BEUL reference application for mines

Application for a NSW Trade & Investment reference to
WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence
(metalliferous and extractive mines) issued under the
Explosives Act 2003
This form is to be used to apply for a reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence (BEUL)
for metaliferous and extractive mines.
Only individuals who are 18 years of age or older may apply.
The applicant must provide proof of a current Security Clearance (SC) or Unsupervised Handling Licence (UHL).
The SC is the replacement qualification for the UHL.
A NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety Inspector or Mine Safety Officer will verify the details of your application
and arrange an assessment of your skills and knowledge. This assessment can take the form of a practical, oral or
written evaluation prior to granting you a reference.
For more information refer to the guide at the end of this application form.
How to fill in this form
Please use black ink only and print within the boxes in BLOCK LETTERS.
Where options are provided, please mark box(es) with a
to indicate selection(s).
Certified copy means a photocopy of the original document that has been certified as a true copy by a Justice of
the Peace (JP). The JP must provide, beneath the certification, their signature, the date on which the certification
was made, their JP registration number and the state in which they are registered.
Privacy compliance statement
This information is collected by NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety for the purposes of undertaking the
evaluation, assessment and processing of an application for a reference for a BEUL, as required by the NSW
Explosives Act 2003 and the NSW Explosives Regulation 2013.
NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety will also use this information for the purposes of confirming applicant details
and it may also be used to establish and maintain an internal and external database and to assist NSW Trade &
Investment Mine Safety inspectorate with their work generally. This information may also be made available to
other state and territory agencies, including WorkCover NSW.
Except for the purpose of prosecution, and unless such disclosure is otherwise required or permitted by law, the
information will not be otherwise accessed by any third parties in a way that would identify the individual, without
the consent of that individual.
Applicants are able to gain access to personal information pertaining to their application that is held by NSW Trade
& Investment Mine Safety. You may also apply to access and change any of your own personal information NSW
Trade & Investment Mine Safety holds if that information is inaccurate, incomplete, not relevant or out of date.
Applications should be made in writing to your local Inspector (see addresses in Section 11).
OUT14/12525 – May 2014
Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
1. Application class
Above ground mining
Below ground mining
Class 1: any above ground metalliferous or
extractive mine in NSW
Class 1: any below ground metalliferous or extractive
mine in NSW
Class 2: limited to a specific above ground
metalliferous or extractive mine(s) and blasting
List mine(s) and blasting method(s)
Class 2: limited to a specific below ground
metalliferous or extractive mine(s) and blasting
List mine(s) and blasting method(s)
See Section 3 of the guide for more information
2. Applicant’s details
First name
Last name
Home address (must not be a PO Box)
Postal address
Email address
Home telephone
3. Security clearance
You must hold a current Security Clearance (SC) or Unsupervised Handling Licence (UHL). Please attach a JP
certified copy of the front and back of current SC or UHL.
4. Competencies and experience
You must have successfully completed the relevant competencies for the class of licence being applied for and
attach certified copies of the document(s) showing successful completion of training. See the Guide, Section 6, for
additional information.
You must be able to provide proof of at least six months practical experience for the class of BEUL sought.
Typically this would equate to involvement in 12 blasts and details should be provided in Table 1 - Log of Practical
Experience. This experience will be gained under the supervision of a qualified BEUL holder.
You must also submit a reference from your employer or supervising BEUL holder stating that you have the
necessary experience to hold the class of BEUL sought. The reference must include the employer’s/licence
holder’s name and a contact number. See the guide, Section 6, for additional information.
5. Other explosives licences
Do you hold an explosives licence(s) issued by NSW or another state/territory? If yes, please attach a JP certified
copy of the front and back of current licence(s).
6. Reason for requesting a reference
It is a requirement for any licence relating to the handling of explosives and/or security sensitive dangerous
substances (SSDS), that the applicant must have a legitimate reason for requiring a licence. As such, there must
be a legitimate reason for requiring a reference.
Please tick at least one box to indicate your reason for requiring a reference.
