Multilocus Short Sequence Repeat technique to identify Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis strains in supershedders and contemporary Pass through or Active passiveshedders in three Northeastern US dairy herds Drs. A.J. Kramer Studentnr. 0352179 Supervisors: Dr. R. Jorritsma Dr. Y.H. Schukken Cornell University, Quality Milk Production Service August – November 2008 CONTENTS 1. Abstract 2 2. Introduction 3 2.1 Johnes disease general 3 2.2 Supershedders, Pass through cows and Active passive shedders 3 2.3 MAP Multilocus Short Sequence Repeats 4 3. Materials and Methods 6 3.1. Dairy farm and sample collection 6 3.2. Bacterial analysis 7 3.3. DNA extraction 8 3.4. PCR and Gel 8 3.5. Purification, Quantification, and Sequencing 10 4. Results 10 4.1. SS cows and cows that are shedding on the same time 10 4.2. Collecting date 14 4.3. Longitudinal follow-up 16 5. Discussion 17 5.1. MLSSR strain typing 17 5.2. Pass through and Active passive-shedding 18 6. Conclusion 20 7. Acknowledgements 20 8. Thank you 21 9. References 22 1 1. ABSTRACT Trefwoorden: Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis, Supershedders, Multilocus Short Sequence Repeats. Paratuberculosis in cows is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. (MAP) Infected cows spread MAP in the environment. Recently Supershedder (SS) cows were recognized. These cows are spreading extremely high numbers of MAP in the environment. These MAP in the environment can be ingested by herd-mates causing positive fecal samples in these herd-mates. We hypothesized that these fecal positive cows become Pass through cows, ingesting the MAP and shedding MAP in the feces without becoming positive on tissue rather than Active passive-shedders, ingesting the MAP, shedding MAP in the feces and becoming positive on tissue. By using the Multilocus Short Sequence Repeats (MLSSR) method for 3 different loci (1, 2 and 8) on SS cows and cows that were fecal positive at the same time as the SS, in three different herds in the North East of the US, we aimed to evaluate if low shedders should be considered Pass through cows or Active passive-shedders and if Active passive-shedders were infected by the SS. We observed that a large percentage of the cows that were positive on fecal samples at the same date as the SS, were shedding the same strain as the SS. When cows were found positive on fecal culture, the majority also were eventually positive in tissue at slaughter. Of these tissue positive cows several were found having the same strain in their tissue as the SS. We 2 therefore conclude can be that a large number of cows become Active passive-shedders rather than being Pass through cows. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Johne’s disease general Paratuberculosis in cows, also known as Johne’s disease, is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and causes large economic losses on dairy farms (13). Clinical signs of the disease appear after a long incubation period of several years and include a decline in milk production, a loss of body weight despite normal appetite, and diarrhea. The disease is transmitted to young animals by the ingestion of feed, milk, and water contaminated by feces of infected animals excreting the pathogen (13). Shedding of MAP can occur without showing clinical signs. The majority of the animals are infected within the age of one year (16). Daughters from infected dams have a high risk of becoming infected. Calves from non-infected dams that were born shortly after a calving of an infected dam and calves growing up with future high shedders are more likely to get infected (3). Although the subclinical shedders MAP are seen as the main factor in keeping the herds infected, farms still appear to remain infected with MAP even after participating in eradication programs that focus on culling of known shedding animals (9). 2.2 Supershedders, Pass through cows and Active passive-shedders The quantity of bacteria detected in the feces from infected animals varies from very low (<5 CFU/tube), low (<10 CFU/tube) to moderate (10-50 CFU/tube) and high (>50 CFU/tube) (6) 3 (17). Recently, supershedders (SS) were identified in dairy herds (17), which were defined as animals that are shedding more than 10,000 CFU of MAP/g of feces, the number of CFU/tube in those cows exceeds usually the 300 or is to numerous to count (TNTC). (17). SS are shedding extremely high numbers of MAP into the environment leading to the increased MAP bio-burden in the dairy herd. It has been indicated that SS may have a significant role in creating Pass through and Active passive-shedders in dairy herds. The high concentration of MAP in the feces of SS may contaminate the environment of uninfected herd mates, including feed materials such as total mixed ration (TMR). When the contaminated TMR is consumed by previously uninfected herd-mates, some of these animals will become test positive for MAP in their fecal samples. This makes the SS the original source of MAP and the herdmates with a positive fecal culture are considered pass through cows, acting merely as a passthrough of infectious material.