Participation Performance Expectation 1: Engage in typical patterns of leisure and productive activities in the home and community. Clarification: Performance Expectation #1 is important because productive use of time in home and community settings promotes independence and integration, prevents boredom, and thus enhances quality of life. The daily living pattern of most individuals includes some degree of participation in a range of activities that have value to themselves and others. For example, domestic productivity may consist of cleaning, food care and preparation, yard care, home maintenance and repair, and laundry activities. Productivity activities in the community may include, shopping, banking, using medical facilities, and eating out. Additionally, most individuals are responsible for some type of paid or volunteer work and spend a significant portion of their week engaged in work activity. Participation in leisure activities is also an important aspect of the daily living patterns of most individuals. Most persons are able to participate in a range of age-appropriate individual and group leisure activities which they find enjoyable. Performance Requirements: a. communicate their interest to participate in leisure and productive activities. b. participate, even partially, in leisure and productive activities at levels consistent with their capabilities. c. conduct themselves during participation in leisure and productive activities in ways that do not prohibit or interfere with participation in the activities. d. meet social and functional expectations for appearance during participation in leisure and productive activities. e. participate in a range of age-appropriate leisure and productivity activities in their homes and communities with a frequency typically observed in nonhandicapped agemates. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Introduction 1 Performance Contexts: Participating in leisure activities. interacting with print. completing crafts/hobbies. playing table/board games. playing solitary non-physical games. participating in solitary physical activities. participating in group physical activities. watching sports in the community. going to cultural/artistic events. participating in community organizations. interacting with friends. Completing domestic productivity activities. preparing/caring for food. performing ancillary meal related activities. cleaning. participating in yard care or maintenance activities. doing laundry or caring for clothing. Participating in community productivity activities. completing service transactions shopping. obtaining personal services. eating out. Performing work/volunteer/instructional activities. working. volunteering. participating in instruction. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Introduction 2 * Related goals may be found in other performance expectations within the curriculum, as shown in the columns to the right. DOMAIN: LEISURE AND PRODUCTIVITY (I – VI) Performance Expectation 1: Engage in Typical Patterns of Leisure and Productive Activities in the Home and Community. I. PE 1 PE 2 PE 3 PE 4 PE 5 DEVELOPS LEISURE/RECREATIONAL SKILLS Pro Soc Com PC Mob A. II E VII C VII D VIII I Pro Soc Com PC Mob B. Interacts with others during leisure activities. * 1. Enjoys physical interaction/play with familiar individual (e.g. laughs, giggles, smiles). 2. Participates in interaction activity (e.g. rolling ball back and forth). 3. Participates in play activity initiated by familiar individual. 4. Initiates play activity with familiar individual. 5. Attends to play activity of others. 6. Participates/engages in associative play (plays with peers in similar activities). 7. Participates/engages in cooperative play. 8. Participates/engages in pretend imaginative play. Participates in leisure/recreation routines. PE 1 - Interacts with print, completes crafts/hobbies, plays table board games. 1. Chooses appropriate leisure time activity. 2. Participates in a variety of activities during “free choice periods”. 3. Shows interest in/participates in leisure activity by looking, listening or doing. 4. Locates equipment/materials/supplies as needed. 5. Uses equipment correctly and safely. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section I 3 VII C VII D 6. Wears appropriate clothing for activity. 7. Checks appearance and takes ID when going into community. 8. Takes necessary money to cover costs. 9. Behaves appropriately during activity/or excursion. 10. Puts away materials/equipment; cleans up after activity. Pro C. Participates in auditory activities. IV C 1. Responds differentially to auditory stimuli. 2. Locates auditory stimuli. 3. Shows interest in sound making toys by play. 4. Attends to musical event/activity. 5. Sings/vocalizes to sound/music. 6. Claps hands to music. 7. Plays musical instruments. 8. Claps hands or plays musical instruments rhythmically. 9. Plays musical games. 10. Marches to music. 11. Dances to music. 12. Participates in simple music routines (e.g. finger plays). Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section I 4 Soc Com VIII B PC Mob Pro D. Plays/interacts with toys. 1. Purposefully repeats actions on toys. 2. Cuddles stuffed toy. 3. Plays/interacts with simple toys. 4. Stacks objects. 5. Plays/interacts with construction/manipulative toys. 6. Plays/interacts with miniatures (e.g. doll house, toy cars). 7. Uses object other than toy to explore/play with. 8. Uses vocabulary related to play activities. Pro Participates in activities related to reading materials. PE 1 - Participates in activities related to books, completes service transaction (using library) 1. Looks at pictures in book (or other type of reading materials). 