תערוכת "בילדינג 2004" תציע לחברות המציגות ולמבקרים המקצועיים זירה עסקית

Financial & Strategic Consulting
I s r a e l Bu s i n e s s a n d E n e r g y C o n f e r e n c e 2 0 1 0
S e c ur e a n d Cl e a n E n e r g y
October 18-19, 2010 Kfar Hamaccabiya Hotel, Ramat Gan, Israel
Monday, October 18, 2010
08:00 – 09:00 Gathering, registration and exhibition tour
09:00 – 11:00 Plenary Session: Safe and Clean Energy
Introduction Lectures:
D r . Am it M or, C EO, Ec o Ener gy
Dr. Uzi Landau, Minister of National Infrastructures
Secure Energy Supply
H ost: D r. Am it M or , C EO , Ec o Ener gy
Mr. Yossi Maiman, President, Merhav Group and Chairman of Ampal
Mr. Lawson Freeman, Vice President of Eastern Mediterranean, Noble Energy
Mr. Gideon Tadmor, CEO, Delek Energy System s
Prof. Eugene Kendal, Head of National Economic Council, Prime Minister's
Brigadier General (Res.) Effie Eitam, President, Gini Energy International,
former Minister of National Infrastructures
Brigadier General (Res.) Uzi Eilam, Senior Research Fellow, The Institute of
National Security Studies, former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
Mr . Am o s L asker , CEO , Isr ael Elec tr ic Cor p. (IEC)
11:30 – 13:00 Plenary Session:
Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas: Israel and the World **
Introduction Lecture: MK Gilad Erdan, Minister of Environmental Protection
Host: Dr. Yossi Inbar, Director-General, Ministry of Environmental Protection
Financial & Strategic Consulting
Mr. Haim Shani, Director-General, Ministry of Finance
Ms. Eileen Claussen, President, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change,
W ashington D.C.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:25 Parallel Sessions A
The Israeli and international fuel
Changes in trade, distillation
and storage of fuel in
international markets
Reducing greenhouse gas
emissions – technologies and
smart grid **
Strategies of streamlining
and saving – the
international experience
Oil and natural gas reserves from
oil shale
Technologies for the production
of oil and natural gas
Policy and implementation of
Smart Grid
The benefits and challenges for
the economy from oil shale
Obstacles to competition in the
fuel economy
The fuel economy and the
Opening presentation:
Mr. Tony Quinn, Director, Tankbank
International Pte
Chairman: Mr. Israel Yaniv, CEO,
Dor Alon Energy
Major-General (Res.) Amos Yaron,
CEO, Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co.
Mr. Chen Bar-Yosef, Director of
Fuel Administration, the Ministry of
National Infrastructures
Mr. Tamir Polikar, Former CEO,
Chairwoman: Ms. Shuli
Nezer, Director, Division
of Air Quality and
Climate Change
Mr. Richard Bradley,
Head, Energy Efficiency
and Environment
Division, International
Energy Agency (IEA(,
Mr. Franzjosef Schafhausen,
Deputy Director General,
Environment and Energy,
Federal Ministry of Environment,
Nature Conservation, Nuclear
Safety (BMU), Berlin
Mr. Louis de Bruin, Energy &
Utilities Solutions Leader
SouthWest Europe, IBM
Software Group, Amsterdam
Dr. Mark Feldman, CEO, Space
Time Insight (STI), USA
Mr. Bonny Shapira, Business
Development Manager, Energy
Management & Smart Grid,
Borderless Network – Europe,
CISCO Israel
Oil shale – national energy
Chairman: Dr. Shlomo Wald, chief
Scientist, Ministry of National
Dr. Harold Vinegar, Chief Scientist,
Israel energy Initiative
Prof. Zeev Aizenshtat, Institute of
Chemistry, the Hebrew University,
Dr. Yaakov Mimran, Director, Natural
Resources Licensing Administration,
Ministry of National Infrastructures
Response: Adv. Amit Bracha,
Director, Israel's Union for
Environmental Defense
Financial & Strategic Consulting
15:20 – 15:35 Break
15:35 – 17:00 Parallel Sessions B
Clean transportation: LPG, natural
gas and electricity
Gasoline and diesel-powered
cars – the end of an era?
