Morphemes Running head: MORPHEMES – ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE A Contrastive Analysis of English and Vietnamese Morphemes Đinh Lý Vân Khanh Class 4A06 University of Pedagogy 1 Morphemes 2 Abstract As you all know, a language is formed by four constituent parts: the phonological system, the morphological systems, the syntactic system, and the semantic system. Morphology, which is based on the morphological system, is the study and description of word-structure and word-formation of a language. In term of linguistics, according to Eugene A Nida, morphology is known as “the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming words” (Nguyen, 2004, p. 6). Therefore, in order to understand how words in different languages are formed, we must learn and understand about its basic element: morphemes, first. It is the aim of this paper that will help readers to be clear about this term as well as the similarities and differences in the way it is present in English and Vietnamese. Morphemes 3 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Vietnamese Morphemes Morphemes Definition Today we know that words are not the smallest units of meaning in language. If we take a word and separate it into smaller parts, we may have morphemes (Từ tố). So what are morphemes here? According to Eugene Nida, “morphemes are the minimal meaningful units which may constitute word or parts of words” (Nguyen, 2004, p. 9). In other words, morphemes are the smallest components of a word which contribute to its meaning. A word, therefore, can contain one or more than one morphemes. For examples, with the word “teach” in English, here we have one morpheme which is also the word. However, with the word “teacher”, we can divide it into “teach” and “-er” meaning “the person who does the action”, and get two morphemes here. Just bear in mind that whenever we can separate a word into smaller meaningful parts, then we can have morphemes. Morphemes, Words, Syllables Word, as for StateMaster-Encyclopedia, is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes which are linked more or less tightly together, and has phonetic value. As we can see from this definition, morphemes are the smaller parts of word which contribute to the meaning of that word. Syllable (âm tiết) “is a unit of speech which is often longer than one sound and smaller than a whole word” (Nguyen, 2004, p. 10). Ex: In English: One –1 syllable Morphemes 4 Water – 2 syllables (wa-, -ter) Information – 4 syllables (in-, -for, -ma, -tion) A morpheme can be smaller, bigger or equal to a syllable, and a word can contain one or more than one syllables. Just like morphemes, syllables in different languages are very different. Therefore, we must accept them and should not try to bring our native language’s knowledge of syllables to produce words from other languages. The table below will give you more clear examples about these three terms Language Word Morpheme 1. Dog English 1 1 2. Dogs English 1 2 (dog, -s) 3. Unproductive English 1 3 (un-, product, -ive) 4. Xamalôt Russian 1 3 (xam-, a-, lôt) 5. Nhà máy Vietnamese 1 2 (nhà, máy) 6. Công nghiệp hóa Vietnamese 1 3 (Công, nghiệp, hóa) Syllable 1 1 4 (un-, pro-, duc-, -tive) 3 (xa-, ma-, -lôt) 2 (nhà, máy) 3 (công, nghiệp, hóa) Knowing how to distinguish words, morphemes, syllables can be very useful in analyzing and contrasting languages in term of word-structure and word-formation. Types of Morphemes According to meanings, morphemes can be categorized into two types: free morphemes and bound morphemes. Free morphemes are those that can stand alone as a word. They usually occur in the central place of word-structure. In contrast, bound morphemes are those that cannot stand alone but have to be attached to the beginning and ending of other morphemes to form words. Ex: 1. English Interesting: interest => free morpheme Morphemes 5 -ing => bound morpheme Dislike: like => free morpheme dis- => bound morpheme Weaken: weak => free morpheme -en => bound morpheme 2. Vietnamese Nhà cửa: nhà => free morpheme cửa => free morpheme Ca sĩ: ca => free morpheme sĩ => bound morpheme Vui vẻ: vui => free morpheme vẻ => bound morpheme Free morphemes mostly function as the roots in words which have principal meaning while bound morphemes are the affixes which modify the basic meaning of the roots. According to functions, there are two types of morphemes: lexical morphemes and grammatical morpheme. Lexical morphemes are morphemes that determine the main meaning of words whereas grammatical morphemes are those that decide the grammatical function of them. For example, in English, the morpheme “aqua” is a lexical morpheme which means “water”. The morpheme “-ed” refers to the simple past tense in English and it is a grammatical morpheme. Most roots, prefixes, suffixes in words are lexical morphemes. As a result, we can find numerous lexical morphemes but limited grammatical ones in a language. Morphemes 6 English Morphemes Since English belongs to synthetic languages, it has a high morpheme-per-word ratio. That means a single word in English can contain many morphemes, which are mainly bound morphemes. As a result, bound morphemes in English are those that cannot stand alone as separated words and must be attached to others to form words. There are a large number of bound morphemes in English which are categorized into two main types: prefixes, suffixes. 