An Ordinal Metric for Intra-Method Class Cohesion Frank Tsui, Challa Bonja, Sheryl Duggins, Orlando Karam Southern Polytechnic State University 1100 S. Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, Georgia, USA ABSTRACT Cohesion has been studied by numerous researchers, and linked to good quality. More recently, the study of cohesion has extended to object oriented design and programming. Many of the cohesion metrics in object oriented design address the cohesion of a class through tracking the interactions of methods within the class and the accessing of instance variables in the class and may be classified as inter-method cohesion metrics of a class. The individual methods within the class need also be cohesive. That is, intra-method cohesion is also important. In this paper, we propose an extension to the Bieman and Ott (1994) metrics and Bieman and Kang (1995, 1998) metrics, which are based on the notion of data slices and may be used for either inter-method or intra-method cohesion. We also propose an intramethod cohesion metric, ITRA-C, which covers a broader set of situations and is in turn based on the attributes of Effect and Proximity. We also investigate into the positioning of the metrics of Effect Indicator, Proximity Indicator and ITRA-C at different metrics scale levels from measurement theory and show that ITRA-C is at the ordinal scale level Furthermore, the combination of both inter-method and intra-method cohesion should be considered together for class cohesion; however, that would be a topic for another paper. In this paper, we propose an extension to the Bieman and Ott (1994) metrics and Bieman and Kang (1995,1998) metrics, which are based on the notion of data slices and may be used for either inter-method or intra-method cohesion. Within a class, each method’s cohesion is measured individually and separately with intra-method cohesion metric. Our main contribution is the development of an ordinal intra-method cohesion metric, ITRA-C, which covers a broader set of situations and is in turn based on the attributes of Effect and Proximity. We also investigate into the positioning of the metrics of Effect Indicator, Proximity Indicator and ITRA-C at one of the four metrics scale levels (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio) from measurement theory (Fenton & Pfleeger, 1997; Kitechenham, et al, 1995) and show that ITRA-C is at the ordinal scale level. Keywords 2. INTRA-METHOD COHESION cohesion metrics, inter-method cohesion, intra-method cohesion. 1. INTRODUCTION Cohesion has been studied by numerous researchers. This has been a topic of interest since structured design (Stevens, et al, 1974; Yourdon & Constantine, 1979). Cohesion has also been linked to good quality (Bansiya & Davis, 2002; Basili, et al, 1996). More recently, the study of cohesion has extended to the object oriented design and programming environment (Bansiya & Davis, 2002; Bonja & Kidanmarian, 2006; Briand, et al, 1998; Chae, et al, 2004; Chidamber & Kemerer, 1994; Counsel, et al, 2006; Henserson-Sellers, 1996; Hitz & Montazeri, 1995; Zhou, et al, 2004). A large number of the cohesion metrics in object oriented design addresses the cohesion of a class through tracking the interactions of methods within the class and the accessing of instance variables in the class. These metrics, in a sense, address the coupling among methods within a class. According to these metrics, the more coupled the methods are within a class, through instance variables or through messaging each other, the more cohesive is the class. Thus, these metrics may be classified as inter-method cohesion metrics of a class. The individual methods within the class need also be cohesive. That is, intra-method cohesion is also important. Most of the cohesion metrics for object oriented class address the inter-method cohesion among the methods within a class, counting the access of instance variables or messaging activities among methods (Bonja, 2006; Briand, et al, 1998; Chidamber & Kemerer, 1994). In this section, we will discuss the notion of cohesion within each individual method as opposed to cohesion within a class. The cohesion of each method may be viewed as a microlevel of the inter-method cohesion in that we can analyze the structural relationships of the data to the operations and relationships among the operations. Thus, for intra-method cohesion, we believe that each method should be viewed from the perspective of relatedness of the operations and data to achieve a single functionality. The key is the phrase “single functionality.” For this we may consider reverting to the early, traditional definition of cohesion in terms of levels of cohesion, from coincidental cohesion to functional cohesion (Yourdon & Constantine, 1979). The problem is that there is no clear and