(17). In our study, Pass through of MAP is defined as detection of MAP in fecal samples of an adult cow with subsequent fecal samples testing culturenegative, negative Johne’s serological tests, and culture negative tissues obtained at slaughter. However, our preliminary data and bacterial genetic analyses suggested that many of these tentative Pass through cows, (shedding only once in the presence of a SS and all subsequent fecal tests negative) would be truly infected when the same strain of MAP was identified in their intestinal tissues at slaughter. These cows are considered Active passive-shedders (1). Initially, SS were considered as unique biological events that responded to some trigger. Thereby stimulating Johne’s infected cattle to shed increasing quantities of MAP. However, more recently it was recognized that all active-shedders have the potential to become SS and if they remain in the herd (17). Active shedders are defined as the cattle infected with MAP and have MAP in manure from gastro-intestine (GI) mucosal cell turnover and cell lysis releasing MAP into the gut contents-manure. 4 2.3 Molecular techniques for strain typing Methods for differentiation or subtyping of bacterial strains provide important information for molecular epidemiologic analysis. DNA-based molecular sub typing techniques such as multiplex PCR for IS900 integrations loci (MPIL) (4) (12), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (5, 5, 7, 14), and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) (12) have been used to investigate genetic variation in Map (2). Amonsin et al. (2004) recently described DNA fingerprinting techniques for subtyping of MAP isolates by using multilocus short sequence repeats (MLSSRs). Short sequence repeats (SSRs) have also been used in subtyping other bacteria such as Yersinia pestis, Salmonella subsp., Escherichia coli and Bacillus anthracis (2, 8). The SSRs consist of simple homopolymeric tracts of a single nucleotide (mononucleotide repeats) or multimeric tracts (homogeneous or heterogeneous repeats), such as di- or tri- nucleotide repeats, which can be identified as variable-number tandem repeats (VNTRs) in the genome of the organism (18). Amonsin et al. (2004) identified 11 polymorphic SSR loci for MAP and locus 1, locus 2, and locus 8 were identified as the loci associated with the highest Simpson’s diversity indices (D value) of 0.700, 0.616 and 0.668, respectively. The D value is also known as genetic diversity or discriminatory power. Amonsin et al. (2004) calculated D value on the basis of the allele frequency and the number of alleles. This revealed an average number of alleles per locus of 3.20, with an average D value of 0.393 (a range of 0.1 to 0.7). Harris et al. (2006) also suggested that these loci have the highest D values. While some cross-sectional studies have used these loci to track MAP infection, it has been recognized that the use of well-designed longitudinal studies using several herds in multiple states is essential to apply these loci in understanding the epidemiology of Johne’s disease (8). The use of SSR strain-typing provided 5 the opportunity to get a better insight of herd infection and transmission dynamics of MAP. (8, 11). By using this SSR typing method on MAP isolates from cows identified as SS and cows shedding at the same collection time when SS were identified, we aim to evaluate (i) if low shedders should be considered pass through cows or active passive shedders, and (ii) if active passive shedders were potentially infected (as adults) by the SS. