boy Contract

Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
boy Contract
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
Date: _________/______/________
We, the undersigned parties, recognized and accept the submission of [submissive],
hereafter called boy, to [dominant], hereafter referred to as the Sir, in a relationship of
voluntary servitude, hereafter called “service”. By this instrument, Sir agrees to direct, train
and dominate the boy for Sir’s pleasure and benefit. The boy’s tenure will begin on the day
of signing this agreement and ending on the last day of the twenty fourth month after the
date of signing. A review will take place at nine months.
This voluntary servitude may be renewed at the Sir’s discretion with the boy’s consent.
It is agreed that this period of service will be under the Sir’s direction and control
and will be subject to the following conditions:
Virtue will be a significant part of the relationship. Therefore we agree that the
foundation of the service will be to practice the virtues of trust, honesty, openness,
loyalty, and obedience. Without the practice of these virtues, there can be no true
service. Their practice therefore is expected and required at all times.
The boy wishes to be an integral part of Master C’s leather family and will treat
each person in that relationship with the respect, honour, and obedience due their
position and with empowerment.
The boy wishes to bring the Sir physical, sexual, intellectual, emotional, spiritual,
and sadistic pleasure by submission and service of himself to Sir’s will. This boy
will perform these things through boy’s practice of obedience to the Sir’s will and
compliance to the Sir’s rules.
The boy will strive to overcome inhibitions that interfere with boy’s capability to
serve boy’s Sir and limits boy’s growth as a boy.
The boy will reveal all appropriate thoughts, feelings, and desires relating to
servitude without hesitation or embarrassment. If the boy’s mood is negative for
longer than 4 hours then the boy will contact Sir immediately
The boy will inform Sir of perceived wants and needs, recognizing that Sir is the
sole judge of whether or not; if and how; these shall be satisfied.
The boy will strive towards maintenance of a positive self-image and development
of realistic expectations and goals.
The boy will strive to maintain lessons learned previously as a boy and slave, and
will accept the guidance of Sir when out-of-line and when showing correct
The boy will work against negative aspects of boy’s ego and boy’s insecurities that
would interfere with advancement of these goals.
The boy and Sir will demonstrate and continue to build a relationship based on
honour, trust and respect.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
boy and Sir recognize that there are limits to work on, which Sir and boy will
mutually agree to remove. The boy hands his training over to his Sir and any limits
will be worked in such a way that they are no longer limits through education,
encouragement, instruction, positive reinforcement, incentives and reward.
For the period of boy’s service, the Sir will approve the boy’s development,
physical activity and outside activity schedule.
The boy will look after himself by seeking regular massage therapy and
chiropractic adjustments so as to not interfere with or to mitigate any issues that
may arise with Sir’s sadistic training.
The boy will attempt to present himself to his Sir every two months in Sudbury or
at another mutually agreed to city for 48 hours without any of Sir’s other or boy’s
own submissives present.
The Sir may give the boy “free periods” in the Sir’s presence where the boy may
express himself openly and freely. There will be no punishments applied during
“free periods”. It is understood, however, that the boy will continue to address
boy’s Sir with respect at all times and that deviations from this rule are subject to
punishment at a later time. The timing of when the free period takes place will be
decided by the Sir.
The Sir may order the boy to top for the purposes of pleasure of the Sir, for training
purposes or for the boy to prove himself in proficiency in a particular area of
BDSM play.
The boy is encouraged to learn and gain new experiences. The boy is also
encouraged to share those experiences and may demonstrate to Sir what has been
learned on the boy himself, on a sub of Sir’s choosing, on a sub of boy’s choosing
where appropriate, or on Sir within the context of the previous condition.
We acknowledge that this agreement is binding us as Sir and boy, dedicated to the
accomplishment of our goals. This relationship will in no way prohibit the maintenance or
development of relationships with boy’s partner, family, friends, colleagues or other
submissives, except that for the duration of the service, the boy will make the attainment of
the goals herein described prioritizing as appropriate the following relationships:
boy’s partner
boy’s family
boy’s work
submissives that boy may own
Volunteer Work
The boy will restrict boy’s sexual activity with exception of boy’s partner and other
submissives to the Sir and to those to whom Sir gives permission on an individual basis.
The boy accepts these conditions and will strive to perform them without failure,
rebellion, and hesitation.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
The boy recognizes that I am boy’s Sir and that the Sir’s cock and body is the
object of boy’s obedience and worship.
By our agreement to this document, the boy gives the Sir the right to transfer the
duties, rights, and obligations of this agreement to any person at any time for the duration
of this agreement upon the condition that said person is of the same high character and
trustworthiness as the Sir. Those persons to whom the Sir transfers this right by gift, rental,
or sale shall be deemed holding the rights of this agreement in the Sir’s place and shall
receive the same respect, service and obedience as due the Sir.
