whether personally identifiable information from the early intervention record of a child may be disclosed under this section shall include the following: a. the seriousness of the threat to the health or safety of the child or other individuals b. the need for the information to meet the emergency c. whether the parties to whom the information is disclosed are in a position to deal with the emergency d. the extent to which time is essential in dealing with the emergency 6. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. Documentation of Requests to Access Records Each program will maintain documentation of requests for and disclosure of personally identifiable information from the early intervention record in each child’s record for all persons using the Early Intervention Record Access Log, Form 3-4. Persons determined to have a legitimate educational interest (see Rights to Access on previous page, #1 under “consent is not required”) do not have to be included on the log. Parents who request to see their child’s record should be included on the log. The record of requests will be maintained as long as the child’s record is maintained and the parent may inspect it. Access to Records by DCF If a child is under the guardianship of the Department of Children and Families, the child’s DCF worker may have access to the child’s early intervention record without the consent of the child’s surrogate parent, parent, or legal guardian. If the child is not Records page 4 under DCF guardianship, however, then only the surrogate parent, parent, or legal guardian may consent to releasing information from the early intervention record to DCF. The exception to this would be if there is an active investigation of abuse or neglect. In those instances, when the request is made in writing on DCF letterhead, DCF investigators will be granted access to any information in the early intervention record. There is no need for consent or for a subpoena. Amendment of Records Parents have the right to request that information collected on their child or family, which they believe inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their child’s rights or privacy be amended. The request will be acted upon within thirty (30) days. If the program decides to refuse to amend the information in accordance with the request, it shall inform the parent of the refusal, and advise the parent of the right to have a hearing by an independent third party. The program will notify the Birth to Three Family Liaison. A hearing is held within a reasonable period of time after the Birth to Three Family Liaison receives the request. The parent is given notice of the date, place, and time in advance of the hearing. The hearing will be conducted by an impartial hearing officer who will make a recommendation to the Commissioner of the Department of Developmental Services. The parent is afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised, and is assisted or represented by individuals of his or her choice at his or her own expense, including an attorney. The hearing officer makes his decision in writing within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing. If, as a result of the hearing, it is determined that the information is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the infant, toddler or family, the program shall amend the information accordingly and so inform the parent in writing. If, as a result of due process, it is determined that the records do not need amending, the parents may enclose a statement indicating that they disagree with the contested information. Their statement will then become a formal part of the child’s record and be kept as such for the life of the record. Copies of the statement will be released, whenever copies of the contested part of the record are released (always with parental permission). Parents also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Education concerning alleged failures of compliance with FERPA. Destruction of Records and Data The destruction of early intervention records that are more than six years old will take place after the parents have been notified and given an opportunity to obtain the record. The provider program should notify parents that these records may be needed by the child or parent for social security benefits. For children that were living in foster homes at the time they received early intervention services, the DCF worker, surrogate parent, Records page 5 and biological parent (unless parental rights were terminated) should be notified of the pending destruction of the record. The information in the Birth to Three data system is maintained indefinitely. Highly Confidential Records Confidential records contain information that if disclosed would likely constitute an invasion of personal privacy. Records containing information on HIV status of the child or family are considered confidential. To Obtain Highly Confidential Information In order to obtain information on the HIV status (testing included) of a child, the written consent by the parent or guardian, specific to the HIV information, is needed. The general release of information for individual records is not sufficient in this case. See Authorization for Programs to Obtain Confidential Information, Form 3-15. Authorized records containing HIV information shall be maintained separately from the early intervention records, unless the parent specifies that each person who has access to the early intervention record has access to this confidential information. Upon a child’s exit from Birth to Three services, confidential records kept separate from the child’s early intervention record will be destroyed with parental notification or the contents returned to the parent. To Release Highly Confidential Information In order to release information on the HIV status of a child (testing included), the written consent by the parent or guardian is needed. The consent must indicate that HIV information will be shared and must indicate to whom. The HIV status of a child shall be released only to those providers who have a need to know. If a child with known HIV positive status is to participate in a community group setting, the family must be advised to consult with the physician who is documented to know the child's status to determine the risk to that child. Written permission by the parent or guardian is needed before the HIV status can be shared with the director of a community agency. Unauthorized Information If verbal or written information regarding HIV testing, HIV status, or any information that leads to a suspicion of HIV status (referral for testing, treatment or medication, residence in a foster home for HIV positive persons) is received by any provider without the proper releases on file, it shall remain confidential. Once a provider has knowledge of confidential HIV related information, regardless of its source, providers may not disclose or be compelled to disclose the information. Unauthorized written information shall be returned to the source. Whenever a party, other than the parent or legal guardian, discloses confidential HIV related information without written permission, providers should interrupt the disclosure. Remind the party that Section 19a-585 of the Connecticut General Statutes protects the Records page 6 confidentiality of the information and Section 10a-590 of the Connecticut General Statutes states that willful violation of the statute that protects HIV information may subject a person to damages to compensate the injured party. Sharing Information from a Record All information received by a provider using the authorization to obtain information will become part of a child’s early intervention record and will be kept confidential in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). With a signed Authorization to Release Information Form 3-3, any information within the child’s early intervention record may be released. Form 3-3 is a one-time release of the information listed. The “date” listed is meant to cover the time between when the form is signed and when you expect the information to be released. It gives the parent a timeframe during which they may change their mind about releasing the information and can revoke their consent by filling out the bottom of the form. A typical date might be a week after the parent has signed though it may be shorter to accommodate getting the primary medical provider’s signature as soon as possible on the IFSP. When a child exits the Birth to Three System to attend a program under the jurisdiction of their LEA, the minimum information shared from their early intervention record with parental permission is the current IFSP and most recent evaluation of progress. With parental permission, any information from point of referral on may be shared. Upon a child’s exit from Birth to Three services, confidential records kept separate from the child’s early intervention record will be destroyed with parental notification or the contents returned to the parent. At the request of the parent and upon a signed Authorization to Release Information Form 3-3, any specified information may be shared with other community agencies or service providers. Note: the parent(s) must have had an opportunity to review the document(s) being released before signing Form 3-3 or Form 3-15. _______________________________ References: Form 3-2, Authorization for Programs to Obtain Information Form 3-3, Authorization for Programs to Release Information Form 3-4, Early Intervention Record Access Log Form 3-15, Authorization for Programs to obtain Confidential Information Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 34 CFR Sections 303.401 through 303.417 Section 17a-248-6 of the Regulations of CT State Agencies Section 19a-585 and 19a-590 of the C.G.S. Parents Rights Under IDEA Part C booklet