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Dairy farms and sample collection For this study longitudinal data from the Regional Dairy Quality Management Alliance (RDQMA) project was used. This longitudinal research project is a multi state research program conducted under a cooperative research agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture Research Service (USDA-ARS) and four universities (University of Vermont, Pennsylvania State University, University of Pennsylvania, and Cornell University. In this project 3 different herds in the Northeast were followed for approximately 5 years. For a more complete description see Pradhan et al. (2008). Briefly, each of the three enrolled farms (Farms A, B, and C) received quarterly farm visits from the project team in their state. At each visit, an online management survey was completed, environmental samples were collected, and blood samples were taken from all lactating cows. Individual fecal samples were collected from all cows every six months. Additionally, all culled cows were tracked from the farm to the slaughter house using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. At slaughter, in addition to fecal sample, tissues 6 samples were collected from four locations (lymph nodes and ileum valves) and carcass data was obtained. Fecal samples were collected from the rectum with disposable gloves and transferred into sterile vials (50 mL plastic tube, BD FalconTM propylene screw top, BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). All samples where labelled with the corresponding sample numbers and placed into a large Ziploc bag, which where than placed into coolers with ice packs and submitted for bacterial analysis to the Johne’s research laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania (15). 3.2 Bacterial analysis Two grams of fecal samples was put into a 50 mL plastic tube containing 35 mL of water (fecal-water tube). This sample was then shaken for 30 min in a mechanical shaker. Tubes were then incubated for 30 min at room temperature. Five mL was taken from the top portion of the fecal-water tube and transferred into a second 50 mL plastic centrifuge tube containing 25 mL of 0,9% hexodecylpyridiniumchloride (HPC) in ½ strength brain heart infusion (BHI) broth solution (final concentration of HPC 0,75%). In the next step (decontamination or germination step) tubes where incubated at 35 to 37˚C for 18 to 24 h. After this, tubes were centrifuged for 30 min at 900 x g. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was resuspended by adding 1 mL antibiotic brew (1L of ½ strength BHI 18,5 g/L, Amphorericin B 50 mg/L, Nalidixic acid 100 mg/L, vancomicin 100 mg/L); this was vortexed inside a class II biological safety cabinet. The re-suspended pellets were incubated overnight up to a maximum of 3 d at 35 to 37˚C. After this, 4 tubes of Herold’s Egg Yolk Media (HEYM; 2 inhouse and 2 commercial (BD Diagnostics)) were inoculated with 0.2 mL per tube and then incubated in a slanted position at 37˚C. The tubes were read every 2 wk and finally read at 16 wk. Slightly raised white-yellow colonies were evaluated for typical acid-fastness and 7 morphological appearance of MAP. Each culture with colony growth was sub cultured for mycobactin dependency prior to reporting the culture positive for MAP (15). 3.3 DNA extraction The extraction of MAP DNA was done by using a Qiamp® DNA mini kit, (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, Calif.) using previously described methods with a few modifications (12). Colonies were scraped from the flask by a 10 μL loop and put in a 2 mL tube containing 1 mL ultrapure distilled, DNAse-, RNAse- free water (Invitrogen Corporation Carisbad, CA) in 0.25 mL zirconia/silia beads (Biospec, OK, USA). To the tubes 0.65 mL of AL buffer (Qiagen) was added. The content in the tubes was homogenized with the bead-beater (Mini-BeadBeater8™, Biospec Products) for 5 min and then incubated for 30 min at 70˚C. In the next step, 600 µL of the incubated sample was transferred into a new 2 mL tube containing 600 µL buffer AL (Qiagen) and 60µL proteinase K (Qiagen). The content was vortexed briefly and incubated for 30 min at 70˚C. Following the incubation, 600 µL of 100% ethanol was added and vortexed. The mixed samples were then centrifuged through a spin column at 6000 x g for 1 min. Next 500 µL of buffer AW1 (Qiagen) was added and centrifuged through the spin column at 6000 x g for 1 min and the flow-through was discarded, the same procedure was done for buffer AW2 (Qiagen). After 3 min of centrifugation at 13000 g x, membranes of the spin columns were placed in a new 1.5 mL tube and successively 100 µL and 50 µL of distilled, DNAse-, RNAse- free water (Invitrogen Corporation Carisbad, CA) was added to the membrane and centrifuged. The 1.5 mL tubes containing DNA were stored at -20 ºC. An extraction blank was included in each batch, which was used as a negative control for molecular analyses. 