I have attached a letter from my employer stating the reason(s)
Education, research or analysis – provide details below
Other – provide details below
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Table 1 - Log of Practical Experience
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Given name
Details of blasts
Date of
Name of
Signature of applicant
Type of blast
e.g. dropcut,
quantity of
No. of
Diameter of
depth of
Outline of
participation in
blasting operation
Supervising Shotfirer’s name,
contact number, BEUL number
signature and
OUT14/12525 – May 2014
Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
Table 1 - Log of Practical Experience
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Given name
Details of blasts
Date of
Name of
Signature of applicant
Type of blast
e.g. dropcut,
quantity of
No. of
Diameter of
depth of
Outline of
participation in
blasting operation
Supervising Shotfirer’s name,
contact number, BEUL number
signature and
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7. Mining legislation questionnaire
The following questionnaire needs to be completed and submitted with your application. The purpose of this
questionnaire is to assess your knowledge and understanding of the provisions of safety and explosives legislation
applicable on a mine site.
You should answer all the following questions personally in your own time.
You will need to refer to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, Mine
Health and Safety Act 2004, Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007 as well as the Explosives Act 2003 and
Explosives Regulation 2013.
Note: Use the words from the legislation or your own understanding of the legislation, unless otherwise
requested. Please complete answers in your own handwriting.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHSA) and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHSR)
1. As far as reasonably practicable, what must a person conducting a business or undertaking ensure to
comply with their duty of care? List at least five requirements. S 19(3) WHSA
2. What is the meaning of ‘reasonably practicable’ in ensuring health & safety? S 18 WHSA
3. Explain why the Shotfirer should consult with the blast crew when decisions are sought to deal with health
and safety issues? S 48 WHSA
4. When is consultation required at the mine site? List four health and safety matters. S 49 WHSA
OUT14/12525 – May 2014
Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
5. What are the requirements under the WHSR to manage risks? Cl 35 WHSR
6. If it is not reasonably practicable for the duty holder to eliminate risks to health and safety, what are the five
control measures, in order of effectiveness, as set out in the hierarchy of control measures? Cl 36(3) (4) (5)
7. With respect to first aid, what must a person conducting a business or undertaking ensure? Cl 42 WHSR
Mine Health and Safety Act 2004 (MHSA) and Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007 (MHSR)
8. What are the requirements for handling explosives at a mine? MHSR Cl 55
9. The MHSA requires all mines to have a Mine Safety Management Plan in place. What must the plan
include which relates to blasting? List four items. MHSR Cl 14
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10. What are the responsibilities of a mine operator with respect to providing supervision of extraction activity?
MHSR Cl 16
11. How should a mine operator ensure that adequate response is made when a situation is not controlled by
the mine safety management plan for the mine and there is a threat to the life or physical well-being of
persons at or outside the mine? MHSA S 42.
12. What matters must a fitness-for-work program address? MHSR Cl 82.
13. What should the mine operator consider when assessing risks associated with the handling of explosives
at the mine? MHSR Cl 41.
14. What information should the mine operator keep regarding the persons handling explosives? MHSR Cl 56.
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15. What are the requirements for coordination and communication with persons handling explosives on a
mine site? MHSR Cl 57.
16. What blasting related incidents must be notified to an Inspector or Mine Safety Officer? MHSR Cl 145 and
Cl 146.
Explosives Act 2003 (EA) and Explosives Regulation 2013 (ER)
17. Define explosive precursor, security sensitive ammonium nitrate and security sensitive dangerous
substance. ER Cl 3
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18. What are the matters for which the Secretary (formerly the Director-General) of NSW Trade & Investment
is declared to be the regulatory authority for at mining workplaces? ER Cl 6
19. What explosives related activities require a licence? ER Cl 17
20. What are the main requirements when storing explosives at a mine? ER Cl 27, 35(1), 84(2), 85, 90(1)
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21. What does a BEUL authorise the holder to do? List four activities. ER Cl 28(1)
22. A person handling explosives must do so in such a manner to ensure what? EA S 8(1)
23. What are the reporting requirements for the loss or theft of explosives or explosive precursors at a mine?
ER Cl 102
24. When is an emergency plan required, when should it be reviewed and who, in particular, should be
provided with a copy for comment? ER Cl 90
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25. What are the rules regarding ignition sources and explosives? ER Cl 105
If space is not sufficient, please answer the questions on your own paper.
