Language Domain: Listening

Name ___________________________________
Language Domain: Listening
Level: Intermediate
Standard 1.1: Comprehend Spoken Instruction
Follow simple, routine oral directions, with
limited support (2-12)
Follow oral directions in media presentations,
with support (2-12)
Follow multi-step directions, with repetition or
rephrasing, within a familiar context or with
visual support (2-12)
Follow simple oral directions, with support (K-1)
Standard 1.2: Identify main ideas and supporting details of spoken English
Identify the main idea of longer, routine messages
in familiar contexts, which may be supported by
visuals (2-12)
Identify details of longer, routine messages in
familiar contexts, which may be supported by
visuals (2-12)
Identify the main idea and details of fiction read
aloud, with support (2-12)
Identify the main idea of expository information
presented orally, with support (2-12)
Identify the main idea and significant, relevant
details of oral presentations via radio, video,
television and other media, with support (2-12)
Standard 1.3: Determine speaker attitude and point of view
Identify and/or describe the speaker’s attitude,
mood or emotion in oral messages by reading
body language and/or tone and voice quality, with
limited support (K-12)
Identify and/or describe the speaker’s attitude,
mood or emotion in oral messages by reading
body language and/or tone and voice quality, with
limited support (6-12)
Standard 1.4: Comprehend the meaning of academic and/or specialized vocabulary when
Recognize and comprehend high-frequency,
grade-level spoken academic vocabulary when
presented with contextual support (K-12)
Comprehend specialized vocabulary spoken in a
variety of contexts, with support (K-12)
Identify the literal meanings of words, with
support (K-12)
Use knowledge of cognates to comprehend new
vocabulary, with extensive support (K-12)
Identify figurative meanings of words and
idiomatic phrases, with support (2-12)
Standard 1.5: Make inferences and predictions when listening to speakers
Make predictions based on familiar, brief spoken
material presented, with support (K-12)
Make inferences and predictions based on
familiar, extended spoken material presented,
with limited support (3-12)