Integrated Quality Management (IQM) in rural tourism destinations CEREDIGION Visitor Satisfaction Survey 2002 Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1. 5 VISITOR PROFILE 1a. Gender Gender of Respondents 5 5 1b. Age Profile Age Groups – all respondents Age profile of visitors 5 5 6 1c. Parties with and without children Visitors travelling with or without children – all respondents Visitors Travelling with or without Children – a comparison Areas of origin of Visitors – all respondents Comparison of Origins of Visitors Origins of visitors travelling with children 6 6 7 7 8 9 1e. Main Mode of Transport Main Method of Transport Used 9 10 1f. Purpose of Visit Tourism Trips - staying visitors Comparison of Purpose of Visit – all respondents 10 10 11 2. TYPE OF HOLIDAY 11 2a. Holiday Accommodation Used Type of Accommodation Used -Repeat Visitors Type of Accommodation Used – First Time Visitors Type of Accommodation Used – All Respondents 11 12 12 12 2b. Length of Stay Total Length of Stay – all respondents Total Length of Stay – Repeat Visitors Total Length of Stay – First Time Visitors Age Group vs. Length of Stay 13 13 13 13 14 2c. Frequency of Visits Frequency of Visits to the Area – repeat visitors Accommodation Used By Respondents Visiting More Than 4 Times Per Year Accommodation Used by Respondents Visiting Once a Year, Or Less 14 14 15 15 2d. Type of Attraction Visited Attractions Visited – All Respondents Attractions Visited – repeat visitors Attractions Visited – first time visitors 16 16 16 16 3. VISITOR INFLUENCES 17 3a. Influences on Decision Making Influences on Decision to Holiday in Area – all respondents Comparisons of Influences on Decision to Holiday in Ceredigion Comparison of Influences on Decision to take a Day Trip to the Area 17 17 18 18 3b. Sources of information Sources of information on town / area – all respondents Sources of Information on town / area – first time visitors Sources of information on accommodation – all respondents Source of information on accommodation – repeat visitors Source of information on accommodation – first time visitors 19 19 20 20 21 21 Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 2 4. VISITOR SATISFACTION 21 4a. Quality of Facilities Satisfaction with Accommodation Quality – repeat visitors Satisfaction with Accommodation Quality – first time visitors Satisfaction with the Quality of Attractions – repeat visitors Satisfaction with the Quality of Attractions – first time visitors 22 22 22 23 23 4b. Quality of Service Satisfaction with the Quality of Service Received – repeat visitors Satisfaction with the Quality of Service Received – first time visitors 24 24 24 4c. Satisfaction with Information Provision Satisfaction with the quality and level of information available on the area 24 25 4d. Perceptions of Change in the Area Changes perceived since last visit to the area 25 26 4e. The Importance of What Wales has to Offer Ratings of the Visitor Experience on Offer in the Area: a comparison with Wales 26 26 5. 5a. SOCIAL PROFILE OF VISITORS 28 Socio-economic Groupings of Visitors Income Brackets of Visitors – a comparison Employment Categories of Visitors 28 28 29 REFERENCES: 30 Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 3 Introduction This survey of holiday visitors to Ceredigion was undertaken as part of the Integrated Quality Management research project, run by the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and in conjunction with Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council. Data collection, input and analysis was conducted by, and on behalf of, the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Surveying took the form of both face-to-face and selfcompletion questionnaires, the majority of which were completed in August 2002. The analysed sample size is 1760. This report undertakes to describe the characteristics of holiday visitors to the area, the factors that influenced the holiday decision making process, the type and length of visit together with accommodation type used and visitor satisfaction levels with the quality of service and facilities in the area. Note that any statistics quoted for 2001 are influenced by the effect of the Foot and Mouth outbreak Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 4 1. Visitor Profile 1a. Gender The sample consisted of 962 female and 736 male respondents Gender of Respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Male (43.3%) Female (56.7%) Gender of Respondents 1b. Age Profile Age Groups – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 65+ (12.6%) 15 - 24 (4.8%) 25 - 34 (15.6%) 55 - 64 (18.8%) 35 - 44 (24.8%) 45 - 54 (23.4%) Age Group of Respondents Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 5 The sample shows a