Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. Copyright 2010 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA This Product MasterSpec Section is licensed by ARCOM to Bristolite Daylighting Systems, Inc. ("Licensee"). This Product MasterSpec Section modifies the original MasterSpec text, and does not include the full content of the original MasterSpec Section. Revisions made to the original MasterSpec text are made solely by the Licensee and are not endorsed by, or representative of the opinions of, ARCOM or The American Institute of Architects (AIA). Neither AIA nor ARCOM are liable in any way for such revisions or for the use of this Product MasterSpec Section by any end user. A qualified design professional should review and edit the document to suit project requirements. For more information, contact Bristolite Daylighting Systems, Inc, 401 E. Goetz Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92707; Phone: (714) 540-8950; Fax: (714) 540-5415; Website:; Email: For information about MasterSpec contact ARCOM at (800) 424-5080 or visit SECTION 086200 TIPS: To view non-printing Editor's Notes that provide guidance for editing, click on Masterworks/Single-File Formatting/Toggle/Editor's Notes. To read detailed research, technical information about products and materials, and coordination checklists, click on Masterworks/Supporting Information. Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements. This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions. Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 1 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Self-flashing unit skylights with integral curbs. Unit skylights mounted on [prefabricated] [site-erected] curbs. Related Requirements: Retain subparagraphs below to cross-reference requirements Contractor might expect to find in this Section but are specified in other Sections. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Section 084513 "Structured-Polycarbonate-Panel Assemblies" for metal-framed skylights glazed with structured-polycarbonate panels. Section 084523 "Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Assemblies" for metal-framed skylights glazed with fiberglass-sandwich panels. Section 086100 "Roof Windows" for flat, insulating-glass windows intended for installation on sloped roofing. Section 086300 "Metal-Framed Skylights" for site-erected, metal-framed skylights. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS Retain "Preinstallation Conference" Paragraph below if Work of this Section is extensive or complex enough to justify a conference. A. 1.4 Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at [Project site] <Insert location>. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of unit skylight. 1. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for unit skylights. Retain "Motors" Subparagraph below if electric motor operators are required for operable unit skylights. 2. Motors: Show nameplate data, power requirements, ratings, characteristics, and mounting arrangements. B. Shop Drawings: For unit skylight work. 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and connections to supporting structure and other adjoining work. Retain "Manual Operators" Subparagraph below for manually operated unit skylights. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 2 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 2. Manual Operators: Show locations, mounting, and details for installing operator components and controls. Retain both "Motor Operators" and "Wiring Diagrams" subparagraphs below if electric motor operators are required for operable unit skylights. 3. Motor Operators: Show locations and details for installing operator components, switches, and controls. Indicate motor size, electrical characteristics, drive arrangement, mounting, and grounding provisions. a. 4. Wiring Diagrams: For power, signal, and control wiring for electric motors of operable unit skylights. Multiple Units: Methods of connection and structural support for multiple units clustered together. C. Aluminum Finish Samples: For each type of exposed finish required, in a representative section of each unit skylight in manufacturer's standard size. D. Glazing Samples: For each color and finish of glazing indicated, 12 inches (300 mm) square and of same thickness indicated for the final Work. Retain and revise "Product Schedule" Paragraph below if required. E. 1.5 Product Schedule: For unit skylights.[ Use same designations indicated on Drawings.] INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS Coordinate "Qualification Data" Paragraph below with qualification requirements in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" and as may be supplemented in "Quality Assurance" Article. A. Qualification Data: For qualified [Installer] [and] [manufacturer]. Often Visible Light Transmission Tests to meet ASTM D 1003 standards are performed on a 4 ft x 4 ft (1219 mm x 1219 mm) glazing and not on every size offered from a manufacturer. B. Product Test Reports: For each type and size of unit skylight, for tests performed within the last four years by a qualified testing agency. Retain "Field quality-control reports" Paragraph below if Contractor is responsible for field qualitycontrol testing and inspecting. C. Field quality-control reports. D. Sample Warranty: For special warranty. 