Reducing greenhouse gas
emissions: technologies and
energetic streamlining**
Strategies for streamlining
and saving – the
international experience
Hybrid car or electric car?
LPG and natural gas-powered
Energetic streamlining:
Israel's policy
Biological fuels for transportation
Funding cleantech research
and development
MK Israel Katz, Minister of
Prof. Eran Sher, Ben Gurion
Mr. Eli Misgav, CEO, Dor Alon Gas
Mr. Guy Silberman, Vice President
Marketing, Delek N.G. Marketing and
Dr. Dan Weinstock, Better Place
Mr. Udi Tamir, CEO, Gaspro
Engineer Avner Flor, Director, Motor
Vehicle Division, Ministry of
Mr. Eran Yaacov, Vice President,
Planning and Economics, Israel Tax
Authority, Ministry of Finance
Mr. Avi Moshel, Deputy Head of Air
Quality and Climate Change Division,
Ministry of Environmental Protection
17:00 End of first day
Chairman: Mr. Alex Kushnir,
Deputy Director-General, Water,
Energy and Infrastructures,
Ministry of National
Ms. Eileen Claussen, President
of the Pew Center on Global
Climate Change, Washington
Mr. Zeev Gross, Head of
Resources Infrastructure
Management, Ministry of
National Infrastructures
Mr. Itay Zetelny, Cleantech
Leader, Ernst &Young
Mr. Omri Levin, CEO, Philips
Electronics (Israel)
Mr. Eliezer Tokman, CEO,
Siemens Israel
Investments and project funding in
the energy economy
Funding of natural gas and
electricity infrastructures projects
Funding renewable energy projects
Raising funds through stock
exchange issuances for the public
and institutional investors
The energy component in the
investment portfolios of public and
institutional investors'
Chairman: Mr. Yossi Zinger, CEO,
Granit Hacarmel
Ms. Irit Eluz, Vice President Finance,
Ms. Miriam Gez, Customer Relations
Manager, Project Funding Team, Bank
Mr. Itzik Tovi, Head of Infrastructure
Sector, Corporate Division, Bank Leumi
CPA Eitan Glazer, Partner, PWC
Kesselman & Kesselman*
Mr. Yossi Gvura, Vice President
Finance, Delek Energy Systems
Mr. Gil Shabtai, Deputy Accountant
General, Ministry of Finance*
Financial & Strategic Consulting
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
08:00 – 09:00 Gathering, registration and exhibition tour
09:00 – 10:30 Plenary Session: Regional Cooperation in the Field of Energy
H ost: D r. Am it M or , C EO , Ec o Ener gy
Dr. Nimrod Novik, Senior VP, Merhav Group
Dr. Yoram Turbowitz , Chairm an, Delek Energy Syst em s
D r . Pierre Au d in et , Senior Energ y Ec onom is t, T he W orld Bank , W ashington, D .C.
Business executives and representatives of the countries in the region and
international organizations will attend the session
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
Israel – natural gas and oil superpower?
Will the exploration momentum continue?
Assessments of additional discoveries – is there a
market for Israeli gas discoveries?
Are there export options for natural gas?
Is LNG imports required?
Is there a potential for commercial oil discoveries?
Taxation and royalties considerations related to
investments in oil and gas exploration and
Chairman: Dr. Yaakov Mimran, Director, Natural
Resources Licensing Administration, Ministry of
National Infrastructures
Renewable energies in Israel – challenges and
Land policy for construction of solar power
stations and wind turbines
Required tariffs and incentives
The large tenders
Will Israel reach the target of 10% power
generation by renewable energy by 2020?
Opening lecture: Mr. Shaul Zemach, DirectorGeneral, Ministry of National Infrastructures
Chairman: Prof. Yaakov Karni, The Weizmann
Mr. Moshe Bachar, Deputy CEO, Israel Electric Corp.