By my signature, I, [dominant], accept you as my boy.
Having felt my calling to serve, i, [submissive], willingly submit myself to the
above described service, commit myself to the herein described goals and accept
[dominant] as my Sir for the duration of this service. By my signature, i accept you as my
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
The onset of service begins once several conditions have been met. As shown here,
they are sine qua non – that is, without them, Voluntary Servitude cannot proceed.
The boy will demonstrate full knowledge of the ramifications of
surrender and will accept the conditions of such without reservation or
hesitation. It must be perfectly clear to both parties that it is a free,
informed, and adult choice to enter into the relationship of voluntary
servitude (henceforth referred to as “service”). Submission to this
lifestyle under the dominance and control of a Sir must be a free choice
entered into by the boy without coercion or deceit.
The Sir will clarify the meaning, implications and impact of service. On
the boy’s part, he must be willing to allow full knowledge of his person
to his Sir. This demands an openness and intimacy on the boy’s part so
that control over him can be complete, informed and in the best interests
of the Sir.
Throughout the boy’s subjugation, he will demonstrate the following
An eagerness to learn what is expected of him as boy and to
fulfill those expectations;
An attitude that demonstrates the needs and desire to be
A response to the Sir’s commands, suggestions and desires that
proves his desire to please, serve, and live in a way that will
meet the Sir’s conditions.
The rules of service may be summarized by four core statements defining the boy’s
Respect at all times.
Surrender of physical control over all parts of the boy’s body.
The acceptance of discipline and punishment without complaint or
The attitude of thankfulness for whatever attention is bestowed by the
The following pages expand these rules and apply them to the definition of a
complete lifestyle.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
The Sir will respect the boy’s need to fulfill certain obligations inherent
in life, e.g., issues of health, nutrition, family, obligations, occupation,
finances, etc…
Since the boy has chosen to be controlled, the Sir’s decisions will be the
boy’s decisions in a very real (albeit indirect) way. As necessary, the
Sir may include the boy in the decision-making process, but only with
the recognition that the boy’s role will be one out of advice, not
direction, nor will it involve the boy in reclaiming decision-making
authority for himself, except when specifically granted by the Sir.
Once the boy is under the Sir’s control, the boy will be responsible to
keep himself as physically and mentally healthy as possible. The Sir
will not command or treat the boy in a way that jeopardizes or
diminishes him, and the Sir is available to be a sounding board at a
mutually agreeable time. A healthy boy is a valuable one.
The boy will look as most pleases the Sir in matters of grooming, dress, decorum,
manners and outward demeanour. The Sir may choose or decide to direct the boy as to
how this look shall be carried out and the boy will accept Sir’s decisions and choices.
Behaviour Modification
The Sir will use, and the boy will assent to the use of behaviour modification
techniques. Once the boy is under the Sir’s control, certain changes in the boy’s behaviour
may be required so that the boy conforms more exactly to the Sir’s will.
Techniques will include (but are not limited to) discipline, deprivation, instruction,
positive reinforcement, encouragement, incentives, isolation and reward.
The boy will submit to the Sir’s judgement in the (unlikely) event that there arises
conflict between them. In the case of conflict, the boy can expect the application of dialog,
honesty, behaviour modification and discipline.
Continued Ownership
The termination of the Sir’s ownership of the boy will be at the Sir’s pleasure, and
in light of the boy’s constitutional rights (see below). The Sir’s continued ownership of the
boy will be at the Sir’s pleasure and the Sir reserves the right to transfer the boy’s
ownership to another person either temporarily or permanently at the Sir’s discretion.
The Sir will provide the boy with opportunities to express the boy’s perceived
needs and discuss the boy’s concerns. The Sir will listen to the boy, endeavouring to teach
him, and as appropriate help the boy understand the Sir’s actions. There will be the
opportunity for questioning and discussion, always though in the context that the Sir is the
decision maker and the Sir alone holds final say.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
The Sir’s willingness to inform the boy and help the boy understand is at the Sir’s
discretion. The boy has no need to understand, unless the Sir perceives that such
understanding will improve the boy’s worth and service to him.
Discipline and Punishment
As stated above the boy will receive discipline and punishment for the boy’s
training. The Sir will teach the boy to accept it willingly and totally. The boy will be open
to it and will find the inner strength and commitment to transform the negative aspects of
discipline and punishment (pain, humiliation, discomfort, trauma, etc…) into a positive
viewpoint and eventually as a natural, expected and welcome aspect of the boy’s
Discipline and punishment will not be administered in such a way as to injure the
boy nor decrease the boy’s value. It will be an integral part of the boy’s lifestyle, according
to the Sir’s direction and will.