8 3.4 PCR and Gel run PCR was done using three different loci (locus 1, locus 2, and locus 8) as described by Amonsin et al. (2004). The loci were identified as the ones with the highest D values. A mastermix of 20 µL containing 12.5 μL GoTaq green [10 µM], 0.625 μL [10 μM] forward primer (Table 1), 0.625 μL [10 µM] reverse primer (see Table 1), and 6.25 μL of distilled, DNAse, RNAse- free water (Invitrogen Corporation Carisbad, CA) and 5 µl DNA template was used per sample in the PCR reaction. For those samples with an unsuccessful PCR amplification for locus 1, an adjusted volume for mastermix (24 μL) and 1 μL of DNA template was used. The 24 µL mastermix contained 12.5 µL GoTaq green [10 µM], 0.625 µL [10 µM] Forward primer (table 1), 0.625 µL [10 µM] Reverse primer (Table 1) and 10.25 µL of distilled, DNAse-, RNAse- free water (Invitrogen Corporation). A set of modified primers were also used for locus 1 for samples for which PCR amplification was unsuccessful with the conventional primer (Table 1). TABLE 1: Primers (F-forward and R-reverse) for 3 loci (1, 2, and 8) used for MLSSR analysis. MLSSR-1F 5’ TCA GAC TGT GCG GTA TGA AA 3’ MLSSR-1R 5’ GTG TTC GGC AAA GTC GTT GT 3’ MLSSR-1F modified MLSSR-1R modified MLSSR-2F 5’ GTG TTC GGC AAA GTC GTT GT 3’ MLSSR-2R 5’ TGC ACT TGC ACG ACT CTA GG 3’ MLSSR-8F 5’ AGA TGT CGA CCA TCC TGA CC 3’ MLSSR-8R 5’ AAG TAG GCG TAA CCC CGT TC 3’ 5’ GCG GTA CAC CTG CAA G 3’ 5’ GTG ACC AGT GTT TCC GTG TG 3’ 9 The amplification conditions consisted of an initial denaturation at 94˚C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94˚C for 30 s, annealing at 60˚C for 1 min, and extension at 72˚C for 1 min, with a final extension step at 72˚C for 7 min. After completion of the PCR reaction, gel electrophoresis (at 104 V and 55 mA) was performed for the amplified products. For electrophoresis, 5 μL of PCR product was loaded onto a 1.5% agarose gel in a 0.5 TBE buffer for 45 min. Gel’s were stained in ethidium bromide for 2 min and after de-staining for about 1 hr, gel’s were photographed under UV light (Biorad Hercalus, CA) (10). 3.5 Purification, quantification, and sequencing PCR products were purified by using an Invitrogen Purelink™ PCR purification kit (Invitrogen Carisbad, CA). DNA quantification was performed using a nanodrop (ND-1000 spectrophotometer V3.1.1., PEQLAB Biotechnologie GmbH Erlangen, Germany) device. PCR products were sent for sequencing to Cornell University Life Sciences Core Laboratories Center where DNA sequencing was performed using the Applied Biosystems Automated 3730 DNA Analyzer. Sequence data was analysed using DNASTAR (DNASTAR Inc., Madison, Wis). The number of tandem repeats was determined for each locus to reflect the number of copies represented in the SSR sequence. (8)(2). 4. RESULTS 4.1 Supershedders and cows shedding on the same time 10 Supershedders on 3 herds were identified based on the shedding level (>10,000 cfu of MAP/g feces were considered supershedders). Six, 2, and 4 animals were identified as supershedders on Farms A, B, and C, respectively. The fecal samples from SS cows (n = 12 cows), from other cows that were fecal culture-positive at the same time that a SS was on the farm (n = 44 cows), as well as available tissue samples at slaughter (n= 15 cows) at slaughter were analyzed (n= 137 tissue samples) for the 3 different loci using MLSSR strain typing technique. The PCR products showing strong bands at gel electrophorese with good DNA yield were sent for subsequent sequencing (Fig. 2). FIGURE 1: An example of sequence results with G repeats at 208-216 bp. Sequence results were obtained from a total of 373 MAP culture-positive PCR products (see Fig. 1 for an example). 11 With the number of tandem repeats per locus known at this point we were able to indentify different strains of MAP within and between the herds (Tables 2, 3, and 4). Based on the data, a total of 14 different strains were found with certainty. Based on preliminary analysis, an additional 3 strains maybe identified when genetic information are completed for the incomplete samples. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FIGURE 2: PCR for MLSSR 2 and MLSSR 8 Upper gel: MLSSR 2, lane 16 extraction blank, lane 18 PCR blank Lower gel: MLSSR 8, lane 37 extraction blank, lane 39 PCR blank For most of the isolates the number of repeats for the 3 different loci (loci 1, 2, and 8) were evaluated, whereas for others the number of repeats that was evaluated was only at two different loci (loci 2 and 8). This was due to unsuccessful amplification of DNA template for a number of isolates during PCR of locus 1. When the number of repeats for the strains with only two known loci (2 and 8) were the same as those strains where three different loci (loci 1, 2, and 8) were known, these strains were defined as the same strain. This means that if a 12 given strain had the combination 7–10–6, a strain with the combination 10–6 was defined for this analysis as the same strain. TABLE 2: Repeats for loci 1, 2, and 8 in tissue and faeces on subsequent days for supershedders and cows that are shedding at the same time as that of supershedders on Herd A Herd A COWS SS 693 1085 1099 1160 1180 1182 Other 1078 1127 1148 1149 1161 1167 1171 **1179 1181 1200 1255 1280 1288 1294 1416 1645 2005 2044 2653 2669 DATES CULLING Birthdate 17-2-2004 5-10-2004 12-4-2005 3-10-2005 1-5-2006 9-10-2006 16-4-2007 15-10-2007 13-4-2008 Cull date LN 1 31-8-1997 7 - 10 - 6 7-27-2004 n/a 20-10-1999 7 -10 - 5 17 - 10 - 5 3-22-2005 n/a 11-12-1999 neg 7-9-5 3-29-2005 n/a 19-8-2000 neg 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 8-16-2005 n/a 17-11-2000 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 lost by contamination 17-1-2006 x - 10 - 6 24-11-2000 7 - 10 - 6 9-8-2004 n/a LN 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 - 10 - 6 n/a 7-10-1999 neg 1-1-1998 7 - 10 - 6 15-7-2000 neg 23-7-2000 neg 28-8-2000 7 - 10 - 6 17-9-2000 7 - 10 - 6 12-10-2000 neg 11-11-2000 neg 22-11-2000 neg 25-12-2000 neg 10-3-2001 7 - 10 - 5 23-5-2001 neg 10-6-2001 7 - 11 - 6 1-7-2001 neg 1-12-1999 neg 25-10-2003 neg 10-8-1998 neg 12-9-1998 neg 26-12-1998 neg 5-2-1999 7 - 10 - 5 7-9-6 7-9-6 neg 7 - 11 - 6 neg 7 - 10 - 6 neg x - 10 - 5 neg 7- 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 neg 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 11 - 6 neg neg neg neg neg neg neg 7 - 10/11 - 5 neg neg 7 - 10 - 5 neg 7 - 10 - 6 neg neg neg neg neg 7 - 14 - 4 neg neg neg 7 - 10/11 -5 7 - 10 -5 7- 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 11 - 6 x - 10 - 6 neg x-9-6 neg x - 11 - 6 x - 11 - 6 neg neg neg x-9-5 neg 7 - 11/12- 4 x - 10 - 6 neg 7 - 10 - 6 neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg n/a neg 28-9-2006 7 - 10 - 6 18-1-2005 7 - 9 - 6 5-3-2008 7-12-2004 n/a 28-9-2004 n/a 24-8-2004 7 - 9 - 6 19-10-2006 7- 9 - 6 31-7-2006 x - 10 - 6 29-8-2006 x - 11 - 6 IL-IC valveIleum n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 n/a n/a 7 - 10 - 6 7-9-5 7 - 10 - 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 x-9-6 7-9-6 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 7 - 11 - 6 7 - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 n/a n/a x-9-6 x- 10 - 6 7 - 11 - 6 Fec slaug n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 - 10 - 6 n/a x - 10 - 6 n/a n/a 7 - 10 - 6 x - 11 - 6 28-6-2005 7 - 10 - 6 x - 10 - 6 x - 11 - 6 10-7-2006 n/a 16-4-2007 19-9-2006 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 22-2-2005 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a neg x: PCR failed **: actively infected cows n/a: no data on tissues available TABLE 3: Supershedders and cows that are shedding at the same time as the supershedders, with number of repeats for loci 1, 2, and 8 Herd B 13 Herd B COWS DATES SS 51 52 CULLING Birthdate 22-3-2004 12-9-2004 15-12-2005 1-12-1999 7 - 11/12 - 57 - 10/11 - 5 20-1-1999 16 - 10 - 5 6-6-2005 5-12-2005 Cull date LN 1 10-27-2004n/a n/a LN 2 n/a n/a IL-IC ValveIleum n/a n/a n/a n/a Fec slaug n/a n/a n/a neg n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a neg n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a neg n/a n/a n/a n/a Other 30 2-11-1998 13 - 10 - 5 73 15-10-1999 12 - 11 - 5 74 5-11-1999 7 - 10 - 5 87 15-1-2000 14 -12 - 5 214 2-8-1999 7 - 12 - 5 Tulip 15-9-1999 neg neg neg neg neg neg 7 - 10 - 5 neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg 1-13-2006 n/a 1-9-2006 neg 10-18-2004n/a march 2005n/a 3-10-2006 n/a 9-19-2004 n/a n/a neg n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a: no data on tissues available TABLE 4: Supershedders and cows that are shedding at the same time as that of supershedders, with number of repeats for loci 1, 2, and 8 Herd C Herd C COWS SS 66 102 106 152 Other *40 **107 114 124 **133 *136 164 170 **171 178 184 189 193 208 270 **491 493 495 Birthdate 21-6-1999 27-4-2000 22-6-2000 10-7-2001 15-11-2004 9-5-2005 7-9-6 7-9-6 neg 8-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 x-9-6 16-10-1998 27-6-2000 26-7-2000 11-10-2000 17-1-2001 