GLC 2O5 Careers - I AM ASSIGNMENT Due Date: ___________________________ Name: ______________________________ Objective: This task is an accumulation of the self-assessments you have completed so far. You should have learned and/or confirmed a lot about yourself: your interests and values, how you learn best, how you think, your “smarts”, and aspects of your personality. The objective of this task is to display your findings in a creative manner accompanied by written explanations. Instructions: 1. Complete the chart on the back of this page to summarize your learning and create a personal profile of yourself. Take time to reflect on the information presented…it is you! 2. Choose a creative format to display your findings, such as a PowerPoint presentation, poster, pamphlet movie, PhotoStory, box display or crest. The sky is the limit! 3. Create your display. You must include a written explanation for each requirement (learning style, thinking style or right/left brain, interests, multiple intelligences or “smarts”, values, true colour, personality type). This should be word processed or neatly hand written. 4. Attach this sheet with the rubric to your display. Evaluation Rubric: Criteria Number of requirements illustrated Clarity and organization Creativity and format Language use Overall impression and effort Level 4 (80-100%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 1 (50-59%) <Level 1 - All 7 requirements (learning style, R/L brain, interests, MI, values, true colour, personality) - The display demonstrates a high degree of clarity and organization. - The display demonstrates superb creativity in an interesting format. - Superb writing and communication of ideas. - Free of spelling and grammatical errors. - 6 requirements are illustrated -5 requirements are illustrated - 4 requirements are illustrated - 3 or less requirements are illustrated - The display demonstrates considerable clarity and organization. - The display demonstrates effective creativity in an appealing format. - Effective writing and communication of ideas. - Few spelling and grammatical errors. - The display demonstrates some clarity and organization. - The display demonstrates some creativity in an acceptable format. - Uses basic but clear language. - Some spelling and grammatical errors. - The display demonstrates limited clarity and organization. - The display is difficult to read due to poor organization. - The display demonstrates limited creativity in a plain format. - Uses simplistic language with some unclear syntax. - Some spelling and grammatical errors. - The display demonstrates negligible creativity on a plain sheet of paper. - Uses overly simplistic language. - Spelling and grammatical errors interfere with legibility - A thorough and outstanding effort is evident. - A considerable effort is evident, and the display makes a good impression. - An inconsistent effort is evident, and the display is just OK. - An inconsistent effort is evident, and the display makes a poor impression. - More is expected than the effort put forth. Level Achieved: __________________ Comments: Level 2 (60-69%) Personal Profile of: Self Assessment Category Interests (5 or more) Values (5 or more) Learning Styles (use examples of each) Thinking Style (Left Brain/Right Brain) Multiple Intelligences (Utilize top 3) True Colours (Rank: dominant to least) Personality Type (List 5 or more characteristics) Results and Personal Examples