COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 Addresses: RP F RP LUX RP B RP IT RP ES RP PO RP UK RP DK RP GR RF IRL RP NL RP DE RP Finland RP Sweden RP Österreich Mission of Cyprus to the EU: Mission of Czech Republic to the EU: Mission of Estonia to the EU: Mission of Hungary to the EU: Mission of Latvia to the EU: Mission of Lithuania to the EU: Mission of Malta to the EU: Mission of Poland to the EU: Mission of Slovakia to the EU: Mission of Slovenia to the EU: Copy: M. Pierucci, SG, fax: 65960 M. X. Pavard, , fax: 91856 M. Thévenard, , fax: 96299 Mme Merla, fax: 66446 M. Bertrand, fax: 62325 Mme B. Gminder 64284 A. Badenhewer, fax: 81499 M. Coleman: fax: 96298 M. Astudillo: fax: 84489 Fax - 02.735.45.52 Fax - / 213.01.86 Fax – Fax – 02.372.07.84 Fax – Fax: - 02.771.45.97 Fax: - 02.343.01.06 Fax – 02.777.72.97 / 777.72.98 Fax – 02.743.68.88 Fax – 02.512.09.97 Your Excellency, I have the honour to invite experts from the appropriate departments to attend a meeting of the Standing Committee on Food Chain and Animal Health– Section Animal Nutrition which will take place on 22 & 23 April 2003, CCAB – rue Froissart 36 – 1040 in Brussels. The meeting will begin 10.a.m. (local time). EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 STANDING COMMITTEE 1. Candidates countries presentation of delegates. State of transposition of Acquis communautaire. 2. Transfer of competences from SCAN to EFSA informative session 3. Discussion and possible opinion on a draft Commission Regulation amending the conditions for authorisation of an additive in feedingstuffs: (benzoic acid) SANCO/2003/1468 rev.01. 4. Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission Regulation on the authorisation of a new additive in feedingstuffs (manganomanganic oxideSANCO/0079/2003 REV.3). 5. Use of sodiumbutyrate as an ingredient in animal feedingstuffs. 6. Status as regard feed legislation for short –chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS). 7. Discussion on a draft Commission Directive amending Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed (SANCO/1014/2002-rev. 2) 8. Revision of the annex to Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed. Consideration of the opinions of the Scientific Committee for Animal nutrition on mycotoxins and heavy metals and discussion on follow-up. 9. Exchange of views and possible agreement on the harmonised model for the annual report on the implementation of the national programmes of control and the coordinated inspection programme in animal nutrition: SANCO/1095/2003-rev 1. 10. SETTING TIMETABLE FOR ADDITIVES 1. New dossiers 1.1. Microorganisms 1.1.1 “Cylactin ® LBC ME10 , Cylactin ® LBC G35” (Enterococcus faecium NCIMB10415). Animal categories: calves. Application for the permanent authorisation. The provisional authorisation will expire on 30 June 2004. Rapporteur: D 2. Current dossiers 2.1. Enzymes 2.1.1. Belfeed B1100 MP/ML (Endo-1,4-beta-xylanase EC Extension of use for the animal category: laying hens (solid/liquid form) (Day 0: 11 February 2003 end EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 of sixty-days period as foreseen under article 4 par 4 of Dir. 70/524/ECC: 11 April 2003). Rapporteur: Belgium. 2.1.2. RovabioTM Excel LC &AP (Endo-1,3(4)-betaglucanase EC Endo-1,4-betaxylanase EC produced from Penicillium funiculosum (IMI SD101) (solid/liquid form) Extension of use for the animal categories: piglets. (Day O: 29 January 2003 end of sixty-days period as foreseen under article 4 par 4 of Dir. 70/524/ECC: 30 Mars 2003) Rapporteur: UK 2.1.3. RovabioTM Excel LC &AP (Endo-1,3(4)-betaglucanase EC, Endo-1,4-betaxylanase EC produced from Penicillium funiculosum (IMI SD101) (solid/liquid form) Extension of use for the animal categories: ducks for fattening. (Day O: 18 February 2003, end of sixty-days period as foreseen under article 4 par 4 of Dir. 70/524/ECC: 19 April 2003) Rapporteur: UK 11. Exchange of views on a draft Commission Regulation amending Annexes