JANIE S. STECKENRIDER, PH.D. Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University
Department of Political Science
University Hall
One LMU Drive, Suite 4120
Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659
Phone: (310) 338-7374
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Loyola Marymount University. Department of Political
Science. Teach courses in introductory American politics, political gerontology, and gender
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social
Research, Summer Training Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Department of Political Science.
Fields of Study: American Politics, Gerontology, Demography and Research
Recipient of the Student Excellence Award, Political Science, awarded by Pi Sigma
Dissertation: “Agenda Building on Health Issues: A Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease.”
The first national public opinion survey on attitudes and beliefs about Alzheimer’s
disease was quantitatively analyzed to determine the process of agenda building and
the extent of issue expansion on Alzheimer’s disease as an issue of health policy.
UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Government Department. Field of Study:
American Politics.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Department of Political Science. Edmund James
LECTURER. University of Southern California, Department of Political Science. Taught PS500:
Methods of Political Science. Required graduate course introducing empirical
political research, theory construction, measurement and research design. Taught
PS600: Advanced Research Methods. Graduate course for Ph.D. candidates in
Political Science on multivariate statistical techniques and computer applications.
LECTURER. University of Southern California, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. Team
taught Gero240g: Public Policies, Programs and Politics Affecting the Elderly.
Introductory undergraduate course on the public policy and political aspects of aging
and the elderly.
TEACHING ASSISTANT. University of Southern California, Department of Political Science.
PS100: Theory and Practice of American Democracy.
RESEARCH CONSULTANT, National Council on Aging, Washington, D.C. Conducted an analysis
of survey research on Alzheimer’s disease.
RESEARCH CONSULTANT, Boettner Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania. Conducted a
quantitative cohort analysis investigating cohort versus age differences in economic
and financial expectations and attitudes.
SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, University of Southern California, Gerontology Research
Institute. Andrus Gerontology Center. Medicine, Self-Care and the Independent
Elderly: Pharmaceutical Consultation as a Community Social Service,
Administration on Aging funded project. Project Research Director responsible for
quantitative data analysis, computer application and data management.
PRE-DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW. National Research Service Award, National Institute on
Aging. University of Southern California, Institute on Advanced Study, Andrus
Gerontology Center. Member of a multi-disciplinary seminar of USC faculty and
staff investigating health policy, pharmaceuticals and aging.
DOCTORAL RESEARCH PARTICIPANT. University of Southern California, Alzheimer’s Public
Opinion Project, Gerontology Research Institute, Andrus Gerontology Center.
Professor Neal E. Cutler. Developed and implemented the design and pre-testing of a
survey questionnaire about Alzheimer’s disease. Prepared the survey results for
computer manipulation and statistically analyzed the survey data.
PRE-DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW. National Research Service Award, National Institute on
Aging. University of Southern California, Multidisciplinary Program on Aging,
Andrus Gerontology Center. Member of the Multidisciplinary Seminar on Aging.
Planned and coordinated a special colloquium featuring a noted panel on the
biological, sociological and psychological effects of aging.
“A Matter of Life and Death: An Update on Physician Assisted Suicide in Oregon,” with Nina Clark.
Southwest Journal on Aging, 2002, vol. 18.
“Long Term Care: A Woman’s World.” 2000. Journal of Health and Human Services
Administration. 22(4):452-471.
New Directions in Old Age Policies, with Tonya Parrott. SUNY Press, Albany, NY: 1998.
“Political Attitudes and Behavior of the Elderly.” Encyclopedia of Aging. Edited by James Birren.
Academic Press. (1996).
“The Senior Citizen Lobby.” Handbook on Political Science Literature and Research on Interest
Groups. Edited by Clive Thomas. Greenwood Press, 1997.
Family Welfare: Whose Responsibility is It? (Book Review). 1996. Policy Studies Journal.
“The Relative Irrelevance of Gender,” with Seth Thompson. 1997. Journal of Women and Politics.
17(4): 71-92.
“Superfund Implementation: Two Faces of the Equity Issue,” with Sheldon Kamieniecki. In
Kamieniecki, Gonzalez and Vos (eds.), Flashpoints in Environmental Policymaking: Controversies in
Achieving Sustainability. SUNY Press. (1997).
