Role Title:
Business Unit:
Senior Engineer - Electrical
Project Services, Building Management
Classification Level
Organisation Overview
The Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI) serves the South
Australian community by enabling the safe and efficient movement of people and
freight across the state and facilitating development of the State’s infrastructure, in
accordance with South Australia’s Strategic Plan and the State Infrastructure Plan.
Building Management Division
Building Management provides advisory and management services to assist other
government agencies manage the maintenance, replacement, refurbishment or
disposal of major buildings, office accommodation and government employee
housing and road, rail and marine property.
Role Overview
The Senior Engineer, Electrical is accountable to the Principal Engineer for:
design and documentation;
managing Government construction projects of an electrical engineering or
related discipline type to time, cost and quality;
developing policies, systems, guidelines and procedures dealing with electrical
engineering and related disciplines;
maintaining effective professional relationships with key members of client
agencies and industry.
risk evaluation/management, planning,
Key Outcomes
1. Providing a comprehensive, responsive and cost effective engineering
service on behalf of the Agency for construction projects that meet client
agency requirements by:
a) providing specialised electrical engineering services in key functional areas
including asset management/maintenance, risk evaluation/management,
planning, design and documentation;
b) providing comprehensive engineering advisory and evaluation services
related to Government electrical engineering and related discipline projects
and the electrical engineering component of government building projects at
all stages of their development;
c) maintaining effective professional relationships with key members of client
agencies and the building and engineering industry.
2. Providing effective management of Government building projects and
programs of an electrical engineering or related discipline type to time, cost
and quality in accordance with Government policy and standards by:
a) determining objectives and priorities in accordance with the Government’s
Construction Procurement Policy: Project Implementation Process;
b) managing and directing professional, technical and building work teams,
including professional service contractors;
c) managing, directing and ensuring the provision and integration of efficient
project management and risk audit services for building projects;
d) establishing and maintaining high level consultation and liaison with key
stakeholders to ensure government objectives are met and client agency
requirements are achieved.
3. Providing for the continuous improvement and positive representation of
engineering services for the Agency by:
a) providing expert input into the development of engineering policy, design and
operational standards that focus on achieving best practice, cost efficiency
and ecological sustainability;
b) undertaking continual professional development to maintain up to date
knowledge of codes and practices relevant to the discipline of electrical
engineering and related disciplines;
c) providing professional direction, guidance and training to Building
Management staff in relation to the discipline of electrical engineering and
related disciplines as required.
4. Contribute to the efficient and effective operation of Project Services and
achievement of agency objectives by:
a) modelling customer service excellence and promoting and ensuring the
delivery of timely, high quality service that meets the needs of customers and
enhances the corporate profile of the organisation;
b) exercising full financial accountability and management of funds and
resources allocated;
c) maintaining accurate and complete records of business activities in
accordance with the State Records Act 1997;
d) participating in the development of objectives and goals for Project Services
within the overall framework of the Building Management business plan;
e) providing representation on committees as required.
5. Implement best practice project management and risk management
processes and procedures in the delivery of Government building projects
and programs by:
a) developing mechanisms to maintain and ensure an effective communication,
information sharing and transfer of knowledge to a range of stakeholders,
including professional service contractors, government agencies and private
sector providers, particularly in relation to the Government’s standards,
policies and guidelines dealing with the discipline of electrical engineering or
related disciplines;
b) contributing to the development of opportunities to enhance the business of
Building Management on a commercial basis;
c) preparing high quality reports and recommendations, including responses to
Ministerials, parliamentary briefs and other critical correspondence.
6. Contribute to emergency management planning, response and recovery
activities, by supporting the Incident Coordinator - Engineering in
accordance with the Building Management Emergency Management
7. Contribute to a safe and healthy work environment, free from discrimination
and harassment by working in accordance with legislative requirements,
the Code of Ethics and departmental human resource policies, including
the OHS&W requirements.
Special Conditions
This role has been classified as a position of trust. The incumbent is subject to a
satisfactory criminal history / record check in line with departmental policies and
Some work outside normal hours and inter/intrastate travel involving overnight
absence from home may be required.
A current driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is essential.
Essential Selection Criteria
Qualifications / Licences
Degree in engineering or eligibility for graduate membership as a Professional
Engineer of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Person Capabilities
a) High level knowledge and experience in all stages of the management and
delivery of professional electrical engineering services on major building
construction projects including the ability to adopt and promote a commercial
approach to the delivery of professional services.
b) High level knowledge of relevant engineering codes of practice and regulations,
construction methodologies, contract procurement systems and ecologically
sustainable design principles and an understanding of current developments,
trends and issues.
c) Highly developed interpersonal skills with a demonstrated high degree of
personal integrity and credibility and ability represent the agency with
professional competence, and a demonstrated capacity to make significant and
timely decisions taking into client agency requirements and environmental
d) Proven ability to work independently or collaboratively in a team, under broad
direction only, with an excellent ability to express clear and meaningful goals,
define the necessary approaches and courses of action to achieve them, and to
maintain effective performance within agreed timeframes, budget and objectives
and within the context of competing priorities and expectations.
e) Knowledge of modern project management techniques including performance
assessment, project evaluation and review techniques, value management and
quality assurance, procurement methodologies, project organisation and
Proven commitment to the principles and practices of:
Equal employment opportunity, ethical conduct, diversity and OHS&W;
Customer service;
Quality management and client oriented service; and
Risk management.
Delegate Approval of Role Statement