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8. Verification of legislation and Standards
The purpose of this verification is to ensure that the applicant is familiar with, and has access to, the following
documents in regard to blasting operations at a mine.
If the applicant does not have access to one or more of these documents the application will not proceed.
Applicant has access
to document (yes/no)
Applicant’s signature
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Mine Health and Safety Act 2004
Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007
Explosives Act 2003
Explosives Regulation 2013
AS 2187.1-1998 Explosives - Storage, transport and use
– Storage
AS 2187.2-2006 Explosives - Storage, transport and use
- Use of Explosives
Australian Explosives/Dangerous Codes
Other documents as specified by Inspector or Mine Safety Officer but not limited to:
Blasting Management Plan
Site Security Plan
Emergency Plan (related to explosives)
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Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
9. Declaration
I declare and acknowledge that:
I am 18 years of age or older.
The information contained in this application form is true and correct in every particular.
I consent to the making of enquiries and the exchange of information with the authorities in other states
and territories regarding any matter relevant to this application.
I am aware that if WorkCover is notified by security authorities of a change in my security status the licence
may be suspended or cancelled and my employer may be notified.
I am aware that it is an offence under the Explosives Act 2003 to provide any information or produce any
documentation that I know is false or misleading and that a licence issued based on false or misleading
information may be suspended or cancelled.
I agree to comply with the Mine Health and Safety Ac 2004t and the Mine Health and Safety Regulation
I agree to comply with the Explosives Act 2003, the Explosives Regulation 2013 and all conditions of the
licence if this reference is granted.
10. Checklist
Please tick the appropriate box(es) to ensure your application is complete prior to submission. Incomplete
applications will delay processing.
Attached a certified copy of current SC or UHL
Attached certified copies of documents showing successful completion of competence training
Attached completed log of practical experience
Attached reference from employer or supervising BEUL holder
Attached certified copies of other explosive licences held (if applicable)
Attached documentation to provide evidence of a legitimate reason for requiring a reference
Completed mining legislation questionnaire
Completed verification of legislation and standards section
Signed declaration
Privacy notice: Information collected will not be given to any other third party except where required by law. All information provided will be held
by the NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety of NSW Trade & Investment and will be managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy
and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Office use only
Name of officer
Name of applicant’s employer
Documents verified
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Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
11. Lodgement
Please submit completed application to your closest Mine Safety office addressed to The Inspector of Mines, Mine
Safety Operations
Broken Hill
Earth Sciences Building
University of New England
Ring Rd North,
Armidale NSW 2351
PO Box U86
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Phone: 02 6738 8500 Fax: 02 6772 8664
Level 2, 32 Sulphide Street,
Broken Hill NSW 2880
PO Box 696
Broken Hill NSW 2880
Phone: 08 8088 9300 Fax: 08 8087 8005
62–64 Marshall Street,
Cobar NSW 2835
PO Box 157
Cobar NSW 2835
Phone: 02 6836 6000 Fax: 02 6836 4395
Lightning Ridge
Miners Association Building
Lot 60 Morilla Street,
Lightning Ridge NSW 2834
PO Box 314
Lightning Ridge NSW 2834
Phone: 02 6829 9200 Fax: 02 6829 0825
516 High Street,
Maitland NSW 2320
PO Box 344,
Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310
Phone: 02 4931 6666 Fax: 02 4931 6790
161 Kite Street,
Orange 2800
Locked Bag 21,
Orange NSW 2800
Phone: 02 6360 5333, Fax: 02 6360 5363
1 Civic Avenue
Singleton NSW 2330
PO Box 51
Singleton NSW 2330
Phone: 02 6571 8788 Fax: 02 6572 1201
Level 3, Block F
84 Crown Street,
Wollongong NSW 2500
PO Box 674
Wollongong NSW 2520
Phone: 02 4222 8333 Fax: 02 4226 3851
12. What happens next?
The relevant Inspector or Mine Safety Officer will contact you and make arrangements for assessment of your skills
and knowledge.
