Equipment or Medicines Reference Number 1742 Request Summary Information Disclosed Imaging Equipment 1. Has any of the equipment in your diagnostics imaging department been sourced under a Managed Equipment Service (MES)? [ Y / N ] No Date disclosed 29.10.14 1742foiR Imaging.xlsx If No, do you have plans to procure any imaging modalities through MES in the next 12-months? [ Y / N ] No If Yes, are these for existing or new (additional) machines? [ Existing / New / Both] 2. Does the Trust currently provide any diagnostic imaging services in community settings? [ Y / N ] Yes a) If Yes, please fill in the table below with the requested details of these services. Table completed enclosed. b) If No, are you planning such a service in the next 12 months? [ Y / N ] N/A 3. Please provide the number of inpatient, outpatient and GP direct access scans for MRI and CT in the last twelve months. Please use the table below. Table completed enclosed. Please note there are no CT scanners at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. 1755 Parkinson’s medication 1. Does your Trust stock Parkinson’s medication in your emergency drug cupboards? No 2. If yes, what Parkinson’s medication do you stock? NA 3. If no, are you planning to introduce Parkinson’s medication into your emergency Document Link 14.11.14 drug cupboards? No 4. Does your Trust have guidance on what medications to stock in your emergency drug cupboards? No 5. If yes, does this guidance include any Parkinson’s medication? NA 6. Could you provide us with a copy of any guidance the Trust has on stocks of drugs to be held in the emergency drug cupboard? NA 1772 Difficult airway/can't intubate, can't ventilate" equipment and Training 7. Please could you provide details of how stocks of Parkinson’s medication in emergency drug cupboards are being monitored across all the hospitals in your Trust? NA 1 - Does your trust stock "Difficult airway/can't intubate, can't ventilate" equipment (i.e.: tracheotomy and cricothyrotomy equipment) within your resuscitation department/have the equipment available to A&E? Our Trust does not have an A&E Department; however both of our operating departments have difficult airway trollies, which are stocked to DAS standards – including Tracheostomy and Cricothyrotomy equipment. 2 - Does your trust stock fibreoptic intubation equipment that is available in an emergency airway situation within A&E? As above, we use AMBU 3 disposable fibreoptic laryngoscopes. 3 - Does your trust stock video laryngoscopes within your resuscitation department/have the equipment readily available to A&E? As above, we use McGrath Video Laryngoscope 4 - What level (if any) of training is provided by your trust to Anaesthetics trainees with regard to "Can't intubate/Can't ventilate" (CICV) situations, including practical 27.11.14 training in performing CICV rescue procedures? See Q5 5 - At what level (if any) of training does your trust require Anaesthetics trainees (including registrars) to be competent in CICV practical rescue procedures as a requirement of their job role (or are such matters left in the hands of the Deaneries)? Management of CICV training is a generic skill which we would expect a CT2 in Anaesthesia to possess. Difficult airway training and front of neck access training should be taught at trust level. As trainees rotate to various trusts they would have received such training. It is good practice to repeat this training whenever they rotate to a new trust. This affords them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the equipment in our trust. We are in the process of arranging some in-house training for our trainees that relates to the difficult airway trolley. 6 - What level (if any) of training is provided in your trust to nursing staff with A&E regarding airway management and CICV situations? As above – for theatres there is currently no additional training, places recently have become available on the ADAM course but as yet no one has attended. 7 - What level (if any) of training is provided in your trust to nursing staff with A&E regarding "Human Factors" (including if possible - with regard to emergency situations)? As above, for theatre staff, there are roughly four simulation events a year which allows for 4-6 staff to attend each time.