20-2-2001 1-10-2001 13-11-2001 17-11-2001 30-1-2002 9-4-2002 26-4-2002 22-5-2002 13-8-2002 4-10-2002 29-9-2001 1-1-2000 1-1-2000 7-9-6 neg 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 neg 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 not test no test 7-9-6 7-9-6 7-9-6 DATES CULLING 14-11-2005 15-5-2006 13-11-2006 Cull date LN 1 x-9-6 x-9-6 15-6-2006 x - 9 - 6 x-9-6 15-12-2005 n/a 7-9-6 2-2-2006 n/a 9-2-2005 x - 8 - 6 LN 2 x-9-6 n/a n/a 7-8-6 IL-IC Valve x-9-6 n/a n/a 7-8-6 Ileum x-9-6 n/a n/a 7-8-6 Fec Slaug neg x-9-5 n/a pos neg neg neg n/a pos neg neg neg 7-9-5 7-9-6 pos neg neg neg x-9-6 7-9-6 pos 7 - 11/12 - 5 neg 13-11-2006 n/a 29-12-2005 7 - 9 - 6 n/a neg n/a neg n/a neg n/a neg 8-8-2005 x - 9 - 6 15-8-2005 n/a 26-6-2006 n/a neg n/a n/a neg n/a n/a neg n/a n/a neg n/a n/a 14-4-2005 6-7-2006 10-10-2006 29-8-2005 6-7-2006 14-4-2005 7-9-6 7-9-6 7 - 10 - 6 neg neg 7-9-6 neg x-9-6 neg neg neg neg neg 7 - 11 - 6 neg neg neg neg no test neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg 7-9-6 no test neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg no sample neg neg neg neg neg neg x-9-6 7-9-6 pos x-9-6 neg n/a n/a 7-9-6 neg neg neg x: PCR failed *: pass through cows **: actively infected cows n/a: no data on tissues available 4.2 Percentage of cows shedding same strain as that of SS at multiple collection dates Data was evaluated according to collection date, where the percentage of cows that were shedding the same strain as that of SS was calculated (Table 5). 14 For herd A, there were 4 different collection dates where a SS was on the farm, with percentages of cows shedding the same strain being 83%, 33%, and 25%. From the fourth collection date onwards nothing can be concluded with certainty because the fecal sample of the SS cow that was lost due culture contamination, after this sample date the cow left the farm. But if we assume that this SS keeps shedding the same strain at the fourth time, 60% of the cows that were positive on that collection date are shedding the same strain as the SS (Table 5). For herd B there were 2 different collection dates where a SS was on the farm. At these dates, 25% and 0% of the cows were shedding the same strain. When assuming that the number of alleles for loci 2 was 10 instead of 11 , this last percentage was 100% (Table 3). Locus 2 of this MAP isolate will be sequenced again to resolve this inconsistency. On the second collection, only 1 other cow appeared positive in addition to the SS, leading to result of identical shedding as the SS as either 0% or 100%. Herd C had 4 different collection dates with a SS on the farm. On the first collection date, 100% of all the positive cows in addition to the SS were shedding the same strain as that of SS, the second time this was 50%, and the last 2 times was 100% (Table 5). It has to be noted that only 1 or 2 other cows were culture-positive for MAP. Still, the percentage of cows shedding the same strain as the SS was the highest for this farm. Of all the cows that were shedding at the same time as the SS, 66% were shedding the same strain once or more as that of SS. This percentage includes the fourth collection time on farm A as a valid one and assuming that cow 1180 of herd A was shedding the same strain at the time of culture contamination as identified before. Also this analysis assumed that cow 51 15 (SS) in herd B was shedding MLSSR type 7-12-5 at the first collection and MLSSR type 710-5 at the second collection. Fifty-two percent of the cows were found to be shedding the same strain as one of the SS once or more, when these cows (1180, 51) were excluded. TABLE 5: Percentage of cows shedding the same strain as SS at a collection date. Herd Collection A B C 1 83% 25% 100% 2 33% 0% or 100%* 50% 3 25% 100% 4 60%** 100% *: 100% is valid if cow 51 (SS) is shedding 7-12-5 the first collection and 7-10-5 the second time (Table 3) **: 100% is valid if cow1180 is shedding same strain as before on fourth collection (Table 2) 4.3 Longitudinal follow-up When evaluating cows within their lifetime, several trends were seen. Some cows appeared culture positive during life time only once or twice and were not seen positive again, not even in tissues at slaughter. Those cows that were positive with the same strain as the SS were therefore defined as Pass through cows. This was only seen for 2 cows out of all the cows we studied. These two cows were in herd C (Table 3). Other cows were identified as culture positive at 1 or 2 collection dates and negative on other collection