The Sir will use hands, paddles, belts, cat-o-nine tails, brushes, confinement,
bondage, deprivation, or other means suitable to help the boy acquire and maintain
appropriate attitudes and responses.
The boy will work as directed by the Sir in order to provide income for himself.
The boy will perform duties appropriate to the boy’s schedule, health and capacity,
such as housekeeping, volunteer work, errands, etc… in the service of his Sir.
The salve continues to work on the issues that hinder communication and
partnership with boy’s partner. Specific items that the boy will work on and address:
The boy will use better listening and contextualizing skills when interacting
with boy’s Sir and others within Master C’s Leather family.
The boy will strive for appropriate communication and listening between boy
and boy’s partner
o This includes communicating when at a loss for words and when not
sure what to say
In respect for the Constitution, Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, and the
laws of Canada, the Sir recognizes that coercion is neither a viable nor legal means of
enforcing the boy’s submission. Hence the boy will be in a condition of Voluntary
Servitude, that is, the boy’s service depends upon the boy’s recognition of his need to be
dominated and owned. In fact, the boy’s own will creates and maintains this service.
Fear and related obstructions
An important part of the boy’s growth and development will be the elimination, by
trial, experience, experiment, submission and obedience, of blocks and hindrances to the
boy’s full service to the Sir’s will. Characteristics such as fear, doubt, insecurity, and
hesitancy will be eliminated by encouragement, training, discipline, direct confrontation,
and other means.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
In this process the boy will be stripped of all limits, excuses, inner restraint,
superficiality, false modesty, and phobias. Instead the boy will submit to the limits the Sir
imposes upon the boy, with confidence in the Sir’s ability to control the boy’s life and
It is expected that the degree of submission will be such that the boy will rely on
the Sir without hesitation or reservation, knowing that all justifiable and necessary limits
will be kept by the Sir in light of the Sir’s protection of his property.
Upon entry into servitude, the Sir may monitor the boy’s personal resources.
Assets will remain the property of the boy. Nothing in this section is meant to
imply that the Sir is using the relationship for his own self-aggrandizement. Similarly, this
is not a “free ride” for the boy.
The boy will support himself. The Sir will not accept the role of providing for the
boy – as that would in fact make him the boy’s boy; a role the Sir is not willing to accept.
As the Sir’s property the boy will not be allowed to become a drain on the Sir’s finances,
but rather an asset to them.
The boy will be open, frank and honest, in his conversation and relationship with
the Sir. Any breach of this confidence will invoke the use of discipline or punishment.
The boy will live in the domicile of his Sir’s choosing, as the Sir sees fit – which is
with boy’s partner. The domicile will be open to the Sir’s inspection and use at all times.
The boy will respect the Sir’s space as private and the boy’s presence in it as one of boy
and servant, performing such duties as ordered at the time and in the manner so
Sexual Behaviour
It is understood that sexual intimacy will be part of the Sir/boy relationship. It will
be conducted at all times as directed by the Sir’s will and pleasure. The boy’s sexual
activity will be under the Sir’s control. It is recognized that the objective of the boy’s
submission is the Sir’s pleasure, not the boy’s, though the boy may find his duties in this
area pleasurable.
At all times the boy will adhere to the practice of safer sex, as defined by the Sir.
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Recognition and Acceptance of Voluntary Servitude
Social Life
At the Sir’s discretion, the boy will be given the opportunity to experience a social
life outside of the Sir’s supervision, though any absences from the Sir’s scheduled service
will be with the Sir’s prior approval.
The Sir will expect and encourage the boy to develop other friendships, interests
and relationships. The only qualification of this is that they will not compete for the Sir’s
scheduled attention and time.
As the Sir desires and instructs, the boy will be made to treat others as the boy’s Sir
pro tem. Likewise, the boy will be expected to assist the Sir in the instruction, domination
and pleasurable use of other slaves. The Sir does not expect the boy to take the role of
domination, but rather one of facilitation.
This, then, describes the boy’s servitude, though it by no means fully describes the
actual ramifications of the boy’s submission. How it is lived out actually will be shown by
time, the Sir’s decisions, and the boy’s submission.
A list of rules is appended for your information and memorization:
i will address my Sir with respect at all times, referring to him as Sir.
As his boy i recognize His control over all parts of my body and
therefore, when scheduled with Sir, i will not touch my body – which is
his – without permission nor will i perform any bodily movement or
function without his command to do so. When told to do so, i will keep
my legs spread apart for Sir’s pleasure at all times.
i will accept discipline willingly, knowing that my Sir is in control and
has more wisdom, knowledge, and experience than i in these matters.
i will remain thankful for my Sir’s attention – whether it be painful or
pleasurable – and will thank him for such attention as appropriate.
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