I, IV and XI to Regulation No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation No 1326/2001 as regards transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and animal nutrition. (SANCO/25/2003) (KDS)" EXPERT COMMITTEE 1. Evaluation of additive dossiers 1.1. Coccidiostats 1.1.1. Kokcisan” (KRKA) Salinomycin sodium (coccidiostat). Animal category: chickens for fattening. Rapporteur : UK 1.1.2. “Monteban” Narasin. Animal category: chickens for fattening - Clock 3: Start of second evaluation period: 26.09.2002, as foreseen under article 4 par 6 of Dir. 70/524/EECRapporteur: UK 1.1.3 “Sacox 120 mg microgranulate” Salinomycin sodium. Animal category: chicken for fattening. Rapporteur: UK. Evaluation of the dossier 1.1.4. “Avatec 15%”Lasalocid sodium. Animal category: chickens for fattening, Chickens reared for laying. Rapporteur:F. Evaluation of the dossier. 1.1.5. “Cycostat 66G” Robenidine hydrochloride. Animal category: chickens for fattening, turkeys, rabbits for fattening. Rapporteur: UK. Evaluation of the dossier. 1.1.6. “Stenorol” Halofuginone. Animal category: broilers, turkeys. Rapporteur: UK. Evaluation of the dossier. EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 1.1.7. “DECCOX” Decoquinate. Animal category: chicken for fattening Rapporteur: UK Evaluation of the dossier. 1.1.8.“Bio-Cox 120G” Salinomycin sodium. Animal category: chickens for fattening, (Day O: 28 November 2002 end of sixty-days period as foreseen under article 4 par 4 of Dir. 70/524/EEC) 27 January 2003). Rapporteur: B 1.2. Antibiotics 1.2.1. “Romensin” Monensin sodium - animal category: cattle for fattening. (Clock 3: Start of second evaluation period: 17.10.2002, as foreseen under article 4 par 6 of Dir. 70/524/EEC). Rapporteur: UK 1.2.2. “FLAVOMYCIN 40 & 80” Flavosphospholipol. Animal category: laying hens, turkeys, chicken for fattening, piglets, pigs, calves, cattle for fattening. Rapporteur: UK evaluation of the dossier. 1.3. Vitamins 1.3.1. “Vit●D®” Vitamin D3 25-hydroxylcholecalciferol/25-hydroxy-pre-cholecalciferol. Animal categories: broilers, turkeys, laying hens. Rapporteur: ES 1.4. Enzymes 1.4.1. “Bio-feed plus” (endo-1,4-beta-xylanase EC and endo-1,4-beta-glucanase EC produced by Humicola insolens (strain n. DSM 10442)).Animal categories: chickens for fattening. The provisional authorisation of the product “Bio-feed plus” will expire on 30 June 2004. Rapporteur: DK. 1.4.2. “Avizyme Ducks” (endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ; endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ; alpha-amylase ; subtilisin ; polygalacturonase Animal category : Ducks, (Day O 31 October 2002 end of sixty-days period as foreseen under article 4 par 4 of Dir. 70/524/EEC 30 December 2002). Rapporteur: UK 1.4.3. “Porzyme SF100 ” (endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ; endo-1,4-beta-xylanase polygalacturonase Animal category : pigs for fattening. Application for permanent authorization. Rapporteur UK. 1.4.4. “Porzyme SP” (endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ; endo-1,4-beta-xylanase alpha-amylase Animal category : piglets.. Application for permanent authorization. Rapporteur: UK 1.4.5. “Porzyme TP100 ” (endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ; endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ; alpha-amylase ; polygalacturonase Animal category : pigs for fattening. Application for permanent authorization. Rapporteur: UK. EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 1.4.6. “Endofeed DC” (Endo-1, 3(4)-beta-glucanase EC Endo-1, 4-beta-xylanase EC ). Animal category: laying hens. Application for permanent authorization. Rapporteur: ES. 1.4.7. “Bio Feed Alpha” (alpha-amylase EC and endo-1, 3 as foreseen under article 4, paragraph 6 (4)-beta-glucanase EC Animal category: chicks for fattening.. Extension of storage period. Rapporteur: DK 1.4.8. “Porzyme 9100 Double Strength ” (endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ; endo-1,4beta-xylanase ). Animal category : pigs for fattening. Rapporteur: UK. 1.4.9. “Porzyme 9300 Double Strength ” (endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ). Animal category : pigs for fattening, piglets. Rapporteur: UK 1.4.10. “Avizyme 1200 Double Strength ”(endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase ;endo-1,4beta-xylanase ; subtilisin ). Animal category : chickens for fattening, laying hens. Rapporteur: UK 1.4.11. “Energex®” (endo-1,3(4)-ß-glucanase3.2.1.6). Animal category: piglets, stability of the liquid form. Rapporteur: DK 1.5. Micro-organisms 1.5.1.