slightly higher proportion of visitors falling into the 35 – 44 age group (24.8%). This compares with an all Wales figure in 2000 of 23% in the same category (WTB 2000). Approximately half of first time visitors to Ceredigion are aged under 45, whilst approximately 60% of repeat visitors are aged over 45. Age profile of visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 30 25 20 % 15 10 Repeat Visitors 5 First Time Visitors 0 15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+ Age Groups of Respondents 1c. Parties with and without children Visitors travelling with or without children – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Yes (33.8%) No (66.2%) Travelling with children Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 6 Over 66% of the sample surveyed were travelling without children, amongst first time visitors to the area 28% were in parties containing children. By far the majority of visitors travelling with children indicated that their place of residence is the Midlands (32%) and South East England (18%). Visitors Travelling with or without Children – a comparison Ceredigion Survey 2002 80 Repeat Visitors First time visitors 60 % 40 20 0 Yes No Travelling with children 1d. Areas of Origin of Visitors Areas of origin of Visitors – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Europe Republic of Ireland N. Ireland Origin Scotland West Wales Mid Wales South Wales North Wales Midlands South West England South East England North East England North West England 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Percentage Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 7 This survey reveals that the overall majority of UK visitors (approximately 25%) come from the Midlands, with South East England being the second largest originator of visitors to Ceredigion (16%). The majority of overseas visitors originated from the USA, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, France and Germany. Of first time visitors to the area, the greatest proportion is shown to come from long haul destinations (19%), in particular the USA, Canada and Australia. However the Midlands shows the largest percentage difference between repeat and first time visitors (30% repeat visitors vs 16% first time). Comparison of Origins of Visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Europe Republic of Ireland N. Ireland Repeat visitors Scotland First time visitors Origin West Wales Mid Wales South Wales North Wales Midlands South West England South East England North East England North West England 0 5 10 15 Percentage 20 25 30 . Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 8 Origins of visitors travelling with children Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Europe Republic of Ireland N. Ireland Origin Scotland West Wales Mid Wales South Wales North Wales Midlands South West England South East England North East England North West England 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Percentage 1e. Main Mode of Transport By far the majority of respondents (86%) had travelled to the area by car, with 6.9% travelling by train, 5.3% travelling by bus or coach and 1.8% using other forms of transport (e.g. bicycle, walking). In comparison with Wales as a whole in 2000 (81%), this reveals a notably greater dependence on the car (WTB 2000). Taking the UK as a whole, the car remains the means of transport for 80% of visitors – a percentage 6% lower than that of Ceredigion as a whole (Insights, ETB 2002). Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 9 Main Method of Transport Used Ceredigion Survey 2002 100 90 80 70 60 % 50 Ceredigion All Wales (2000) 40 30 20 10 0 1f. Other Bus / Coach Train Car mode of transport Purpose of Visit Tourism Trips - staying visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 100 90 80 70 Percentage 60 Ceredigion 50 All Wales (2000) 40 30 20 10 0 Business & Other VFR Holiday Purpose of Visit Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 10 For 89% of respondents, their visit to the area was holiday orientated, with those visiting friends and relatives 6.1% of these. The remaining 5% of respondents detailed their reasons for visiting as business / other trips. In comparison with Wales as a whole (WTB 2000), this survey reveals that 18% more visitors questioned in Ceredigion indicated a holiday as their purpose of visit. The survey reveals that first time visitors, in comparison to repeat visitors, show little variation in their reasons for visiting the area. A correlation is revealed in the rise in those first time visitors indicating a holiday as their reason for visiting and the drop in those indicating that a day trip is the reason for their visit. Comparison of Purpose of Visit – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 90 80 70 60 % 50 Repeat Visitors 40 First Time Visitors 30 20 10 0 Holiday Visiting friends & relatives Business / other Day trip Purpose of Visit 2. Type of Holiday 2a. Holiday Accommodation Used Serviced accommodation was being used by 39% of all respondents as compared to 24% across Wales as a whole (WTB 2000). 