2. Attends to talking book or book with tape. 3. Turns pages of book. 4. Turns book right side up. 5. Points to familiar picture in book upon request. 6. Identifies familiar named object in book upon request using response mode. 7. Selects book for individual to read to him/her. 8. Selects book to look at during unstructured activity period, and looks at pictures for _____ minutes. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section I Com PC Mob Soc Com PC Mob IV G IV J PE 1 - completes crafts/hobbies. E. Soc 5 VI A III D 9. Looks at book and listens to recording. 10. Attends to story presented to group. 11. Responds to simple questions about the story/book. 12. Recites/sings familiar nursery rhyme/poem/song. 13. Is able to sequence a simple story. 14. Uses book created for student to communicate wants/interest. 15. Visits library and borrows book. Pro F. III E IV K VC VL Learns arts and crafts skills. PE 1 - Completing crafts and hobbies. 1. Scribbles with crayon or marker. 2. Draws with crayon or marker. 3. Imitates simple line drawing. 4. Paints with fingers. 5. Paints with utensils. 6. Manipulates art media. 7. Uses scissors to snip paper. 8. Holds paper securely and cuts with scissors. 9. Pastes/glues pieces together. 10. Sews with large needle. 11. Duplicates design when given model. 12. Weaves simple objects. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section I 6 Soc Com PC Mob 13. G. H. Makes simple art/craft project. Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Completes puzzle. 1. Completes form board/puzzle with only one piece removed. 2. Completes form board: inserts/removes pieces. 3. Completes an insert puzzle. 4. Completes an interlocking frame puzzle. 5. Completes jigsaw puzzle. 6. Completes dot to dot pattern/pictures. Participates in activities involving computers/equipment. 1. Uses single switch device to operate toy/computer equipment. 2. Uses multiple switch device to operate toy/computer equipment. 3. Uses touch activated device (e.g. power pad, touch window) to operate toy/computer/electronic equipment. 4. Listens/attends to tapes, radio, records, CD’s, TV. 5. Uses scanning device to operate toy/computer/electronic equipment. 6. Uses computer key/adaptive device/mouse to “run a program”. 7. Uses appropriate care in operating equipment. 8. Pushes button/switch to operate equipment. 9. Turns dial/knob to control equipment. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section I 7 IV G VIII G Pro I. Plays table games, electronic/computer games. Soc Com VII D VIII G Soc Com PC Mob PC Mob PE 1 - Plays table/board games, plays solitary non-physical games. II. 1. Participates by observing simple game/play. 2. Takes turn in simple game/play. 3. Follows directions in simple game/play. 4. Plays board games. 5. Plays matching games. 6. Plays card games. 7. Plays with hand held electronic games. 8. Plays computer/video/arcade type games. LEARNS MOVEMENT/EXERCISE PATTERNS. A. Pro Participates in proprioceptive and vestibular movement patterns. PE 1 - Participates in solitary physical activity. PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines; Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. 1. Participates in movement patterns. ____ front to back _____ side to side 2. Participates in circular/swinging movement. 3. Continues specific movement pattern. 4. Initiates specific movement pattern. 5. Requests specific movement pattern. 6. Uses mobility equipment for movement. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II _____ up and down 8 XIII E XIII F 7. Participates in movement in varied environments. 8. Exhibits body adjustment and/or relaxation to movement. Pro B. Soc Com Participates in movement/equilibrium activities. PC Mob IX E XIII G PC Mob PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines. Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. 1. Tolerates being moved in space. 2. Allows body to be placed on movement equipment 3. Permits slight movement of equipment on which student is placed. 4. Permits full movement of equipment on which student is placed. 5. Indicates desire to continue movement activity. 6. Initiates desire to continue movement on which student is placed. 7. Seeks out activity involving movement equipment. 8. Allows body to be placed on an elevated surface. 9. Gets on elevated surface. 10. Demonstrates ability to overcome gravity by using righting skills. 11. Is able to tolerate change in position during movement activity. Pro C. II J IV H Participates in midline body movement activities. 1. Responds to moving object. 2. Demonstrates protective righting with arms in response to movement. 3. Responds to moving object with intentional movement (e.g. puts arm out when ball rolled to them). Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 9 Soc Com XIV B 4. Pulls or maintains grasp on object. 5. Catches rolled or tossed object. 6. Rolls or throws object. 7. Puts object into target area. 8. Uses bat or racket type tool. 9. Carries object. 10. Pulls or maintains grasp on object. Pro D. Soc Com Participates in exercise to improve/maintain physical fitness. PC Mob IX F XIV D PC Mob PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines. Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. E. 1. Participates in individualized warm-up/stretching exercises. 2. Participates in exercise routine. 3. Participates in conditioning exercise. 4. Participates in relaxation exercises/routines. 5. Exercises regularly. 6. Performs exercises for ____ minutes. 