Assynt House Beechwood Park Inverness IV2 3BW Tel: 01463 717123 Fax: 01463 235189 Textphone users can contact us via Typetalk: Tel 0800 959598 MINUTE of MEETING of the HIGHLAND AREA MEDICAL COMMITTEE Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness Tuesday 06 August 2013 - 2.00 pm Present: Dr Miles Mack, Chair Dr Neil Arnott (videoconference) Dr Jonathan Ball Mr Quentin Cox Dr Jason Davies (videoconference) Dr Iain Kennedy Ms Sarah Prince (videoconference) Dr Claire Robertson Dr Emma Watson In Attendance: Dr Ian Bashford, Medical Director (from 3.30pm) Mr Stuart Denholm, Consultant ENT Surgeon (item 4) Dr Ken Proctor, Associate Medical Director, (Primary Care) Dr Margaret Somerville, Director of Public Health (from 3.25pm) Miss Irene Robertson, Board Committee Administrator 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Dr Duncan Gray, Dr Alistair Hay, Dr Andrew Macleod, Dr Chris Williams and Dr Susan Hussey Wilson. 2 MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON 28 MAY 2013 The minute of meeting held on 28 May 2013 was Approved subject to the heading of item 10 being amended to read ‘Non-Attendance After Inter-Consultant Referrals’. 3 MATTERS ARISING 3.1 Non-Attendance after Inter-Consultant Referrals It was agreed to discuss this issue further at the next meeting when Stephanie Adlinton, Service Improvement Manager, Patient Services Division, Raigmore Hospital would be present. 3.2 Rheumatology Department It was noted there was no substantial progress to report regarding the consultant staffing issue. 3.3 Use of locums for waiting list initiatives The Chair updated the Committee on his further correspondence with Chris Lyons, Director of Operations, Raigmore and ongoing activity in relation to induction and follow up arrangements. It was agreed to keep this item on the agenda for the time being. 3.4 Return Appointments Update The Committee noted that several departments were now using the Patient Focused Booking system for return appointments. A number of concerns were raised: A risk around potential delays in patients receiving appropriate treatment. Patients who would be willing to wait a bit longer to be seen locally being offered appointments elsewhere in order to meet targets. The service needs to be patient focused. The Patient Services Division does not have a clinical lead. It was suggested these issues be raised with Stephanie Adlinton at the next meeting. 3.5 Use of Datix incident reporting system in Primary Care The Committee was advised that the proposal to use this system in Primary Care had been warmly received at the National Primary Care Leads Group. Dr Proctor referred to the pilot currently underway in NHS Grampian and indicated he would be in a position to bring an update on progress to the Committee within the next two – three months. The Committee Noted the updates and the further actions taken/planned. Stuart Denholm joined the meeting 4 ONCOLOGY SERVICES The Chair welcomed Stuart Denholm, Consultant ENT Surgeon. Mr Denholm explained he was attending the meeting to speak on behalf of colleagues, both within the Oncology Department and clinicians whose work brings them into direct contact with the oncology service, who were concerned about the sustainability of the service. The Oncology Department had been under significant pressure for some time, the two main, inter-related issues being: 1) Difficulty in recruitment to unfilled posts in radiation physics and possibly consultant oncology posts when advertised. 2) Lack of consultant oncologist time resulting in both treatment delays and increasing pressure on the oncology team. In addition one oncologist was due to retire early next year, and another was on long term sick leave. This would potentially leave only two oncologists. An increased incidence of cancer because of the aging population and increased treatment availability and complexity had placed increased demands on the oncology service over the last decade, and this trend was expected to continue. Mr Denholm sought the Committee’s support in addressing the situation as a matter of priority in order to ensure the short and long term viability of the oncology service. Having discussed the issues the Committee confirmed its support for the following measures:- 2 the proposal to advertise for two consultants rather than just one to replace the consultant about to retire; an urgent review of the pay banding for radiotherapy planners under Agenda for Change; a full time direct service manager for oncology services to be appointed. Dr Kennedy confirmed he would arrange for the issues to be discussed at the next meeting of the Area Clinical Forum to be held on 8 August 2013 and he would also raise them at Board level. The Committee Endorsed the proposed measures to help address the pressures within the Oncology Service and ensure its sustainability. 5 APPRAISAL AND REVALIDATION The Chair advised he was unable to continue to be the Committee’s representative on the Revalidation and Appraisal Steering Group due to other commitments. Pending identification of a successor Dr Watson agreed to attend the next meeting of the group which was scheduled for 18 September 2013. The Committee Noted a representative would require to be identified for the Revalidation and Appraisal Group to replace Dr Mack. 6 ACCESS TARGETS: OUTPATIENTS 12 WEEKS WAITING TIME An issue had been raised by Dr Susan Taylor in relation to patients being offered treatment outwith their local area in order to meet access targets. It was noted that the letter to patients offering them appointments at the Golden Jubilee Hospital did not indicate that they can opt to refuse the offer. This issue would be raised at the next meeting as part of the discussion to be held around Patient Focused Booking. The Committee Agreed to consider this issue at its next meeting as part of the discussion around Patient Focused Booking. 7 CTO ASSESSMENTS The Committee considered an issue raised by Dr Guy Platten in relation to remuneration for undertaking CTO assessments. Dr Proctor referred to NHS Circular PCS(DD)2006/2 which set out the arrangements for remunerating GPs and Approved Medical Practitioners for undertaking second medical examinations for CTOs under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and which was agreed by the Scottish General Practice Committee (SGPC). The fee of £177.18 was to have been uplifted annually however this has not happened. The uplift of 1% this year was the first in three years. Claims for payment of the fee should be submitted to the NHS Board. Dr Proctor advised mileage may also be claimed; and single handed practitioners may be able to claim locum fees through the Operational Units. As this issue would require to be resolved at national level Dr Kennedy undertook to raise it with SGPC. The Committee Noted that Dr Kennedy would raise the issue of remuneration with the Scottish General Practice Committee. 