Social Unprofitable organization “Lithuanian-Swedish

Social Unprofitable organization “Lithuanian-Swedish Society of Kaunas” and it’s “Youth
Affairs Committee” together with “Swedish and Lithuanian National Society” arranged a project with a
purpose to establish “Youth Leisure Centre” in Kaunas according to the Scandinavian model. The
necessity of such center showed the questioning made by “Youth Affairs Committee” of “LithuanianSwedish Society” in 16 Kaunas secondary schools. It was find out that 95% of schoolchildren approve
the foundation of such center and will willingly attend it. This centre will be the place where young
people will be occupied with various activities like singing, dancing, watching TV, talking between each
other, learning, attending art classes, computer courses, prepare homework, reading newspapers,
magazines, books, going in for sports, traveling, meeting interesting people, taking part in various
projects etc. It will be body builders and basketball hall, computer class with internet access here.
Different, prevention programs will be held. The existence of such centre will reduce criminality of
juvenile, alcoholism, spread of narcotics, suicides and will help to solve other actual youth problems.
But it won’t be for those who bunked off.
This centre will differ from other similar centers in Kaunas by its structure, format, organized
activities and other things. Such centers are very popular in Sweden, Finland, Norway and other
European countries.
Youth Leisure Center will meet everyone and suggest activities according to his interests and
desires. There won’t be any routine, regulations; constraint like it’s at school. Schoolchildren can come
whenever they want from the opening till close of the center. Everyday! This center will inform about
alcoholism and narcotic addiction problems, spread of AIDS and how to avoid it.
In this center will work qualified specialists: social workers, psychologists who will help to solve
juveniles’ psychological problems. Also there will work volunteers ready to help if there occur any
A thought to establish “Youth Leisure Center” according to the Scandinavian model emerged
during forum days “LITAUEN 2002” which was held on the 4-6th of October 2002. One of the forums
themes was youth leisure. Lithuanian youth delegacy was asked to visit one Swedish Youth Leisure
Center where children can spend their free time. This visit made ineffaceable impression. This center
was very different from similar centers in Lithuania by its structure, the form of realization activities,
sponsorship, equipment but the most important thing was democracy. All activities are for free! There
are no big amounts of schoolmasters who are watching children all the time, every step and forbidding
everything. There are working only one or few social workers with special education. Children can
communicate with them very free without any restrictions. These workers supervise the order, they don’t
let to use alcohol, narcotics, smoke cigarettes but they don’t discipline or limit. Every child is dreaming
about an opportunity to spend his leisure freely, ease, sapid, without any confines. This dream they can
implement in Youth Leisure Center.
Youth Leisure Center is a place where some children can play billiards, other – table tennis,
watch TV or take part in various projects etc. Tired and hungry children can have a snack in a coffee-bar
which also is in this center. When we came back to Lithuania, we received big support from other young
people. Social unprofitable Organization “Lithuanian-Swedish Society” established “Youth Affairs
Committee” and assigned to materialize this project.
We think that such center could reduce the usage of alcohol, narcotics, spread of AIDS. It will
help young people to spend their free time more interesting and useful, to solve their psychological
The main reason to establish Youth Leisure Center according to the Scandinavian model –
insufficient schoolchildren’s after school occupation, not efficiently organized leisure. It causes such
problems as criminality among teenagers, usage of narcotics and alcohol, suicides, spread of AIDS. A
big number of teenagers are passive, having psychological and communication problems. Our center
could help to solve such problems. All children are interested in something but maybe not everyone
have enough money or initiation. They need better conditions to do what they like. A child have to get
love, understanding, support, concern.
Every visitor of Youth Leisure Center will get all information about all working Kaunas after
school institutions, their activities; information about different organizations and their organized
activities, exhibitions, shows, lectures, seminars. All activities in this center will be for free for
everybody no mater to what social group they depend. “Youth Leisure Center” will help children from
other countries to integrate. All members in the center will be equal.
Youth Leisure Center will vitalize teenagers’ life, it will help to escalate relations with teenagers
from foreign countries, stimulate to be interested in Lithuanian old cuLture, traditions. It will form
teenagers’ inner world.
We wanted to know the necessity of such center and made a questioning in 16 Kaunas
secondary schools and gymnasiums. The questioning was made with a help of Kaunas “Education and
Nurture Department”. We prepared questionnaires, incidentally picked schools and started to question
schoolchildren and finally counted results. We questioned 400 of schoolchildren.52% girls, 48% boys.
16-18 years of age – 45%, 13-15 – 55%.
30% spend time with their friends; 12% - at home; 9% walking in the yard(street); 7% playing
basketball; 6% listening to music; 6% - swimming; 66% - doing nothing; 3% - painting; 21% - doing
other activities.
After school activities: 74% - doing nothing; 26 – attend after school activities.
After school activities: 33% - basketball; 27% - music; 27% - swimming; 13% - painting.
75% - wanted to attend such center; 7% - don’t want; 18% - don’t know.
58% - will go to this center; 37 – would go if they have free time; 5% - won’t go.
Children will go there because: 47% - to spend time after school interesting; 39% - to find knew
friends; 9% - combine doing homework with leisure, 5% - other reasons.
Price: 40% - 0-5 Lt; 27% - 10-15 Lt.; 27% - according to activities; 6% - 15-20 Lt.
Can this Youth Leisure Center withdraw from bad friends’ influence? 94% - yes, 6% - no!!!