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Registration Form
Contact Siena Spa and Casino directly for reservations. Ph. 877-SIENA-33
This Registration form is available online – it can be downloaded at
5/16/2010 – Hotel room block reservation deadline. Rooms may still be available after that date but not at the conference rate. Use
reservation code 1006NVASSN
6/9/10 – Advance registration deadline. All registration after 6/9/10 must be completed at the conference; however, after 6/9/10,
please send an email to of your intent to attend and I will try to ensure that you receive all conference
benefits. Walk-in registrations are accepted but we cannot guarantee that conference material will be available.
Personal Information
Each attendee must complete a separate registration form but multiple registrations may be paid in a single payment.
Name (Please print or type)
School District
Email (please print clearly)
Registration Fees
Member $200 
Member $75 
(Members who live in Washoe,
Douglas, Lyon, Carson City, Storey, and
Churchill Counties)
(Nevada members traveling
outside of the designated
One Day
Participant $100 
$250 
(June 17  OR June 18 )
Registration after 6/9/10 must be completed at the conference at a cost of $250 for all participants
Membership Application
Graduate Student
$150 
*2009/2010 Membership $25 
After 6/9/10
$250 
2010/2011 Membership $25 
For each day, please check one box for the morning session and one box for the afternoon session
June 17th
June 18th
Morning Session
Morning Session
Autism Assessment
 Reading
 Social Skills
 Behavior
Afternoon Session
Panel Discussion
Afternoon Session
Executive Functioning
Important Registration Information
Lunch Choices (please pick one)
Vegetarian 
Regular 
Payment Information
 Make checks payable to: NvASP
Send payment and registration to:
NvASP Attn: Marcie Foster
 Mail: 6575 Archimedes Lane
Reno, NV 89523
 Interoffice Mail: Melton E.S.
Total Enclosed:
* It’s not too late to join now to receive your Nevada registration discount when you become a member of NvASP for the 2009/2010 fiscal year
Date Received: _____________
Nevada Association of School Psychologists (NvASP) Annual Summer Conference
Resiliency and Problem Solving
Sienna Hotel and Casino
Reno, Nevada
Thursday, June 17, 2010
7:30 – 8:00 A.M.
8:00 – 9:30
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome & Introduction: Nicole Ivy, NvASP President
Keynote Speaker: “School Psychology: A Lesson in Resiliency”
Scott Reynolds, NCSP, Chief Student Support Services Officer for Washoe County Schools
9:45 – 12:15
A.M. Breakout
Session 1
Autism Assessment (more detailed information to follow)
A.M. Breakout
Session 2
Writing Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
A.M. Breakout
Session 3
Math Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
12:15 – 1:15
1:30 – 4:00
P.M. Breakout
Session 1
Writing Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
P.M. Breakout
Session 2
Math Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
P.M. Breakout
Session 3
“Ethics in School Psychology: Applying Principles in Practice”
Scott Reynolds, NCSP, Chief Student Support Services Officer for WCSD & Kelly Humphreys, NCSP,
Ph.D., Coordinator of Psychological Services/Lead Psychologist, WCSD
4:00 – 5:00
Panel Discussions
(Come discuss topics related to the current practice of school psychology)
Nevada Association of School Psychologists (NvASP) Annual Summer Conference
Resiliency and Problem Solving
Sienna Hotel and Casino
Reno, Nevada
Friday, June 18, 2010
7:30 – 8:00 A.M.
8:00 – 9:30
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Keynote Speaker: “The Underpinnings of Human Behavior”
Horatio Sanchez, President & CEO of Resiliency, Inc.
9:45 – 12:00
A.M. Breakout
Session 1
Discipline/Instruction/Motivation— “Tools for Teaching”
Patrick Jones, M.Ed.
A.M. Breakout
Session 2
Reading Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
A.M. Breakout
Session 3
Social Skills: Classroom strategies for students with social differences
Keri Huddleston, M.A., CCC-SLP & Teru Langsdale, M.S. CCC-SLP
11:00 – 12:00 (continues after lunch)
A.M. Breakout
Session 4
12:00 – 1:00
Executive Functioning (more detailed information to follow)
1:15 – 3:30
P.M. Breakout
Session 1
Reading Instruction and Interventions (more detailed information to follow)
P.M. Breakout
Session 2
Discipline/Instruction/Motivation— “Tools for Teaching”
Patrick Jones, M.Ed.
P.M. Breakout
Session 3
Social Skills: Classroom strategies for students with social differences
Keri Huddleston, M.A., CCC-SLP & Teru Langsdale, M.S. CCC-SLP
P.M. Breakout
Session 4 (cont’d
from A.M. Session)
3:30 – 4:30
Executive Functioning (more detailed information to follow)
Closing Speaker: Intentional Resiliency: Increasing Your Own "Bounce-Back Factor"
Lynn Sawyer, Sawyer Educational Consultant
NvASP Annual Conference
Sessions at a Glance
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Scott Reynolds , NCSP, Chief Student Support Services Officer for Washoe County Schools
A presentation regarding the emergence of School Psychology in education, its resiliency, and future challenges will be
offered to participants. The current role of the School Psychologist will be explored, as well as examples of individuals
who have demonstrated leadership in key areas of practice in School Psychology across Nevada. System alignment with
emerging educational reform efforts throughout the nation and Nevada will additionally be discussed, as well as the
future leadership needs for School Psychologists.
Scott Reynolds is the Chief Student Support Services Officer for the Washoe County School District. Mr. Reynolds served
as a School Psychologist and administrator in the Clark County School District for 24 years in Las Vegas, Nevada, before
relocating to Reno, Nevada to serve in the Washoe County School District. As an administrator and a Nationally Certified
School Psychologist, Mr. Reynolds has championed crisis intervention services, inclusive practices, and the removal of
barriers to the educational process that have existed in education for the past 26 years. Mr. Reynolds has also served on
the National Post Schools Outcome Advisory Board, and numerous state and local task forces.
