Strategy-Proof Risk Assessment and Optimization in Project

Y. Mordecai and Y. Gerchak
Tel Aviv University
Projects, systems and complex processes are characterized by the presence of multiple risks to
their objectives, e.g. duration, cost, and specification. Risks emanate from various sources, such as
technological, natural, socio-economical, organizational and informational uncertainties. Risks
may often be traded-off among objectives. For instance, a technical issue may either be dealt with
by schedule buffers, additional resource allocation, specification compromise, or any one of
several combinations thereof. Therefore, Risk Modeling should incorporate all available Risk
Alternatives. Nevertheless, defining preference relations among objectives is a challenge, for
which we apply a consolidated risk measure – the Expected Disutility. We tackle the decisionmaking problem with a novel Risk Optimization Model. The model consists of Stochastic
Convolution-based Expected-Disutility minimization through Binary-Programming.
Risk is a measure of undesired results and the negative impact of uncertainty. Risk
Management is the process of identifying, assessing and mitigating risks as they emerge and
evolve throughout the lifecycle of processes, systems and projects. Risk Management is a
multi-objective, multivariate and resource-constrained effort, which aims at overall risk
minimization. Risk is the key to new business opportunities and future profit sources, and
therefore, risk should not necessarily be handled solely by avoidance, but also by elimination,
reduction (of likelihood or damage), sharing (with other parties), absorption, or by any
creative combination of these strategies [8].
Risk Management has recently been studied as an Optimization Problem. A "Risk Cost"
minimization model was offered by Ben David et al. [1]. However, their model ignores
duration and specification, fundamental project objectives, and counter-risk action selection is
not referred to. Fan et al. [3] propose an analytical risk handling strategy selection model, but
they deal with a single risk and its handling cost optimization, and wrongly assume that costs
cannot be both financial and schedule. Other Risk Optimization models are also available in
the literature, and yet, most models are too narrow, partial, theoretically wanting, or
Quantitative and Probabilistic Risk Assessment is essential in Risk Management, and
poses a serious challenge, as well as the combination of several assessments. Since objective
data is usually unavailable in complex and unprecedented situations and systems, analysis
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draws on subjective opinion of experts and professionals. The use of expert opinion is
common in science and practice, and has been thoroughly studied [2]. Experts' assessments
may often be biased.
The most popular assessment technique, the famous 5X5 likelihood/severity matrix is
used in various cases and studies and widely implemented ([5],[7],[8],[9]). Other NXN
variations are also in use. Figure 1 displays the common 5X5 benchmark. The expected
impact, i.e. the product of the Likelihood index and the Severity index, is also classified by
impact ranges with a color pattern. Modeling through discrete NXN matrices has many
limitations and mathematical flaws. First, only one pair of
events are modeled either as Bernoulli events or by a
likelihood and severity is displayed, which means that
maximum). Hence, the documented estimate is biased.
10 15 20
8 12 16
6 9 12
4 6 8
2 3 4
2 3 4
Figure 1. Risk Impact Matrix
mathematically wrong, since these numbers do not
represent aligned ordinal values and therefore standard algebraic operators do not apply to
them straightforwardly [6]. Bi-dimensional consideration of the measures has been advised,
rather than the misleading expected value reflected by their product [10].
We offer a novel, rich and useful framework for Risk Optimization, which consists of
quantitative risk assessment by continuous/quantile probability distributions, used for
weighting a (dis)utility function, and calculation of joint risk by Expected Disutility. In order
to create a joint risk distribution we employ serial convolution operations, but since the joint
distribution is also affected by the risk alternatives selected, this framework is basically a
Convolution-based Optimization, based on the Binary selection of Risk Handling
Consider risk as a random force applied by a source to a target. The distribution of the risk
depends on risk handling alternatives applied to the risk sources. Let Rst denote the risk
applied by source s on target t. Generally, the risk is distributed over the real line and
represents the relative effect to the original target value ct. The distribution of the total risk
applied by all sources to each target t is a Convolution of the distributions of the individual
risks. Let Rt  s1 Rst , then the cumulative probability distribution (CDF) of the risk is
defined in (1), and the probability density, derived from the distribution, is defined in (2).
Mordecai and Gerchak
Rt ~ Ft ( x)  F1t * F2t * ... * Fst * ... * FSt ( x)  C Fst ( x)
s 1
f t ( x) 
d S
Ft ( x)  C Fst ( x)
dx s1
We consider undesired effects with non-linear implications through a Utility-Theoretic
approach. The Disutility of a target, Dt(X), is the rate of damage incurred by the target's
relative deviation from target value to the main objectives of the project and the organization.
