A list of excellent classic books and articles

On paper Reading List:
This is a list of the material not available on line. For the other material you will receive a digital version or
an URL address.
* indicates reading for the whole class. Other readings are specific to each team. More readings will be
provided during the term according to specific interests.
Design Processes
*Lewis, Philip H. 1996. Tomorrow by design: a regional design process for sustainability, The Wiley series in
sustainable design. New York: J. Wiley.
*Lyle, John Tillman. 1994. Regenerative design for sustainable development. New York: Wiley.
*Steinitz. 1996. Design is a Verb; Design is a Noun. Landscape Journal:188-200.
*Steinitz, Carl. 1990. A framework for theory applicable to the education of landscape architects (and
other environmental design professionals). Landscape Journal:136-143.
*Steinitz, Carl. 1979. Defensible Processes for Regional Landscape Design. Landscape Architecture
Technical Information Series (September):3-31.
Environmental Planning
Buckingham-Hatfield, Susan, and Bob Evans. 1996. Environmental planning and sustainability.
Chichester; New York: John Wiley.
Hanna, Susan, and Mohan Munasinghe, eds. 1995. Property rights in a social and ecological context: case
studies and design applications. Washington, DC.: Beijer International Institute of Ecological
Economics and The World Bank.
*Jamieson, Ross W., Sylvia Abonyi, and Neil A. Mirau, eds. 1993. Culture and Environment: A Fragile
Coexistence, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association
of the University of Calgary. Calgary: Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary:
Selman, Paul H. 1992. Environmental planning: the conservation and development of biophysical resources.
London: Paul Chapman Pub.
*Selman, Paul H. 1996. Local sustainability: managing and planning ecologically sound places. London: P.
Stokes, Samuel N., A. Elizabeth Watson, and Shelley Smith Mastran. 1997. Saving America's countryside
a guide to rural conservation. 2nd ed. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Van der Ryn, Sim, and Stuart Cowan. 1995. Ecological design. Washington, DC.: Island Press.
Aberley, Doug. 1994. Futures by design: the practice of ecological planning, The New catalyst bioregional
series; 7-8. Gabriola Island, BC; Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers.
Beatley, Timothy. 1994. Habitat conservation planning: endangered species and urban growth. 1st ed.
Austin: University of Texas Press.
Binford, Michael W., and Michael J. Buchenau. 1993. Wildlife Corridors. In Ecology of Greenways, edited
by Smith.
Fleury, Allison M., and Robert D. Brown. 1997. A framework for the design of wildlife conservation
corridors with specific application to southwestern Ontariao. Landscape and Urban Planning
*Forman, Richard T. T. 1986a. Corridors. In Landscape Ecology. New York: John Wiley.
*Forman, Richard T. T. 1986b. Patches. In Landscape Ecology. New York: John Wiley.
*Forman, Richard T.T. 1995. Land Planning and Management. In Land Mosaics: The Ecology of
Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Haber, Wolfgang. 1989. Using Landscape Ecology in Planning and Management. In Changing Landscapes:
An Ecological Perspective, edited by I. S. Zonneveld and R. T. T. Forman. New York: SpringerVerlag.
*Hellmund, Paul Cawood. 1993. A Method for Ecological Greenway Design. In Ecology of Greenways,
edited by Smith.
Ontario Commission on Planning and Development. 19--. Concepts in Conservation Biology for Settled
Vecsey, Christopher, and Robert W. Venables, eds. 1980. Ecological Issues in Native American History.
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Indigenous knowledge
Berkes, Fikret. 1995. Indigenous knowledge and resource management systems: A Native Canadian case
study from James Bay. In Property rights in a social and ecological context: case studies and design
applications, edited by S. Hanna and M. Munasinghe. Washington, DC.: Beijer International
Institute of Ecological Economics and The World Bank.
Broda, Jean M. 1996. Summary Report. Paper read at Dene Environment Gathering: Exploring Kinds of
Knowledge for Taking care of the Land, March 5-7, at Yellowknife, N.W. T.
Chavez, V. 1991. A Native American Perspective: Our Land and Culture, Sensitivity and Respect, Other
Voices-- Environment, Community, Development and Race 1.
Churchill, Ward. 1986. American Indian Lands: The Native Ethic Amid Resource Development.
Environment 28 (6):13-34.
Cole, David. 19--. Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Naskapi and the Environmental Assessment
Process. In Law and Process in Environmental Management, edited by S. A. Kenneth. Calgary, AB:
Canadian Institute of Resource Law.
Forde, Daryll C. 1931. Hopi Agriculture and Land Ownership. Man: Journal of the Royal Anthropological
Institute 61:357-405.
Freeman, M. R. 1979. Traditional Land Users as a Legitimate Source of Environmental Experience. Paper
read at The Canadian National Parks: Today and Tomorrow Conference II. Ten Years Later, ----, at
Waterloo, ON.
Freeman, M. R., and L. N. Carbyn. 1988. Traditional Knowledge and Renewable Resource Management in
Northern Territories. Edmonton, AB: Commission on Ecology and Boreal Institute for Northern
Studies, International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
*Hughes, J. Donald. 1983. American Indian ecology. El Paso: Texas Western Press.
Inglis, Julian T., ed. 1993. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases. Ottawa. ON:
International Development Research Centre.
Johannes, R. E., Nature International Union for Conservation of, and Resources Natural. 1989. Traditional
ecological knowledge: a collection of essays, The IUCN conservation library. Gland, Switzerland;
Cambridge, UK: IUCN.
Johnson, Martha, ed. 1992. LORE: Capturing Traditional Environmental Knowledge. Hay River, NWT: Dene
Cultural Institute, International Development Research Centre.
*McLuhan, T. C., ed. 1971. Touch the earth: A self portrait of Indian existence. New York: Simon &
National, Aboriginal Forestry Association. 1996. Aboriginal Forest-Based Ecological Knowledge in Canada.
Ottawa: National Aboriginal Forestry Association.
Pinel, Sandra Lee, and Michael J. Evans. 1994. Tribal Sovereignty and the Control of Knowledge. In
Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook, edited by T. Greaves. Oklahoma
City: Society for Applied Anthropology.
Ruppert, David. 1994. Buying Secrets: Federal Government Procurement of Intellectual Cultural Property.
In Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook, edited by T. Greaves.
Oklahoma City: Society for Applied Anthropology.
Sallenave, John. 1994. Giving Traditional Ecological Knowledge Its Rightful Place in Environmental
Impact Assessment. Northern Perspectives 22 (1):16-18.
*Schroeder, H. W. 1992. The Tree of Peace: Symbolic and Spiritual Values of the White Pine. In History,
Ecology, Policy and Management, edited by M. E. Service. Minnesota: Minnesota Extension Service.
Soleri, Daniela, David Cleveland, Donald Eriacho, Fred Bowannie Jr., Andrew Laahty, and Zuni
Community Members. 1994. Gifts from the Creator: Intellectual Property Rights and Folk Crop
Varieties. In Intellectual property rights for indigenous peoples: A sourcebook, edited by T. Greaves.
Oklahoma City: Society for Applied Anthropology.
Taliman, Valerie. 1993. Environmental Key to Native Survival. The Circle 14 (5):14.
Tyler, Mary E. 1993. Spiritual Stewardship in Aboriginal Resource Management Systems. Environments 22
Vecsey, Christopher, and Robert W Venables, eds. 1980. American Indian Environments: Ecological Issues
in Native History. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
*Weaver, Jace, ed. 1996. Defending Mother Earth: Native American perspectives on environmental
justice. New York: Orbis Books.