Writing Instruction and Interventions: Information coming soon
Math Instruction and Interventions: Information coming soon
Autism Assessment: Information coming soon
Scott Reynolds & Kelly Humphreys, Ph.D., NCSP
This presentation will address ethical decision making using current ethical guidelines as applied to real-life scenarios.
For the first hour of the presentation, participants will review NASP’s Professional conduct manual: Principles for
professional ethics: Guidelines for the provision of school psychological services. The balance of the session will focus on
small and large group work in which participants will problem-solve ethical practice issues generated from actual
dilemmas confronted by school psychologists in the educational environment. Discussion with colleagues, application of
guidelines, and practice with authentic examples will promote participants’ acquisition of strategies to address ethical
Scott Reynolds, NCSP, Chief Student Support Services Officer for WCSD (see full biography above).
Kelly Humphreys is the Coordinator of Psychological Services for Washoe County School District. Dr. Humphreys has
been a practicing school psychologist for 11 years and supervisor of psychological services for five years. Ethical decision
making is a professional interest of Dr. Humphreys and was the topic of her doctoral dissertation. Among the ways that
Dr. Humphreys remains abreast of best practices and standards for professional practice, including ethics, is through her
role as member of the National Certification Board for School Psychologists. She has also served on the board for the
Nevada Association of School Psychologists for the past 3 years.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Horatio Sanchez, President & CEO of Resiliency, Inc.
Schools are in the behavior business. Education at its core consistently seeks to motivate, teach, and even change
behaviors of both students and staff. Failure to effectively impact human behavior is a major reason that schools have
not been successful at implementing systems change or creating educational environments that improve academic
performance and behavioral outcomes. Many of the methods currently implemented by schools are not only ineffective
but can even reduce the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. Come learn how to design programs and strategies
that will produce desired behaviors in students and adults.
Horacio Sanchez did his graduate work at Duke University. He has utilized his training as an educator and clinician
toward the education and treatment of children with severe emotional disorders. His approaches are not only based on
sound scientific research but have been the foundations of his award winning mental health and educational programs.
Keri Huddleston, M.A., CCC-SLP & Teru Langsdale, M.S. CCC-SLP
Students with social differences can consume a lot of time and energy from teachers and other school staff and can be
disruptive to the learning of others. Behaviors like blurting, refusing, difficulty managing materials, and a myriad of
sometimes odd or idiosyncratic habits may be distracting to other students and represent serious barriers to learning for
the target student. Additionally, difficulty demonstrating expected social skills can impact student’s long term goals and
even life satisfaction.
Teachers often know a lot about what they do not want the kids to do but can struggle with helping students learn the
social skills and replacement behaviors to enable them to access the curriculum, produce work, and experience success
interacting with their peers and other staff. This seminar will focus on replicable, easy, practical strategies to support
students with social differences in the classroom and school wide.
Keri Huddleston, M.A., CCC-SLP is a speech language pathologist and assistive technology specialist for Washoe County
School District in Reno, NV. Keri has 16 years of experience in the field and has presented at numerous local, state, and
national conferences in the areas of autism, Asperger Syndrome, communication, assistive technology, and behavior.
She has also published articles on assistive technology, augmentative communication, and autism.
Teru Langsdale, M.S. CCC-SLP is a speech language pathologist and educational consultant for students with traumatic
brain injury and social deficits for Washoe County School District. She has 16 years of experience in the field working in
public school settings as well as hospitals and rehabilitation services. She has provided extensive training in the areas of
Asperger Syndrome, social skills training, memory, behavior, and brain injury at local and at national conferences, as well
as instructed university courses.
Patrick Jones, M.Ed.
Patrick Jones will share the techniques of highly successful teachers - the “naturals” - who make success in the classroom
look easy. He will emphasize procedures that are low-key, reduce teacher stress, protect the student, and most
importantly, self-eliminate. Negative techniques such as put downs and humiliation are replaced with strategies which
create a positive classroom environment.
Patrick Jones received his B.A. from the Colorado College where he was a history major. He went on to get his Masters in
Education from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He taught high school social studies and is the Santa Cruz High
School girls basketball coach, receiving Coach of the Year Awards five times. He co-wrote Tools for Teaching with his
father, Fredric H. Jones, Ph.D. and developed the Study Group Activity Guide which turns the book into a staff
development program. His experiences as a teacher, coach, and parent have greatly enriched our understanding of
classroom management.
Reading Instruction and Interventions: Information coming soon
Executive Functioning: Information coming soon
Lynn Sawyer, Sawyer Educational Consulting
A more detailed description of Lynn Sawyer’s presentation will be available soon.
Lynn Sawyer is an international educational consultant, presenting workshops and seminars on Cognitive Coaching,
Learning-Focused Supervision, Facilitating Collaborative Groups, Mentoring Matters, Presentation Skills, Data-Driven
Dialogue, Habits of Mind, and Coaching the Framework for Teaching.
In her many years an educator, Lynn Sawyer has been an alternative high school teacher, curriculum specialist, and
professional developer. As the Director of Professional Development for the Washoe County School District (90 K-12
schools, 4000+ teachers), Reno, Nevada, and administrator of a regional professional development agency, she trained a
staff of professional development providers and conducted workshops and seminars. She led a district wide
implementation of a teacher evaluation system based on Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching,
(Danielson, 1996, ASCD), which includes a coaching model to support teacher self-directedness.
The is a Training Associate for the Center for Cognitive Coaching, MiraVia, ASCD Faculty, Center for Adaptive Schools,
and the recently established Danielson Group.