Mr. Ohad Marani, CEO, Hachshara Energy of
ILDC Group and chairman of Emanuel
Dr. Eli Ben-Dov, CEO, Afcon E.B Wind Energy
Adv. Renelle Joffe, Partner, Meitar Liquornik
Geva & Leshem Brandwein Law Firm
Mr. Efraim Shlain, Senior Director, Planning National
Infrastructure, Ministry of the Interior
Mr. Yossi Abo, Director, Trade and Regulation,
Delek Energy Systems
Mr. Oded Agmon, Public Utilities Authority –
CPA Shlomo Alfia, Managing Partner, Alfia &
Alfia c.p.a.
Mr. Nir Papay, Director, Environmental Protection
Division, The Society for Preservation of Nature
Mr. Tuvia Luskin, Givot Olam
Mr. Moty Kuperberg, Director Oil & Gas,
Dynamic Shipping
Mr. Noam Ilan, Co-CEO, Eilat-Eilot Renewable
Senior Director
Financial & Strategic Consulting
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Parallel Sessions B
Transmission, distribution and
marketing of natural gas
Gas transmission – when will it
reach all power stations and large
Distribution tenders: when will the
gas reach the industrial areas?
What is the model of contract with
the client?
Conversion of clients in industrial
and service sectors into natural
Chairman: Adv. Moshe Shachal,
former Minister of Energy and
Mr. Shmuel Turgeman, CEO, Israel
Natural Gas Lines
Adv. Uri Noy, Senior Partner, Erdinast
Ben Nathan & Co., Advocates
Mr. Ronen Hadash, CEO, Delek N.G.
Marketing and Distribution
Mr. Hagai Miller, Vice President
Finance and Business Development,
Supergas – an Israeli company for gas
15:00 – 15:10 Break
Analysts discussion
Panel of leading analysts
reviewing energy companies
that are traded in Israel's
stock exchange
Chairman: Mr. Shimon Seroussi,
Director, Eco Energy
Mr. Yoav Burgan, Head, Sell
Side Department, Poalim Sahar
The energy and water economy
Energy – a leverage for the
development of the water
Energy and water tariffs
Desalination, electricity and
natural gas
Correct treatment of scale –
saving for water consumers,
the energy economy and for
clean environment
Mr. Gil Bashan, Analyst,
Research Department, IBI
Mr. Yaron Zer, Senior Analyst,
Clal Finance Brokerage
Chairman: Mr. Ido Rosolio, CEO,
Mekorot National Water Company
Mr. Eran Unger, Energy Analyst,
Migdal Capital Markets
Mr. Gilad Fernandes, Senior
Deputy for Economic Affairs to the
Director General
Mr. Tal Shirizly, Analyst, Psagot*
Mr. Alex Kushnir, Deputy DirectorGeneral, Water, Energy and
Infrastructures, Ministry of National
Dr. Yigal Kadar, Manager,
Systems Engineering Energy,
Mekorot National Water Company
Mr. Shimon Radlich, CEO, Tamhil
Financial & Strategic Consulting
15:10 – 15:30 Plenary Session:
Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Minister of Finance
15:30 – 17:00 Plenary Session:
Israel's future electricity economy
Fuel basket and development plans
Structural chang e in the electricity econom y?
Private power generation – a rising market?
Electricity tariffs in Israel – where is it headed?
IEC's financial stability – what is required?
Is a revision needed in the regulation of the electricity sector?
H ost: D r. Am it M or, C EO , Ec o Ener gy
Mr . Am o s L asker , CEO , Isr ael Elec tr ic Cor por ation ( IEC)
Mr. Haran Levaot, Manager of Energy Sector, Budget Dept., Ministry of Finance
Dr. Yehuda Niv, Director, Electricity Authority, Ministry of National Infrastructures
Adv. Moshe Shahal, former Minister of Energy and Infrastructures
Mr. Shraga Brosh, President, Manufacturers Association of Israel
Mr . Am n o n Sh ap ira , C hairm an, Public Utilities Author ity – Elec tr ic ity
Mr. John Besant-Jones, Principal Energy Economist, W orld Ba nk, W ashington, D.C.
17:00 Conference adjourned
To be confirmed
** Session in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection
The program is subject to change
Simultaneous translation from Hebrew to English will be available