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Reference to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence | NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety
Application guide for a NSW Trade & Investment reference
to WorkCover NSW for a Blasting Explosives User Licence
(metaliferous and extractive mines) issued under the
Explosives Act 2003
1. Introduction
The Explosives Regulation 2013 provides for the provision of a blasting explosive user licence. This guide provides
applicants with information to complete the application (form OUT14/12525) for a NSW Trade & Investment Mine
Safety reference to WorkCover NSW for a metaliferous and extractive mines Blasting Explosives User Licence
(BEUL) issued under the Explosives Act 2003.
Every person who conducts blasting at a mine must be the holder of a mining BEUL and be responsible for the
blasting activities being undertaken. People who handle explosives as part of a blasting operation that do not have
a Security Clearance (SC) (previously an Unsupervised Handling Licence) must do so under the direct supervision
of a person holding a BEUL. The SC is a precondition of all explosives licences, except the fireworks (single use)
licence, and the SC itself.
The arrangement between WorkCover NSW and NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety is that WorkCover NSW
will not issue a licence relating to mines without a recommendation from NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety. It
will remain the NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety responsibility to determine the standard of competency
required for persons using explosives at mines.
Under the Explosives Act 2003, if the regulations require a licensed person to handle explosives and explosives
precursors, it is an offence for an unlicensed person to handle such material.
Relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice:
Mine Health and Safety Act 2004
Mine Health and Safety Regulations 2007
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
Explosives Act 2003
Explosives Regulation 2013
AS 2187 Explosives – Storage, transport and use
AS 4326 The storage and handling of oxidizing agents
Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail
Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail
2. Licence conditions
3. The Explosives Act 2003 provides that the licence holder must not contravene any conditions to which the
licence is subject. The WorkCover NSW publication General explosive licence and security clearance conditions
under the Explosives Act and Regulation (catalogue no. WC04685) outlines the conditions to which a blasting
explosive user licence holder is subject.
The applicant must indicate one or more of the following classes for which authorisation is sought on the licence.
Mining classes
Above ground mining class 1
Above ground mining class 2
Below ground mining class 1
Below ground mining class 2
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Class 1: A Class 1 reference for metaliferous and extractive mines attests to the holders competence to conduct
blasting in any above or a below ground mine, or both, in NSW. A Class 1 reference may also restrict the type and
location of blasting to those below.
Any above ground mine
Any below ground mine for the following types of blasting:
secondary blasting
Production – means production blasting in below ground mines where blastholes are greater than or equal to 6m in
Development – means development blasting in below ground mines where blastholes are less than 6m in length
including all types of driving, crosscutting, declines, stripping, shaft sinking, raising, flatbacking, uphole stripping
and similar operations.
Secondary blasting – means the firing of explosives charges for the purposes of breaking large rock in below
ground mines.
Class 2: A reference may recommend a licence be issued for a nominated mine(s) and method(s) of blasting (e.g.
production). The Inspector or Mine Safety Officer assessing the application will determine whether the level of
training and/or competence received by the applicant is adequate or whether additional training is required.
A Class 2 reference may also be subject to restrictions such as the types and quantities of explosives and systems
that can be used. For example, the reference may restrict the applicant to the use of non-electric initiation systems.
4. Mining class Blasting Explosives User Licence authorisations
The assessing Inspector or Mine Safety Officer will determine which activities from the following the applicant will
be authorised to carry out:
use, at the premises or location (if any) specified in the licence, the explosives or explosive precursors
specified in the licence, in such quantities that are specified in the licence
if specified in the licence, mix explosive precursors for the purpose of manufacturing ANFO in accordance
with AS 2187 for immediate use or within 24 hours
purchase or possess explosives or explosive precursors for the purpose of using them under the licence
transport explosives or explosive precursors for the purpose of using them under the licence
dispose of the explosives or explosive precursors specified under the licence in accordance with AS 2187
if premises are specified in the licence, store the explosives or explosive precursors at the premises
specified in the licence, or in an appropriate facility at a location notified to WorkCover
store only the type and quantity of explosives or explosive precursors as are authorised under the licence
5. Who may apply for a Blasting Explosive User Licence
Age restrictions
Only individuals 18 years of age or older may apply for a BEUL.
