Teaching Reading in a Comprehensive Literacy Framework Gradual Release Purpose Interactive Read Aloud Think about, talk about, and respond to text. Teachers… …model strategies used by a proficient reader to comprehend text. …help students develop ways of thinking and talking about a variety of texts. …develop mentor texts. Students… …focus on comprehension while freed from decoding. …expand background knowledge and vocabulary. …use language as a tool for thought. …engage in literacy discussions. Shared Reading Experience what it’s like to think and act like readers. …demonstrate the reading process. …teach skills for reading. …demonstrate relationship between oral and written language. …promote comprehension through talk about texts. …reread familiar texts to deepen comprehension and become fluent readers. …build skills (h.f. words, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary). …learn text structures. Guided Reading Independent Reading Practice Develop fluency strategic reading and deepen in a guided comprehension. setting. …prompt and …confer with reinforce students as they previouslyread. taught strategies …observe and gain insight strategic into students’ behaviors. thinking. …gain insight …support at the into students’ point of error. thinking. …work …prompt deep efficiently with thinking about students at texts. similar level. …facilitate talk about texts. .…process and …apply learned comprehend an strategies entire text. independently. …expand …self-select understanding texts to read for of text by a variety of talking with purposes. others. …think about and respond to text. Interactive Writing Jointly compose and write meaningful text. …guide students in the process of composing and writing meaningful text. …demonstrate and prompt for strategic spelling. …think as writers to compose text in a supported setting. …learn and apply strategies for spelling. …apply knowledge of conventions in a meaningful context. Writing Workshop Experience what it’s like to think and act like writers. …teach the writing process and the crafting of writing through direct, focused lessons. …confer with students to support writing and gain insight into their thinking. …nurture and celebrate the work of writers. …compose texts for specific audiences and purposes. …orchestrate learning from direct teaching. …write as a tool for thinking and making meaning. …publish writing. Word Learning Systematically study how words work. …teach spelling patterns and phonics principles leaving energy for comprehension. …offer practice with word wall words. …assess students’ spelling by analyzing writing. …apply knowledge of spelling patterns contributing to efficient wordsolving, fluent reading, and deeper comprehension. …increase vocabulary. …build core of high frequency words.