Name: Beach Park Sentences Type 2 Objective: In this lesson, you

Name: ______________________________________
Beach Park
Sentences Type 2
In this lesson, you will recognize and understand the use of subordinate phrases within sentences.
Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases are strings of words that begin with a preposition and end with a noun or
pronoun. Prepositional phrases function as adjectives or adverbs. A prepositional phrase that functions
as an adjective will follow the noun or pronoun that it modifies. A prepositional phrase that functions as
an adverb may or may not appear next to the verb it modifies.
Here are examples of sentences with prepositional phrase modifiers that function as adjectives.
Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq, annexed Kuwait. (Prepositional phrase modifies the word dictator.)
The Will Rogers Follies with Keith Carradine as the star was a hit on Broadway. (Prepositional phrase #1
modifies Will Rogers Follies; phrase # 2 modifies Keith Carradine.)
Here are examples of sentences with prepositional phrase modifiers that function as adverbs.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service placed the spotted owl on the endangered species list. (Prepositional
phrase modifies the verb placed.)
In 1990, smoking was banned on American airline flights. (Both phrases modify the verb was banned.)
Common prepositions are included in the following alphabetized list; however, you will notice that some
prepositions can function as other parts of speech.
Your Turn
Use the following examples as a guide. Add a noun or pronoun and create 8 prepositional phrases in the
spaces below.
against the tree between the desks
concerning your grade
Participial Phrases
Participial phrases are strings of words that contain a verbal, which is a verb form that ends in -ing, -d, ed, -n,or -t. This verb form does not function as a verb. Instead, it functions as an adjective and modifies
a nearby noun. Most of the time, a participial phrase is separated from the noun it modifies by a
comma. If the phrase comes in the middle of a sentence, commas enclose it.
Name: ______________________________________
Beach Park
Sentences Type 2
Here are examples of sentences with participial phrases.
Turning too quickly, Sara lost her balance and dropped the ball.
Bound by a code of honor, the Eagle scouts would not cheat to win.
From the oven, Elvin removed his leather glove, burned to a crisp.
The lake, frozen hard as concrete, was safe for skating and ice fishing.
Bent by tornadic winds, the tree's trunk and branches lay on the ground.
Your Turn
Use the following participial phrases in sentences. Place each participial phrase before or after the noun
it modifies and use appropriate punctuation. Remember, participial phrases are not verbs. They function
as adjectives.
1. sleeping on the couch
2. lost on the beach
3. stopped in his
4. eaten by hungry
5. sent to my old
Gerund Phrases
Gerund phrases are also strings of words that contain a verbal (a verb form) used as a noun. Gerund
verbals end in-ing. Since they function as nouns, they can serve as subjects, direct objects, subject
complements, and objects of prepositions.
Here are examples of sentences with gerund phrases.
Learning how to knit kept me busy during winter break. (subject)
Arnold started shoveling snow off the walk after lunch. (direct object)
Sue's problem is doing her homework. (subject complement)
Mr. Brinsfield gave me the task of building a fire. (object of preposition)
Name: ______________________________________
Beach Park
Sentences Type 2
Your Turn
Write four sentences that contain these gerund phrases. Use each phrase in the sentence as the word in
parentheses directs.
1. shouting across the canyon(subject)
2. counting the money at the carnival booth(direct object)
3. measuring ingredients(subject complement)
4. (for) missing the opening curtain(object of preposition)
Infinitive Phrases
Infinitive phrases are another type of verbal. They are a verb form used as different parts of speech.
Infinitives begin with the word to followed by the base form of a verb (to be, to laugh, to study, to write,
etc.). Infinitive phrases can function as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
Here are examples of sentences with infinitive phrases.
To know her is to love her. (noun-subject and noun-subject complement)
Megan decided to write her autobiography. (noun-direct object)
The place to be on Saturday night is the bowling alley. (adjective modifying place)
Colby sneaked out of the back door to avoid meeting Chuck. (adverb modifying sneaked)
Your Turn
For the following groups of words, use the given infinitive phrases to write five complete sentences. Use
each phrase as the word in parentheses directs.
1. to respond quickly(subject)
2. to keep her room clean(subject complement)
3. to dive from the high board(direct object)
4. to make new friends (adjective)
5. to hear the lead singer(adverb)
Name: ______________________________________
Beach Park
Sentences Type 2
Appositive Phrases
Appositive phrases expand the meaning of a noun or pronoun by adding a brief explanation, definition,
or description. The word appositive means "in the side position," because appositives are located beside
the noun whose meaning they expand. Most appositives are separated from the rest of the sentence by
Here are examples of sentences with appositive phrases.
Pearl Jam, an alternative-metal band, recorded the album Ten in 1993. (commas signal pauses)
Dallas millionaire Ross Perot ran for the presidency in 1992.(no commas, no pauses)
U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf planned Operation Desert Storm, an air and ground attack that ended
the Gulf War with Iraq.
President Clinton faced impeachment, an accusation that he might be guilty of lying to a grand jury and
hiding evidence.
Your Turn
Expand (by explanation, description, or definition) the following terms with appositive phrases and use
them in sentences. Separate the appositive phrases from the rest of the sentence with commas, if
1. astronomy
2. the jet
3. Michael Jordan
4. rap
Wrap Up
You can look at sentences the same way that you look at an object like your computer. Just as there are
many parts to the computer, there are many parts to a sentence. If your sentence is going to work the
way you want it to, all the parts within the sentence must be correct and working together. Keep up the
good work!