ASHEVILLE-BUNCOMBE TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Course Outline Course: SUR 122 Surgical Procedures I Credit Hours: (5-3-0-6) 7 Credit Hours Class Meeting Time: Wednesday (Didactic) Thursday (Lab) 12:00-4:50 3:30-6:20 Course Description: This course introduces a comprehensive study of surgical procedures in the following specialties: general, gastrointestinal, obstetrical/gynecology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedic, and peripheral vascular. Emphasis is placed on related surgical anatomy, pathology, and procedures thereby enhancing theoretical knowledge of patient care, instrumentation, supplies and equipment. Upon completion, students should be able to correlate, integrate, and apply theoretical knowledge of the course topics. Instructors: Phone numbers: Office hours: Robin Keith Office: 254-1921 ext. 892 301-2353 (cell) e-mail: Wednesday ( 9:00am-10:50) and Daniel Stokoe 254-1921 ext. 892 279-4800(cell) Friday (10:00am-12:50) PREREQUISITES: Enrollment in the Surgical Technology Program SUR 110, SUR 111, and BIO 163 COREQUISITIES: SUR 123 REQUIRED TEXTS: ABTCC Surgical Technology Handbook AST. (2008). Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach, (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. AST. (2008). Study Guide to Accompany Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach, (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. Dennerll, J. (2007). Medical Terminology Made Easy, (4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. Goldman, M. (2008). Pocket Guide to the Operating Room, (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Pieknik, R. (2006). Suture and Surgical Hemostasis: A Pocket Guide. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders. Rutherford, C. (2005). Differentiating Surgical Instruments. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company. Snyder & Keegan. (2006). Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Snyder & Keegan. (2006). Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist: Study Guide, (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. OPTIONAL TEXTS: Allhoff, T. (2003). Surgical Mayo Setups, (1st ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar. AORN. (2004). AORN Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guidelines. Denver, CO: AORN. Rothrock, J. (2007). Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery, (13th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Venes, D. (2005). Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, (20th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Prepared by: Robin Keith Revision Date: _____November 10, 2009____ I verify that this course outline is accurate, complete and timely. ________Robin B. Keith Chairperson _________Ned Fowler_________ Dean COURSE POLICIES: The instructor reserves the right to alter course content, presentation, sequence and assignment due dates. There will be no make-up quizzes or tests. Open Grade Book Policy: The Surgical Technology Program Faculty maintains an “open grade book” policy as well as an open door policy and will make every effort to keep students aware of their progress throughout the semester. If you at any time have a question about any grading procedure, status of your grade, or overall progress throughout the curriculum, please do not hesitate to ask! Disabilities Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with the coordinator of Disability Services in the Azalea building, Annie Clingenpeel (254-1921 ext. 141 or e-mail 2 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: You may not deceive any official of the college by cheating on any assignment, exam, or paper. This includes plagiarism, which is the intentional theft or unacknowledged use of another’s words or ideas. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, paraphrasing or summarizing another’s words or works without proper acknowledgement, using direct quotes of material without proper acknowledgement, or purchasing or using a paper or presentation written or produced by another. The faculty at AB-TECH may also consider presenting as original work, a paper written for one class to satisfy a requirement in another class, may be academic dishonesty (Academic Affairs Committee 11/18/03). CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE POLICY: The Program Faculty believes that anytime a student is not in attendance at a didactic class, laboratory session, or clinical rotation, he or she is not able to receive the full benefits of a presentation or experience even if competencies are eventually met. It is also believed that regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students for them to achieve their potential in the surgical technology program and to develop desirable personal traits necessary to obtain employment in any Allied Health profession. These traits are among the first looked for by prospective employers. In fact, the student should be reminded that every time they put on their uniform and go for clinical instruction they may be completing part of an informal job interview whether they know it or not. For these reasons, full-time attendance is expected in all didactic classes, laboratories, and clinical rotations. 