Bennington J Willardson, M.S., P.E. Education Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering - Anticipated Date University of Southern California May 2007 M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering Utah State University May 2001 B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering Utah State University May 2000 Work Experience Associate Civil Engineer Los Angeles County Department of Public Works- Water Resources Division – Hydrologic Development Section - Alhambra, CA January 2004 - Present Senior Civil Engineering Assistant Helped develop the Wet-Weather TMDL design storm for the County Reviewed TMDL and Regional Watershed implementation plans Reviewed and guided sediment transport studies for development on the Santa Clara River Custodian of Hydrologic Records – Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works Supervised collection, processing, and archiving of rainfall, runoff and ground water data Analyzed Automated Local Evaluation of Real-Time (ALERT) telemetric rainfall network for upgrades, coverage, and performance Interviewed and Recommended candidates for positions with Public Works Supervised civil engineering staff and reviewed assigned civil engineering work Conducted the Rural Watershed Hydrology Method study and prepared the report Conducted the Burned Watershed Hydrology study and prepared the report Revised the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrology Manual Coordinated on-site training for hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport modeling Worked with software companies to implement the Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method into hydraulic/hydrologic software programs Los Angeles County Department of Public Works- Water Resources Division – Alhambra, CA March 2002 – January 2004 Reviewed watershed management concepts for hydrologic/hydraulic feasibility Prepared and analyzed hydrologic models of urban and rural watersheds Prepared and analyzed hydraulic models of spillways and channels Taught classes to consultants and engineers from public agencies regarding the revised Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrologic Method Prepared Monthly and Quarterly Water Quality Reports for Malibu facilities Prepared Supplemental EIR for San Gabriel Dam Sediment Removal Project Managed the Watershed Modeling System Enhancement Contract for hydrologic software upgrades Organized the HEC-6 Sediment Transport on-site training class for Water Resources, Land Development, Design, and Watershed Management Divisions Conducted research into methods for hydrologic modeling of ungaged watersheds within Los Angeles County Developed computer programs to facilitate complex calculations Researched and analyzed hydrologic data to prepare hydrologic model input Developed and prepared hydrologic data for GIS mapping Civil Engineering Assistant Los Angeles County Department of Public Works- Flood Maintenance Division – Hansen Yard – Pacoima, CA May 2001 – March 2002 Graduate Assistant Utah Water Research Laboratory - Logan, UT 1999-2001 Engineering Intern Intern Calibrated venturi, turbine, and v-cone meters Assisted in building and analyzing pump sump models Collected data for dam model studies Conducted research for thesis on plunge pool hydraulics Utah Technology Transfer Center - Logan, UT 1998-2000 Engineering Prepared detailed reports of facility deficiencies for design contracts Checked plans to determine maintenance requirements in new developments Reviewed permit applications for maintenance concerns Responded to questions and concerns from the public Coordinated meetings between field personnel and other Divisions Collected GPS data using a Trimble Pro-XR Developed Pavement Management Systems for three cities in Utah Collected data for sign management systems Created web pages for SUPERPAVE projects monitored by the Utah Technology Transfer Center Created a contact database (Microsoft Access 97) containing information regarding innovative contracting procedures U.D.O.T. Internship - Salt Lake City, UT June 1998-August 1998 Tested aggregate for SUPERPAVE mix designs Tested aggregate for gradation percentages Tested pavement cores for bulk density Recovered asphalt using Abson Recovery for further testing White Oak Mining and Construction - Schofield, UT 1996-1997 Maintained conveyor belts Hauled materials Set up secondary roof support Operated a front-end loader Mine surveying assistant Related Classes Fluid Mechanics 1 and Fluid Mechanics 2, Pipe Network Analysis, Hydraulic Design, Open Channel Hydraulics, Unsteady Channel Hydraulics, Sedimentation, Buried Structures, Soil Mechanics, Water Resource Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, Drainage Engineering, Surveying, Engineering Economics, Environmental Management, Geohydrology, Engineering Analysis, Flood Control Hydrology, Risk and Reliability of Civil Infrastructure, Groundwater Management, Public Sector Economics, Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects, Simulation of Civil Infrastructure Systems Performance Computer Skills AutoCAD, WaterCAD/Cybernet, CulvertMaster, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, Dambreak, Network, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Access, WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Fortran, Visual Basic, HEC-6, WMS, XP-SWMM, Microstation, ResRoute, ArcView, ArcInfo, MORA, Hydron License and Registration Registered Civil Engineer, California, January 31, 2003, R.C.E #64937 Engineer in Training, E.I.T., October 31, 1998 Awards Employee of the Month – Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works – February 2006 Presidential Scholarship at Snow College – June 1995 to June 1997 Eagle Scout 1988 Associations Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (M) Secretary and Vice President – Managed Aquifer Recharge Standard Committee 2003 to Present Member of Environmental and Water Resource Institute (EWRI) Publications Willardson, Bennington J, Christopher S. Conkle, and Janelle M. Moyer. 2006 Hydrology Manual. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. 429 pp. (In Review Process) Willardson, Bennington J, Adam M. Walden, and Christopher S. Conkle. Development of Burn Policy Fire Factors for the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River, and Coastal Watersheds. September 5, 2004. 52 pp. Analysis of 85th Percentile 24-Hour Rainfall Depth Analysis Within the County of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. February 2004. 13 pp. Willardson, Bennington J and Adam M. Walden. Development of Burn Policy Methodology, Santa Clara River Watershed Pilot Project. August 26, 2003. 29 pp. Willardson, Bennington J 2000. Hydraulic Characteristics of Plunge Pools Used for Downstream Bypassed Fish Master of Science Thesis. Utah State University. Logan, Utah. 78 pp. Willardson, Bennington J, Blake P. Tullis, and Mufeed Odeh. Spatial Extents of Turbulence in Fish Bypass Plunge Pool Design. Journal of the Hydraulics Division ASCE (Accepted for review, June 2003) Teaching Professional Engineering Review Courses in Hydrology and Ground Water. August 2005. Continuing Professional Education Institute. Chelapati Courses. Updated Los Angeles County Hydrologic Method Courses. August 2002 – March 2003. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works.