dates but were then positive in tissues at slaughter for the same strain. When strains 16 were the same as the strains seen at the SS, these cows were defined as cows that became Active passive-shedders caused by the SS. For herd A, this was observed for 1 of the 20 cows (Table 2). Assuming that cow 1180 was shedding the same strain at the fourth collection date this can be defined for 3 of the 20 cows. Herd B had no data on tissue at slaughter except for 1 cow that was negative. In herd C, 5 out of the 18 cows were found positive showing this pattern (Table 4). Because tissue samples at slaughter were not collected for all cows, there are cows that were not identified as Pass through or Active passive-shedders cows but still showed negative fecal samples during their life. In herd A and C, respectively, 1 and 8 cows with this phenomenon were identified. For herd A, an additional 2 cows were found assuming that cow 1180 was shedding the same strain at the fourth collection. Another group of cows were found to shed the same strains in life while these strains and different strains were found at slaughter. Also variation within the samples during their lifetime and tissues collected at slaughter were found. (Tables 2, 3, and 4) 5. DISCUSSION Because of the economical losses on dairy farms caused by Johne’s disease (13) control of this disease is important. Several eradication programs are set up to control the disease. But even with the control programs herds still appear to remain infected with MAP (9). Although Johne’s disease is known to transmit particularly in young animal, animals are only found to become positive on fecal tests later on in their life (17). The observation of SS brought new 17 information to this aspect. It was suggested that SS spread MAP in such a high amounts that the environment gets contaminated with MAP. This contamination may cause the so called pass-through cows or may even infect cows (17). 5.1 MLSSR strain typing The MLSSR approach provided a better insight into the epidemiology of MAP and the concept of Pass-through and Active passive shedders within the herds. MLSSR has been described as a useful discrimination technique between MAP strains within the same species (11) and even within the same herds (8). By using 3 different loci 14 (or 17) different strains were identified in these 3 herds. The number of repeats found in these herds was within the same variation as observed by previous investigators (2, 8, 10). The biggest variation was found in Herd B with 4 or 5 different strains in a total of 9 positive samples. Herd C had the least variation with 6 or 8 different strains in a total of 51 positive samples. In Herd A and C a predominant strain was recognized. Harris et al., (2006) also found that there is shared genotype among MAP isolates within herds and between geographically distinct sites.. Because some of the samples had unsuccessful PCR amplification for locus 1, strain typing for locus 1 was not complete yet at the time of writing this report. A different, modified, set of primers and different optimum PCR conditions are currently being tested to get more successful amplifications for locus 1 PCR products. Our preliminary data indicated that these modifications were working reasonably well for successful amplification. Previous researchers had also identified unsuccessful amplification or sequencing for locus 1 (10) It is noted that for a proportion of the MAP isolates, PCR was not completed for locus 1. It is expected that the amplification and sequencing of this locus will be completed soon. For those PCR products where the number of nucleotides repeats could not be identified with certainty, 18 further sequencing in both directions (forward and reverse) as well as duplicate sample testing were done. 5.2 Pass through and Active passive-shedding The data collected during this study is not conclusive with regard to the moment time at which cows are actually getting infected. Cows could be either infected within the first year of life by the dam or the environment or as an adult by the SS. Cows that were seen only positive once or twice at fecal culture with a low CFU and are negative at all other collections are likely adult Pass through infections. Two cows appeared positive in their lifetime with the same strain as that of SS and were found negative in tissues at slaughter. These cows can be seen as Pass through cows, who ingested MAP from their environment and were shedding it in their feces. Experiments conducted by Sweeney et