1. Prefixes Prefixes are bound morphemes that are attached at the beginning of a root. Ex: inaccurate, unkind, discontinue, rewrite, ex-major, impossible, malfunction … All prefixes in English are lexical morphemes which carry lexical meanings. Thus, there are many groups of English prefixes according to their own meanings, e.g. negative prefixes (un-, non-, dis- …), prefixes of degree and size (super-, out-, over-, sub-), prefixes of attitude (co-, anti-, counter-), prefixes of time and order (fore-, pre-, post-), number prefixes (bi-, multi-, poly-, mono-) … 2. Suffixes Suffixes are bound morphemes that follow the root. Ex: childhood, kindness, refusal, friendly, singing, worked, toys, plays… There are two kinds of suffixes in English which are derivational suffixes and inflectional suffixes. Derivational suffixes are those that can influence the meaning and change the word class of the word they are added in. Inflectional suffixes, in contrast, are grammatical morphemes which carry only the grammatical information of the word. Morphemes Ex: Derivational Suffixes fail (v) => failure (n) refuse (v) => refusal (n) hope (n) => hopeful (a) act (n) => active (a) weak (a) => weaken (v) civil (a) => civilize (v) Inflectional Suffixes There are eight types of inflectional suffixes in English (Nguyen, 2004, p. 22): a) The noun possessive morpheme: {-s1}: Bill’s b) The noun plural morpheme: {-s2}: cars c) The verb present third person singular morpheme: {-s3}: flies d) The verb present participle morpheme: {-ing1}: singing e) The verb past tense morpheme: {-ed1}: ended f) The verb past participle morpheme: {-ed2}: worked g) Comparative morpheme: {-er}: nicer h) Superlative morpheme: {-est}: nicest Like prefixes, English suffixes can be categorized into four groups according to the part of speech: noun suffixes, verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, and adverb suffixes. Since its words consist of many morphemes and have the main structure: root + affix morphemes, it is not always easy to identify morphemes in English. Therefore, according to many linguists, it is easier for us to recognize English words than its 7 Morphemes 8 morphemes. Besides, since it is a synthetic languages, there are fewer free morphemes occurring alone as a word in English than other languages, especially isolating ones. In English, morphemes can be bigger, smaller or equal to syllables. Ex: manager => Morpheme: manage, -er Syllable: ma- + -na + -ger Superman => Morpheme: super, man Syllable: su- + -per+ -man Eye => Morpheme: eye Syllable: eye Vietnamese Morphemes Unlike English, Vietnamese belongs to isolating language which has words composed by single morpheme. That means a single word in Vietnamese often contains only one morpheme which is also the word. From this, we can know that nearly all morphemes in Vietnamese as well as in isolating languages are free morphemes and they functions as single words (nhà, đất, nước, sự, cuộc, việc, đã, sẽ, đang …) Vietnamese bound morphemes are still exist but in a very limited number and very different from English. Firstly, they are separated words that cannot occur alone to form words. Generally, they function as reduplicative elements (đo đỏ, xanh xanh, lưa thưa, lạch bạch …). Secondly, they are nearly all suffixes and only carry lexical information. Morphemes 9 Vietnamese words are not formed by root + affix morphemes like English. Instead, it is the combination of separated words which have the relationship with each other in meaning to form a new word. For example, “bố” + “mẹ” are the two separated words which have their own meanings when standing alone. Spontaneously, these two words have a relationship with each other since each of them refers to the person who brings up a child. Therefore, when we put them together, we will have a new word “bố mẹ”. Since the boundary between words and morphemes in Vietnamese are unclear and blurred, it is very easy for us to be mistaken about these two units. The easiest unit that can be recognized in Vietnamese is syllables. All Vietnamese