7. Participates in cardiovascular/endurance activity regularly. Participates in games. PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. 1. Participates in non-competitive games. 2. Participates in simple action games. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 10 Pro Soc IA VII D Com XIV A XIV B 3. Participates in circle games. 4. Participates in action games requiring interaction with others. 5. Participates in running/relay games. 6. Participates in individual active games. Pro F. Improves recreational mobility and endurance. II H II O PE 1 - Participates in solitary physical activity PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines. Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. 1. Walks for ___ minutes. 2. Walks on treadmill ____ minutes. 3. Uses adapted form of mobility for ____ minutes. 4. Ambulates self in wheelchair for ____ minutes. 5. Jumps/jogs on mini-tramp for ____ minutes. 6. Runs for ____ minutes. 7. Uses roller blades/skates for ____ minutes. 8. Rides on stationary bike for ____ minutes. 9. Rides a bike or adaptive riding equipment for ____ minutes. 10. Exhibits active movement patterns while in water for ____ minutes. 11. Walks in water at chest level for _____ minutes. 12. Swims for _____minutes. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 11 Soc Com PC Mob IX F XIV D Pro G. Participates in water activities. PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines. Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. 1. Prepares self for swimming. 2. Follows safety procedures in pool/pool area. 3. Enters pool safely. 4. Exits pool safely. 5. Tolerates positioning in equipment to get enter/exit pool. 6. Tolerates swim equipment (e.g. life jacket, water wings). 7. Maintains good body posture to facilitate movement in water. 8. Keeps head out of water. 9. Tolerates simple body movement while in water. 10. Exhibits isolated body movement in water. 11. Uses purposeful body movement in water to maintain supported float. 12. Uses purposeful body movement to propel self in water with support. 13. Walks/runs/jumps in water. 14. Performs simple exercise routines in water. 15. Puts head under water and resurfaces. 16. Kicks legs in water. 17. Propels body (swims) in water using legs and arms. 18. Swims using flotation device. 19. Swims using breathing technique. Section II Com PC Mob XIV D PE 1 - Participates in solitary physical activity Participation Curriculum PE 1 Soc 12 20. Treads water. 21. Floats/swims on back. 22. Performs advanced swimming skills. 23. Coordinates arm and leg movement in water. 24. Swims for ____ minutes. 25. Swims independently. Pro H. Uses recreational equipment. II F PE 4 - Participates in fitness routines. Cardiovascular, range of motion, strength training. 1. Pulls/pushes wheel toys/equipment. 2. Lies on scooterboard/jetmobile while being pulled. 3. Sits on a wheel toy/equipment while being pulled. 4. Uses feet to push self along on “ride on” wheel toy without pedals. 5. Lies prone on scooterboard/jetmobile and propels self. 6. Sits on scooterboard and propels self on a flat surface. 7. Uses scooterboard to ride down ramp. 8. Pedals tricycle. 9. Rides tricycle both steering and pedaling. 10. Pedals bicycle. 11. Rides bike both steering and pedaling. 12. Pushes cart or stroller. 13. Pulls wagon. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 13 Soc Com PC Mob IX F XIII E XIV G 14. Uses skates or rollerblades. Pro I. Learns to use playground equipment safely. Soc Com VII G PC Mob XII Q XIII E XIV G PC Mob PE 1 - Participates in solitary physical activity, moves in familiar outdoor environments. 1. Demonstrates awareness of hazards (e.g. doesn’t walk behind swing). 2. Finds own way. 3. Follows/knows rules. 4. Safely climbs on playground equipment. 5. Tolerates being pushed in swing. 6. Safely swings self. 7. Safely uses slide. 8. Uses other large scale playground equipment safely. Pro J. Learns ball skills. II C PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. 1. Pushes ball with one hand. 2. Pushes ball at midline with both hands. 3. Grasps and hold ball for short interval. 4. Uses both hands to pick up large ball. 5. Rolls/catches large ball while sitting. 6. Throws ball/beanbag toward person/target using underhand throw. 7. Throws ball/beanbag towards person/target using overhand throw. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 14 Soc Com 8. Catches ball rolled on ground. 9. Catches thrown ball. 10. Catches bounced ball from another person. 11. Bounces ball to another person. 12. Plays catch with another person. 13. Coordinates use of two hands to bat at or manipulate ball. 14. Uses bat/racquet to swing and hit ball. 15. Kicks stationary ball to another person. 16. Kicks rolling ball to another person. 17. Tosses and catches ball. 18. Puts ball in container/target. 19. Throws ball into container ____ feet away. Pro K. Learns kickball skills. PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. 1. Kicks stationary ground ball. 2. Kicks slow rolling ground ball. 3. Runs bases in correct order, stops when appropriate. 4. Returns to “sidelines” if out. 5. Fields ball. 6. Throws ball to another player. 7. Plays in a kickball game. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 15 Soc Com PC Mob L. Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Learns softball/T-ball skills. PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. M. 1. Holds bat and stays at home plate. 2. Hits ball off of T-stand. 3. Hits thrown ball. 4. Puts bat down and runs bases in correct order, stopping when appropriate. 