NUMBERS AND MEASUREMENT Significant Digits – Are those digits used to determine the measure and excludes those zeros that are used as place holders at the beginning of a decimal and at the end of integers. Rules to determine significant digits: Rule 1 ALL non zero digits are significant 25.3 has three significant digits. Rule 2 ALL zeros between significant digits are significant. 27.03 has four significant digits. Rule 3 ALL zeros at the end of a decimal are significant. 135.000 has six significant digits. Rule 4 Zeros that precede the first nonzero digit in a decimal are not significant. 0.00369 has three significant digits. Precision – The precision of a measurement is the place value of the last significant digit. Accuracy – The accuracy of a measure is the number of significant digits in the measure. Greatest Possible Error (GPE) – Half the place value of the last digit. NOTE – When doing multi step calculations, make sure to keep at least one more significant digit in the intermediate results than is needed in the answer.