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Maintenance Data: For unit skylights [and] [unit skylight operating system] to include in maintenance manuals. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 3 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A manufacturer capable of fabricating unit skylights that meet or exceed performance requirements indicated and of documenting this performance by inclusion in lists and by labels, test reports, and calculations. B. Installer Qualifications: An installer acceptable to unit skylight manufacturer for installation of units required for this Project. 1.8 WARRANTY When warranties are required, verify with Owner's counsel that warranties stated in this article are not less than remedies available to Owner under prevailing local laws. A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of unit skylights that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. Uncontrolled water leakage. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. Retain applicable subparagraphs below for glazing type selected, and revise to suit Project. c. Yellowing of acrylic glazing. d. Breakage of polycarbonate glazing. e. Deterioration of insulating-glass hermetic seal. Verify available warranties and warranty periods for unit skylights and components. 2. Warranty Period: [Five] <Insert number> years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS See Editing Instruction No. 1 in the Evaluations for cautions about named manufacturers and products. For an explanation of options and Contractor's product selection procedures, see Section 016000 "Product Requirements." 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Most manufacturers offer both self-flashing skylights with integral curbs and curb-mounted skylights; verify availability with manufacturers. A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Bristolite Daylighting Systems, Inc.; <Insert product name or designation> or comparable product by one of the following: 1. CPI Daylighting Inc. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 4 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 2. 3. 2.2 Kalwall Corporation. <Insert manufacturer's name>. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Compliance with AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, as indicated in "Unit Skylight Standard" Paragraph below, is required by the International Building Code. Other acceptable code authorities recognized are ASHRAE 90.1 and well as the IECC, please check your local jurisdiction to see which code is recognized and/or acceptable. A. Unit Skylight Standard: Comply with AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 for definitions and minimum standards of performance, materials, components, accessories, and fabrication unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Retain one of two "Performance Class and Grade" subparagraphs below. Class R unit skylights are commonly used in one- and two-family dwellings; Class CW unit skylights are commonly used in lowand mid-rise commercial buildings. The performance grade (PG) designation is approximately equal to the design load in pounds per square foot (Pascals) induced by wind and/or static snow loads acting in a downward direction. See "AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440" Article in the Evaluations for additional discussion. Reference ICC test report 3177 for performance grade of Bristolite Unit Skylights. 1. 2. Performance Class and Grade: Class R-PG <Insert performance grade>. Performance Class and Grade: Class CW-PG <Insert performance grade>. Currently, few manufacturers participate in the labeling program required by "Certification" Subparagraph below. Product test reports from a qualified independent testing agency that are acceptable to the building official may take the place of a certification label in some jurisdictions; verify with authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Certification: AAMA-, WDMA-, or CSA-certified unit skylights with label attached to each. Retain "Thermal Transmittance" Paragraph below if required to comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Options are based on ENERGY STAR and National Green Building Standard requirements. Requirements vary according to climate zone. NFRC was developed primarily for the window industry and therefore the testing requirements for U Factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient are based on the particular glazing submitted for testing, however there is no current requirement by NFRC for Visible Light Transmission to correspond with the published U Factor and SHGC, therefore the NFRC requirement for unit skylights is for all intents and purposes not applicable. There must be a corresponding ASTM D 1003 Visible Light Transmission test for the product tested or the U Factor and SHGC is meaningless. That being said, we recommend the requirement for U Factor and SHGC be that the skylights must be tested in an NFRC Laboratory and to NFRC standards, but not required to be listed and labeled. Insert U Factor Value in "Thermal Transmittance" paragraph below based on specific product selected in "Unit Skylights" Article (2.3) below. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 5 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. B. Thermal Transmittance: NFRC 100 maximum U-factor of <Insert value> Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F (<Insert value>W/sq. m x K). Options in "Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC)" Paragraph below are based on ENERGY STAR and National Green Building Standard requirements. Requirements vary according to climate zone. Insert SHGC Value in "Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient" paragraph below based on specific product selected in "Unit Skylights" Article (2.3) below. C. Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC): NFRC 200 maximum SHGC of <Insert value>. OITC, in "Outside-Inside Transmission Class (OITC)" Paragraph below, is a noise-reduction rating based on a sound-frequency range representative of conditions to which the building envelope is subject, such as road, rail, and airplane traffic noise. Retain "Outside-Inside Transmission Class (OITC)" paragraph below if applicable to skylight specified of for a specific project. D. Outside-Inside Transmission Class (OITC): Rated for not less than [22] [26] [30] <Insert value> OITC when tested for laboratory sound transmission loss according to ASTM E 90 and determined by ASTM E 1332. Retain "Windborne-Debris-Impact Resistance" Paragraph below if required for Project. The IBC defines windborne debris regions. Enhanced protection applies to essential facilities. Verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. E. Windborne-Debris-Impact Resistance: Provide unit skylights that pass [basic] [enhanced]protection testing requirements in ASTM E 1996 for [Wind Zone 1] [Wind Zone 2] [Wind Zone 3] [Wind Zone 4] when tested according to ASTM E 1886. Test specimens shall be no smaller in width and length than unit skylights indicated for use on Project and shall be installed in same manner as unit skylights indicated for use on Project. Retain first "Large-Missile Test" Subparagraph or "Small-Missile Test" Subparagraph below, or retain second "Large-Missile Test" Subparagraph. First two subparagraphs are requirements stated in the IBC; third is requirement in ASTM E 1996 for essential facilities. 1. 2. 3. Large-Missile Test: For unit skylights located within 30 feet (9.1 m) of grade. Small-Missile Test: For unit skylights located more than 30 feet (9.1 m) above grade. Large-Missile Test: For all unit skylights regardless of height above grade. Retain "Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories" Paragraph below if electric motor operators are required for operable unit skylights. F. 2.3 Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. UNIT SKYLIGHTS <Insert drawing designation> Copy this article and re-edit for each unit skylight type. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 6 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. Insert number to complete drawing designation. Use these designations on Drawings to identify each unit skylight. Insert performance values and sizes per job requirements. A. General: Provide factory-assembled unit skylights that include glazing, extruded-aluminum glazing retainers, gaskets, and inner frames and that are capable of withstanding performance requirements indicated. B. Basis-of Design Product: designation>. C. Performance Requirements: <Insert requirements specific to this product>. D. Unit Shape and Size: [As indicated] [Square, ,insert value> inside curb] [Rectangular, <Insert Value> inside curb] [Circular, <Insert Value> diameter inside curb] <Insert requirements>. Bristolite Daylighting Systems, Inc. <Insert product name or Retain "Acrylic Glazing," "Polycarbonate Glazing," "Insulating Glass," "Polycarbonate-Insulating-Panel Glazing," or "Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Glazing" Paragraph below to suit Project. Acrylic Impact Modified Acrylic is trade named “Quasar Prismatic” from Bristolite Daylighting Systems, Monolithic Smooth Acrylic is known as “Bristol Acrylic”. U Value is .57 and SHGC is .50 for each. Retain “Coollite Spectrally Selective UV Blocking Glazing” U Value .45 and SHGC .26-“Nano Insulgel Super Insulating Glazing, .20 U Value and .42 SHGC “Quasar Low E Glazings- .20 U Value and .26 SHGC. E. Acrylic Glazing: ASTM D 4802, [thermoformable, monolithic sheet, category as standard with manufacturer, Finish 1 (smooth or polished), Type UVF (formulated with UV absorber)] [Impact modified prismatic acrylic]. 