5. Returns to “sideline” if out. 6. Fields/throws/pitches ball. 7. Plays in softball/t-ball game. Learns basketball skills. PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. N. 1. Bounces ball on floor with tow hands and catches. 2. Bounces ball with one hand three or more times and catches. 3. Shoots ball at basket. 4. Passes ball to another player. 5. Plays in a basketball game. Learns bowling skills. PE 1 - Participates in group physical activity. 1. Pushes ball down ramp. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 16 O. 2. Visually follows balls path. 3. Bowls with adaptive ball. 4. Rolls ball with two hand grasp. 5. Holds and rolls ball with underhand grasp. 6. Holds and rolls ball with appropriate finger placement. 7. Rolls ball towards pins safely. 8. Retrieves ball from holder. 9. Takes turns. 10. Bowls a complete game using a ramp. 11. Bowls a complete game. Participates in community outings/activities. PE 1 - Goes to cultural/artistic events, participates in community organizations, interacts with friends. 1. Uses transportation safely. 2. Improves community mobility (e.g. enter/exits building, avoids obstacles). Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 17 Pro Soc II F VG VII D VII G Com PC Mob XJ XIV G XIV H XIV I 3. Exhibits appropriate behavior in public places (e.g. waits turn, uses appropriate voice, stays with group). 4. Communicates wants and needs. 5. Participates in walking activity. 6. Uses outdoor recreational facilities (e.g. parks, zoo, nature center0. 7. Attends social events (story hour at library, party, eat at restaurant). 8. Attends community spectator/browsing events (e.g. circus, movie, sporting events, window shopping). 9. Participates in shopping activities ____ selects items ____pushes cart _____puts items in cart _____pays for items P. Participates in leisure/recreation routines in the community. PE 1 - Goes to cultural/artistic events, participates in community organizations, interacts with friends. PE 4 - Eating 1. Chooses appropriate leisure time activity. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section II 18 Pro Soc II K-P VII A VII E III C III H Com PC XH Mob III. 2. Participates in a variety of activities. 3. Participates in special events by looking, listening, doing. 4. Locates equipment/materials/supplies needed. 5. Uses equipment and materials correctly/safely. 6. Wears appropriate clothing for activity. 7. Checks appearance and takes ID when going into the community. 8. Takes necessary money to cover costs. 9. Behaves appropriately specific to community setting. 10. Puts away materials/equipment; cleans up after activity. LEARNS FUNCTIONAL SKILLS. Pro A. VB Matches items according to attribute. PE 1 - Participates in instruction. 1. Matches object to identical object, given a choice of two. 2. Matches object to identical object, given a choice of three. 3. Matches object to identical object, given a set of familiar objects. 4. Matches color to identical color, given a choice of two. 5. Matches color to identical color, given a choice of three. 6. Matches color to identical color, given a set of familiar colors. 7. Matches shape to identical shape, given a choice of two. 8. Matches shape to identical shape, given a choice of three. 9. Matches shape to identical shape, given a set of familiar shapes. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section III 19 Soc Com PC Mob 10. Matches objects of the same size, given a choice of two. 11. Matches objects of the same size, given a choice of three. 12. Matches objects of the same size, given a set of similar sizes. 13. Sorts a set of assorted objects (e.g. three red circles, three blue squares, three yellow squares). Pro B. Identifies/names items according to attribute. Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob II P III D VII A VIII J VIII N III G PE 1 - Participates in instruction. C. 1. Identifies object as same or different. 2. Identifies a color from a choice of two when asked. 3. Identifies a color from a choice of three when asked. 4. Identifies a color from a set of colors when asked. 5. Identifies big/little object from choice of two. 6. Labels, names color. 7. Labels, names shapes. 8. Identifies a shape from a choice of two when asked. 9. Identifies a shape from a choice of three when asked. 10. Identifies a shape from a set of shapes when asked. 11. Labels objects presented randomly as big/little. Learns personal information. PE 1 - Completes service transactions, goes shopping, obtains personal services, eats out. 1. Identifies self/peers/family members in photographs. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section III 20 2. Says own name or uses response mode to communicate name. 3. Identifies own name in writing. 4. Learns own first and last name. 5. Carries personal ID and shows it upon request. 6. Remembers personal information. Pro D. Learns selected reading skills. Soc Com PC I E VI E PE 1 - Participates in instruction. Mob XIV I PE 5 - Moves in outdoor environments, moves throughout familiar buildings. 1. Matches upper case letters. 2. Matches lower case letters. 3. Matches familiar names. 4. Matches survival signs. 5. Matches survival words. 6. Identifies familiar names. 7. Identifies survival signs. 8. Identifies survival words. Pro E. Learns to use writing utensils. I F PE 1 - Participates in instruction. 1. Holds writing utensil, fisted grasp. 2. Holds writing utensil using tripod grasp. 3. Secures paper while writing. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section III 21 Soc Com PC Mob F. 4. Scribbles spontaneously. 5. Attempts to scribble in imitation 6. Imitates simple line drawing. 7. Uses a template to draw a shape. 