Analysis of Sedimentary Basins 3

Analysis of Sedimentary Basins 3(2-1)(PGP 3204)
Course Level:
Course Credit:
Description :
Basin analysis involves making an interpretation of the formation, evolution, architecture and fill
of a sedimentary basin by examining geological variables associated with the basin. Basin
analysis provides a foundation for extrapolating known information into unknown regions in
order to predict the nature of the basin where evidence is not available. This can assist the
exploration and development of energy, mineral and other resources (e.g. water, brines, etc.) that
may occur within sedimentary basins.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course students should be able to:
1. Describe the elements that make up the sedimentary basin.
2. Explain the paleogeographic architecture and evolution.
3. Use a range of methods for determining controls on sedimentary basin development from
geophysical modeling to sequence stratigraphic analysis.
4. Interpret sedimentary successions with respect to global tectonic, magmatic, climatic and
oceanic processes.
5. Use petroleum industry techniques and/or rocks at surface for the determination of
possible presence of hydrocarbon bearing rocks and/ or basin evolution
Course Outline
Introduction to basin analysis that includes definitions of basins, zonation
of the earth and upper mantle. Plate motions and plate boundaries.
Mechanisms of basin formation. Major mechanisms for regional
uplift/subsidence such as isostatic processes, loading and dynamic effects
Basin classification; Principal factors such as position of the basin in
relation to plate margins, Crustal/lithospheric substratum, oceanic,
continental crust and type of plate boundary. Relationship to tectonic
setting such Divergent Plate Boundaries and Convergent Plate Boundaries
(rift basins and passive margins)
Sedimentary basin fill and evolution of the basin fill
Basins and sequence stratigraphy
Application to petroleum play assessment
Mode of delivery
The course includes lectures, assignments, tests and practicals.
Assignments, Laboratory exercises and tests
Final examination
40 %
60 %
Reading List:
 GUIDISH, T. M., KENDALL C. G., LERCHE I., TOTH D. J. & YARZAB R. F., (l985).
Basin evaluation from burial history calculations: an overview: Am. Assoc. Petroleum
Geol. Bull., v. 69 p. 92- l05.
 KINGSTON D. R., DISHROON C. P. & WILLIAMS P. A. (1983). Global Basin
Classification System. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 67, 21752193.
 MIALL A. D., (2000). Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis (third, updated and
enlarged edition); Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, D-69121 Heidelberg.
 GLUYAS JON and SWARBRICK RICHARD (2003), Petroleum Geoscience, WileyBlackwell, p 376.
 ALLEN A. PHILIP AND ALLEN R. JOHN (1990), Basin Analysis: Principles and
Applications, Blackwell Science Inc.