simple way to numerically measure intra-method cohesion when it is defined through a metric of categorization of cohesion from coincidental to functional and is ordered by fiat of the definition. In that definition, only the best situation, functional cohesion level, has one function. All other levels may have multiple functions, and the manner in which the multiple functions operate determines the level of cohesion. One way is to naively assign functional level to be 7/7, sequential level to be 6/7, communicational level to be 5/7, and so on up to the worst case of coincidental level, which will take on the value of 1/7. This primitive, numerical approach incorrectly assumes that each level is different from the next level in the exactly same amount. Furthermore, there is no differentiation of number of functions performed at different levels. Consider the situation where one method may perform 5 functions at the procedural level and another method performs 2 functions at the logical level. According to the early cohesion metric by level, the one with 5 functions at the procedural level would be 4/7, and the one with 2 functions at the logical level would be 2/7. Thus, this metric only serves as a guideline, and is quite limited in its utility because it is not clear that such a metric is really at the ordinal scale level (Fenton & Pfleeger, 1997). Bieman and Ott (1994) have suggested three metrics, based on data slicing, to measure cohesion: Strong Functional Cohesion, SFC, Weak Functional Cohesion, WFC, and adhesiveness, A. Perhaps, a better alternative to the levels of cohesion is to consider these metrics based on data slices for intra-method cohesion. SFC is defined as the ratio of super glue-tokens to total number of data tokens, and WFC is defined as the ratio of glue tokens to the total number of data tokens. The adhesiveness of a data token, t, in a procedure is defined as the ratio of slices that contain t and the total number of slices in the procedure. If the method contains only one function, then every data token will reside in only one function, and the adhesiveness of each of the token is defined to be one. The average adhesiveness of all the data tokens in the method is defined as A(m) = [ Σ A(ti) ] / |t|, where A(ti) is the adhesiveness of data token ti and |t| is the cardinality of the set of data tokens in the method. For the functional level where the method is performing only one function, A(m) would be 1. For the other situations where there are more than one function performed in the method, A(m) may be less than 1. It provides a metric that would address cohesion of the method in terms of the adhesiveness of the data tokens or the connectedness of these functions through the data tokens. The adhesiveness metric does not differentiate the intra-method cohesion by pre-defined levels. So it is possible to have a numerical adhesiveness metric for intra-method cohesion that is the same for two different levels of cohesion such as sequential cohesion and communicational cohesion. The nature of the functionality which differentiated the cohesion level in the traditional, pre-ordered, cohesion categorization is not part of metric of cohesion when measured through adhesiveness of data tokens or the other two (SFC and WFC) metrics. We propose a variation to the Bieman and Ott’s metrics based on data slices as a metric for intra-method cohesion metric. We will expand the notion of “output” in Bieman and Ott to a broader set of situations. The intra-method cohesion metric should take into account two characteristics in a method: - The effect of the functionality in the method, and - The chaining within the functionality. 3. EFFECT AND EFFECT INDICATOR The “Effect” of the functionality is a defined set of observables. Once these are defined, then it is a much easier characteristic to observe than general functionality. We define the set of effects as characterized by the following specific activities over a variable: 1. Printing, displaying, or writing of a variable, 2. Returning a value of a variable, and 3. Storing of a variable. We will discuss these three types of effects. 1) Printing, displaying, or writing a variable is often, though not always, the culmination of some specific set of activities and indicates a function is completed. Thus, tracing the slice of code that resulted in the printing of that variable would provide us a hint of the cohesiveness. The notion of code slice here is the same as that provided by Weiser (1981). 