PHOTODEGRADATION OF METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) VAPOR BY USING PHOTOCATALYST IMMOBILIZED NONWOVEN FIBER TEXTILES Ting-Nien Wu*, Chao-Ming Huang Department of Environmental Engineering Kun Shan University Tainan 71003, Taiwan Key Words : MTBE, TiO2, ZnO, metal-doping, nonwoven fiber texile, photocatalysis ABSTRACT The commercial TiO2 (ST-01), ZnO, and sol-gel prepared metal-doped TiO2 were individually immobilized onto the nonwoven fiber textiles, and three levels of photocatalyst loadings were immobilized by hot pressing. In this study, the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles were utilized to perform photocatalytic degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) vapor in a 1520 cm3 photoreactor. The photocatalytic experiments were conducted 240 min under the irradiation of a fluorescent lamp. The use of commercial TiO2 (ST-01) provided the remarkable performance of 75% MTBE photodegradation with 0.75 mg cm-2 TiO2 loading, and the complete removal of MTBE was reached as increasing TiO2 loading to 3.0 mg cm-2. Comparatively, the ZnO immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles only performed 17% to 29% MTBE photodegradation. The prepared W-doped, Fe-doped, and Ag-doped TiO2 were individually immobilized 1.5 mg cm-2 onto the nonwoven fiber textiles for the photocatalytic experiments. The use of W-doped, Fe-doped, and Ag-doped TiO2 provided the performance of 61%, 47%, and 37% MTBE photodegradation, respectively. However, the metal-doped TiO2 did not provide the superior performance to the commercial TiO2 (ST-01) on MTBE degradation. According to intermediate identification by GC/MS, MTBE photodegradation can proceed in the route of pathway A to form TBF, TBA, and acetone or pathway B to form methyl acetate. The detected CO2 concentrations showed an increasing trend during all photocatalytic experiments, and it implicated that MTBE vapor can be successfully mineralized through fluorescence-irradiated photocatalysis. The experimental results supported the possible application of the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles to lower the MTBE level in ambient air around the gasoline stations. * To whom all correspondence should be addressed. E-mail address: INTRODUCTION Due to the air pollution problem regarding lead particles caused by the use of alkyl lead additives, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE, C5H12O) was introduced to replace alkyl lead additives in the late 1970s. MTBE did maintain the adequate octane rating, prevent engine knocking, improve gasoline combustion, and reduce auto emission of volatile organic compounds and suspended lead particles. Typically, reformulated gasoline blends with 10 to 15% MTBE before sale in order to reduce carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions from vehicle exhaust. It has been noticed that the continual use of MTBE has imposed significant adverse impacts on groundwater supply [1]. Besides, the presence of MTBE in the troposphere was about 10 mg m-3 that is expected to rise with increasing use [2-3]. MTBE has been classified as a possible human carcinogen [4], and thus the risk regarding the exposure of MTBE vapor in ambient air around the gasoline stations is a focal environmental issue. Numerous treatment processes have been proposed for removing MTBE from water include aerobic biodegradation [5], air stripping [6], adsorption [6-7], and advanced oxidation. However, these conventional remedy schemes have generally indicated either low efficiency or high costs for MTBE removal. Advanced oxidation technologies (AOTs) can employ the generation of hydroxyl radicals to degrade or even mineralize MTBE with a high reaction rate such as ozone/hydrogen peroxide [8], Fenton’s reagent [9], UV/peroxide [10], potassium permanganate [11], persulfate [12], gamma radiolysis [13], electrochemical oxidation [1416], and photocatalysis [17]. The studies of applying photocatalysis to degrade MTBE in the gas phase are rather few. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a widely-used photocatalyst, which has successfully applied on the degradation of volatile organic compounds [18]. This study is aimed at applying TiO2 to the degradation of MTBE vapor in ambient air around the gasoline stations. For the practical application, the photocatalysts including TiO2, ZnO, metal-doped TiO2, and metal-doped ZnO were immobilized onto the unwoven fiber textiles. The fluorescence lamp was selected as light source to create the surroundings close to the reality. In this paper, experimental data of a bench-scale photocatalytic system was provided for further improving the performance of the TiO2 immobilized unwoven fiber textiles on solving the potential air pollution of MTBE vapor around the gasoline stations. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Materials Analytical-grade MTBE (99.5%) was purchased from Merck Ltd. Acetone (99.7%) obtained from Uni-Ward Co. (Taiwan) and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) from TEDIA (U.S.) were used for the quantification of degradation intermediates. TiO2 powder with particle size 7 nm and surface area 300 m2g-1 was ST-01 commercial product from Ishihara Co. ZnO powder with particle size 30 nm and surface area 40 to 60 m2g-1 was obtained from CBT Co. 2. Preparation of the Photocatalyst Immobilized Nonwoven Fiber Textiles The purchased commercial ST-01 TiO2 and ZnO powder was used to prepare the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles by the sol-gel method. Nonwoven fiber textiles were cut in a size of 5 cm × 24 cm and dried in an oven before immersion processes. The sol-gel solution was prepared by blending the solutions of 3 M titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) with 4 M ethanol, and the TTIP mixture was heated up to 90 ℃ and recirculated 30min for completely mixing. The nonwoven fiber textile was stepwise dipped in the prepared sol-gel solution and subsequently dried out in a 110℃ oven for 1 h. The dip-coating process was repeated one more time until the desired amount of photocatalyst coating is reaching. Finally, hot pressing process was applied at 110 ℃ for 10 s to fix photocatalyst coating onto the nonwoven fiber textile. Besides, the metal-doped TiO2 powder was also utilized to prepare the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. The metal-doping solution was prepared by blending AgNO3, FeSO4, or H26N6O41W12 with HNO3 for preparing Ag-doped, Fe-doped, or W-doped photocatalyst. Next, the sol-gel solution containing TTIP and ethanol was decanted into the metal-doping solution, and the mixture was magnetically stirred 24 h for completely mixing. The mixture was oven-dried at 110 ℃ and subsequently annealed at 400 ℃ for 4 h. The residual crystalline fracture after annealing was ground to obtain metal-doped TiO2 powder that was further used to prepare the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles by the sol-gel method. 3. Photocatalytic Experiments The experimental setup of the bench-scale photoreactor was shown in Fig 1. The volume of the tubular Pyrex photoreactor is 1520 cm3. The photoreactor was double jacketed with the installation of a fluorescent lamp. The measured illumination intensity of the fluorescent lamp is 0.32 to 0.35 MW cm-2. In the photoreactor, the 1 photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textile encircled the fluorescent lamp to attain the best illumination. 3. 3. 4 1 1. MTBE injection . 2. sampling port 2 3. fluorescence lamp 4. photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textile 3 5. Pyrex photoreactor 4 4 . 2 . 5 . Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup Before each experiment, 1μL of MTBE was injected into the photoreactor at room temperature. The stabilization of a simulated MTBE contaminated ambient environment was reached in the photoreactor after waiting 120 min for MTBE vaporization and fiber textile’s adsorption. Then, the fluorescent lamp was turned on to conduct the photocatalytic experiment. Each run was lasted for 240 min, and 1 ml gas sample was taken with a gas syringe every 30 min. The sampled gas was instantly subjected to the analysis of gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for the determination of residual MTBE as well as the degradation intermediates. 4. Analytical Methods MTBE concentration was analyzed using Perkin Elmer model Clarus 500 GC/MS system equipped with a Equity-5 column (30 m L × 0.25 mm ID × 0.5 m thick). In this study, operating condition was setup as: N2 carrier gas at 1 ml min-1, injector temperature at 40℃, and detector temperature at 200℃. The column was isothermal at 40℃ for 4 min, ramped at 10℃ min-1 to 100℃, held for 2 min, continually ramped at 30℃ min-1 to 180℃, and held for 2 min. 1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Effect of Photocatalyst Coating on MTBE Removal In this study, a fluorescent lamp ( > 387.4 nm) was utilized as light source for photocatalysis of MTBE. The photocatalytic mechanisms by visible light are given in reaction 1 to 6 [19]. The chemisorbed MTBE molecules were excited under visible light irradiation, and then the electrons were transferred from excited MTBE molecules to semiconductor particles. After electron injection onto the conduction band of the semiconductor, the conduction band electrons are scavenged by 2 adsorbed oxygen molecules to yield superoxide radical anions. The formed superoxide radical anions can combine with hydrogen cations to produce OOH radicals, and continually react to generate H2O2 and OH radicals. Accordingly, photocatalytic degradation of MTBE can occur through the attack of OH and OOH radicals under visible light irradiation. MTBEads + h → MTBEads* (1) TiO2(e-) + O2 → O2- (2) O2- + H+ → OOH (3) OOH + O2- + H+ → O2 + H2O2 (4) H2O2 + O2- → OH- + OH + O2 (5) (CH3)3COCH3 + OH (or OOH) → intermediates → mineralized products (6) 100 C/Co 80 60 40 TiO2 0.75 mg/cm2 20 TiO2 1.5 mg/cm2 TiO2 3.0 mg/cm2 0 0 60 120 Time (min) 180 240 (a) 100 C/Co 80 60 40 after photocatalyzing 210 min with 3.0 mg cm-2 TiO2 loading. However, the rate of photocatalytic reactions may not increase linearly with increasing catalyst loading or surface area because only excited catalyst can create electron/hole charge pairs [20]. In this study, the upper bond of photocatalyst loading to hinder light penetration for photocatalysis is not reached. The first-order rate constant of MTBE photodegradation was 0.0045, 0.0056, and 0.0099 min-1 with the TiO2 loading of 0.75, 1.5, and 3.0 mg cm-2, respectively. In Fig. 2b, the growing trend of MTBE removal efficiency with increasing ZnO loading holds valid. The efficiencies of MTBE removal are between 17% and 29% after photocatalyzing 240 min when using the ZnO immobilized unwoven fiber textiles. Comparing with TiO2, ZnO provided the much poor performance on photodegradation efficiency and reaction rate due to less surface area and photocatalytic characteristics. The photocatalytic degradation of MTBE follows the first-order kinetics with the linear R2 value of 0.967 and 0.987. The rate constants of MTBE photodegradation were 0.0009 and 0.0014 min-1 with the ZnO loading of 1.5 and 3.0 mg cm-2. ZnO 0.75 mg/cm2 20 2. Effect of metal-doped Photocatalysts on MTBE Removal ZnO 1.5 mg/cm2 ZnO 3.0 mg/cm2 0 0 60 120 Time (min) 180 240 (b) Fig.2. MTBE removals through photocatalysis by using (a) TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles, and (b) ZnO immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. For photocatalytic reactions, light can penetrate to a certain depth due to the absorption coefficient, the applied wavelength, and the amount of the scattered light. The amount of light adsorbed by the photocatalyst is regularly limited by the amount of immobilized photocatalyst on nonwoven fiber textiles. Fig. 1 provided the comparison of MTBE removal efficiencies through photocatalysis at three levels of photocatalyst loading. As shown in Fig. 1a, the efficiency of MTBE removal increased with the amount of TiO2 loading as expected. The complete removal of MTBE was noticed It is well known that TiO2 can only be excited by high energy UV irradiation due to its high energy band gap. The use of sunlight might result in a low rate of electron transfer and a high rate of recombination of excited electron-hole pairs, and thus the low quantum yield limited the efficiency of photocatalysis (Woo, 2007). An alternative to extend the absorption threshold of TiO2 to visible light is to dope some transition metal onto TiO2 to modify its photocatalytic properties. In this study, Fe, Ag, or Wu doped TiO2 nanostructured powder were synthesized by the sol-gel method, and subsequently hot-pressed to prepare the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. The effect of some transition metal ion dopants on TiO2 photocatalytic activity was illustrated in Fig. 3. The best efficiency of MTBE removal is 75% after photocatalyzing 210 min with 1.5 mg cm-2 TiO2 loading, and the metal-doped TiO2 did not enhance the photo- catalytic efficiency. By using the metal-doped TiO2, the photocatalytic degradation of MTBE seems to follow the first-order kinetics with the linear R2 value between 0.7 and 0.951. The rate constants of MTBE photodegradation were 0.004, 0.003, and 0.0021 min-1 with 1.5 mg cm-2 of W-doped, Fe-doped, and Ag-doped TiO2. Some transition metals such as Fe, Ag, and Wu were also doped onto the ZnO nanoparticles to investigate the modification of photocatalytic activity. The efficiencies of MTBE removal is between 18% and 38% after photocatalyzing 240 min with 1.5 mg cm-2 metal-doped ZnO. Comparing with all the tested metal-doped TiO2, ZnO, and metal-doped ZnO, the commercial ST-01 TiO2 offered the best photocatalytic efficiency on degrading MTBE. TiO2 1.5 mg/cm2 W/TiO2 1.5 mg/cm2 Fe/TiO2 1.5 mg/cm2 Ag/TiO2 1.5 mg/cm2 y=0.0056x y=0.004x y=0.003x y=0.0021x 1.8 1.6 ln (C0/C) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 60 120 Time (min) 180 240 Fig.3. MTBE removals through photocatalysis by using the metal-doped TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles 3. Degradation of MTBE through Photocatalysis Two possible routes of MTBE degradation in aqueous phase were identified: one pathway to breakdown MTBE to tert-butyl formate (TBF), tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), and acetone before complete mineralization, and the other to form methyl acetate as degradation intermediate [14]. In this study, all the sampled gases were subjected to the analysis of GC/MS to identify the degradation intermediates and measure the disappearance of MTBE. Based on the identification of MS ion fragments with mass-to-charge ratio, the intermediate of MTBE 100% carbon based distribution 2 degradation