THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 Conservation of forest land: What will the consensus be? Lesson Overview The lesson plan is based on the structure of strategic teaching or a learning and evaluation situation (LES) structure recommended by the Contemporary World Program for Secondary 5 in Québec. The lesson plan is divided into four specific stages. 1) 2) 3) 4) Brainstorming (LES preparation phase) Preparation of group discussion (LES implementation phase) Presentation of group discussion (LES implementation phase) Review of each position and general discussion of what has been learned (LES integration phase) Grade Level This lesson plan is intended and designed for students from Grade 9 to Grade 12 (especially Secondary 5, i.e. 3rd year of Secondary Cycle 2 in Québec). Time required The lesson lasts about 150 minutes, or two 75-minute classes. The first class is devoted to preparation and implementation of the learning and evaluation situation. The second covers implementation and integration of the LES. Curriculum Connection (course and Province/Territory) “Contemporary World” Program for Secondary Cycle 2, Québec. Broad Area of Learning: Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Theme: Environment Central concept: Sustainable Development Specific concepts: Interdependency, Regulation, Consumption. Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required “Contemporary World” manual approved by the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, according to publisher. Contract (attached) Computer connected to the Internet for research. Websites: Website of the Récit Univers social for the “Contemporary World” program Canadian Atlas Online Future of Forestry theme Boreal Forest on the Canadian Atlas website Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement Map: THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 Main Objective Enable the student to determine how exploiting forest land, particularly boreal forest, affects the development of Canadian and Québec territory. Enable the student to determine the choices the various stakeholders (including citizens, forestry companies, the Government) have to make, to ensure the future is both environmentally and economically viable. Enable the student to identify what geographical impacts boreal forest exploitation has upon Québec territory. Enable the student to take all stakeholders into consideration when an issue lies at the heart of major decisions. Learning Outcomes As a result of this lesson, the student will be able to: Understand the position of the various stakeholders with regards to the exploitation and conservation of forest land; List the different criteria defining what determines forest land conservation; Preview the choices to be made by stakeholders who wish to ensure the economic development of a territory while also ensuring environmental equilibrium; Position themselves as a student-stakeholder in relation to forest land and issues surrounding its exploitation and protection. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 The Lesson Teacher Activity Introduction Ask students what comes to their mind when we mention forest land. List the topics from this brainstorming on the board. Ask: “What criteria are associated with the protection of forest land?” Then ask them to identify among everything listed on the board, what affects Québec? Present the following simulation exercise: “A forestry company wants to equip some land to exploit its natural resources. The government has to accept or refuse the offer. However, an organization working for conservation of the boreal forest disagrees with this purchase. Will they be able to come to an agreement?” The students are separated into teams of 3 (a government representative, a company and an organization). Suggested forestry companies operating in Québec: AbitibiBowater Inc. Canfor Corporation Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership Cascades Inc. F.F. Soucy Inc. Kruger Inc. Papier Masson Ltée Fibrek Tembec White Birch Paper Company Suggested conservation organizations: Pew Environment Group International Boreal Conservation Campaign) Canopy David Suzuki Foundation Ivey Foundation ForestEthics Greenpeace Canadian Boreal Initiative The Nature Conservancy Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Then give each team the “Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement” map (see resources). Student Activity List the brainstorming topics on the board. The teacher decides how much time students are allowed for finding a solution to this problem and preparing their presentation: “A forestry company wants to buy further land to exploit its natural resources. The government has to accept or refuse the offer. However, an organization working for conservation of the boreal forest disagrees with this purchase. Will they be able to come to an agreement?” THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE Lesson Development QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 Based on students’ responses, the teacher explains the task. Depending on the role they have been assigned, they have to position themselves in terms of the criteria they have chosen to exploit. At the end of the task, the students must complete the contract (attached). Conclusion During the teamwork, students mobilize all the available resources in order to identify jointly the issues relating to the criteria selected. At the end of the task, students fill out the contract (attached). Each team should present their agreement in an informal manner. Each team presents their agreement informally. The teacher goes over what has been decided in the different agreements and what was written on the board at the beginning of the activity. Students record all results and positions mentioned during the presentations in their notebooks or logbooks. The contract must be filled out by the students and handed in at the end of the task. One student per team presents the contract to the other students in the class. Lesson Extension Each team can give an oral presentation. This task may involve preparing the form of a computer-assisted (PowerPoint type) presentation so that the presentations are supported with visual elements. This activity may also be integrated with a language teaching approach: use resources of mother-tongue and second-language teachers to evaluate the oral presentations. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 Evaluation Evaluation Scale for the Contemporary World Program Competency 1: Interprets a contemporary world problem Description Advanced (5) Gives a detailed explanation of the problem of forest land conservation, linking it to various social aspects. Thorough (4) Identifies trends. Correctly explains the problem of forest land conservation. Acceptable (3) Partial (2) Minimal (1) Determines the causes and consequences of the problem of forest land conservation Interrelates the information collected, without explaining the problem. Skims the documentation and collects information relating to the problem, without explaining the problem. Evaluation Scale for the Contemporary World Program Competency 2: Takes a position on a contemporary world issue Description Advanced (5) Uses arguments wisely to defend their opinion about forest land conservation. Thorough (4) Identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the various avenues of resolution proposed by the stakeholders. Expresses an opinion about forest land conservation. Acceptable (3) Identifies interests and values underlying the points of view of stakeholders. Establishes convergences and divergences between stakeholders’ points of view. Partial (2) Examines documentation and identifies avenues of resolution proposed by stakeholders, expressing an opinion and sometimes justifying it. Minimal (1) Skims the documents, identifying the points of view of stakeholders concerned by the issue of climate change, without justifying them. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 Further Reading Canadian Geographic/FPAC Boreal Forest poster map Canadian Geographic/FPAC Boreal Forest interactive map Forest Products Association of Canada Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife Links to Canadian National Standards for Geography Essential element #2: Places and Regions Regional analysis of geographic issues and questions Essential element #5: Environment and Society Environmental issues (e.g. global warming, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, ozone depletion, air pollution, water pollution, acid precipitation, disposal of solid waste) Geographic Skill #2: Acquiring geographic information Systematically locate and gather geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE QUÉBEC – SECONDARY 5 CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING PARTIES ________________ __________________ ____________________ WHAT EACH PARTY UNDERTAKES TO RESPECT __________________ _____________________ ________________ ________________ ___________________ _______________ __________________ _____________________ ________________ __________________ _____________________ ________________ _____________________ ________________ SIGNATURES: __________________