“Rationing of Health Care: An Aging Perspective.” Southwest Journal on Aging, 1995 Vol. 1(2).
“Alzheimer’s Association.” In Craig Ramsey (ed.) U.S. Health Policy Groups: Institutional Profiles,
Greenwood Press, 1995.
Dementia and Aging: Ethics, Values and Policy Choices. (Book Review). Politics and the Life
Sciences. February 1994.
“What People Know about Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study of Public Knowledge.” American Journal
of Alzheimer’s Care and Research, January/February 1993.
“Aging and Adult Political Socialization: The Importance of Roles and Role Transitions” (with Neal
E. Cutler) in Roberta Sigel (ed.) Political Learning in Adulthood: A Sourcebook of Theory and
Research, The University of Chicago Press, 1989.
“The Older Voter in the 1980s,” with Neal E. Cutler, Business Institute on Aging Newsletter, Andrus
Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, July 1988.
“Age Consciousness and Politics in America,” with Neal E. Cutler, Business Institute on Aging
Newsletter, Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, July 1988.
“How Golden is the Future?” with Neal E. Cutler and Robert C. Pierce, Generations, Volume 9, Fall
“Electronic Participation by Citizens in U.S. Local Government,” with William Dutton, Debra RossChristensen, Loretta Lynch, Bonnie Goldfarb, Leslie Hirschberg, Taylor Bancroft and Roy Williams,
Information Age, Volume 6, April 1984.
“What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Continued Public Misunderstanding and Concern about
Alzheimer’s Disease, 1985 to 1998,” with Neal Cutler. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society
of America meeting, Chicago, November 2001.
“Aging as a Female Phenomenon: The Plight of Older Women.” Paper presented at the American
Political Science Association Meeting, San Francisco, September 1996.
“Rationing of Health Care: An Aging Perspective.” Paper presented at the American Political
Science Association Meeting, Chicago, September 1995.
“Gendered Agendas,” with Seth Thompson. Paper presented at Western Political Science Association
Meeting, Portland, OR, March 1995.
“The Relative Irrelevance of Gender,” with Seth Thompson. Paper presented at the Western Political
Science Association Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, March 1994.
“Consumer Sentiment: A Generational Approach.” Paper presented at the American Political
Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 1992.
“What Do People Know About Alzheimer’s Disease?: A Study of Public Knowledge.” Paper
presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 1992.
“Drug Information and the Elderly.” Paper presented at the American Society on Aging Meeting,
November 1991.
“Agenda Building on Health Issues: A Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease.” Paper presented at the
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. September 1991.
“Medicine, Self-Care and the Independent Elderly: Pharmaceutical Consultation as a Community
Social Service.” Paper presented at the American Society on Aging Meeting, San Francisco, April
American Political Science Association
American Society on Aging
Gerontological Society of America
Western Political Science Association
Women’s Caucus for Political Science
Chair, Women’s Studies Task Force.
Committee on Research, Loyola Marymount University.
Executive Council, Western Political Science Association.
Local Arranger for 1998 Annual Meeting. Organized a four-day, 1000-person academic
conference in Los Angeles. Responsibilities included all hotel arrangements, receptions,
exhibition room, parking, registration, program, and scheduling of over 100 panels.
Chair, Committee on the Status of Women, Loyola Marymount University.
Search Committee for Dean of Liberal Arts, Loyola Marymount University.
Committee on Economic Status of the Faculty, Loyola Marymount University.
Computer Advisory Committee, College of Liberal Arts, Loyola Marymount University.
Executive Board, Section on Women and Politics, American Political Science Association.
Member, Academic Policy and Procedures Committee. Faculty Senate. University of Southern
Board of Trustees. Secretary. Church of the Good Shepherd. Arcadia.
Assistance League of Arcadia. Chairman of Senior Services.
Board of Directors, Secretary of Executive Board, Methodist Hospital of Southern California,
Board of Directors, Sierra Madre Skilled Nursing, Sierra Madre.
Board of Directors, Founding Associates, John Douglas French Alzheimer’s Foundation.
Member, Board of Directors. American Heart Association, Arcadia Branch.
Commissioner, Senior Citizens Commission. City of Arcadia.
Speaker Bureau, Alzheimer’s Association, Los Angeles Chapter.