17% of all respondents indicating staying in a static caravan, whether owned or hired, a Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 11 figure the same as the 17% across Wales as a whole (WTB 2000), and 21% were staying in other self-catering accommodation. Type of Accommodation Used Repeat Visitors Type of Accommodation Used – First Time Visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Accommodation used Percentage Hotel / Accommodation used 19.3% other B&B 7.4% Percentage Hotel / 31.6% other B&B 21.7% Hired Static van 10.4% Hired Static van 8.0% Own Static Van 14.2% Own Static Van 2.0% Camping 7.5% Camping 8.0% Touring / motor van 7.3% Touring / motor van 5.1% S/C 20.5% S/C Visiting friends & relatives 12.7% Visiting friends & relatives 3.3% Other 0.7% Other 0.7% 19.8% First time staying visitors show a greater tendency towards using serviced accommodation than was the case with all repeat visitors (53.3% vs. 26.7%). Respondents staying in static caravan accommodation (whether owned or hired) revealed the greatest differential between repeat and first time visitors with 24.6% vs. 10% respectively. Type of Accommodation Used – All Respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Accommodation used Visiting friends & relatives S/C Touring / motor van Camping Own Static Van Hired Static van other B&B Hotel / 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Percentage Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 12 2b. Length of Stay Total Length of Stay – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 30 25 Percentage 20 15 10 5 0 less than 2 nights 2-4 nights 5-7 nights 7 - 10 nights 10 - 14 nights more than 14 Length of stay Total Length of Stay – Repeat Visitors Total Length of Stay – First Time Visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Total Length of Stay less than 2 nights Percentage 5.8% Total Length of Stay less than 2 nights Percentage 3.3% 2 - 4 nights 29.3% 2 - 4 nights 19.0% 5 - 7 nights 26.0% 5 - 7 nights 27.5% 7 - 10 nights 13.8% 7 - 10 nights 15.7% 10 - 14 nights 15.9% 10 - 14 nights 15.3% more than 14 9.2% more than 14 19.1% The 2001 average length of stay for visitors to, and within, the UK is 3 nights, whilst the Wales average is 4 nights (Insights, ETB 2002). However, the majority of respondents to this survey were found to be spending more than 5 nights away from home in total (70%). These relatively long stays were found to take place mainly in self-catering accommodation (including both hired and owned static caravans) where 61% of those in all self-catering accommodation stayed more than 7 nights, and 15% of those in static caravans stayed 7 or more nights in total. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 13 When all respondents were asked to indicate the number of nights spent in their current accommodation in Ceredigion (as opposed to total nights away from home), it is shown that just under half of the respondents were actually staying for 4 nights or less (42%). For first time visitors to the area, over half (58%) spend 4 nights or less in their current accommodation. Age Group vs. Length of Stay Ceredigion Survey 2002 Length of Stay Percentage Age Group 4 nights or less 34% 15 – 24 4 nights or less 31% 65+ 2 – 7 nights 41% 25 – 34 2 – 7 nights 53% 35 - 44 Of respondents aged between 15 and 24, 34% were revealed to be staying for 4 nights or less. At the opposite end of the age ranking, of those aged 65+, 31% were found to be staying 4 nights or less. Of those aged between 25 and 34, 41% were stating for a week or less and of those aged between 35 and 44, over half (53%) were staying for a week or less. 2c. Frequency of Visits Frequency of Visits to the Area – repeat visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 50 40 P e r c e n t a g e 30 20 10 0 once a year or less 2 - 4 times a year more than 4 times Frequency of visits Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 14 Of repeat visitors to the area, 48% were found to visit infrequently – once a year or less, whilst 33% visited between twice and four times a year and under 19% of visitors returned more than 4 times a year. Of those respondents visiting more than 4 times a year, 40% were the owners of static caravans in the area, whilst 15% were frequent visitors to self catering accommodation and 15% visited friends and relatives. Accommodation Used By Respondents Visiting More Than 4 Times Per