U NIVERSITY OF M IAMI FINANCIAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES LIAISON RELATIONSHIP WITH DIVISIONAL CHIEF FISCAL OFFICERS B001 Revised 4/01 Reviewed 11/06 INTRODUCTION The University of Miami has a number of advancement, administrative, budget and/or financial officers throughout the various components of the University, i.e., Colleges and Schools, Student Affairs, and auxiliary enterprises, etc. This policy sets forth the relationships between these various divisional officers and their respective University Officer. DEFINITION University Officer means the individual responsible university-wide for a given central support services function. For example, the Vice President for Advancement, Associate Vice President and University Controller, and the Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning are University Officers for their respective functional areas. POLICY 1. Pre-employment reference checking is required for inter-divisional transfers/promotions, so that the hiring unit has the benefit of the experiences of others in the University who have worked with the candidate. 2. Employment selection will include consultation between the hiring divisional officer or dean or their designee, and the appropriate University Officer. 3. The job description of a divisional advancement, administrative, budget, and/or financial officer will describe a liaison relationship that must exist between the divisional officer and the appropriate University Officer, which officer will be named in the job description, since it varies, position-by-position. Regular meetings are held between divisional officers and their related University Officers for maintaining close working relationships and openness in dayto-day communications, for the efficiency of the University and maximum flow of information within the institution. 4. Salary increases in excess of eight percent, for chief divisional advancement, administrative, budget, and financial officers require consultation between the hiring divisional officer or dean or their designee, and the appropriate University Officer and the Vice President for Human Resources. 5. It is the responsibility of the divisional budget or financial officer to report immediately to the Associate Vice President and University Controller and the University Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning any matter that could materially misstate University financial statements, financial statements of subdivisions thereof or budget status/budget variance reports and forecasts. In addition, the divisional officers have a responsibility to report to the Associate Vice President and University Controller and/or to the Executive Director of Internal Audit any suspected or known fraud or misuse of University assets by University employees, including, but not limited to: 1 of 2 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Misdirection of revenues and cash receipts; Improper disbursements; Misuse of University facilities for personal profit; Violation of University of Miami conflict of interest policies; Violation of policies regarding charging for University goods and services; Violation of policies in dealings with vendors and consultants in the procurement and/or contract for goods and services; vii. Misuse of imprest accounts and petty cash funds; viii. Non compliance with government rules and regulations and University of Miami policies in the following areas: a. Patient billing b. Sponsored Programs c. Student Financial Aid; ix. Improper use or movement of University equipment. The above paragraph 5 recognizes that the Associate Vice President and University Controller is the primary person responsible for the integrity of the University's financial records and statements and that the Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning has the primary responsibility for University-wide budget monitoring. 2 of 2