through photocatalysis are methyl acetate, TBF, TBA, and acetone. For each experiment, the level of carbon dioxide showed a growing trend during photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor. The carbon based distribution in the residual MTBE and the formed intermediates during photocatalysis were illustrated in Fig. 4. Because the measured carbon based distribution in methyl acetate is only 2% to 4%, it is clear that the major photocatalytic degradation of MTBE is to form TBF, TBA, and acetone before final mineralization. In Fig. 4a, the measured carbon based distribution in TBF, TBA, or acetone is mostly oscillating between 2% and 7% during photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor. After photocatalyzing 180 min with 3.0 mg cm-2 TiO2 loading, the distributions of carbon atoms in methyl acetate, TBF, TBA, acetone, CO2, and MTBE were 3.0 %, 5.1 %, 6.3%, 1.5%, 73.9% and 10.2 %. In Fig. 4b, the measured carbon based distribution in TBF, TBA, or acetone is negligible (< 0.5%) due to the poor photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor with ZnO. The growing trend of CO2 level implicated that MTBE can be mineralized in a slow rate through photocatalysis with ZnO. Accordingly, the distributions of carbon atoms in CO2 and MTBE were 22% and 78% after photocatalyzing 180 min with 3.0 mg cm-2 ZnO loading. 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 30 methyl acetate acetone 60 90 120 Time (min) TBF CO2 (a) 150 TBA MTBE 180 carbon based distribution 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 30 methyl acetate acetone 60 90 120 Time (min) TBF CO2 150 180 TBA MTBE (b) Fig.4. The carbon based distribution in the residual MTBE and the formed intermediates during photocatalysis by using (a) a 3.0 mg cm-2 TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textile, and (b) a 3.0 mg cm-2 ZnO immobilized nonwoven fiber textile. carbon based distribution 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% TiO2 methyl acetate acetone W/TiO2 Fe/TiO2 Ag/TiO2 TBF CO2 TBA MTBE Fig.5. The carbon based distribution in the residual MTBE and the formed intermediates after photocatalysis 240 min by using the metal-doped TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. Fig. 5 showed the comparison of the carbon based distribution in the residual MTBE and the formed intermediates after photo- catalysis 240 min by using the metal-doped TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. Metal-doped TiO2 did not enhance the photocatalytic efficiency nor affect the photocatalytic degradation pathway. The carbon based distributions in the formed intermediates are not significant, and the extent of mineralization is 73%, 55%, 47%, and 36% for the use of TiO2, W-TiO2, Fe-TiO2, and Ag- TiO2. The decrease of photocatalytic efficiency by using the metal-doped TiO2 can be explained by the possible cutback of surface area after metal doping. CONCLUSIONS The band gap of TiO2 is 3.2 eV, and high energy UV irradiation is generally required to excite the catalyst. This study demonstrated the photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor under the irradiation of visible light. The commercial ST-01 TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textile gave the best performance on photocatalysis that MTBE can be completely degraded through photocatalysis within 210 min with 3.0 mg cm-2 TiO2 loading. The photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor seems to follow the first-order kinetic, and the rate constants of MTBE photodegradation were 0.0099 and 0.0014 min-1 with 3.0 mg cm-2 TiO2 and ZnO loading. The prepared W-doped, Fe-doped, and Ag-doped TiO2 did not improve photocatalytic degradation of MTBE vapor. The major pathway of MTBE degradation through photocatalysis is to form TBF, TBA, and acetone before final mineralization. Based on the measured carbon based distribution, the degradation intermediates including TBF, TBA, and acetone are typically oscillating between 2% and 7% during photocatalysis. By using TiO2 immobilized nonwoven fiber textile, MTBE vapor can be mostly mineralized to CO2 through photocatalysis with visible light. This study provided an economical and simple treatment alternative of lowering the MTBE level in ambient air around the gasoline stations by using the photocatalyst immobilized nonwoven fiber textiles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C. under Grant No. NSC-93-2211-E-168001. The authors would like to thank Mr. Zong-Chih Lin and Kuo-Hua Ling for his support on analytical work and Department of Environmental Engineering, Kun Shan University for the financial support on the establishment of analytical instruments. 9. 10. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rong, Y., “The MTBE Paradox of Groundwater Pollution”, Environmental Forsenics , 2, 9–11 ( 2001). Boulamanti, A.K. and C.J. 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