8. Draws circles/or marks on objects on page. 9. Draws a line within __ inch(es) path (left to right). 10. Traces a line (left to right). Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Learns selected writing skills. PE 1 - Participates in instruction. G. 1. Traces outlined letters of own name. 2. Copies own name between lines from model. 3. Writes own name when told letters. 4. Writes own name from memory. 5. Traces/copies/reproduces lower case manuscript letters. 6. Traces/copies/reproduces upper case manuscript letters. 7. Traces/copies/reproduces numerals. 8. Writes individually selected words. 9. Writes personal information. Learns selected math skills. III B PE 1 - Participates in instruction. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section III 22 1. Matches sets of objects to identical sets, given choice of three. 2. Counts objects up to five using a grid. 3. Counts objects up to ten using a grid. 4. Using 1 to 1 correspondence matches 1 set of objects to another. 5. Selects the correct set of objects when asked to find the corresponding number. 6. Matches randomly presented numerals to identical numerals. 7. Identifies a numeral from a choice of three, when asked. 8. Names numeral, presently randomly, when asked “What is this number?” 9. Matches randomly presented numerals to sets of objects, given a choice of three sets. 10. Constructs a set equal to a given numeral, when asked. 11. Counts by rote to five. 12. Counts by rote to ten or more. 13. Constructs a set equal to a given set of objects, when asked. 14. Counts objects when told to “Count these”. 15. Counts out specific number of objects when asked to “Give me (number)”. Pro H. Learns money skills necessary for using community facilities. PE 1 - Goes to cultural/artistic events. PE 2 - Interacts with community worker. 1. Identifies coins and bills as money used for buying goods and paying for services. 2. Uses money chart to “count” money. 3. Takes items to cashier and pays for purchase. 4. Matches coins. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section III 23 II P Soc Com PC XI J XII R Mob I. J. 5. Identifies coins. 6. Names coins. Learns calendar skills. 1. Describes weather on given day. 2. Recognizes weather symbols. 3. Identifies days/weeks/months on calendar. 4. Names days of weeks in sequence. 5. Identifies activities that regularly occur on each day. 6. Locates specific days/month on calendar. 7. Indicates understanding of seasons. 8. States/writes date. 9. Uses calendar to keep track of activities. 1. Sequences daily activities. 2. Keeps track of daily schedule 3. Identifies activities that occur now/before/after a given activity (e.g. what do we do after swimming?) 4. Names activities that occur during specific periods of the day. Section III Soc VA VII H Pro Soc VI A VI E Learns time and sequencing skills. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Pro 24 Com PC Mob Com PC Mob IV. 5. Tells time using ( ) digital ( ) traditional clock. 6. Places hands of clock in correct position when given a time. LEARNS/IMPROVES OBJECT MANIPULATION AND BILATERAL HAND COORDINATION A. Pro Processes tactile stimuli. PE 1 - Completes crafts/hobbies. PE 4 - Participates in cleaning/grooming. 1. Tolerates varied stimuli (fan, parachute). 2. Tolerates firm pressure/touch. 3. Accepts stroking with hands or rubbing textured objects. 4. Permits hands/feet/other body parts to be moved over/into textured surfaces (e.g. water, shaving cream, finger paint). 5. Responds differently to at least two stimuli. 6. Accepts physical manipulation of hands/arms/legs/feet to perform simple actions. 7. Touches a variety of objects randomly. 8. Examines/manipulates objects representing a variety of textures, temperatures and compositions. Pro B. Soc Exhibits tactile discrimination skills. IF PE 1 - Completes crafts/hobbies. PE 4 - Participates in cleaning/grooming. 1. Searches with two hands for person/object. 2. Reaches for/touches person/object/light source. 3. Shows preferences for certain materials or objects. 4. Matches object by touch alone. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV 25 Soc Com PC VIII A XA XII A Com PC XA XII Q Mob Mob C. D. 5. Names object via tactile sense. 6. Verbally describes a given object upon request. 7. Identifies object as same or different. Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Learns/improves/maintains reaching skills. 1. Looks at object before reaching for it. 2. Turns head toward or reaches in direction of sound. 3. Simultaneously maintains gaze on object while reaching for it. 4. Reaches toward object at midline. 5. Moves arms toward an object held to the same side (not midline). 6. Reaches across midline to touch object placed on opposite side of body. 7. Reaches over head. 8. Reaches backward. Learns/improves/maintains ability to reach for and grasp objects. 1. Closes and tightens hand around an object. 2. Grasps objects with 3rd, 4th and 5th finger. 3. Grasps object with thumb, index finger and middle finger. 4. Rakes stationary object toward self using open hand. 5. Rakes or scoops up small object and obtains it. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV 26 E. F. 6. Purposefully reaches for and picks up small object using whole hand grasp. 7. Holds onto object while moving hand/arm. 8. Holds a small object between thumb and fingers with thumb directly opposite fingers. 9. Picks up tiny object by enveloping object with thumb against the side of hand. 10. Reaches for and picks up small object using thumb and forefinger. 11. Reaches for and picks up small object using thumb and index finger (pincer). 