Year Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other(1.3%) Hotel / (8.2%) Visiting friends & relatives (15.1%) other B&B (2.5%) Hired Static van (1.9%) S/C (15.7%) Own Static Van (40.9%) Touring / motor van (10.1%) Camping (4.4%) Accommodation Used by Respondents Visiting Once a Year, Or Less Ceredigion Survey 2002 Visiting friends & relatives (7.2%) Other(0.2%) Hotel / (24.3%) S/C (24.1%) other B&B (13.3%) Touring / motor van (5.9%) Camping (9.6%) Hired Static van (10.7%) Own Static Van (4.6%) Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 15 2d. Type of Attraction Visited All respondents were asked to indicate one or more attractions visited or activities undertaken whilst on holiday in the area. During 2000, UK visitors to Wales as a whole cited ‘walking’ as the main activity undertaken (43%), and ‘castles’ as the main attraction visited (35%). Taking the UK as a whole in 2001, 45% of domestic tourism trips took place to the countryside and /or seaside. In Ceredigion as a whole, over 80% of respondents indicated they had, or would, be visiting the seaside, whilst over 60% cited walks / woodland as an activity / attraction they would be utilising – over 15% higher than in Wales as a whole. Attractions Visited – All Respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Attraction type Other Castles / Trains Cinema / Theatre Local craft / produce Festivals / events Outdoor activity (golf, riding etc) Indoor activity Seaside Woodland/walks/lakes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percentage Attractions Visited – repeat visitors Attractions Visited – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Attraction type Ceredigion Survey 2002 Percentage Attraction type Percentage Woodland/walks/lakes 60.3% Woodland/walks/lakes 61.5% Seaside 81.9% Seaside 81.2% Indoor activity 13.2% Indoor activity Outdoor activity (golf, riding etc) 17.1% Outdoor activity (golf, riding etc) 12.0% Festivals / events 21.0% Festivals / events 13.0% Local craft / produce 36.6% Local craft / produce 27.4% Cinema / Theatre 11.7% Cinema / Theatre Castles / Trains 28.9% Castles / Trains 46.6% Other (specify) 1.9% Other (specify) 4.2% 9.7% 6.7% Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 16 3. 3a. Visitor Influences Influences on Decision Making * note that respondents were able to indicate one or more influence on decision making. The role of personal recommendation in influencing the choice of holiday destination was shown to be significant overall, but particularly for the first time visitor (38%). Previous experience of a destination for repeat visitors was shown to be the most important influence in the decision-making process – 58% returning to the area. Interestingly, 19% of first time visitors claimed that they were ‘passing through’ and based their decision to visit on initial impressions. Of day-trippers to the area, 59% of repeat visitors were influenced to return by previous experience and 38% by walks, woodland and scenery. For first time day-trippers to the area, 46% were influenced by the presence of a visitor attraction, 20% were recommended to visit and 30% were ‘passing through’. Influences on Decision to Holiday in Area – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Influence on decision to visit Passing through Visiting friends & relatives Walks Woodland / scenery Local crafts / produce Visitor attraction Beach / sea Event / festival Recommended Previous experience Shopping / bank 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Percentage Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 17 Comparisons of Influences on Decision to Holiday in Ceredigion Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Influence on decision to visit Passing through Visiting friends & relatives Walks Repeat Visitors Woodland / scenery First Time Visitors Local crafts / produce Visitor attraction Beach / sea Event / festival Recommended Previous experience Shopping / bank 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Comparison of Influences on Decision to take a Day Trip to the Area Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Repeat Visitors Passing through First Time Visitors Influence on decision to visit Visiting friends & relatives Walks Woodland / scenery Local crafts / produce Visitor attraction Beach / sea Event / festival Recommended Previous experience Shopping / bank 0 10 20 30 Percentage 40 50 60 Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 18 3b. Sources of information note respondents were able to indicate one or more sources of information Sources of information on town / area – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 Sources of Information Other Holiday brochure Internet Information on town Information on area Other