It also reflects attitude towards risk, i.e. risk aversion or risk seeking. Expected Disutility
incorporates both the disutility and risk probability, and expresses the assessed result pattern
more precisely than Expected Value. The Objective function of each target t is best described
by its Expected Disutility, as shown in (3).
Yt  E Dt ( X )  
 D ( x) f ( x)dx
Target value distributions are affected by selected Risk Alternatives, modeled through
distribution functions, reflecting trade-off among the objectives. Let j=1,..,J denote possible
mitigation alternatives. The decision variables Z1,..Zj,..,ZJ are binary variables, Z j  {0,1}, j ,
indicating the selection of alternatives {1,..,j,..,J}.
The risk probability distribution underlying the Expected Disutility is convolved from all
risks affecting the specific target, which in turn are convolved from the initial risk assessment
and the subset of mitigation alternative distributions over each risk. The Expected Disutility
can be expressed directly as the convolution of the initial assessments with the selected
mitigation alternatives' distributions:
E[ Dt ( X )] 
 D ( x) dx [ F
1t 0
* F1t1Z1 * .. * F1tJ Z J ] * .. *[ FSt 0 * FSt1Z1 * .. * FStJ Z J ]dx
This representation may be algebraically converted from a risk-source oriented
convolution to a decision oriented one, such that its components are grouped together by the
problem's decision variables, {Zj}, as expressed in (4).
E[ Dt ( X )] 
Dt ( x)
d S
FstJ ( x) Z J dx
st 0
dx  s1
s 1
s 1
Yt  E[ Dt ( X )] 
Dt ( x)
d J S
C C Fstj ( x) Z j dx
dx  j0 s1
In order to consider the joint effect of all defined objectives, a joint measure is required.
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Let Ω[Y1,.., YT] denote the global optimization objective function, as given in (5).
MIN Ω   tYt ,
t 1
The Risk Optimization Model's complexity is extremely high, O(n3 (2m) n ) , where n is the
order of the number of sources, targets and alternatives, and m is the number of qunatiles, or
the resolution to which X is discretized in continuous cases for the convolution computation,
which is typically 5, 10 or 20. This complexity allows for a full search within a reasonable
time of only quite small problems, around the size of n≤7 and m≤10.
We have designed and developed a software tool prototype, "Risk Mediator", which
implements the model presented, and provides a full search approach for small-sized cases.
We developed a calculation method, Pattern Proximity, which identifies the closest known
solution to each new solution calculated, and calculates the new solution as a delta to the
existing solution. For instance, a solution coded as "01010110", in which each bit stands for
one decision variable, may be calculated as the convolution of the distribution of the solution
coded "01000100" and the function effected by the selection of decision variables 2 and 5
from the right. This mechanism saves a lot of time and computation effort.
Modeling risk in complex systems, processes or projects, is neither trivial nor
straightforward. It involves the proper consideration of risk sources, risk targets and risk
alternatives, and the proper assessment of risk under each triplet. With various and multiple
risks present in the system, and the need to optimize risk handling effort while achieving
goals on multiple objectives, a proper optimization model is required.
This paper summarizes one part of a Master's Thesis in Industrial Engineering, in which
we provide a model for the challenges described here. Our model considers all project
objectives through a consolidated measure – their incurred risk, seeks the minimization of the
expected disutility of risk, thus taking the non-linear effect of adverse results into
consideration, and consists of the joint distribution of aggregate risk, via Convolution-based
Optimization. The model is also implementable with a prototype software tool.
We intentionally omitted some extensions and complications from this paper, such as
hierarchical risk target modeling, risk sources which are also phantom targets (i.e., the lack
Mordecai and Gerchak
thereof), and elaborate proofs. Another aspect of our research considers the proper
combination of assessments from several experts, who may incorporate Strategic Bias into
their assessments, due to personal cost/benefit considerations. We provide a Strategy-Proof
assessment combination mechanism called MEDAS, to handle this problem.
Ongoing and future research includes further development and extensions of the "Risk
Mediator" tool, further study into large-scale problems, with dozens of risk sources and
targets, and efficient heuristics to solve them; incorporating iterative analysis, accumulated
information, error correction and Bayesian learning; Replacing empiric assessments by
experts with "cookbook" distributions which may be tampered with, reshaped and calibrated
according to the assessors' insight; Optimization of Efficient Frontiers, i.e. multidimensional
sets of objective measures that should not necessarily be joined through a weighted aggregate;
and more.
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