12. Retrieves object from container by reaching in with hand. Pro Soc Com PC Mob Pro Soc Com PC Mob Learns/improves/maintains ability to release objects. 1. Releases larger object after grasp. 2. Releases small object after grasp. 3. Releases object clumsily into large container. 4. Releases small object into large container in controlled manner. 5. Releases small object into small container. 6. Releases small object into small container, while holding small container. Learns/improves/maintains ability to adjust hand movements. 1. Explores objects in environment. 2. Turns wrists during examination of object. 3. Positions arm and wrist correctly when manipulating object. 4. Turns palm up to accept object. 5. Reaches with palm down to contact object placed on horizontal surface. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV 27 6. Applies appropriate amount of pressure to an object to avoid crushing it. (e.g. a Styrofoam cup or cracker). 7. Increases use of fingers as a whole, in order to apply pressure. 8. Uses forefinger to poke or push. 9. Uses forefinger to point. 10. Increases use of index finger in order to apply pressure on object. Pro G. Learns/improves/maintains ability to manipulate objects. PE 1 - Performs work/instructional activities. 1. Stacks objects. 2. Fills container with sand/water/cubes/etc. 3. Empties contents of container. 4. Puts object in bag. 5. Takes object out of bag. 6. Fills compartmentalized containers by putting one object into each compartment. 7. Opens container. 8. Closes container with lid. 9. Opens/closes doors/drawers/etc. 10. Pushes button/switch to control equipment. 11. Turns dial/knob/switch to control equipment. 12. Manipulates locks/latches. 13. Turns on/off water faucet. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV 28 ID II G VE VF Soc Com PC XI G XII B XII K Mob Pro H. Learns/improves/maintains bilateral hand usage. 1. Brings both hands to midline. 2. Uses both hands to center object. 3. Uses one hand as stabilizer while holding object. 4. Uses hands in coordination to pick up object. 5. Uses both hands to push heavy/large objects. 6. Uses both hands to lift object to shoulder level. 7. Moves objects in such a way as to avoid dropping or spilling. 8. Uses both hands in midline – one hand holds, other hand manipulates objects. 9. Coordinates use of two hands to actively manipulate materials. 10. Picks up, carries and puts down objects. 11. Pushes objects. 12. Pulls apart objects (e.g. snap together type) with hands. 13. Assembles object with hands by fitting together its parts. Learns functional object use and problem-solving skills. 1. Recognizes that there is an obstacle to achieving desired object/goal. 2. Performs a variety of appropriate actions with people/objects. 3. Removes obstacle in order to obtain object/goal. 4. Recognizes partially hidden object, and retrieves it. 5. Searches for (and finds) hidden object nearby that he/she watched disappear. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV Com PC II C Pro I. Soc 29 IV K VI A Mob XIV B Soc Com PC Mob 6. Tries another strategy to obtain object/goal when first strategy fails. 7. Initiates help of another person to obtain object/goal. 8. Uses tools to help obtain object/goal. 9. Demonstrates appropriate use of given object. 10. Identifies object used for specific purpose upon request. 11. Tells use of specific object when asked “What do you use this for?” 12. Knows where things belong. Pro J. Understands cause and effect relationships. ID 1. Repeats action that causes object to move. 2. Attends to object being activated/manipulated by another. 3. Gets object directly. 4. Gets object indirectly. (e.g. pulls string). 5. Gets another person to activate/manipulate toy when unable to do for him/herself. 6. Manipulates toy by him/herself. 7. Recognizes causal relationship in a familiar situation and acts appropriately. 8. Anticipates effect and acts appropriately (e.g. stops pouring when glass is full). Pro K. Learns/improves ability to use tools to perform tasks. PE 1 - Performs work/instructional activities. 1. Cuts with scissors. 2. Holds paper securely and cuts with scissors. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section IV Soc 30 IF V C-I VL Com PC Mob PC Mob VIII G Soc Com V. 3. Follows line/pattern to cut with scissors. 4. Uses hammer to pound nails. 5. Manipulates nuts and bolts. 6. Uses screwdriver to tighten/loosen screw. 7. Uses saw to cut soft wood. 8. Assembles object using tools. 9. Uses simple kitchen tools and utensils. 10. Uses key to open lock. PARTICIPATES IN/PERFORMS WORK ACTIVITIES/SKILLS Pro Soc A. IV K V I VI A VII C Participates in classroom/building chores. PE 1 - Participates in instruction. 1. Puts away toys. 2. Takes attendance to office. 3. Takes lunch count to kitchen. 4. Gets equipment from gym. 5. Gets book from library area. 6. Runs simple errands. 7. Puts away school bag/personal belongings. 8. Cleans up play/work area. 9. Participates in kitchen/lunch duties. (e.g. picks up lunches, gets supplies for cooking activities) 10. Waters plants. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 31 Com PC Mob 11. Assists another with specific chores. Pro B. Learns sorting skills. Soc Com PC Mob Soc Com PC Mob VII G XI G III A PE 1 - Participates in instruction. 1. Sorts objects into sets. (e.g. blocks and cars). 2. Sorts items by color when all items are otherwise identical. 3. Sorts items by color when items are different (e.g. blocks, balls) 4. Sorts items by shape when all items are otherwise identical. (e.g. all blue square and round forms). 