Medicine In School Policy

The supervising or giving medicines to a child is a parental responsibility, but school staff
may be asked to perform this task. If the administration of any medication requires
special training, staff can only give it after being appropriately instructed by School
Health personnel.
Sometimes it is necessary for children to take medicines whilst at school. The policy and
procedures developed at this school are primarily designed for the benefit of the child
but it should also be remembered that we have an obligation to maintain the safety of
school staff. NB When the ‘parent’ is used in this documentation it also reverse to any
individual who may have legal responsibility for a child
General Principles
1. On the child’s admission to the school the parent should be asked to complete a
medication Consent Form giving full details of regular medication required, name of GP,
emergency contact numbers, details of hospital consultants, allergies, special dietary
requirements and any other relevant information. Verbal instructions are not
satisfactory and if written instructions are not able to be obtained readily then the
school nurse or the Headteacher should be informed.
2. When a child goes home daily, parents should be encouraged to ask the child’s doctor
to prescribe medicines which can be administered outside school hours wherever
possible. For example, asthma maintenance drugs, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, antirheumatic drugs. If a child sleeps some nights at home and some at school, then a
specific arrangement should be made between staff and parents as to who should
administer the medication and such an agreement recorded. This will avoid omission or
3. There must be adequate access to and privacy for the use of medicines
4. The name and location of the school nurse should be known by the appropriate school
Parental Responsibilities
1. If a child does need to receive medicines during the school day, parents must
provide a written request detailing all appropriate information. This should be filed
in the school surgery and a copy kept by both the staff member who is to be
responsible for administering the medication and the Headteacher.
2. The medicine should be handed over by the parent to the taxi guide or to a member
of the school staff. In no circumstances should children carry their own medication
with the possible exception of Asthma Reliever Inhalers.
The medicine should be in the original container dispenses by the chemist and must
be clearly labelled with:
Name of child
Name of medicine
Strength of medicine
How much to give ie dose
When it should be given
Length of treatment date/stop date where appropriate
Any other instructions
Expiry date whenever possible
4. All medicines must be kept in their original container. Liquid medicines should be
accompanied by a spoon if possible. The label “To be taken as directed” does not
provide sufficient information. Precise information must be supplied including the
Duration of treatment or expiry date of medicine where appropriate.
5. If the medicine needs to be replenished by a new prescription, this should almost
always be done by the parent. School staff should only deal with prescriptions in
emergencies or when they are provided by the local out of hours GP and only then
with full parental knowledge and consent.
6. If the medication needs to be changed or discontinued, the school should be
informed in writing by the parent. A new consent form needs to be completed for
changes to a child’s medication.
School Responsibilities
1. Pre-admission, parents will be provided with a Medication Consent Form. This needs
to be filled out in full with details of all medication and dosages before medication
can be given.
2. On arrival, staff will refer to the Medication Consent Form and file it in the house
medication file. Any medication given should be in accordance with the consent
form. Any discrepancies should be checked with parents immediately
3. School will only accept prescribed medicines
4. Medication should be checked against the consent form and then counted and
recorded in the medication file
5. When medication is given, it should be recorded immediately on the recording sheet
within the medication file
6. The school will remind parents as necessary if medication supplies are running low –
remember to give reasonable notice
7. House staff should send home a new consent form for completion by parents, if
they are aware of any likely or actual changes of medication as a result of a medical
appointment or other
8. If a medicine is sent into school without the appropriate labelling (as per Parental
Responsibilities Point 3 above) or is without consent, parents should be informed
immediately. The school cannot give medication without correct labelling or
appropriate consent. In such circumstances it may be necessary for the child to
return home until the matter can be rectified.
Storage of Medicines
Medicines when not in use should be stored in a safe and secure place. This means a locked
cupboard, preferably in a cool place but allowing for ease of access for the child. The
medicine must be accessible to the appropriate member of staff at all times
Inhalers which need to be used on demand should be kept readily available at all times,
including prior to and during exercise
Some medicines need to be refrigerated. An appropriate refrigerator should be identified
and medicines needing refrigeration should be stored in a closed plastic container with a
lid clearly marked “Medicines” and kept on a separate shelf in the fridge
Out of School Activities
Medication required during a school trip should be carried by a member o staff. Parents
need to give permission for the administration of travel sickness preventatives
It is the responsibility of the person leading any out of school activity to check if pupils
require medication. Care must be taken to ensure that any member of staff responsible
for the children when off site is made aware of an individual’s need for medication.
Non-Prescription Medicines (eg Paracetamol)
Children should only be given paracetamol if a parent has given written permission or
completed the standard consent form.
Record Keeping
For any prescribed medication administered a record should be kept of the pupil’s name,
the name of the medicine, the time and date it is given and the person responsible for
administering it.
Disposal/Return of Medicines
Medicines should be returned to the child’s parents
 When the course of treatment is complete
 When labels become detached or unreadable
 When instructions are changed
 When the expiry date has been reached
 At the end of each term (or half term if necessary)
All medication returned should be recorded. If it is not possible to return a medicine it
should be given to the local pharmacy for disposal. Disposal of medication must also be
clearly recorded Potential problems of the medication procedure Appropriate action to
take Illegible prescription label Refer to parent initially, otherwise refer to medical staff
and withhold administration of drug until advice has been sought but do not delay in
seeking advice Child is absent when a drug is due Record non-administration on record
sheet. If appropriate administer on return to school. (Always follow the advice given in the
patient information leaflet enclosed with the medication). Always inform parents of missed
medication Child vomits shortly after administration of drug Re-assure the child. Inform
Child develops reaction to drug In mild cases:
 Observe child for any future changes
 Check the advice given in the patient information
 leaflet enclosed with the medication
 Inform parents and school nurse or GP
 In severe cases:
 Symptoms include any or all of the following
 Swelling of lips
 Swelling of face
 Blueness of lips
 Difficulty breathing
 Swelling of limbs
 Flushed appearance
 Sweaty appearance
Reviewed academic year 2013/2014
Chair of Governors