1) Proper Call-in Procedure The student is responsible for contacting the program faculty regarding absences prior to the scheduled class time. Faculty offices are equipped with voice mail. The extension numbers are listed in this syllabus. When calling in, please leave your name, the time you called, the reason for your absence, and when you expect to return to class. If a phone call to the instructor's office should go unanswered, please call the Allied Health secretary at ext. 281 and leave a message. Her usual office hours are 8:30 AM-12 noon and 1:00-4:30 PM. Messages must not be sent through other people unless extenuating circumstances prevail. 2) Failure to properly report an absence will result in an unexcused class absence and the student will receive a "0" on any test given on that day. 3) To receive course credit, a student should attend a minimum of 90 percent of the contact hours of the class. Upon accumulating absences exceeding 10 percent of the course contact hours, the student may be dropped from the class with a grade of “U” at the discretion of the instructor. Being late for class is also a serious interruption of instruction. A tardy is defined as arriving late for class (any minutes), leaving early (any minutes,) or being away from class without permission during class hours. It is departmental and college policy that three tardies are the equivalent of one full day’s absence from class or clinic. For every third tardy, the student will have one full day’s absence counted for the course. A tardy of more than thirty minutes will be considered an absence. Students are reminded that they must be in the classroom at the time of the scheduled course. Students are not permitted to interrupt class with their tardiness. Late students will not be permitted classroom entry until the first class break, provided they are present at that time. Tests missed due to tardiness will NOT be made up. Classroom door will be locked on the hour. Students arriving after this time will be considered tardy, not be able to turn in homework, or make up tests. 4) The student is also responsible for adhering to the ABTCC Guidelines for Classroom Conduct. Please see the most current version of the ABTCC Student Events Calendar and Handbook. 3 TOBACCO FREE CAMPUS POLICY STATEMENT Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College is committed to providing students and employees with a safe and healthy environment. It is the policy of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College that tobacco use is not permitted on A-B Tech’s campuses. A-B Tech is tobacco-free. PROLONGED ILLNESS Students must notify the appropriate classroom or clinical instructor each day of an absence until it is established exactly how long the student will be out. Any student who misses more than three consecutive school days of class and/or clinic must obtain proper documentation for the missed time before they will be allowed to return to classes or clinic. HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS Surgical Technology students are committed to one year of full-time study. Within this time, students are eligible for holidays recognized by the College and vacation time during semester breaks. The student should consult the academic calendar that is published in the College Catalog and Student Calendar for the dates of recognized holidays and semester breaks. The student is reminded that up to three inclement weather days may made up at the end of fall or spring semester and semester breaks should be planned accordingly. APPOINTMENTS Medical, dental, and other appointments should not be scheduled during didactic and clinical times. Appointments scheduled during these times will create a tardy or unexcused absence unless extenuating circumstances prevail. EVALUATION CRITERIA Homework/Presentations Midterm, Quizzes/Tests Lab & Lecture Lecture Final (Comprehensive) Lab Practical Final TOTAL 30% 40% 30% Pass/Fail 100% LAB PRACTICAL FINAL Failure to pass the lab practical final examination with a minimum score of 70% will result in the student receiving a grade of “D” in SUR 122 and therefore the student’s inability to progress to summer semester. This is to ensure the safety of the surgical patients that students are exposed to during spring clinical rotations. Students are given opportunities to come to lab and practice with and without an instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to read their instrumentation and surgical technology textbooks and to take advantage of open lab times to identify supplies, instruments, and equipment. The