Charnwood Voluntary & Community Sector

Charnwood Voluntary & Community Sector Forum
Notes of the meeting of the Charnwood VCS Forum, held on Tuesday, 12th June 2012 at
1pm in the Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston, LE7 7JA
Arrival, refreshments and networking – 1pm
Opening of formal meeting by Acting-Chair, Helen Wootton
Introductions (14) and apologies (3)
Resignation of Chair and Vice-Chair; Proposal for Helen to become Chair until
next AGM – agreed
Thanks to outgoing Honorary Officers, Peggy and Mike
Process for (s)-election of representatives and Vice-Chair
VCS Representation on Charnwood Together Board and partnerships
 Board – Chair of VCS Forum; Helen to replace Peggy
 Community Safety – Vacant (was Mike Griffiths, Twentytwenty) – Mike
Hughes, Twentytwenty CEO volunteered, and was elected
 Health & Well-being – Vacant (was Helen Wootton) – Helen Howson,
Housing SM, at the Bridge volunteered, and was elected
 Children & Young People – Helen Wootton to replace Peggy Nicholls
 People, Places and Environment – Neil Lambert
 Economy and Learning – Vacant (hasn’t met yet!) – Anne Glasper
volunteered to attend first meeting
 Network & Development Forum – Neil Lambert, chair
In addition to Helen’s roles, all three new volunteers were endorsed – Neil to liaise
with CBC accordingly
James O’Flynn, LCC – speaker on Timebanking Project – briefing attached
James handed round printed leaflets and spoke about the origins and concept
of Timebank, being skills and qualities, “assets” that people have and can share
with each other. He also explained the relationship to “Co-production” and
how “people working together” is the emphasis.
James is researching different ways of providing services, rather than oldfashioned block contracts – including service user involvement
This also can work at organisational level, not just between individuals. The
idea is that an organisation benefits in one aspect, but gives in another, also
known as reciprocity. The expectation is to spend credits in a reasonable timescale
Various questions and concerns were raised and James explained the way LCC
are assessing risks and the legal section are approving the way the system is
due to operate in Leicestershire. Launch is due soon, both soft with people and
organisations already involved, and more formally to others to promote the
concept. Hopefully, Stage 2 and eventually Stage 3 will be reached, but we
need to pilot current setting up, Stage 1, and ensure success
James was thanked
Formal information sharing: Verbal and written from those present
 Input from VAL, Voluntary Action LeicesterShire. Nick Mills spoke about
new VAL initiative to achieve social outcomes, rather than usual outputs
performance management, and handed round an information sheet. (eversion attached to minutes or on VAC web-site). Anne Glasper felt the
paper, unfortunately, came across as patronising and negative – whereas
the intention is positive, and voluntary organisations want to achieve
impact, and change lives. Nick apologised for any wrong impressions
 Clare mentioned ThinkLeicestershire coming soon to recruit volunteers –
more info awaited. Clare also offered to ask Kevan to speak to us about TLI
 Input from VAC, Voluntary Action Charnwood – VAL still funding VAC 201213.
Next Charnwood VCS Forum meetings - Sept 13th 1-3 Seagrave and Dec 4th
10-12 Syston. March 13th 2012 6pm in the Café @ JSH also available
 Other information received – Cath Walker introduced her new role at the
RCC for Big Society networking, under TLI funding
Voices of concern about excess overload of infrastructure networking, rather than
emphasis on service delivery for service users, and very local level attention
Agenda items for future meetings – please suggest
Dates and venues for 2012 – above, and see VAC website, (as below)
End of business – informal networking to 3pm
Neil Lambert – 24.6.12 – DRAFT 2
Minutes of last meeting, March 2012, available on VAC website
Apologies and attendance 12th June Thurcaston
Vicky, WAGS; Jane, SOFA; David Brindley
Present –
Jill Vincent
Mike Hughes
Alexis Rich
Mick Mills
Helen Howson
The Bridge
Caroline Howell
The Bridge
Anne Glasper
Shepshed Community Plan
Sue Davies
Helen Wootton
Home Start Charnwood – Chair
Clare Nagle
Vin Gaten
James O’Flynn
LCC Timebanking project – speaker
Cath Walker
Neil Lambert
VAC – note taker