1. Single-Glazing Profile: [Dome, 25 percent rise] [Pyramid, 30-degree slope] <Insert requirements>. a. b. 2. Thickness: 0.177 inch (4.5 mm). Color: [Colorless, transparent] [White, translucent] [Bronze transparent] [Gray tinted, transparent] <Insert requirements>. tinted, Double-Glazing Profile: [Dome, 25 percent rise] [Pyramid, 30-degree slope] [Radial Triarch Impact Modified Acrylic] <Insert requirements>. a. b. c. d. UNIT SKYLIGHTS Thicknesses: Thickness: 0.177 inch (4.5 mm). Outer Glazing Color: [Colorless, transparent] [White, translucent] [Bronze tinted, transparent] [Gray tinted, transparent] <Insert requirements>. Inner Glazing Color: [Colorless, transparent] [White, translucent] [Bronze tinted, transparent] [Gray tinted, transparent] <Insert requirements>. Visible Light Transmittance: [50 percent] [60 percent] [70 percent]. 086200 - 7 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 3. 4. 5. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (343 deg C) or more for plastic sheets in thickness indicated when tested according to ASTM D 1929. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Smoke-developed index of 450 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and smoke density of 75 or less when tested according to ASTM D 2843 Burning Characteristics: Tested according to ASTM D 635. Class CC2, burning rate of 21/2 inches (64 mm) per minute or less for nominal thickness of 0.060 inch (1.5 mm) or thickness indicated for use. Coollite U Value is 45 and SHGC is 26. Insert Value in performance clauses when specifying Coolite as the Basis-of-Design Product. F. Coollite Spectrally Selective UV Blocking Glazing: thermoformable, monolithic sheet with specially formulated and spectrally selective UV Blocking coating category as standard with manufacture over impact modified prismatic acrylic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. Outer glazing: Radial bubble shape for maximum dawn to dusk light harvesting, formed from Plaskolite Optix clear acrylic coated with Coollite spectrally selective, infra-red and ultraviolet blocking coating. Inner glazing: Formed from Plaskolite Duraplex clear prismatic to create 100 percent diffused light to interior building space. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (343 deg C) or more for plastic sheets in thickness indicated when tested according to ASTM D 1929. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Smoke-developed index of 450 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and smoke density of 75 or less when tested according to ASTM D 2843 Burning Characteristics: Tested according to ASTM D 635. Class CC2, burning rate of 21/2 inches (64 mm) per minute or less for nominal thickness of 0.060 inch (1.5 mm) or thickness indicated for use. Nano Insulgel Super Insulating Silica Aerogel. 1. 2. 3. 4. Outer Glazing: Radial bubble shape for maximum dawn to dusk light harvesting, formed from Plaskolite Optix clear acrylic. Inner Glazing: Formed from General Electric Lexan multi-wall polycarbonate panel filled with Lumira silica aerogel. Dome Material: Tested to and passing UBC-26-7 and ASTM D 635 achieving minimum CC2 rating, ASTM D 2843 Smoke Density test, ASTM D 1929 Ignition Temperature Test (Self-Ignition). Frame: a. b. c. d. UNIT SKYLIGHTS Material: Architectural grade extruded aluminum. Maximum 0.075 inch (1.9 mm) thick, 2.25 inch (57 mm) in depth on horizontal leg, and 2.0 inch (51 mm) in depth on vertical leg. Contain AAMA compliant "poured and debridged" long life. Polyurethane thermal break where aluminum on outside of frame is completely separated from aluminum on inside of frame. Squared with 90 degree corers ad float on one plane by insertion of corner stabilizers prior to full heli-arc welding. 086200 - 8 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. e. 5. Frame Cap: a. b. c. 6. Full perimeter condensation trough measuring minimum of 0.625 inch (15.9 mm) wide and 0.375 inch (9.5 mm) deep with minimum of six non-clog weep holes routed to outside of frame. Material: Architectural grade aluminum. Maximum 0.050 inch (1.27 mm) thick, 1.75 inch (44.5 mm) in depth on horizontal leg, and 2.0 inch (51 mm) in depth on vertical leg. Frame cap squared and flat prior to full heli-arc welding. Sealing Gasket: Skylight sealed with custom-formed, Monsanto UL Listed, 25 year, Santoprene engineered thermoplastic. Quasar Low E from Bristolite has a U Value of 20, and a SHGC of 26. H. Quasar LowE Glazing: 1. 2. 3. 