3 REVIEW OF PATIENTS’ FITNESS FOR PLANNED SURGICAL PROCEDURES 8 Mr Cox raised an issue regarding patients who become unfit to undergo surgery, usually quite near their operation date, and are taken off the list. He asked if there was some trigger or mechanism in Primary Care to alert the GP to notify the consultant when the patient is fit again for surgery. One suggestion was for the consultant to write to the patient asking the patient to let them know when they are fit again. Mr Cox felt this would not be appropriate in all circumstances, for example where vulnerable or frail and elderly patients are concerned. It was felt this would be a growing problem as the population becomes more elderly with more complex conditions requiring patients to attend various departments for different elements of their treatment. It was proposed that this issue be referred to the GP Sub Committee for discussion and suggestions as to how this particular issue might be addressed. The Committee Agreed to seek the views of the GP Sub Committee as to how this issue might be addressed. 9 OWNERSHIP OF RESULTS The Committee noted the issues raised by Dr David Gillman regarding ownership of results and responsibility for following them up. Dr Watson indicated there was a specific issue in relation to junior doctors who ordered tests and who had subsequently left the department prior to receipt of results or had not given correct contact details. She advised that an instruction is included in the induction pack for junior doctors that they should put the consultant’s name on requests for tests and not their own name. It was also acknowledged that junior doctors may order unnecessary tests. Dr Watson suggested there may be opportunities for more work to be done in relation to laboratory services through the induction process. In addition the implementation of OrderComms may help in part to resolve the issues. The Committee Noted the issues and the potential to improve the position through the induction process and the implementation of OrderComms. 10 PRIORITY ACCESS SCHEME FOR EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL During discussion of the issue raised by Dr Ball the Committee agreed that some clarity was required regarding the operation of the priority access scheme for veterans, in particular the SCI referral form tick box. The Committee Remitted to the Chair to seek clarification on the issues raised from Donna Smith, Divisional General Manager, Patient Services Division. 11 HIGHLAND HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE COMMITTEE Mr Cox reported on the meeting of the Health and Social Care Committee (HSCC) held on 4 July 2013. Topics discussed included the following: An update on the establishment of the Professional Executive Committee, its role, remit and membership. 4 The proposed establishment of a sub committee of the HSCC which it was understood would subsume the role currently undertaken by the Improvement Committee in relation to scrutiny and monitoring of performance against HEAT targets and standards. A point of clarification was sought regarding future arrangements for Argyll & Bute in this regard, as the HSCC covered North Highland only. Suspension of admissions to nursing homes which did not meet the required standards and the issue of duty of care to existing residents. An update on the financial position. The Committee Noted the report. 12 CLINICAL ADVISORY GROUP (CAG) UPDATE Dr Somerville updated the Committee on the topics discussed by CAG at recent meetings and ongoing activity and developments, noting work being done on repatriating patients currently receiving out of area care. It was agreed that the minutes of CAG meetings would be circulated to the Area Medical Committee for information. The Committee Noted the update. 13 AREA CLINICAL FORUM MEETING 08 AUGUST 2013 There was circulated agenda for the meeting of the Area Clinical Forum to be held on 08 August 2013. Dr Kennedy confirmed that Oncology Services would be high on the agenda. Dr Kennedy then spoke to the circulated report of the Area Clinical Forum which had been prepared for NHS Highland’s Annual Review on 19 July. He explained that he had been unable to attend the event and Rev Dr Derek Brown, Chair of the Nursing, Midwifery & AHP Committee had chaired the Forum’s session with the Cabinet Secretary on his behalf. The Committee Noted the topics for discussion at the forthcoming meeting and the feedback from the Annual Review. 14 GP SUB COMMITTEE REPORT (a) Report of Meeting held on 18 June 2013 Dr Ball summarised the topics discussed which included QOF Clinical Pathways, Preoperative Assessments in Primary Care, Care at Home and Medicines Reconciliation. The Committee Noted the report. 15 ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS 15.1 Scottish Government Show Site – Medical Recruitment Dr Watson advised that the medical recruitment section of the Scottish Government Show Site was being updated and she sought the members’ views on how the content relating to posts in Highland might be improved to make it more effective in attracting recruits to the area. A number of suggestions were put forward; members were asked to get back in touch with Dr Watson with any further proposals. 5 The Committee Remitted to its members to forward any further suggestions regarding the medical recruitment site content to Dr Watson. 15.2 Death Certification Dr Watson referred to the new Death Certification scheme which would be introduced in April 2014 noting that there were a number of issues around the process and its practicality that needed to be addressed. Dr Bashford undertook to ascertain the position and report back to the Committee. The Committee Noted that Dr Bashford would ascertain the position in respect of procedures relating to the new Death Certification Scheme. 15.3 Schedule of AMC meetings in 2014 The following dates were proposed:(Tuesdays, 2.00pm) 28 January 25 March 27 May 05 August 30 September 25 November The Committee Agreed the proposed dates. 16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24 September 2013 at 2.00pm in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness. The meeting closed at 4.15 pm 6