Security clearance
The applicant must provide proof of a current Security Clearance (SC) or Unsupervised Handling Licence (UHL).
The SC is the replacement qualification for the UHL. The application will not be processed without a current SC or
UHL. Information on applying for a SC (catalogue no. WC04689) is available on the WorkCover NSW website.
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6. Competencies, qualifications or experience
Mining classes
A reference for mining classes of BEUL is provided by NSW Trade & Investment Mine Safety. The original
reference must be submitted with the WorkCover NSW BEUL application form EXP-BEUL available on the
WorkCover NSW website.
The applicant must have experience in the mining class of blasting for which a reference is sought. This includes
completion of the relevant competencies (if applicable) and submission of a reference from their employer or
supervising BEUL holder who will state that the applicant has experience in that class of blasting. The reference
must include the employer/licence holders name and a contact telephone number.
Applicants for a Class 1 reference must meet the following requirements:
Attained the required competencies for the blasting they are to carry out. See Table 6.1 for competence
Completed at least 6 months’ experience under the supervision of a qualified BEUL holder on mine sites.
This 6 months experience should equate to the personal participation by the applicant in the loading and
firing of 12 or more blasts in the category for which the application is made. The experience requirement is
the same for all categories except for development mining in below ground mines where the requirement is
the loading and firing of 30 or more blasts. An Inspector or Mine Safety Officer may determine if it is
impractical to complete the experience requirement.
A Log of Practical Experience (Table 1) should also be completed and submitted with the application.
Table: 6.1 – Blasting competency requirements – Class 1 BEUL Reference
This table sets out the recommended competencies required to obtain a Class 1 BEUL reference. Such a reference
may recommend a licence be for an above or below ground mine or both. Below ground mine references may be
issued for production, development or secondary blasting.
Competency Units
RIIBLA201D – Support shotfiring
Class 1
Class 1
RIIBLA202D – Support underground
shotfiring operations
RIIBLA205D - Store, handle and
transport explosives
RIIBLA301D - Conduct surface
shotfiring operations
RIIBLA303D - Conduct underground
development shotfiring
RIIBLA304D - Conduct underground
production shotfiring
RIIBLA305D - Conduct secondary
RIIBLA402D - Monitor and control the
effects of blasting on the environment
RIIBLA601D – Design surface blasts
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Applicants for a Class 2 reference must meet the following requirements:
Provide evidence of training in the blasting method(s) being used at the mine(s) for which the application
applies. An Inspector or Mine Safety Officer will assess whether the level of training is adequate and
whether additional training is required.
Completed at least 6 months experience under the supervision of a qualified BEUL holder at the mine(s)
for which the application applies. This 6 months experience should equate to the personal participation by
the applicant in the loading and firing of 12 or more blasts in the category for which the application is made.
The experience requirement is the same for all categories except for development mining in below ground
mines where the requirement is the loading and firing of 30 or more blasts. An Inspector or Mine Safety
Officer may determine if it is impractical to complete the experience requirement.
A Log of Practical Experience (Table 1) should also be completed and submitted with the application.
Other explosive licences and relevant training
Applicants should include certified copies of any other types of explosives licences they hold issued by NSW or
another state/territory with their application.
Applicants should include certified copies of any transcripts or certificates from relevant explosives training courses
undertaken with their application. For example, this could include explosives courses delivered by registered
training organisations (e.g. TAFE NSW) or other courses, such as in-house training delivered at a mine.
7. Legitimate reason for requesting a reference
It is a requirement for any licence relating to the handling of explosives or SSDS that the applicant must have a
legitimate reason for requiring a licence. As such, there must be a legitimate reason for requiring a reference.
The applicant must select the relevant reason(s) on the application form and provide details. Details should be in
the form of:
A letter from the applicant’s employer stating that the applicant is required to undertake blasting operations
at metaliferous and/or extractive mine sites in NSW
Details of education, research or analysis reasons
Details where the ‘other’ box has been selected
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