4. Outer Glazing: Radial bubble shape for maximum dawn to dusk light harvesting, formed from Plaskolite Optex clear acrylic. Inner Glazing: Formed from General Electric Lexan multi-wall polycarbonate panel filled with Lumira silica aerogel. Dome Material: Tested to and passing UBC-26-7 and ASTM D 635 achieving minimum CC2 rating, ASTM D 2843 Smoke Density test, ASTM D 1929 Ignition Temperature Test (Self-Ignition). Frame: a. b. c. d. e. 5. Frame Cap: a. b. c. 6. Material: Architectural grade extruded aluminum. Maximum 0.075 inch (1.9 mm) thick, 2.25 inch (57 mm) in depth on horizontal leg, and 2.0 inch (51 mm) in depth on vertical leg. Contain AAMA compliant "poured and debridged" long life. Polyurethane thermal break where aluminum on outside of frame is completely separated from aluminum on inside of frame. Squared with 90 degree corners and float on one plane by insertion of corner stabilizers prior to full heli-arc welding. Full perimeter condensation trough measuring minimum of 0.625 inch (15.9 mm) wide and 0.375 inch (9.5 mm) deep with minimum of six non-clog weep holes routed to outside of frame. Material: Architectural grade aluminum. Maximum 0.050 inch (1.27 mm) thick, 1.75 inch (44.5 mm) in depth on horizontal leg, and 2.0 inch (51 mm) in depth on vertical leg. Frame cap squared and flat prior to full heli-arc welding. Sealing Gasket: Skylight sealed with custom-formed, Monsanto UL Listed, 25 year, Santoprene engineered thermoplastic. Bristolite Polycarbonate Product trade named "Tufflite" has a U Value of 55 and SHGC of 54. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 9 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. I. Polycarbonate Glazing: Thermoformable, extruded monolithic sheets, UV resistant, burglarresistance rated according to UL 972, and with average impact strength of 12 to 16 ft-lb/in. (640 to 854 J/m) of width when tested according to ASTM D 256, Test Method A (Izod). 1. Single-Glazing Profile: [Pyramid, 30-degree slope] [Triarch Prismatic Dome]. a. b. 2. Double-Glazing Profile: [Dome, 25 percent rise] [Pyramid, 30-degree slope] [Triarch Prismatic Dome]. a. b. c. 3. 4. 5. J. Thicknesses: 0.118 inch (3 mm). Inner Glazing Color: White. Outer Glazing Color: Clear. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (343 deg C) or more for plastic sheets in thickness indicated when tested according to ASTM D 1929. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Smoke-developed index of 450 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and smoke density of 75 or less when tested according to ASTM D 2843 Burning Characteristics: Tested according to ASTM D 635. Class CC1, burning extent of 1 inch (25 mm) or less for nominal thickness of 0.060 inch (1.5 mm) or thickness indicated for use. Insulating Glass: Clear, sealed units that comply with Section 088000 "Glazing," in manufacturer's standard overall thickness. 1. 2. 3. 4. K. Thickness: 0.118 inch (3 mm). Color: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors] <Insert color>. Exterior Lite: 6-mm [clear] [tinted] [heat-strengthened] [fully tempered] glass. Interior Lite: Laminated glass; two plies of 3-mm clear heat-strengthened glass with 0.030-inch (0.762-mm) clear polyvinyl butyral interlayer. Interspace Content: [Air] [Argon]. Low-Emissivity Coating: [Manufacturer's standard] <Insert requirements>. Polycarbonate-Insulating-Panel Glazing: Manufacturer's standard polycarbonate sheet with cellular cross section that provides isolated airspaces and that is coextruded with a UVprotective layer. 1. Thickness: [As indicated] [Not less than thickness required to exceed performance requirements] <Insert thickness>. Insert U-factor, color stability, and auxiliary criteria as required. 2. Color: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors] <Insert color>. 3. Self-Ignition Temperature: 650 deg F (343 deg C) or more for plastic sheets in thickness indicated when tested according to ASTM D 1929. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 10 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 4. 5. L. Smoke-Production Characteristics: Smoke-developed index of 450 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and smoke density of 75 or less when tested according to ASTM D 2843 Burning Characteristics: Tested according to ASTM D 635. Class CC2, burning rate of 21/2 inches (64 mm) per minute or less for nominal thickness of 0.060 inch (1.5 mm) or thickness indicated for use. Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Glazing: Manufacturer's standard with uniformly colored, translucent, fiberglass-reinforced-polymer face sheets permanently adhered to a grid core. 1. Thickness: [As indicated] [Not less than thickness required to exceed performance requirements] <Insert thickness>. Insert U-factor, color stability, and auxiliary criteria as required. 2. Color: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors] <Insert color>. M. Glazing Gaskets: [Manufacturer's standard] [EPDM, neoprene, partially vulcanized butyl tape, or liquid-applied elastomeric sealant] <Insert requirements>. Retain "Integral Curb" Paragraph below for unit skylights with integral curbs. Insert provisions for ventilation through curbs using louvers, fans, or other means to suit Project. N. Integral Curb: [Extruded-aluminum] [Vinyl] [Reinforced-thermoset-fiberglass profile], self-flashing type. Most manufacturers offer unit skylights with integral curbs fabricated from extruded aluminum. If required, insert materials for vinyl or reinforced-thermoset-fiberglass profiles. 1. 2. 3. Extruded-Aluminum Shapes: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M), alloy and temper to suit structural and finish requirements but with not less than the strength and durability of Alloy 6063-T52. Height: [As indicated] [8 inches (200 mm)] [9 inches (225 mm)] [12 inches (300 mm)] <Insert height>. Construction: [Single] [Double] wall. Retain "Insulation" Subparagraph below for insulated curbs. 