student may have one re-test on the lab practical final should they fail the first attempt provided an instructor and the lab are available prior to the last day of class. If a student misses the final identification exam for any reason, that absence will constitute the student’s first attempt. Bear in mind that items will not be duplicated from the previous test, will be greatly reduced from the first practical’s amount of items, and may therefore prove more difficult. GRADES 90-100 =A 80-89 =B 70-79 =C 60-69 =D BELOW 60 =F 4 CLASS PRESENTATIONS Two students will present to the class for 15-20 minutes, a presentation on an assigned procedure they have done or have an interest in within the content for this course. The presentation includes: An oral report, operation report, procedure board, and reference sheet. The operation report is to be used as a guide for the procedure board. The oral report should identify: pathology, anatomy and physiology, relevant information to the procedure, and the sequence of events for this procedure. The procedure board should function as a reference tool by its self. This is your opportunity to be creative and artistic, insuring that the oral presentation and procedure board explain in depth your procedure of choice. A reference sheet must be turned in at the end of the presentation. Presentation and procedure boards count towards your 30% homework grade total. HOMEWORK- IS DUE ONE WEEK AFTER IT IS ASSIGNED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. INCOMPLETE OR LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. TESTS/QUIZZES- MAY BE GIVEN AT ANY TIME! BE PREPARED! READ, READ, READ! 5 SURGICAL PROCEDURES I SUR 122 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology for the following surgical areas: Endoscopic Surgery Otorhinolaryngological Surgery General Gastrointestinal Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery Peripheral Vascular Surgery Genitourinary Surgery 2. Differentiate between instrumentation used in the following surgical areas: Endoscopic Surgery Otorhinolaryngological Surgery General Gastrointestinal Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery Peripheral Vascular Surgery Genitourinary Surgery 3. Recognize prepping and draping principles for the following surgical patient population: Endoscopic Surgery Otorhinolaryngological Surgery General Gastrointestinal Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery Peripheral Vascular Surgery Genitourinary Surgery 4. Recognize and discuss supplies, instrumentation, equipment, medications and anesthesia necessary for the following types of surgery: Endoscopic Surgery Otorhinolaryngological Surgery General Gastrointestinal Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery Peripheral Vascular Surgery Genitourinary Surgery 5. Communicate effectively in sharing clinical experiences in their diaries as well as with their peers during open discussion time, respecting confidentiality principles. 6. Demonstrate ability to synthesize all of the above surgical procedure components by presenting one procedure to the class utilizing computer skills, creativity skills, speaking skills, and critical thinking skills to convey material to their peers. GENERAL EDUCATION OBJECTIVES: Incorporated into course objectives 1. Communicate effectively in oral presentations, sharing clinical experiences, and performing writing assignments. 2. Apply knowledge to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate surgical procedures to improve future experiences. 3. Demonstrate basic computer skills with student presentations. Learning activities that reinforce learning activities: a. Sharing/communicating clinical experiences b. Written homework assignments (Objective List Question Completion), Procedure Sheets, Journals, and Operation Report Summaries c. Oral/Written/Power Point two person presentation on Surgical Procedure of choice on this semester’s content d. Integration of surgical peri-operative process learning content with hands-on in tri-weekly clinical experience 6 SUR 122 SURGICAL PROCEDURES I CONTENT OUTLINE I. Introduction to the course and Lab A. General information 1. Introduction to course and lab 2. Course and lab objectives 3. Course and lab policies 4. Clinical Preparation II. Endoscopic Surgery A. General surgery 1. Diagnostic laparoscopy 2. Operative laparoscopy 3. GI scope procedures 4. Biliary scope procedures B. Obstetric and Gynecologic Scopes 1. Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy 2. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy C. Genitourinary 1. Diagnostic and operative cystoscopy 2. Nephroscopy / ureteroscopy D. Orthopedic 1. Diagnostic and operative arthroscopy E. Otorhinolaryngologic 2. Microlaryngoscopy 2. Triple endoscopy III. General Gastrointestinal Surgery A. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to 1. Abdominal wall, 2. Digestive system 3. Hepatic and Biliary systems 4. Pancreas and Spleen 5. Thyroid and Breast B. General surgery diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing C. Preoperative interventions in General Gastrointestinal Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3. Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation D. Intraoperative interventions in General Gastrointestinal Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains E. Postoperative interventions in General Gastrointestinal Surgery (Procedure Specific) 7 IV. Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery A. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the female reproductive system B. Obstetric and Gynecological diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing C. Preoperative interventions in OB GYN Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3. Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation D. Intraoperative interventions in OB GYN Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains E. Postoperative interventions in OB GYN Surgery (Procedure Specific) V. Genitourinary Surgery A. B. C. D. E. VI. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the Genito-urinary system Genitourinary diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing Preoperative interventions in Genitourinary Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3. Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation Intraoperative interventions in Genitourinary Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains Postoperative interventions in Genitourinary Surgery Orthopedic Surgery A. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the Orthopedic Surgery B. Orthopedic diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing C. Preoperative interventions in Orthopedic Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3 Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation D. Intraoperative interventions in Orthopedic Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains E. Postoperative interventions in Orthopedic Surgery 8 VII. E. VIII. Otorhinolaryngologic Surgery A. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the Ear, Nose, and upper Aerodigestive tract B. Otorhinolaryngologic diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing C. Preoperative interventions in OHN Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3. Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation D. Intraoperative interventions in OHN Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains Postoperative interventions in OHN Surgery Peripheral Vascular Surgery A. Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the peripheral vascular system B. Peripheral Vascular diagnostic interventions 1. Diagnostic exams 2. Preoperative testing C. Preoperative interventions in Peripheral Vascular Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Medications and Anesthesia 2. Prep and position 3 Basic supplies, equipment and instrumentation D. Intraoperative interventions in Peripheral Vascular Surgery (Procedure Specific) 1. Draping 2. Operative sequence 3. Dressing and Drains E. Postoperative interventions in Peripheral Vascular Surgery 9 SUR 122 SURGICAL PROCEDURES I TENTATIVE SYLLABUS BASED UPON AVAILABILITY OF GUEST LECTURERS AND LEARNING AIDS WEEKLY COURSE OBJECTIVES WEEK # 1 DAY/DATE TOPICS WED 1-13 RESOURCES Introduction to course and clinical policies and procedures Surgical Technology Student Handbook AB TECH Student Handbook SUR 122 & SUR & SUR 123 Course and content outlines, syllabi Clinical Rotation Schedule, AB-TECH Operation report sheets SCPER (Student Clinical Practice Evaluation Report), The student will be able to verbalize class rules, clinical and lab policies, course and clinical objectives, class, lab, and clinical rules, grading and attendance policies. The students will have all necessary supplies to begin clinical training and will verbalize their understanding of their clinical responsibilities and schedule. Objectives RESOURCES OBJECTIVES Weekly review of clinical experiences Anatomy & Physiology of Gastrointestinal System Pathology of GI System Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care Care of Endoscopes RESOURCES Objectives TEXT AST CH. 14 and pg. 150-151 Rutherford CH. 1 Snyder & Keegan Ch. 6 AORN REC. PRAC. Endoscopes—Use and Care Endoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the GI system. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, Anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will discuss how the advances in minimally invasive surgery has affected surgical practice and the responsibilities of the surgical technologist. The student will demonstrate how to set up and troubleshoot endoscopic equipment to include laparoscopic cart and scopes used in General surgery in lab and clinical. HOMEWORK #1 GENERAL SURGERY AST STUDY GUIDE CH 14 PGS. 232-242 10 2 WED 1-20 Weekly review of clinical experiences GI Endoscopic Procedures & Operative Sequence choledochoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, esophagoscopy, sigmoidoscopy GI Laparoscopic Procedures & Operative Sequence Appendectomy, herniorrhaphy, cholecystectomy, Nissen Fundoplication Procedure Specific: Instrumentation Procedure Specific: Positioning, prepping, & draping RESOURCES Objectives TEXT AST CH. #14 Dennerll Unit #1 Rutherford CH #1 The student will share clinical experiences this week. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in general surgery procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of GI related positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in this surgical specialty. The student will recognize operative sequence for endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #1 GENERAL SURGERY DUE 3 WED 1-27 Weekly review of clinical experiences GI Open Procedures & Operative Sequence Laparotomy, hemorrhoidectomy, appendectomy, herniorrhaphy, cholecystectomy, bowel resection, colostomy, modified radical mastectomy Procedure Specific: Instrumentation RESOURCES TEXT AST CH. # 14 Objectives The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in general surgery procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of GI related positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for open GI procedures in clinical. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 4 WED 2-3 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences PRESENTATION #1 (GYN) Cesarean Section Anatomy & Physiology of Female Reproductive System Pathology of Female Reproductive System Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care TEXT AST CH. # 15 Rutherford CH # 2 Dennerll Unit 7 Snyder & Keegan Ch. 6 and 11 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the female reproductive system. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in this surgical specialty. HOMEWORK #2 OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL AST STUDY GUIDE CH 15 PGS. 262 Matching – 270 k 5 WED 2-10 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences OB-GYN Procedures & Operative Sequence Colposcopy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, LAVH D & C, D & E, Tubal Ligation, A & P Repair, TAH w/ BSO, Vaginal Hysterectomy Procedure Specific: Instrumentation TEXT AST CH. # 15 Rutherford CH # 2 Dennerll Unit 7 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in obstetrical & gynecological surgery procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of OB-GYN related positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for OB-GYN procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #2 OB/GYN DUE 12 6 WED 2-17 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences PRESENTATION #2 (GU) Hydrocelectomy or Spermatocelectomy Anatomy & Physiology of Genitourinary System Pathology of Genitourinary System Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care TEXT AST CH. # 20 Rutherford CH# 3 Dennerll Unit # 6 Snyder & Keegan Ch. 6, 7 and 11 (Irrigants), and pg 206 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the genitourinary and male reproductive system. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in this surgical specialty. HOMEWORK #3 GENITOURINARY AST STUDY GUIDE CH 20 PGS. 370 Pathology - 374 7 WED 2-24 Weekly review of clinical experiences Genitourinary Procedures & Operative Sequence Cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, nephroscopy Circumcision, TURP, Suprapubic prostatectomy, orchiopexy/orchidopexy, nephrectomy Procedure Specific: Instrumentation RESOURCES TEXT Price CH. # 20 Rutherford CH# 3 Dennerll Unit # 6 Objectives The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in genitourinary surgery procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of genitourinary procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for genitourinary procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #3 DUE 13 8 WED 3-3 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences PRESENTATION #3 (Ortho) Knee Arthroscopy Anatomy & Physiology of Upper Extremities Pathology of Upper Extremities Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care Upper Extremity Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Removal of ganglion cyst, carpal tunnel, shoulder arthroscopy, Closed reduction upper extremity, ORIF upper extremity Procedure Specific: Instrumentation TEXT AST CH. # 21 Rutherford CH# 4 Dennerll Unit # 5 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the upper extremities. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in this upper extremity surgical procedures. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in upper extremity surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of upper extremity procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for upper extremity procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #4 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY AST STUDY GUIDE CH 21 PGS. 394 #9- 399 14 9 WED 3-10 RESOURCES Objectives 10 WED 3-17 RESOURCES Objectives MIDTERM EXAMINATION Weekly review of clinical experiences Anatomy & Physiology of Lower Extremities Pathology of Lower Extremities Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care Lower Extremity Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Bunionectomy, hammer toe correction, ORIF Ankle Fracture Procedure Specific: Instrumentation TEXT- AST CH. # 21 Rutherford CH# 4 Dennerll Unit # 5 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the lower extremities. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in lower extremity surgical procedures. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in lower extremity surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of lower extremity procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for lower extremity procedures in clinical. Weekly Review of Clinical Experiences Lower Extremity Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Total Knee Replacement and Total Hip Replacement Above often called “Arthroplasties” not Replacements Lumbar Laminectomy (overview A & P, pathology, & operative sequence) Procedure Specific: Instrumentation Guest Speaker: Daniel Wankel of Smith, Nephew, & Richards TEXT Same As Above The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in lower extremity surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of lower extremity procedures related positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for lower extremity procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK # 4 DUE 15 11 WED 3-24 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences Anatomy & Physiology of Ear, Nose, & Throat Pathology of Ear, Nose, and Throat Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care Otorhinolaryngological Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Microlaryngoscopy, Triple Endoscopy (laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy), & Sinuscopy Procedure Specific: Instrumentation TEXT AST CH. # 17 Rutherford CH# 6 Dennerll Unit # 8 The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the ear, nose, and throat. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in otorhinolaryngological surgical procedures. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in otorhinolaryngological surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of otorhinolaryngological procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for otorhinolaryngological procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #5 OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICAL SURGERY AST STUDY GUIDE CH #17 PGS. 309-312 12 WED 3-31 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly Review of Clinical Experiences PRESENTATION #4 (ENT) Parathyroidectomy Otorhinolaryngological Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Myringotomy w/tubes, tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy, septoplasty, thyroidectomy, tracheotomy/tracheostomy TEXT AST CH. # 17 Rutherford CH# 6 Dennerll Unit # 8 The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in Otorhinolaryngological surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of otorhinolaryngological procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for otorhinolaryngological procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK #5 DUE 16 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY APRIL 7th IS SPRING BREAK WEEK _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 WED 4-14 Weekly review of clinical experiences Anatomy & Physiology of Peripheral Vascular System Pathology of Peripheral Vascular System Diagnostic and Pre-operative Testing Medications & Anesthesia Basic Supplies, Instrumentation, Equipment Positioning, Prepping & Draping (Overview) Dressings, drains, and post-operative care Peripheral Vascular Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Vascular Access (Broviac, Hickman, Vas Cath) Procedure Specific: Instrumentation RESOURCES TEXT AST CH. # 23 Rutherford CH # 8 Dennerll Unit # 2 Snyder & Keegan CH 9, 16 Objectives The students will discuss and share their experiences this week. The student will recognize anatomy and pathology of the, peripheral vascular system. The student will discuss preoperative patient care related to diagnostics, anesthesia, medications, supplies, instrumentation, and equipment. The student will recognize dressings and drains used in peripheral vascular surgical procedures. The student will identify the names and uses of instrumentation used in peripheral vascular surgical procedures. The student will demonstrate knowledge of vascular access procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for vascular access procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK # 6 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR SURGERY AST