information outlet Word of mouth TIC 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage 25 30 35 40 45 The role of personal recommendation is revealed to be over-ridingly important in the form of ‘word of mouth’ for visitors gaining knowledge and information on both specific towns and the area in general. Both holiday brochures and Tourist Information Centres (TICs) also remain an important way of gathering information. The internet is also shown to be of growing importance, with over 20% of all respondents having used new media as an information source. Taking the UK as a whole, 51% of potential visitors in 2001 used the internet for information gathering on their holiday destination (Insights, ETB 2002). Sources of information for first time visitors again reveals the importance of personal recommendation, with the majority citing ‘word of mouth’ as an information source. However, both the internet and holiday brochures are shown to be more influential for first time visitors to both specific towns and to Ceredigion in general. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 19 Sources of Information on town / area – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Holiday brochure Internet Information on town Other information outlet Word of mouth Information on area TIC 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage 25 30 35 40 Sources of information on accommodation – all respondents Ceredigion Survey 2002 The internet proved to be a valuable source of information for all respondents for their accommodation choice, whilst holiday brochures and previous experience and recommendation also proving important. Other Previous experience Sources of influence Sources of information Other Recommendation Saleable guide Newspaper advert Other holiday brochure Ceredigion brochure Internet Other information outlet TIC 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Percentage Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 20 24 Source of information on accommodation – repeat visitors Source of information on accommodation – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Influence on accommodation TIC Percentage 16.8% Other information outlet 5.5% Influence on accommodation TIC Other information outlet Percentage 23.4% 6.1% Internet 19.0% Internet 28.8% Ceredigion brochure 15.1% Ceredigion brochure 13.7% 16.0% Other holiday brochure 8.0% Other holiday brochure Newspaper advert 4.1% Newspaper advert 2.0% Saleable guide 2.5% Saleable guide 8.1% Recommendation 14.4% Recommendation Previous experience 35.5% Previous experience 2.5% Other 1.3% Other 0.8% 16.6% The role of the internet as an information source on accommodation for first time visitors is significant (29%). Both TICs and holiday brochures also prove to be an important source of information in the decision making process, with 23% and 29 % of first time visitors respectively having used either one or both source. For repeat visitors, previous experience of the chosen accommodation proves to be the biggest influencing factor (35%), with both the internet and recommendation also being important sources of information for this category of visitor (19% and 14 % respectively). 4. Visitor Satisfaction Visitors were asked to indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being a high satisfaction score and 1 a low satisfaction score) how satisfied they are with aspects of quality of service and facility available to visitors. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 21 4a. Quality of Facilities Satisfaction with Accommodation Quality – repeat visitors Satisfaction with Accommodation Quality – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Visitor satisfaction Percentage Visitor satisfaction Percentage 1 4.4% 1 2.1% 2 3.3% 2 9.0% 3 15.7% 3 24.4% 4 29.0% 4 35.6% 5 47.6% 5 28.9% * NOTE: a score of 1 signifies a low satisfaction rating with quality provided at accommodation and a score of 5 signifies a high satisfaction rating with quality provided for the visitor at accommodation Respondents staying in accommodation owned by themselves, or in the houses of friends or relatives, who answered this question were disregarded. Although all respondents gave a high level of quality to accommodation, 23% of repeat visitors and 35.5% of first time visitors gave a mid-to-low satisfaction level to the quality of their accommodation. Remembering that 36% of first time visitors decide to holiday in the area through ‘word of mouth’ recommendation, and that 16% choose their accommodation through this method, the knock on effect of a low satisfaction level with the quality of accommodation on offer could be very detrimental to overall visitor numbers to both specific towns and to the area in general. However, the average (mean) satisfaction rating across accommodation types for the quality and service received by visitors in Ceredigion is 3.9. This compares with the overall average satisfaction rating given to the same aspects of accommodation across Wales by domestic visitors in 2001 of 4.3 (Eccleston and Thomson, 2002). Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 22 Satisfaction with the Quality of Attractions – repeat visitors Satisfaction with the Quality of Attractions – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Visitor satisfaction level Percentage Visitor satisfaction level Percentage 1 3.4% 1 4.7% 2 7.8% 2 7.7% 3 22.0% 3 17.7% 4 35.8% 4 41.2% 5 30.9% 5 28.7% *NOTE: a score of 1 signifies a low satisfaction rating with quality provided at attractions, and a score of 5 signifies a high satisfaction rating with quality provided for the visitor at attractions The survey revealed that overall all respondents have a high satisfaction level with the quality of attractions on offer, although repeat visitors do have a larger dissatisfaction level (33%) than first time visitors (30%) with attractions. Again, bearing in mind the significance of recommendation and previous experience in the decision making process for visitors, it is important not to underestimate the impact a mid-to-low satisfaction level could have. Again, a comparison of the average (mean) level of satisfaction received at attractions by visitors reveals that within Ceredigion visitors rated the quality of service and information provision at attractions visited as 3.8, whilst across Wales in 2001 domestic visitors gave an average satisfaction rating of 3.9 (Eccleston & Thomson, 2002). Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 23 4b. Quality of Service Respondents were asked to indicate their satisfaction levels with the quality of service they had received in general. Satisfaction with the Quality of Service Received – repeat visitors Satisfaction with the Quality of Service Received – first time visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 Ceredigion Survey 2002 Visitor satisfaction level Percentage Visitor satisfaction level Percentage 1 3.7% 1 4.8% 2 6.7% 2 4.6% 3 24.6% 3 27.4% 4 36.7% 4 35.6% 5 28.2% 5 27.5% * NOTE: a score of 1 signifies a low satisfaction rating with the quality of service provided, and a score of 5 signifies a high satisfaction rating with the quality of service provided for the visitor. The similarity between the level of satisfaction with service across all respondents is significant. Levels of satisfaction are generally high, although 35% of repeat visitors and 36.6% of first time visitors gave a mid-to-low satisfaction rating to the quality of service received in the area. However, over 60% of all visitors indicated that they are satisfied with the quality of service they receive in the area. 4c. Satisfaction with Information Provision The survey revealed that all respondents gave a similar mid range rating to the level and quality of information available on the area, first time visitors were less satisfied overall than repeat visitors. It is relevant to point out that repeat visitors, by default, already have knowledge of the area to varying degrees, and may not be actively seeking out the same amount of information that first time visitors need. Earlier it was illustrated that approximately 60% of first time visitors use the internet and holiday brochures as their prime source of information on the area. Therefore, a lower satisfaction level for first time visitors with the level and quality of information received is significant for these means of communication with visitors and potential visitors to the area. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 24 Respondents were again asked to rate their levels of satisfaction with the quality and level of information available on the area. Satisfaction with the quality and level of information available on the area Ceredigion Survey 2002 40 35 30 25 % 20 Repeat Visitors 15 First time visitors 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Visitor Satisfaction Level * NOTE: a score of 1 signifies a low satisfaction rating with the quality and level of information provided, and a score of 5 signifies a high satisfaction rating with the quality and level of information provided for the visitor. 4d. Perceptions of Change in the Area Respondents who had indicated that this was not their first visit to the area were asked to indicate if they had perceived any changes in the area since their last visit. Respondents were able to indicate one or more changes from a given list. Forty percent of respondents indicated that they perceived the area to be busier than on previous visits, whilst approximately 25% perceived an improvement in the road network and in the overall tidiness of Ceredigion and just under 20% noticed an improvement in facilities and amenities on offer in the county. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 25 Changes perceived since last visit to the area Ceredigion Survey 2002 Other Less use of Welsh language More use of Welsh language Improved quality of tourist product / amenities Perceived Changes Improved information provision Quieter Friendlier Improved facilities / amenities Improved roads Tidier More commercialised Busier 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage 4e. The Importance of What Wales has to Offer Respondents were asked to rate, from a given choice, the elements that they perceived both Wales and Ceredigion offer to visitors. A rating of 5 indicates a high level of offering and a rating of 1 indicates a low level of offering. For example, approximately 36% of respondents ranked ‘quality’ offered to visitors within Ceredgion as between 1 and 3. Therefore 36% of respondents thought that the area offers mid to low quality for visitors. Ratings of the Visitor Experience on Offer in the Area: a comparison with Wales Ceredigion Survey 2002 35 90 Ceredigion Ceredigion 80 30 Wales Wales 70 25 60 % 50 % 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Visitor Rating for Natural Beauty 5 1 2 3 4 5 Visitor Rating for Culture Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 26 16 30 Ceredigion Ceredigion 25 Wales 14 Wales 12 20 10 % % 15 8 6 10 4 5 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 Ceredigion Wales 15 % 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Visitor Rating with Value Visitor Rating with Hospitality 20 0 5 Levels of satisfaction for respondents of different aspects of Wales, compared against the same attributes within Ceredigion reveal some interesting results. The natural beauty of both Wales and this area was rated as highly satisfactory, whilst 13% of respondents thought culture Ceredigion was not particularly prevalent, or important and 12% thought culture throughout Wales not particularly prevalent or important Visitor Rating with Quality Significantly only 15% of respondents thought that quality deserved a high rating within Ceredigion, whilst across Wales in general 18% of respondents thought that the quality offered to visitors rated highly. Importantly, only 20% of visitors to the Ceredigion gave a high rating to ‘value’ received in the area. When considering the importance of repeat visitors and the role of personal recommendation to the county, it can be seen that a destination perceived to give low value for money may well see a drop in repeat visits and those visiting through recommendations of others. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 27 5. 5a. Social Profile of Visitors Socio-economic Groupings of Visitors Income Brackets of Visitors – a comparison Ceredigion Survey 2002 40 35 30 25 % 20 15 10 Repeat Visitors 5 First Time Visitors 0 10 - 15 16 - 20 21 - 25 25+ Income Bracket (000's) The survey reveals that the income bracket of £25,000+ is the one within which the majority of respondents to the survey are situated. However, there is also a large percentage (24%) of repeat visitors in the lower income bracket of £10,000 - £15,000. Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 28 Employment Categories of Visitors Ceredigion Survey 2002 35 Repeat Visitors First Time Visitors 30 Percentage 25 20 15 10 5 State pensioner, casual earner or other type of employed post Skilled manual post Supervisory or clerical, junior management, admin or professional post Intermediate managerial, admin or professional post Higher managerial, admin or professional post 0 Socio-Economic Group The higher percentage of repeat visitors belonging to the ‘state pensioner, casual earner…’ category is borne out by the higher percentage of repeat visitors in the 65+ age-group. The majority of all respondents indicate that they belong to the higher and intermediate managerial / professional socio-economic groupings. A comparison of repeat and first time visitors illustrates that first time visitors are more likely to be employed in intermediate or higher managerial / professional posts . Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 29 References: Ecleston J & Thomson G unpublished Measuring and Understanding Visitor Satisfaction – a Common Approach for Wales and Scotland, Research Paper NFO Systems, 2002. English Tourism Council 2002 Tourism Insights, ETC, London Market Research Wales 2002 Information Requirements of Visitors to Wales: A report for the Wales Tourist Board, MRW, Cardiff Visitor Satisfaction Survey: Ceredigion 2002 IQM Research Project, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 1AR 30