4. Insulation: [Manufacturer's standard rigid or semirigid type] <Insert material>. a. Exposed Insulation: Cover face of insulation exposed to interior of building with [aluminum] [vinyl] liner. Retain "Prefabricated Curb" Paragraph below for unit skylights with prefabricated curbs. O. Prefabricated Curb: As specified in Section 077200 "Roof Accessories." Usually retain "Condensation Control" Paragraph below; however, paragraph may not be required for double or triple glazing. Revise if gutters that hold condensation until it evaporates are acceptable. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 11 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. P. Condensation Control: Fabricate unit skylights with integral internal gutters and nonclogging weeps to collect and drain condensation to the exterior. Q. Thermal Break: Fabricate unit skylights with thermal barrier separating exterior and interior metal framing. R. Operable Systems: Equip operable unit skylights with manufacturer's standard hinges, chaindriven operating hardware, and weather-sealing gaskets. Retain "Manual Operator" or "Motor Operator" Subparagraph below to suit Project. 1. Manual Operator: Manufacturer's standard, rotary-crank extension device. a. 2. Pole Operator: [Manual, 60 inches (1524 mm) long] [Manual, telescoping to 144 inches (3658 mm)] [Rechargeable-motor, power-driven type, telescoping to 144 inches (3658 mm)] <Insert requirements>. Motor Operator: Manufacturer's standard electronic control, including switch, transformer, low-voltage motor, cover, and mounting hardware. a. Provide motor of size and capacity recommended by unit skylight manufacturer to suit unit skylight indicated. Before retaining "Rain Sensors" or "Remote Control" Subparagraph below, verify availability for products selected. b. Rain Sensors: Provide rain sensor that automatically closes operable unit when water is detected. c. Remote Control: Provide motor operator with portable remote-control device. Retain "Security Grilles" Paragraph below if required; revise to suit Project. S. Security Grilles: 1/2-inch- (13-mm-) diameter, hardened steel bars spaced not more than [5 inches (130 mm) o.c. in one direction and 16 inches (400 mm) o.c. in other direction] [5 inches (130 mm) o.c. in both directions]. Retain "Protective Screens" Paragraph below if required; revise to suit Project. Protective-screen types vary among manufacturers. T. 2.4 Protective Screens: Manufacturer's standard to protect against falling glass. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Fasteners: Same metal as metal being fastened, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or other noncorrosive metal as recommended by manufacturer. Finish exposed fasteners to match material being fastened. Retain subparagraph below if security is an issue. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 12 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 1. B. 2.5 Where removal of exterior exposed fasteners might allow access to building, provide nonremovable fastener heads. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, compounded for 15-mil (0.4-mm) dry film thickness per coat. ALUMINUM FINISHES Retain finishes in paragraphs below to suit Project. Retain "Mill Finish" Paragraph below if mill finish is acceptable for aluminum components. A. Mill Finish: Manufacturer's standard. Retain one of two options in "Clear Anodic Finish" Paragraph below. Class II finish is standard with many manufacturers; Class I finish is heavy anodized. Verify availability with manufacturers. B. Clear Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, [AA-M12C22A41, Class I, 0.018 mm] [AA-M12C22A31, Class II, 0.010 mm] or thicker. Retain one of two options in "Color Anodic Finish" Paragraph below. Verify availability with manufacturers. C. Color Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, [AA-M12C22A42/A44, Class I, 0.018 mm] [AAM12C22A32/A34, Class II, 0.010 mm] or thicker. 1. Color: [Light bronze] [Medium bronze] [Dark bronze] [Black] [Champagne] <Insert color>. Options in "Color" Subparagraph above are examples only and may vary in color range and availability among manufacturers. Retain one or delete all above and retain one of two options in "Color" Subparagraph below. 2. Color: [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors and color densities]. 3. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are unacceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. "Baked-Enamel or Powder-Coat Finish" Paragraph below references AAMA standard for pigmented organic coating on extrusions and panels. D. Baked-Enamel or Powder-Coat Finish: AAMA 2603 except with a minimum dry film thickness of 1.5 mils (0.04 mm). Comply with coating manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning, conversion coating, and applying and baking finish. 