2) Similarly, returning a value of a variable implies the completion of some functionality. However, this is a more difficult Effect in that the return variable may not allow us to perform a trace of the functionality. It may be the situation where the particular method’s major activity is to perform a synchronization activity or a sorting activity on an instance variable array. The return value is just a success indicator of that activity. Thus, tracing the slice of code from the return value, in this situation, may not provide us with a view of the real functionality. In the more traditional case where the return value is usually the variable that contains the result of some functionality, tracing the slice of code from the return value would give us an idea of the cohesiveness. 3) The final storing of a variable may be accompanied with a previous retrieving of that variable. This pair of retrieve/store activities often represents the updating function. The slice of code between the retrieving and the storing would represent the functionality, such as sorting an array variable, performed for updating the variable. A simple, perhaps trivial, example is the constructor method with input parameters. The storing of a variable without the retrieve part would imply storing the variable after completion of some functionality. The final storing of variable is similar to the effect of printing and writing. Besides type of Effect, the number of these Effects in a method should be taken into account. The more Effects in a method should represent more functionality and potential diversity in functionalities. Also, the number of variables involved in the slice of code that produced the Effect provides an indication of the size and diversity of functionalities involved in the resulting Effect. We define the Effect Indicator, EI, as follows: EI = V (i, j) i slices j var iables where V(i,j) represents the jth variable in the ith Effect code slice. The Effect Indicator actually measures the number of variables involved in the various Effects in a method. Thus, the larger the Effect Indicator is the less cohesive is the method. We will use the reciprocal of the EI and define Effect quantitatively as: Effect, E = 1/EI. The Effect metric is equal to 1 when there is only one Effect in the method and also when the slice of code associated with that one Effect involves only one variable. As the number of Effects and the variables involved in each type of Effect increases, then EI increases but E decreases. Thus E varies from 1, the best case, to potentially 0, representing the large number of Effects over variables. Note that the Effect Indicator is a counting of the number of variables in the Effect code slices; it is a metric at the interval scale level, which is higher than ordinal scale level. Thus the metric for Effect matches well with the intuitive notion of “single functionality” involving a single variable for strong cohesion to “multiple functionalities” that involve several variables for weaker cohesion. 4. CHAINING AND PROXIMITY INDICATOR The second characteristic for intra-method cohesion is the notion of the chain of Effect. The chaining characteristic is also based on the slicing concepts from Weiser (1981) and Bieman and Kang (1995, 1998). For each Effect, the slice of code for that Effect is identified first. Then the variable or variables that participate in the slice of code for that Effect are traced in a chain fashion much like the defineusage (or d-u) path used in program testing (Jorgensen, 2002).The length of the chain for each variable is a count of the number of statements involved in the completion of an Effect. Thus the chain length provides an indication of the size of the function. In the event that the same variable appears several times in the chain, we only trace the longest chain for that variable. Let the Chain Length of the slice of code traced from the variable in the Effect all the way back to those that affect the first definition of that variable be CL. Let span of the chain or Chain Span, CS, be all the statements of the code, including those not in the slice, between the variable in the Effect to the first definition or assignment of that variable. Since both CL and CS are metrics based on counting of statements, they are at the interval scale level. The ratio, CL/ CS, would represent the proximity attribute of the variable in the Effect slice. For each variable in each effect slice there is a Proximity Indicator PI = CL/CS. This Proximity of Effect shows how physically spread out the variable in each Effect in the method is. Thus, it is an indication of the physical cohesion of the method. A method may contain more than one Effect; thus we need to compute the PI for each variable in the Effect slice for all the Effects in a method. The Average PI, or API for a method is: API = Σ PI / | PI| For a method that has only one Effect, one variable in that Effect slice and the Effect slice associated with the method is the complete method, then CL = CS. Then PI = 1, and API will also be 1. As API moves towards 0, it indicates that the slice of an Effect is more physically spread out in the method. Note that API, composed of CS and CL, is a metric that is at the interval scale level. Thus this physical cohesion also matches well with our intuition of cohesion, especially from a maintenance perspective. That is the more spread out is the Effect, or the smaller is the value of API, the more difficult is to maintain. 