“Toyocerin” (Bacillus cereus var. toyoi NCIMB 40112/CNCM I-1012). Animal categories: pigs for fattening. Rapporteur: ES. 1.5.2. “MLB” Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 13241. Animal category: dogs. Rapporteur: DK. 1.5.3.“Reuteri™ Pig Powder” Lactobacillus reuteri 1063S. Animal category: piglets. Rapporteur.: SW 1.5.4. “Biomin BBSH 797” Eubacterium sp. DSM 11798. Animal categories: piglets, fattening pigs, broilers. Rapporteur: A 1.5.5.“Levucell” SB 20” Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1079. Animal category: piglets. Rapporteur: F 1.5.6. “Kluyten” Kluyveromices marxianus K 1 MUCL 39434Cattle (dairy cows, fattening cattle, calves). Rapporteur: I (Dir.93/113) 1.5.7. “Biosprint BCCMtm / MUCL 39885 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae BCCMtm / MUCL 39885). Animal category: dairy cattle. Rapporteur: ITA EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 1.5.8“Velab Bovini” (Lactobacillus reuteri VR BCCM TM/LMG S-16558, Lactobacillus reuteri VD BCCM TM/LMG S-16559, Lactobacillus salivarius VT BCCM TM/LMG S16557). Animal category: dairy cattle. Rapporteur: ITA 1.5.9 “Velab Suini” (Enterococcus faecium V1 BCCM/LMG S-16555 Lactobacillus reuteriV5 BCCM/LMG S-16554 Lactobacillus amylovorus V8 BCCM/LMG S). Animal category: piglets. Rapporteur: ITA 2. Evaluation of bioprotein dossiers 2. 1- NUTRIGROW : Yeast cells (Candida guillermondii) from the production of citric acid. Rapporteur: IRL. 3. Exchange of views about the definition of medicinal products in Codex Alimentarius N.B. The number of experts whose travel expenses will be reimbursed is limited to one expert per delegation. Experts travelling by plane are requested to systematically order the lowest priced ticket available. If for any reason beyond their control they have to book business class a justification should be attached to the ticket. The new regulation concerning the reimbursement of the travel and subsistence expenses as well as of the expenses incurred during the trip of foreign persons to the Commission invited as experts will be sent to you on request. For the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia: With regard to funding of participation of capital based officials, Commission-wide rules are currently being drawn up. At this point, and subject to confirmation at a later stage, we understand that the costs for officials from your country will be reimbursed on the basis of the same criteria which are currently applied for Member States (maximum is the travel costs for one representative by acceding country). For Malta and Cyprus: EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE COMMISSION EUROPEENNE (g:/SANCO /tlxcoper/ D(03)410130 With regard to funding of participation of capital based officials, Commission-wide rules are currently being drawn up. We understand that under these rules officials from your country would generally not be eligible for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs and that these costs would be borne by your government. The languages for which simultaneous translation will be provided are the following: F, D, E, I, ES, NL, P, EL, DA to F, D, E, I, ES, NL. d) P. TESTORI COGGI Director EXPEDITEUR DG OU SERVICE BAT/BUREAU TELEPHONE DATE MARQUEZ CHOIX D'UN X W. Penning SANCO/D.1. F101 00/27 62056 01.04.2003 OU OU DEMANDEE P. TESTORI COGGI PRIVE . TELEG ACCEP PREP. TRANS SVT SIGNATURE