5. Sorts items by shape when items are different. (e.g. big square & round forms and little square and round forms). 6. Sorts items by size when all items are otherwise identical. 7. Sorts items by size when items are different. (e.g. big and little cars and big and little airplanes) 8. Sorts objects by two attributes (e.g. all big yellow blocks). 9. Sorts items/puts away in order by size/number/letter. Pro C. Learns work related fine motor skills. I F V E-H PE 1 - Performs work task, participates in instruction. 1. Puts objects into containers. 2. Stacks objects (e.g. dishes cups). 3. Nests boxes/barrels correctly. 4. Folds/creases paper. 5. Clips paper together. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 32 D. 6. Uses stapler. 7. Draws line on paper using ruler. 8. Uses pencil sharpener. 9. Erases mark on paper. 10. Uses scissors to cut. 11. Pastes/glues pieces of paper together. 12. Sticks labels on paper. 13. Open/closes doors/drawers with a variety of latches. 14. Plugs in equipment/appliances. 15. Turns on/off equipment. 16. Unscrews/screws lids. 17. Uses utensils to scoop or stir. 18. Pours liquid from one container to another. 19. Uses switch to perform pre-vocational motor tasks. Learns work related gross motor skills. 1. Gets to and from work station. 2. Bends over to pick up objects. 3. Lifts objects weighing ____ , a distance of _______. 4. Hangs up items on hooks/hangers. 5. Carries trays/boxes of items from place to place. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 33 Pro Soc VJ VII I Com PC Mob XG XIV B Pro E. IV G IV K VC VF Learns assembly/packaging/stocking skills. PE 1 - Performs work task. 1. Disassembles parts of object. 2. Disassembles/assembles parts of object and sorts parts. 3. Assembles object parts into whole. 4. Inserts objects into compartmentalized boxes/containers. 5. Puts items on shelves. 6. Follows pattern to package items. 7. Follows grid to package up to ten objects. 8. Open/closes snap cap bottles. 9. Opens/closes screw top bottles. 10. Open/closes lock top bottles. 11. Puts items in bag and seals. 12. Collates papers by hand. 13. Staples papers. 14. Stuffs pre-folded papers in envelope. 15. Folds papers and stuffs in envelope. 16. Boxes objects. 17. Wraps objects/boxes in paper. 18. Unwraps objects/boxes. 19. Uses switch to perform assembly and packaging tasks. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V plain envelope 34 window envelope Soc Com PC VII G XI I Mob Pro F. IV F VC VE VI A Learns clerical skills. PE 1 - Performs work tasks. 1. Prepares literature for mailing (puts on mailing labels). 2. Collates paper into sets. 3. Puts literature into envelopes. 4. Uses stamper on literature or envelopes. (eg. “duplicate” stamp). 5. Uses fasteners/paper clips. 6. Duplicates paper on copy machine. 7. Folds/creases paper. 8. Uses stapler. 9. Delivers mail/messages/papers to department/people within work area. 10. Gets supplies from storage. 11. Puts folders into files and retrieves folders. 12. Sorts mail and delivers it. 13. Uses switch to perform clerical tasks. Pro G. Learns food preparation skills. PE 1 - Prepares/cares for food, performs ancillary food related activities. 1. Demonstrates good food service/health and safety practices (washes hands, keeps hands away from face). 2. Shops for groceries. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V Soc 35 II O IV K VC VI Com PC Mob PC Mob VII G Soc Com XI G-K 3. Locates ingredients/items needed for meal. 4. Washes food before eating/cooking as needed. 5. Opens/reseals food wrapped in plastic/cellophane. 6. Opens/closes boxes. 7. Opens cans. 8. Opens/closes cartons. 9. Open/closes bottles/jars. 10. Ladles liquids into cups/bowls. (e.g. spoon fruit). 11. Scoops food into bowls/dishes for serving. 12. Rolls out dough and prepares for biscuits, pie crust, etc. 13. Cuts food into serving pieces. 14. Cuts food into small pieces using sawing motion with knife. 15. Uses standard measures. 16. Pours ingredients into bowl without spilling. 17. Stirs food without spilling. 18. Uses small kitchen appliances/utensils. 19. Makes sandwiches. 20. Peels food. 21. Uses kitchen utensils. 22. Fills condiment containers. 23. Empties and fills ice cube tray. 24. Fills containers in cafeteria line with trays, utensils, napkins, etc. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 36 25. Sets table. 26. Clears table. 27. Rinses dishes. 28. Washes dishes by hand. 29. Dries dishes. 30. Unloads dishwasher. 31. Loads dishwasher. 32. Puts dishes away. 33. Puts silverware in tray organizer. 34. Refrigerates leftovers. 35. Returns food/boxes and containers to shelf. 36. Throws away garbage. 37. Follows safety procedures related to cooking. 38. Follows pictorial directions for preparing 39. Uses switch to perform meal preparation tasks. recipe meal. Pro H. Learns food service skills using appliances. PE 1 - Prepares/cares for food, performs ancillary food related activities. 1. Plugs in small appliance. 2. Toasts bread in toaster/oven. 3. Turns food over on electric skillet. 4. Uses stove/oven/microwave. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 37 IV K VI Soc Com PC XI G XI H Mob 5. Uses can opener. 6. Operates dishwasher. 7. Cleans appliances. 8. Uses electric blender. 9. Operates "dispenser" machine to serve soft drinks, coffee, etc. 10. Cleans appliances. 11. Puts away small appliances. Pro I. Learns basic cleaning skills. IV K VA PE 1 - Completes cleaning tasks. 1. Wipes off equipment/furniture/counter. 2. Washes tables and chairs. 3. Cleans appliances. 4. Vacuums floor. 5. Sweeps floor. 6. Dust mops floor. 7. Wet mops floor. 8. Cleans sink. 9. Straightens shelves. 