5. ITRA-C metric The Intra-method Cohesion for a method, m, in an object is defined to be the combination of Effect and Average Proximity Indicator of that method or Intra-method Cohesion of method ITRA-C (m) = (w1* E) + (w2*API ), where w1 =w2 = ½. Certainly one may choose to have w1 and w2 be different weighting factors. For simplicity we will use w1 = w2 = ½. The choice of the weights and the combining of two different attributes are what make the ITRA-C metric only an ordinal scale metric, lower than the interval scale level. For an object, O, which contains multiple methods, the intra-method cohesion for the object is: ITRA-C(O) = Σ ITRA-C (m j) / | mj | This Intra-method Cohesion (O), or ITRA-C(O), of an object will vary from the ideal value of 1 to the worst case of 0. The best case is that each Intra-method Cohesion (m), or ITRA-C(m), is equal to 1. As each of the ITRA-C (m) decreases from 1, so will the ITRA-C(O). The combining of two sub-attributes related to cohesion at the method level was achieved by just averaging the metrics for these sub-attributes. In this case, the intuitive notion of cohesion is still preserved with the averaging. The ordering of the intra-method cohesion matches that of the intuitive ordering of cohesion. Note that while we can say ITRA-C (m1) > ITRA-C (m2), we can not pinpoint which of the sub-attributes or both, E or API, contributed to this relationship between m1 and m2 without specifically looking at E of m1, E of m2, API of m1 and API of m2 separately. Note that ITRA-C(m1) – ITRAC(m2) = k does not have a clear meaning. Another pair of methods, mj and mk, may also have a same ITRA-C measurement difference of k, but these pair may differ in ITRA-C for very different combination of E and API. This shows why ITRA-C metric is not at the interval scale level, but is only at the ordinal scale level. 6. EXAMPLES In this section, we will explore a Class sample. This is not a sample that we have artificially developed but one that we purposely obtained from another source. The sample code is from Lewis and Lofton’s text book (2001) on Java programming. The Class is a bank account Class with seven methods, including the constructor which initializes the Class. The Class, without the constructor, is shown in Figure1. There is an instance variable, fmt, of a NumberFormat Class type. The formatting method from this object, fmt, will be used by other methods in Account Class for printing purposes. There is an instance variable, RATE, which is set to a constant, and it is used by one method in Account Class to compute the new balance with interest. There are three other instance variables, acctNumber, balance, and name used by multiple methods in Account Class. The constructor method, in this case, allows the initialization of the three instance variables: acctNumber, balance and name. Figure 1: Account Class withdraw amount and the withdraw fee is added together to form a total withdraw amount. If either the total withdraw amount is negative or if the total withdraw amount is greater than the current bank balance, an error message with the acctNumber, withdraw amount, and the balance is sent out. Otherwise, the bank balance is debited by the total withdraw amount, and the new balance is returned. This method uses the instance variables, balance and acctNumber, and two local variables, amount and fee. It also uses the instance variable, fmt, for printing. The addInterest method takes the current balance, adds the computed interest with RATE to the balance, and returns the new balance. It uses the instance variable, balance, and the instance variable, which is a constant RATE. Both getBalance and getAccountNumber are access methods for the private instance variables balance and accNumber, respectively. They each use the instance variables, balance and acctNumber, respectively and nothing else. Lastly, the toString method returns the format to be used when an Account object is a parameter in a println instruction. It uses all three instance variables, acctNumber, balance and name. It also uses the instance variable, fmt, for formatting. To illustrate the ITRA-C(O) metric, we will show the code sample of the deposit ( ) method in Figure 2 from the Account Class in Figure 1. Figure 2: deposit method The first method is the deposit method, which accepts a deposit amount parameter. It verifies if the amount is nonnegative. If it is negative, an error message