ECE126 - Rogue Community College

Course No: ECE126
August 2011
Course Title:
Early Childhood Education Best Practices
Rogue Community College
Type of Course:
Occupational Preparatory and/or direct transfer to SOU
Length of Course:
A minimum of thirty (30) lecture hours per one term.
RD30 and WR30 or appropriate placement test scores
Department Assignment:
Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Course Description: Examines the basics of establishing a safe, healthy and developmentally
appropriate learning environment for young children. This course includes the CDA subject
areas of safe, healthy, learning environment, physical, cognitive, and communication.
Community observations in early childhood settings are required. Equivalent to ECE126A,
ECE126B, ECE126C.
Course Outcomes, ISLO (Institutional Student Learning Outcomes) Indicators and
Assessment: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Expected Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate an
understanding of classroom
practices and environments
that prevent or reduce injuries.
2. Understand how to respond
to injuries and emergencies
that potentially could occur in
an early childhood program.
ISLO Key Indicators
AK 5 - Demonstrate the
ability to adhere to personal
and industry safety standards.
AK 2 - Integrate previous and
new learning, along with
practical skills, to solve
3. Plan experiences for
children to learn habits that
ensure their safety, hygiene,
and nutrition.
4. Demonstrate an
understanding of how to
maintain indoor and outdoor
Assessment Methods:
1. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
2. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
3. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
4. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
Expected Outcomes:
early childhood environments
that promote wellness.
ISLO Key Indicators
5. Understand how to
recognize and report child
abuse and neglect.
CT 2 - Raise significant and
relevant questions.
6. Demonstrate an
understanding of how to
organize indoor and outdoor
areas that encourage growth
and learning in all
developmental domains
through play and exploration.
7. Plan a daily schedule and
routines that support
children’s development and
8. Plan for materials,
equipment, and opportunities
to promote physical
development, including both
small and large muscle skills.
9. Plan opportunities for
children to explore and
investigate and learn about
their world.
10. Interact with children in
ways that stimulate thinking
and problem solving.
AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to
transfer learning in familiar
and unfamiliar contexts in
order to complete tasks.
Assessment Methods:
knowledge assessments.
5. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
6. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
COM 2 - Express ideas
clearly in oral, written and
visual work.
7. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
8. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
CT 4 - Envision creative
approaches to issues and
9. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
10. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
11. Class discussion, written
assignments and observations,
journal reflections, and
knowledge assessments.
11. Plan an environment and
experiences that support the
development of children’s
language and literacy skills.
Typical Required and Recommended Text(s): Koralek, D., Trister Dodge, D., Pizzolongo, P.
Caring for Preschool Children, 3rd ed. Washington, D.C., Teaching Strategies, 2004. Korelek,
D., Trister Dodge, D., Pizzolongo, P. Skill-Building Journal caring for preschool children 3rd
ed., Teaching Strategies, Washington, D.C., 2004.
Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials: Notebook and pen or
pencil for taking notes and observations; access to the internet and Rogue Online.
Week 1
Course Overview/Safety
Week 2
Safe Environments
Handling Injuries and Emergencies
Keeping Selves Safe
Week 3
Healthy Environments
Handling Illness
Promoting Healthy Habits and Nutrition
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
Week 4
Indoor and Outdoor Learning Environments
Interest Areas and Materials
Daily Schedules and Routines
Week 5
Physical Development, Large and Small Muscles
Creating an Environment that Supports Physical Development
Connection between Physical Development and Self-Esteem
Week 6
Understanding How Children Think
Encouraging Children to Explore and Discover
Week 7
Engaging Children in Long-Term Projects
Week 8
Promoting Listening and Speaking Skills
Week 9
Supporting Development of Literacy Skills
Week 10
Reading with Young Children