10. Puts items away. 11. Empties baskets/trash can/garbage container. 12. Takes garbage to dumpster. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V 38 Soc Com PC XII G Mob 13. Cleans windows with spray cleaner. 14. Waters plants. 15. Follows safety procedures related to cleaning. Pro J. Learns clothing care skills. VD VI PE 1 - Does laundry or clothing care. 1. Collects and sorts dirty clothes. 2. Washes clothes in washing machine. 3. Dries clothes in dryer. 4. Folds towels. 5. Folds clothes. 6. Matches socks and folds together. 7. Returns laundered clothes to designated area. 8. Returns laundered clothes to hook. 9. Returns laundered clothes to drawer. 10. Hangs laundered clothes on hanger. 11. Uses switch to perform laundry task. Pro K. Learns skills related to plant/lawn care. VA VI PE 1 - Participates in yard care or maintenance activities. 1. Mows lawn. 2. Edges lawn. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V Soc 39 Soc Com PC VIII G XI Com PC VIII G Mob Mob 3. Picks up litter. 4. Sweeps sidewalk. 5. Rakes leaves. 6. Picks weeds. 7. Waters lawns/garden. 8. Shovels snow. 9. Plants seeds/plants. 10. Waters plants. 11. Cares for plants (e.g. removes dead leaves, trims). 12. Uses switch to do plant/lawn care tasks. Pro L. Uses tools to contract/repair simple items. I F IV K PE 1 - Participates in maintenance activities. 1. Uses hammer to pound nails. 2. Uses screwdriver. 3. Uses saw. 4. Uses sandpaper. 5. Constructs simple objects. 6. Uses switch to perform construction/repair tasks. Pro M. Learns skills related to child care. 1. Behaves in gentle manner with children. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section V Soc 40 Com PC Mob PC Mob VII G Soc Com 2. Assists with activities. 3. Follows staff routines/procedures. Pro N. Soc Uses work related vocabulary. Com PC Mob PC Mob VIII Q PE 3 - Communicates with unfamiliar person. VI. 1. Comprehends/expresses nouns related to prevocational motor skills. 2. Comprehends/expresses verbs/verb phrases related to prevocational motor skills. 3. Comprehends/expresses modifiers/prepositions related to prevocational motor skills. LEARNS WORK HABITS Pro Soc A. I E VA VII G VII H Improves long term memory skills. 1. Remembers location of important objects/items that belong in a particular place in school. 2. Remembers way around the school, going from classroom to other locations. 3. Remembers location of items brought to school/home, but not belonging in particular place. 4. Remembers location of important objects that belong in a particular home. 5. Follows daily routine/sequence of daily activities. 6. Sequences a familiar story/daily routine. 7. Remembers proper procedure to follow in given instance (e.g. in cafeteria). 8. Completes task involving remembering to get (e.g. locker/shelf/store). Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section VI place at items from a specific location 41 Com 9. Remembers location of important items that are found in a particular place in building in the community. Pro B. C. 1. Attends to group activity (looks, listens, sits with group). 2. Is ready to begin a task/group activity within 3. Attends to a task in a one-to-one situation. 4. When interrupted, returns attention to task. 5. Attends to task with competing background noise/activities. 6. Works with others on a supervised task. 7. Works with others on an independent task. 8. Works as a part of a group on a supervised task. 9. Works as a part of a group on an independent task. PC Mob Com PC Mob minutes of request. Develops work behaviors and attitudes. PE 1 - Performs work activity. 1. Performs repetitive tasks (as scheduled with breaks). 2. Performs a sequence of tasks from memory. 3. Works on a cooperative task (assembly line). 4. Attempts new activities. Section VI Com VII B VII D Develops attending skills. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Soc 42 Pro Soc VA VII C VII E 5. Seeks assistance from familiar adult when needed. 6. Tries task again after experiencing frustration. 7. Understands when work/task is complete. 8. Evaluates quality of work – checks against model and corrects. 9. Asks for more materials to complete tasks, when needed. 10. Follows directions for performing new tasks with only two or three reminders. 11. Learns new jobs/tasks by imitating others. 12. Increases rate of productivity. 13. Socializes at appropriate times (e.g. breaks). 14. Copes with rejection/criticism in workplace. 15. Works without engaging in behaviors which interfere with work. (e.g. selfstimulation). Pro D. Maintains work schedule. Soc Com PC Mob Com PC Mob VIII C PE 1 - Performs work activity. 1. Is ready to begin work within minutes of arrival/request. 2. Works at a steady, reasonable pace. 3. Completes a task within time allowed. 4. Indicates when task is completed. 5. Uses "break time" appropriately and returns on schedule. Pro E. II I III D III J Participates in work routines. PE 1 - Performs work activity; PE 4 – eating. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section VI 43 Soc XE XII P 1. Prepares for work activities. 2. Prepares sack lunch. 3. Remembers way to/from places at school/work. 4. Performs simple errands/tasks upon request. 5. Puts on/wears/takes off vocationally related clothing or equipment. 6. Maintains proper grooming at work. 7. Follows appropriate procedures. 8. Follows known safety rules. 9. Uses time clock. 10. Puts away materials when task/activity is completed. 11. Follows directions for performing new tasks. 12. Identifies words basic to independence in the work environment. 13. Comprehends/expresses vocabulary related to work. Participation Curriculum PE 1 Section VI 44