syllables are equal to morphemes, and a large amount of them are even equal to words. Let take a look at the table below and you will see the differences between syllables and morphemes in English and Vietnamese: Vietnamese Syllable Morpheme English Syllable Morpheme Tổ + quốc Tổ + quốc Na- + -tion Nation Sản + xuất Sản + xuất Pro- + -duct product Đọc + giả Đọc + giả Rea- + -der Read + -er Năng + xuất Năng +xuất Pro-+ -duc + -ti+ -vi+ -ty Product + -iv(e)+ -ity Morphemes 10 Conclusion For some Vietnamese people, learning English is definitely not an easy task. They can encounter many difficulties that will keep them from mastering this language. As people all know, one of those difficulties is its new vocabulary items. When meeting a new vocabulary, some people usually lean on the dictionary for meaning. Others will try to predict it through the context. These ways are actually good but can waste us a lot of time for looking up or reading the whole sentences or paragraphs. Therefore, if we know another effective way to understand difficult words in English, our learning must be much easier. Through what I have mentioned about morphemes in this paper, I think you can figure out what the method I want to say here is. Since you have already known that English words are formed by smaller morphemes, which you probably know their meanings before, it can help you predict and guess the meaning of the new words effectively without wasting too much time. And once you can make a clear distinction about English and Vietnamese word structure, you will feel more comfortable when writing or translating both languages. Therefore, learning word structure in English as well as other languages are very important and must be taught to students in order to acquire the language easily. Morphemes 11 References Elearning.khoaanh: Word Formation in English and Vietnamese. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from page 5 at /4A05_Le_Truong_My_Loc_Word_Formation_in_English_and_Vietnamese.pdf Le, Q. T. (2004). Nghiên cứu đối chiếu các ngôn ngữ. Ha Noi: Ha Noi National University Press Nguyen, H. L. (2004). An Outline of Morphology. Ho Chi Minh City: University of Education Press Nguyen, T. G., Doan, T. T., & Nguyen, M. T. Dẫn luận ngôn ngữ học. Ho Chi Minh City: Educational Publisher StateMaster – Encyclopedia. (n.d). Word. Retrieved December 28,2009, from Morphemes 12 APPENDIX Common English Prefixes Prefix Meaning Example a-, an- without amoral ante- before antecedent anti- against anticlimax auto- self autopilot circum- around circumvent co- with copilot com-, con- with companion, contact contra- against contradict de- off, away from devalue dis- not disappear en- put into enclose ex- out of, former extract, ex-president extra- beyond, more than extracurricular hetero- different heterosexual homo- same homonym hyper- over, more hyperactive il-, im-, in-, ir- not, without illegal, immoral, inconsiderate, irresponsible in- into insert inter- between intersect intra- between intravenous macro- large macroeconomics micro- small microscope mono- one monocle Morphemes non- not, without nonentity omni- all, every omniscient post- after postmortem pre-, pro- before, forward precede, project sub- under submarine syn- same time synchronize trans- across transmit tri- three tricycle un- not unfinished uni- one unicorn Common English Suffixes 1. Noun Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example -acy state or quality privacy -al act or process of refusal -ance, -ence state or quality of maintenance, eminence -dom place or state of being freedom, kingdom -er, -or one who trainer, protector -ism doctrine, belief communism -ist one who chemist -ity, -ty quality of veracity -ment condition of argument -ness state of being heaviness -ship position held fellowship -sion, -tion state of being concession, transition 2. Verb Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example 13 Morphemes -ate become eradicate -en become enlighten -ify, -fy make or become terrify -ize, -ise become civilize 3. Adjective Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example -able, -ible capable of being edible, presentable -al pertaining to regional -esque reminiscent of picturesque -ful notable for fanciful -ic, -ical pertaining to musical, mythic -ious, -ous characterized by nutritious, portentous -ish having the quality of fiendish -ive having the nature of creative -less without endless -y characterized by sleazy 4. Adverb Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example -ly like boldly, wisely, freely -way, -ways In (such) a way, course, Straightway, anyway, direction, manner always -wise Manner, mode likewise, otherwise -ward, -wards turning to homeward, backward, upwards, towards 14