al. (1992) in heifers revealed that 100,000 CFU was sufficient enough to cause Pass through shedding. This data also includes several cows that are culture-positive during all collections and in tissues and in fecal sample obtained during slaughter, even with the same strain observed for the SS. These cows might be infected during their early life. Further analyses in combination with the amount of CFU cows are shedding needs to be done. A total of 5 or 7 cows were identified as cows that became Active passive-shedders because they were positive on fecal culture once or more, but were also negative on fecal culture and were again culture positive in tissue at slaughter. One of these cows also shed a different strain during its lifetime when there were no SS on the farm anymore. Also 2 cows shedding the same strain as the SS only once during their life, were found culture positive in fecal samples with this strain and another strain in their tissue at the time of slaughter. 19 Several cows appeared positive with multiple strains during life and in tissues obtained at slaughter. This was also seen for some of the SS. This might indicate that cows that got infected with multiple strains got infected at different times during their life. From all the fecal culture-positive cows where tissue samples were obtained during slaughter (n = 20) only 3 appear negative. This suggests that if cows were positive in fecal culture, this most likely indicates an active infection. Data presented by Whitlock. (2008) suggests that approximately 50% fecal cultures are passive shedders. Data on this research suggests that a high percentage of these cows become Active passive-shedders. 6. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that more cows were Active passive-shedders rather than being Pass through cows. Of all cows for which data on tissue obtained at slaughter was available, 83% was positive. Several actively infected low shedding cows (41%) have the same strain as a contemporary SS, suggesting adult active infection may have taken place. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We express our appreciation to the farm owners and personnel that participated in the study both at the farms and in the laboratories. This project was supported in part by the USDAAgricultural Research Service (Agreements. 58-1265-3-155, 58-1265-3-156,58-1265-3-158, 20 and 58-1265-4-020) for the Regional Dairy Quality Management Alliance (RDQMA) and the Johne’s Disease Integrated Program (JDIP, USDA contract 45105). 8. THANK YOU After these months of research it’s time to say “thank you” to some people. First of all I would like to thank Quality Milk Production Service and Cornell University for the opportunity to do this research with them. Especially I would like to thank Ynte Schukken for supervising me through these months, his enthusiasm, all the possibilities and of course his bike, which provided me the best way of transportation to QMPS until the snow came. I also would like to thank Abani Pradhan who introduced me in the world of the RDQMA project, MAP and Multilocus Short Sequence Repeats. Abani Pradhan answered all my questions and proved to be a good troubleshooter for PCR problems. All the other people at QMPS: “thanks for everything you have done for me!”. Sharinne for having and helping me in the lab, Vicky and Tully for their company at the front office and their help with all the forms and questions. All others, thank you for giving me such a good time. Ruurd Jorritsma thank you for being my supervisor in Utrecht and the flexibility you gave me doing this project at Cornell. 21 Katrien van den Brink for taking care of all the paper work in Netherlands so I can start my clinical rotations at the end of January and still spend some more time in the USA. Thank you you’re a great friend! And than at the last but certainly not the least I would like to thank two people who basically kidnapped me the first two weeks. By doing that, they gave me the best time ever in Ithaca. Laura and Rick thank you for all the good times! We’ll meet again in Wisconsin and of course in Holland for your honeymoon! 9. REFERENCES 1. USDA/Regional Dairy Quality Management Alliance (RDQMA) Pilot Project Report. 2008. 2. Amonsin, A., L. L. Li, Q. Zhang, J. P. Bannantine, A. S. Motiwala, S. Sreevatsan, and V. Kapur. 2004. Multilocus Short Sequence Repeat Sequencing Approach for Differentiating among Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Strains. 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