with the acctNumber and the amount is sent out. Otherwise, a new account balance is computed with the new deposit amount, and the new balance returned. So this method uses the instance variables, balance and acctNumber, and a local variable, amount. It also uses a formatting method from the instance variable, fmt. The second method accepts two parameters, the withdraw amount and the fee attached to the withdraw process. The We start with the Effect Indicator, EI, which is the sum of all the variables involved in the effects of the method. There are two Effects in deposit ( ) method: printing Effect and returning-value Effect. The slice of code included in the printing Effect includes three variables, acctNumber, amount, and special instance variable fmt. The slice of code included in the return-value Effect includes two variables: balance and amount. Thus EI = 3 + 2 = 5. The Effect metric, E, is defined as the reciprocal of EI, E = 1/EI = 1/5 = .2. Next we analyze the Proximity Indicator, PI, which is in turn defined as the ratio of Chain Length, CL, and Chain Span, CS. There are two Effects. We need to take each variable in each of the effects separately. First let us address the print Effect, which includes three variables: acctNumber, amount and fmt. For the variable, acctNumber, in print Effect, the CL includes two statements: “System.out.println” statement that included acctNumber and the “if” statement which influenced the decision on printing. So CL = 2. For CS, all the statements from the printing of acctNumber to the “if” statement are included. So CS = 4. Thus for acctNumber, PI = CL/CS = 2/4 = .5. The variable, amount, is in the same print statement as the acctNumber. However, the variable, amount, is passed to the deposit ( ) method as a parameter. Thus the CL will include the deposit method signature statement and will be three statements. The CS for the variable, amount, will be five. The PI for variable, amount, is CL/CS = 3/5 = .6. For the special instance variable, fmt, which is used for formatting the variable amount, CL includes the print statement and the “if’ statement. The CS for fmt includes all the statements from its print statement to the “if” statement. So CS for fmt is 4. For the variable, fmt, PI = CL/CS = 2/4 = .5. Next we address the return Effect. There are two variables, balance and amount, that need to be analyzed for the return effect. The CL for the variable balance includes 2 statements, the return statement itself and the defining of new balance statement. CS, in this case, contains all eight statements in the method. Thus PI = 2/8 = .25 for variable, balance. For the variable, amount, in the return Effect slice, we include the computation of the new balance statement, the “else” statement, the “if” statement, and the deposit( ) method signature statement for its CL. So CL = 4. The CS for the variable amount includes everything except the return statement. Thus CL = 7 for the variable, amount. For variable, amount, in the return Effect, PI = 4/7 = .57. The average PI, or API, for deposit ( ) method is (.5+.6 +.5+.25+.57) / 5 = .48. The Intra-method Cohesion for deposit ( ) method would be: following is the Intra-method Cohesion for the remaining methods in Account class: - ITRA-C for withdraw ( ) = .28 - ITRA-C for addInterest ( ) = .75 - ITRA-C for getAccountNumber ( ) = 1 - ITRA-C for toString ( ) = .625 Thus the Intra-method Cohesion for the complete Account class = (.34 + 1 + .28 + .75 + 1 +.63)/ 6 = .66. In working through the ITRA-C’s for each method, one can see that the individual ITRA-C for the methods also provide a guide for potential re-factoring of the methods. 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, we have developed an ordinal level intramethod metric, ITRA-C, for addressing cohesion within a class. In our study of the intra-method cohesion and samples of code, we have found that ITRA-C has been helpful in guiding us towards improving our detail design. At the global level, we use the relation, ITRA-C(mi) > ITRA-C(mj), to order all the methods within a class. Once we have the ordering of the methods by ITRA-C metric, inevitably we would investigate into the Effect and Proximity characteristics of the method with the lowest ITRA-C. So far, even though ITRA-C is only at the ordinal level, we have found it to be of value for guidance in refactoring exercises. In the future, we would need to establish a multi-attribute metric that is higher in the metric scale of measurement theory. 8. REFERENCES 1. ITRA-C(deposit) = (E + API)/2 = (.2 + .48)/2 = .34. For purpose of contrast, we will show a much simpler method, getBalance ( ), from the Account Class and compute its Intra-method Cohesion. The sample code from getBalance is shown below. 2. 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