1. Color and Gloss: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range] <Insert color and gloss>. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 13 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. Retain one of two "High-Performance Organic Finish" paragraphs below; if both are required, indicate location of each system on Drawings, in schedules, or by inserts. Retain AAMA 2604 or AAMA 2605 for high- or superior-performance organic coatings, respectively, on extrusions and panels. If specific products are required, name coating manufacturers and products. E. High-Performance Organic Finish: Two-coat fluoropolymer finish complying with [AAMA 2604] [AAMA 2605] and containing not less than [50] [70] percent PVDF resin by weight in color coat. Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. 1. F. Color and Gloss: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range] <Insert color and gloss>. High-Performance Organic Finish: [Three] [Four]-coat fluoropolymer finish complying with AAMA 2605 and containing not less than [50] [70] percent PVDF resin by weight in both color coat and clear topcoat. Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. 1. Color and Gloss: [As indicated by manufacturer's designations] [Match Architect's sample] [As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range] <Insert color and gloss>. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine openings, substrates, structural support, anchorage, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate installation of unit skylight with installation of substrates, vapor retarders, roof insulation, roofing membrane, and flashing as required to ensure that each element of the Work performs properly and that combined elements are waterproof and weathertight. B. Comply with recommendations in AAMA 1607 and with manufacturer's written instructions for installing unit skylights. C. Install unit skylights level, plumb, and true to line, without distortion. D. Anchor unit skylights securely to supporting substrates. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 14 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. E. Where aluminum surfaces of unit skylights will contact another metal or corrosive substrates, such as preservative-treated wood, apply bituminous coating on concealed metal surfaces or provide other approved permanent separation recommended in writing by unit skylight manufacturer. Insert requirements for continuous vaults and multiple-unit skylight assemblies if required. These unit skylights are often delivered as factory-assembled modules that require partial field assembly. Consult manufacturers for recommendations. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Retain "Testing Agency" Paragraph below to identify who shall perform tests and inspections. If retaining second option, retain "Field quality-control reports" Paragraph in "Informational Submittals" Article. A. Testing Agency: [Owner will engage] [Engage] a qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections. B. After completion of installation and nominal curing of sealant and glazing compounds but before installation of interior finishes, test for water leaks according to AAMA 501.2. C. Perform test for total area of each unit skylight. See Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for retesting and reinspecting requirements and Section 017000 "Execution" for requirements for correcting the Work. D. Work will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections. E. Additional testing and inspections, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. F. Prepare test and inspection reports. 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean exposed unit skylight surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. Touch up damaged metal coatings and finishes. B. Remove excess sealants, glazing materials, dirt, and other substances. C. Remove and replace glazing that has been broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged during construction period. D. Protect unit skylight surfaces from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. Retain "Unit Skylight Operating System" Paragraph below if electric motor operators are required for operable unit skylights. UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 15 Copyright 2010 AIA MasterSpec Premium 05/10 PRODUCT MASTERSPEC LICENSED BY ARCOM TO BRISTOLITE DAYLIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. E. 3.5 Unit Skylight Operating System: Clean and lubricate joints and hardware. Adjust for proper operation. DEMONSTRATION Retain this article if electric motor operators are required for operable unit skylights. A. [Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train] [Train] Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain unit skylight operating system. Consider using a schedule if projects include more than one size or type of unit skylight. A unit skylight schedule or other method of identifying different units can be shown on Drawings or inserted here. END OF SECTION 086200 UNIT SKYLIGHTS 086200 - 16