STUDY GUIDE CH 23 PGS. 437 Pathology - 441 14 WED 4-21 RESOURCES Objectives Weekly review of clinical experiences PRESENTATION #5 (PV) Endovascular AAA Peripheral Vascular Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Angioscopy, AV Fistula, Carotid Artery Endarterectomy Lower Extremity Bypass (Ax-Fem, Fem-Fem, Fem-Pop, Fem-Tib) Procedure Specific: Instrumentation TEXT AST CH. # 23 Rutherford Ch # 8 Dennerll Unit 2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for peripheral vascular surgical procedures in clinical. HOMEWORK # 6 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR SURGERY DUE 17 15 WED 4-28 Weekly Review of Clinical Experiences Peripheral Vascular Surgical Procedures & Operative Sequence: Aneurysmectomy (AAA) & Aorto-bifemoral Bypass Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair Review RESOURCES TEXT AST CH. #23 Rutherford CH # 8 Dennerll Unit # 2 Objectives The student will demonstrate knowledge of procedures related to positioning, prepping, and draping in the lab or hospital. The student will recognize operative sequence for peripheral vascular surgical procedures in clinical. 16 WED 5-5 REVIEW FINAL EXAMINATIONS WRITTEN AND LAB TUESDAY MAY 11TH COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM TIME 10:00AM - 1:00PM RHO 243 ALL CLINICAL PAPERWORK MUST BE TURNED IN THIS DAY TO AVOID A GRADE OF ZERO ON SUR 123 PAPERWORK 18 SUR 111 LAB SECTIONS WD-2 SUR 122 contains a 3 hour lab meeting Thursdays between 3:30 and 6:20 PM. This is a 3 hour lab that is to be used to reinforce what has been learned and practiced in the classroom and the clinical area. These labs have been scheduled at the clinical sites to make the best use of available equipment and at the OR skills lab (RHO 412 on campus). Two instructors using lecture, video presentations, guest lecturers, and hands on demonstration/return demonstration will teach these labs. The main emphasis will be on reinforcement of proper equipment usage, advanced principles of surgical technology and use of advanced equipment in surgical procedures. The Practical exam for this lab component will be done in the Surgical Technology Skills lab and will consist of identification and naming of equipment, instrumentation, anatomical sites, positions, and a variety of other important devices used by the surgical team. This Lab Practical identification exam will be pass or fail. Failure to achieve a minimum score of 70% warrants failure and arrangements must be made to re-test within the same week. The re-test will consist of fewer items and it should be noted there will be no overlap of items from the first administration of the exam. Therefore, it is possible that the second attempt may prove more difficult. Failure of the second attempt of the final lab identification warrants a “D” in SUR 122 for the semester and the student cannot progress to summer semester. Arrangements may be made for the student to be re-admitted with the chairperson the following year providing all re-admission requirements are met and seats are available. See the Re-admission Policy in the ABTECH Surgical Technology Student Handbook. When doing clinical skills training in the lab whether during official class lab time or open lab time the lab should be considered an OR and appropriate surgical attire should be worn. There will be no eating or drinking in the surgical skills lab. 19 THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF LAB SECTION WD-1 FOR SUR 122 SESSION # DAY/DATE/TIME TOPICS COVERED SITE 1 THU 1-14-09 Basic review All students invited Skills Lab 2 THU 1-21-09 Laparoscopic Room Mission Campus 3 THU 1-28-09 Laparoscopy & stapling Paula Podwell, Ethicon Skills Lab 4 THU 2-04-09 Urology/GYN GYN/GU, Team Leader St. Joseph’s Campus 5 THU 2-11-09 Gen/Gyn/Urology Skills Lab Skills: 13-2 Study Guide Intraop cholangiogram, 14-1 Clean Set up, and 15-1 GYN Surgery 6 TUE 2-18-09 Positioning Equipment St. Joseph’s Campus 7 THU 2-25-09 Procedural Positioning Skills Lab 8 THU 3-04-09 Total Lab Review Skills Lab 9 THU 3-11-09 Ophthalmology Ambulatory Surgery Center 10 THU 3-18-09 11 THU 3-25-09 Orthopedics/Neurosurgery Memorial campus 12 THU 4-01-09 Orthopedics/Neurosurgery Memorial campus THU 4-08-09 SPRING BREAK 13 THU 4-15-09 14 THU 4-22-09 15 THU 4-29-09 Cardiothoracic/Open Heart 16 THU 5-06-09 Final Lab Practical ID Ophthalmology/ENT Skills Lab Discussion: Skill: 16-1 Ophthalmic Surgery Orthopedics/Neurosurgery Skills Lab Vascular/Thoracic Surgery Skills Lab Skill: 13-1 Study Guide Seldinger Technique Mission Campus Skills Lab & RHO 243 INSTRUMENT TESTS WILL BE ADMINISTERED FOR EACH SURGICAL SPECIALTY. QUESTIONS WILL BE FROM YOUR INSTRUMENT BOOK, TEXTBOOK AND ON INSTRUMENTS THAT WE HAVE AVAILABLE IN THE LAB. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW INSTRUMENTS. READ YOUR INSTRUMENT BOOK AND TEXTBOOKS AND BE PREPARED! TEST SCORES ARE PART OF THE 40% OF YOUR OVERALL GRADE FOR SUR 122 20